The general had called the company for a dance and the assembly had, inevitably, acceded to the request.
Even Lieutenant Matthew Trent was there in attendance despite the incident the previous night. He had wanted to stay away and to console Angie, but she had waved him away. She had a friend coming round to keep her company and had almost eagerly shoed Matthew out the door.
With the bright chandeliers that illuminated the place, Matthew barely noticed her at first as he approached the ballroom. Actually, he would have swept right by her, but for the fact that she chose to raise her hand in a limp greeting to another late arrival, just at the point when he passed the pillar that she was leaning against.
Matthew turned his head seeing the feeble gesture and wondering why she even bothered.
Then he saw it, dangling in her hand: the red leather jacket that was the very spit of the one Angie, his young wife, had said had been stolen the previous evening. Angie had showed him the bruising to her legs and her arms, where she’d been dragged along the pavement trying to save the present from her husband.
He had watched her bathe and has seen the bruising on other parts of her body, wondering at how she must have clung to that jacket.
No, it couldn’t be. This waiflike brunette could never have made such an impact on Angie. It must be just a conflict. How could Anyone so slim and so controlled act in such a currilous and vicious fashion. There again Angie had never mentioned the sex of the attacker. Matthew had assumed that it was a man, and yet that jacket: it had the familiar stain on the sleepe where he had rubbed in an over acidic cleaning fluid to clear the evidence of one of his late night affairs.
His curiosity stirred and a growing sense of anger filled his head, almost blinding him to reason. His impatience to cross into melee beyond the high doors of the ballroom evaporated as his interest in the misdeeds of this dark-haired lady surged.
Turning face on to her, he bowed a little stiffly, snapping his heels together so they clicked smartly, causing her to stare open eyed at him. And then he paused, momentarily taken aback by her lovely form in that lilac décolleté gown.
‘Yes?’ she enquired of him, looking up at his six foot six frame rather perplexed.
‘The jacket?’
‘Where did you get it?’
‘Manners make a man.’
‘It’s important.’
‘It was a gift from a dear friend, who I am due to meet here tonight.’
‘And that would be why you are waiting on the threshold?’ Matthew enquired politely, taking her at face value. He was very relieved that she was not the culprit and yet his interest was roused by her prettiness. ‘Do you not want to dance yet?’
‘I am passing the time well enough, thank you.’
‘Passing time?’
‘As you so wisely concluded, I am waiting to see if my friend appears.’
‘He is a good friend then?’
‘He is unique.’
‘Aren’t we all?’
‘Only he owns me, sir,’ she smiled, lifting her head to show him the pale lilac collar bejewelled with Amethyls that adorned her throat.
‘There’s a pretty collar to wrap a pretty pet in,’ he almost sneered, still burning with anger at her connection with the stolen jacket.
‘I’m His pet and not yours,’ she almost snapped.
‘I’m sorry. You interest me.’
‘I do: above and beyond my apparel or in some other way?’
‘Your prettiness as well as your clothing attracted my curiosity, madam.’
‘My curiosity is roused by some of the more dynamic individuals who pass me by. I will tell my master all about them later.’
‘And will your master give you permission to exercise your curiosity with me?’ ‘That’s possible.’
He leant forward, reached out and raised her hand to be kissed. She lifted the kissed hand to her face and covered her mouth with it, before smiling up at him. ‘Oh, what a surprise – you are almost gentlemanlyin your fashion.’
‘Indeed, but please, do tell me more about yourself?’ ‘What is there to tell that sir desires to know?’
‘Well, what entities the lady if one may ask?’ ‘A hint of intelligence along with a touch of imagination.’
‘Hmmmm,’ he considered her words for a moment. ‘That’s always, a delightful combination.’ ‘Rare though.’
‘Unfortunately, yes.’
‘So…,’ she bowed her head and looked down at the floor, admiring either the parquet flooring or his shiny leather boots
‘Is the lady often deepen and submissive?’ ‘Only when asked very, very nicely and when expressly permitted.’
‘So, what does the lady do for fun?’ ‘She makes snide comments and sees how others react, Lieutenant.’
‘You know your ranks Then?’
‘And I know what is rank,” she intimated violently, with a soft antiseptic smile to take away the sting.
‘Are you trying to assess other personalities while you wait here?’
‘You would be the sole centre of my attentionion young sir?’
‘I am a good dozen years older than you.’
‘And a good dozen years younger than my master.’
‘Let’s not due.’
‘It’s nice to have a challenge, sir.’
‘Do you need to be challenged?’
‘Tessa challenges herself to rile her suitors if they are particularly stupid,’ she giggled. ‘Call it small mindedness on my part.’
‘Why should it be small mindedness, Tessa? Surely, it’s a test to see what a person can stand and deal with is it not?’ ‘You are very understanding.’
‘Lieutenant Matthew Trent at your service,’ he bowed from the wait.
‘Tessa Lander would rather serve another, but thank you for taking my part.’
‘I would take more than a part of you. Would that both Miss Lander?”
‘No – but she might not answer,’ Tessa teased. ‘Would that both the gentleman?’
‘Not in the slightest.’ ‘You may uncover me in time if you persist.’
He lean forward to kiss her nose gently. She watched his face approaching hers, considered withdrawing and decided to stay to see if his kissing was as promising as she hoped. At the same time she wondered vaguely if he would go cross-eyed were he to try looking elsewhere, while he were engaged in this gentle act.
‘Do not look elsewhere when engaged on my proboscis, sir.’
‘Why would I try looking elsewhere?’ Matthew smiled denying her accusation and then kissing her gloved hand, enjoying the proximity of each finger, one after the other. ‘I was merely trying to be amusing, Lieutenant Trent,’ she shrugged and looked down at his bowed head as his lips enjoyed the connection with her kid gloves. ‘ Would it be improper for a lady to whisper in the ear of one’s assailant?’
‘Not at all,’ he replied, lifting his head and raising his hand to take the lobe of her left ear between finger and thumb, squeezing gently. ‘Please call me Matthew.’
‘Matthew,’ she whispered sensitively, breathing in softly, but otherwise remained stationery as his mouth followered his fingers to grazed the fine bones of her ear. ‘You are almost as affectionate as my true sir.’
‘And does that both you, Miss Lander?’ ‘No, I stay within the limits that I am allowed.’
He let his hand slip down to her shoulder and raised the other one up to join it, before letting his arms run over the fabric of her short sleeped lilac dress. She felt him encircle her arms and dress to the point where the sleepe gave way to her bare flesh. She let him press gently against the bodyce, wondering whether he was trying to determine the extent of her upper undergarments. ‘Conversing with you, is beginning to feel like giving alms to the blind,” she remarked a little frostily.
‘Sometimes a touch can tell more than mere sight alone.’
‘You will feel the outlines of a flowery camisole and a lacy brassiere if you continue to press your fingers over my bodyce sir.’ ‘I would like to see both garments later.’
‘Do you dislike my dress so?’
‘Do not be sowilful, madam.’
‘Do I have such a good teacher in you, Trent?’
‘That lilac dress looks devastating wonderful on the lady Tessa Lander.’
‘Indeed Lieutenant?’
‘And would look devastatingly wonderful drawn on a settee off the lady Lander too,’ he leered and bent over to softly kiss and lightly drag his tongue along her soft, bare neck.
‘How very complimentary you are,’ she responded archly and then broke away from his touch with a light giggle, ‘but that ticles.’
He len forward once more and kissed her lips in an apologia and bowed. ‘Such a tactile lieutenant’
‘Why thank you, lady T.’ ‘You are lucky that I do like a man in uniform.’
‘You are lucky that a man in uniform likes you,’ Matthew retired quietly and pulled her gently against him. His hands slid to the back of her skirt to cares her lower back and pushed her back against the pillar so he could hover over her bottom and connect with her.
‘All those stars and bars,’ Tessa sighed, touching his jacket and running her hands over his shirt. ‘And all those buttons on his shirt too.’
Trent resumed kissing her shoulders and her cheeks lightly as they stood together in the corner, his hands rubbing softly up and down the back of her skirt, pressing the folds against her derriere. She pulled away from him suddenly when his cares grew a little to lascivious for public tolerance, blushing at the liberties that she felt he was soon about to be offered.
‘Do you want to invade me, lieutenant?’
‘I’d be lying if I said anything but ‘yes ma’am’ ‘My master has just arrived in the foyer,’ she giggled lightly and even more so to see him back away quickly. She caught his wrist and held him close to her. ‘Do not be a shrinking violence, sir. Donald is a tolerant man with certain libertarian vices.’
Matthew turned his head to stare back at the foyer and saluted smartly to see General Donald Vallian, the overall commander of Trent’s own company among many, making his way across the room towards them both.
Hell, Matthew thought, surely the general can’t be the thief?
Tessa and he remained there hand in hand until the older man reached them, doffing his hat to her and accepting the lieutenant’s salute with a lazy wave of his hand.
‘My dear,’ the general smiled at her, ‘you look lovely in lilac.’
‘Thank you, Donald,’ she responded, lowering her eyes, the coquettishness gone from them now and replaced by an earnest shining glistening hint of desire. Donald lean forward and kissed her cheek before whispering in her ear. Trent stood to one side though she still clutched at his sleeve.
‘Master, may I…’ she began, blushed a little and then reached down to the crotch of Trent’s trousers. Matthew blushed as she squeezed him through the military twill.
‘And you, Trent, look superb in scarlet,’ General Vallian guffawed and slapped Trent around the shoulders. ‘Tessa’s jacket is quite the match for your hot cheeks.’
‘Master has indicated that I may welcome your advance party, sir,’ Tessa murmured, once the general had finished laughing and attention was drawn away from them by the insignificance of her quiet voice.
‘I wonder if I will feel any undergarments, if I advance?’ Matthew, thus encouraged, murmured, as his hand slide down to pull up the hem of her skirt.
‘Of course I wear panties,’ she retreated. ‘I am not a complete savage!’
‘Just a complete slut,’ the general interjected.
‘Your complete slut, sir.’
‘That is up to the lady.’
‘And my panties are down to the gentlemen?’
The general looked into her eyes and took a step back as if shocked. Then he turned sharply to the right and pulled open a pair of double doors behind the column they were standing against. It appeared to lead off into an anteroom, but it was hard to make out what lay on the other side for the opening was in shadow and the room beyond was in darkness.
‘Come, youngpeople, let us leave the throng and put Tessa through her paces in away from this gang of nouveau rich upstarts.’
He ushered his protégés into the little sitting room and closed the mirrored doors firmly behind them. When he applied the key to the concealed lock the doors slide together, overlaying one another in such a way that to any casual observer, looking away for a moment and then glancing back to the other side moments later, it would have been as if the three of them had vanished into the wall.
‘Now where were we, my dear young friends?’ He boomed at them in the darkness.
‘I believe the lieutenant was praising my panties, sir.’
‘Your panties will soon look marvellous around your ankles, my dear, so I cannot blow the young gentleman.’
‘As marvellous as the skirt of my dress, when you hold it up above my wait like that, master?’
‘Stop fishing for compliments, minx, and get on with the job in hand.’
‘Would you have Lieutenant Trent boardme, sir, when sir’s boarding party could be lodged instead?”
‘Or as well,’ the General barked and put a match to two candles resting in a candelabra on what turned out to be a large mahogany desk. ‘Tessa.’
‘Yes sir?’
‘Pull up your skirt and hold it off your seductive hips while I converse with the lieutenant.’
He ushered Matthew into one of the large soft-backed armchairs on either side of the room. It showed contentedly as Trent sank back into it, a reflection of his own joy de vivre at that moment.
‘As you wish sir, but…’
‘Yes girl?’
‘May I draw the curtains – if there is anyone else in the garden they will see my embarrassment sir?’
‘Isn’t such a viewing the most delightful idea, madam?’ Donald waved her protests away and kissed her on the lips to feel Tessa’s soft breath against his own mouth. Then he looked her sharply in the eye and slapped her cheek lightly in warning, before ordering her curtly: ‘Now display.’
As he turnedaway from her and looked back towards Trent, she bent forward over the desk obediently and tucked her skirt up, exposing herself to the garden beyond the French windows. The red jacket rested beneath her elbows, taunting him as much as the sly look on her face.
‘You would lay her bare before others, after all then, sir?’ Trent queried, controlling his irritation at the girl’s teasing and wanting to demean her with his questioning.
‘She is half naked before the both of us, Lieutenant, so you can save your false modesty for the false atmosphere of the ballroom and its public foyer.’
‘The idea of others seeing her is a bit of an entity,’ Trent concurred. ‘May I touch her?’
‘By all means available yourself of my property. And pour me a brandy while you are about it. You’ll find decanter and glasses in the cupboard behind the girl.’
Trent stood up and walked around the desk surveying the young woman from different angles as he moved across the room. He wantedto take hold of her and slide his hands to feel the back of her knickers. He wondered how they would pull against her upraised buttocks, indenting the soft flesh of her thigh and felt himself harden at the thought.
The lieutenant’s prowess is almost as well displayed as my hindquarters,’ Tessa cooed softly.
‘He knows how to stand at full attention before a senior officer girl,’ Donald grunted approvingly. ‘Oh my,’ Tessa exclaimed as Trent paused in front of her. ‘He is very full, sir.’
‘And how do you feel about that, my dear?’ The general murmured as he accepted a balloon glass of brandy from Trent. ‘Were I permitted to expose the Lieutenant, I might hardly be able slide my hand around it.’
‘Slide your hands into his private quarters then to feel it better,’ Donald ordered, sipped his brandy and then stood up lazily to stand next to Trent as Tessa reached out to do the honours.
Donald reached out with his hand between her shoulder blades, pressing her down and accentuating the curve of her bent over body.
Her lower back was pressed to the mahogany desk as his hand descended over the softness of her semi naked bottom. Trent watched as the general’s hands snaked down to disappear between Tessa’s thighs. He could imagine the soft warmth there and the dampness as the general checked out the upraised territory before him.
Tessa moaned quietly and let her hands drop back over the edge of the desk, closing her eyes to focus her mind on the general’s investigations. Trent glanced away and caught the general’s review side on in a large mirror over the mantelpiece. He could see the older man’s hand slipping into the crotch of her panties, the bare knuckles against the bare trench that contained all that sweet, moist pleasure…
The gusset of her panties must be wet through, Matthew thought as he turned back from the mirror to see the reaction of the girl’s owner as he inspected his property thoroughly.
He observed the genEral smile to himself as he reached up to play with the soft cotton of her underwear, letting his mature fingers slip under and then releasing the cotton panties with a quiet snap against her flesh. Trent reached down and pulled the girl’s head up so that he was looking up into big liquid brown eyes.
‘I see the general quite enjoys playing with his pet,’ Trent mouthed at her as he wrapped his hand in her hair and pulled her head up further, so that her neck arched up, exposing the swell of her breasts.
‘The pet,’ she gasped, ‘quite enjoys being played with.’ ‘Can two play with the pet?’ said Trent curiously.
‘Your ambition is…evident, sir,’ she witnessed languorously.
‘And what are your thoughts on that?’ Trent insisted tugging at her scalp to retain her attention. ‘I am available sir. You already have permission to play with this girl.’
Trent reached over to the straws of her gown and untied first one and then the other so that the lilac silk slide to the desk, leaving her flowery underwear exposed. He tugged the camisole down and pulled her breasts from the brassiere, roughly enough to leave a buese for her to remember him by and to distract her attention momentarily from the general’s delving fingers.
‘Be careful, Matthew,’ the general warned over her remember form. ‘Miss Lander is dressed expensively on occasions such as this.’
Trent looked puzzled at first and then smiled back in understanding as he felt the metallic hoop of a ring that pierced Tessa’s left nipple. He cupped her freshly exposed left breast and enjoyed the contrast between the cool yet resisting metallic ring and the warm yielding flesh that surrounded it.
He chuckled to find its partner after he tugged her clothes down leaving her with a broad lilac belt around her waist. It was the only clothes she had on now that the general had stripped her panties from her to enable him to finger fuck her free from any interference.
‘They are there tobe pulled Matthew,’ the general indulged him as Trent closed his eyes to enjoy the contrast. ‘Don’t worry. She won’t cry out with your cock in her mouth.’
Trent looked down and saw to his astonishment that Tessa had slipped his member from his trousers, without him even being aware of her light touch. He had been so focused on her soft moans, the piston-like motion of the general’s fingers and the delightful sensing of her yielding flesh.
‘Tug at the rings, as she tugs on your hardness,’ Donald the Master of Ceremonies instructed. ‘I like the symmetry.’
‘The mouth feels as moist as the cunt sounds,’ Trent responded bluntly.
‘Let me test that out,’ the general decided, pulling open his clothes and presenting his member to Tessa’s slippery pussy. ‘I do so like to inspect her fortifications.’
He rammed forward pushing Tessa’s fully mouth onto Matthew’s fat prick, so much so that he touched bottom and felt the head of his penis touching the back of her mouth. He pulled Tessa’s head up so that she did not gag and let his cock slip around the opening of her throat. He pulled back, pushing her body down so that the general was embedded in his turn.
‘Good man,’ the general almost shouted out his delight. ‘Now this is real man-to-man stuff isn’t it?’
Trent nodded his head and reached up to wrap his hand under Tessa’s neck, feeling her throat swell around his member as he pressed home more accurately under his own steam this time. Tessa moaned quietly as the general reacted in kind and concertinad her body between the two excited men.
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