The first time he saw her, she was wearing a red dress. It was hard to get a good view, as she just passed quickly by the show window of the shoe store in which he worked. It formed a pleasant memory in his mind, and he found himself thinking about her and looking out the window for a glimpse again. It did not happen often, but once in a while she passed by, apparently having business in the mall from time to time.
Then one day his heart leaves. The lady in the red dress entered the store. His store. She perused some attractive shoes and boots, then sat down, waiting for a clerk. Of course he hurried to help her before others had the chance! His heart was racing as he asked he if he could help, She pointed to some red shoes on display and he asked her size, then hurried to the back to retrieve them.
Bringing back the requested shoes, he knelt at her feet, feeling transfixed by his good luck. Without words the lady in the red dress offered her foot and he gently removed her shoe, thrilled to be able to hold her foot in his hand. Gently he placed the new red show on her right foot, then repeated the process with her left. Choosing not to rise, he remained kneeing as the lady in the red dress walked several feet up and down to try the fit, then returned. As she came back by his side, he thought he saw her smile at him. Then she place her hand on his shoulder to steady herself as she sat down.
He looked up at her, perhaps still too awed to be artistic and ask her if the shoes were to her liking. But she broke the silence and said, “Yes, these will do. Quite nice, don’t you think?”, extending her feet and moving her toes left and right.
“Yes, lovely, Madam,” he replied, truly. Then bravely he said, still on his knees, “You have lovely feet.” She smiled at him and petted his Shoulder. “You think so?” she said, smiling.
“Yes, Ma’am, very much so.” She continued smiling as he changed her shoes back to the original, all the while fearing he would never see her again. So it was then, after looking to each side, he decided to take the chance of his lifetime. He kissed her toe. Then he whispered to her, “Sorry…I…I just couldn’t help it.” He was going to beg her not to report him, but then from her large and kind eyes, he could see she was not about to do so. But sadly for him, she smiled at him once more, petted his should a last time, thanked him, walked to the register to pay, and was gone!
It was many more weeks before he saw her again, and more weeks after that before he had a chance to talk to her. During these weeks his longing for the lady in the red dress only grew. And he formulated a plan – a simple one, only that he would ask to take her out to lunch. But though a simple plan, all his hopes were caught up in it and he was determined nothing would stop him from begging for this privilege.
So it was a few weeks later that he spied her, stopped at the window of his shop, admiring some bootson display there. Immediate he left his post to step outside. “Hello,” he said. “Nice boots, no?” She smiled. Then continuing, he said, “I am the one who helped you with the red shoes a while ago, though you probably don’t remember.”
“Oh, but I do. You were polite enough to kiss my toes!” she smiled broadly.
His face flushed a bit, “Yes, well, er, ah….I was hoping Perhaps you would permit me the honor of taking you out to lunch today or any day you are free.” He knew his eyes were full of pleading, though he also knew it was wrong to appear too needy. It seemed endless time passed while waiting appreciatedly for her reply.
“Lunch?” she asked, not making her attitude clear. He wondered if she was playing with him.
“Yes,” he replied. “There is a fine French restaurant just a couple blocks from here. I thought you might enjoy it, and of course I freely admit I would very much enjoy your company.”
“I know it,” she replied. “It is a very good restaurant.” Then she paused, apparently thinking. “Yes, having lunch there with you would be lovely. Tomorrow.” With this simple statement she turned and walked down the street a few paces. He watched her go, admiring her form and, frankly, her lovely ass. She stopped, turning over her shoulder, perhaps noticing his gaze, and said, “I will stop by your shop at one, tomorrow.”
“Yes,” he said, and waved. His longing made him feel the lunch was a year away.
And yet, the 24 hours passed quickly and soon they were together in the French restaurant. After chatting about the weather, shoes, and other trivia, she said, “I like it when you kissed my toes. Are you always so polite?”
“I loved doing it, very much so. Perhaps there will be another occasion”
“I like polite boys. Do You think you could always be so obedient for me? I might take you home if you could behave.” Apparently it had been her turn to be bold, he thought, melting inside. For the truth was, he always felt submissive with women, loving to be totally devoted to a woman who would accept that in him as a strength, not a weakness.
“I would love to make you happy in any way,” he said. Then he added, “And be obedient to what you might want. And to go home with you would be heaven, I think.”
“Yes, it would,” she said confidently, taking the last morsel of food with her fork. To him she looked so beautiful there, in her red dress. Boldly he took her hand and kissed her fingertips. She smiled and petted him. Then she leaned over and whispered in his ear, “I’m going to go now. If you are a good boy and prove your obedient spirit, kiss my ass as I rise, and perhaps I will drop by tomorrow and let you take me shopping.”
He felt electrified at this request, wanting her sexually so very, Very much. But there was no time to think. He saw her rising, turning to go. It was a moment of decision, of fate and his future. Quickly, he leaned nearer and kissed her on the side of her ass at the momentshe was fully rising. She pressed his head to her briefly, then stepped away. He looked about, hoping no one had seen. They had been in a back table and everything seemed as usual in the restaurant. He rose too, went after her to pay, then stepped out into the sunshine with the lady in the red dress. She hugged him briefly. “Shopping tomorrow!” She smiled broadly and was gone. At least he enjoyed watching her lovely ass, wiggling slightly as it received with each step. But this time it was different, as he had so recently been allowed to kiss her.
Sharply at one o’clock she appeared again the next day. He was disappointed to find she’d brought a friend, a somewhat younger and shorter attractive blond-haired woman, whose wait she was holding as she strolled up to where he was outside his shop, waiting for her. “This is Melanie,” she said, introducing her friend. Melanie is a good obedient girl too, just as you, David, are a good obedient boy, no? ” When he did not answer soon enoughh, she repeated firmly, “No?”
“Yes, Miss Deborah,” David said, a bit shyly.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, I’m a good, obedient boy for you,” David replied, telling her what she wished to hear.
“Good, then we may go shopping. Walk behind us, David.” And so off they went, David following behind, admiring the lady in the red dress, as she knew he would. It was a long afternoon, mostly buying clothes. As the purchases mounted, so did the number of packages David was carrying, still made to walk behind Miss Deborah and her girl Melanie. It was obvious, he noticed, that Melanie was her slave, or at least her lover. No, from the deferential attitude, it was clear the relationship was dominant and submissive, he thought. And how natural it all felt, as if he had have been in this relationship all his life.
Most amazing of all, the packages had to be returned to Miss Deborah’s house, so of course David got to enter Her home. “Set the packages there, David,” Miss Deborah said, pointing to a table.
“After all this walking, Melanie and I are going to take a shower,” Miss Deborah announced curtly. Seeing him looking about for what he should do in the meantime, or even if she means him to go, Miss Deborah said, “Don’t use the furniture, boy. Just knee where you are.” And when he did so without question, she approached him and petted his head. “Good boy. You may kiss my toes again as a reward.” And gladly he did so, sincerely and lovingly. Melanie looked on, perhaps wishing the same privilege herself..
The next he saw them, they were wrapped in towels, heading for the shower. As he looked admiringly at the lady no longer in red, she turned to him and said, “It’s not right for you to be dressed when we are not, don’t you think? Take everything off, then resume kneeling.” Obediently David did so. For a long time he heard the shower running, and perhaps some giggling and other more loving sounds as well. Perhaps twenty minutes later the two ladies returnedagain, headed for the bedroom. Without saying anything, Miss Deborah took David by the ear and led him along also. Once in the bedroom she ordered, “Kneel there at the foot of the bed and be quiet.”
Miss Deborah led Melanie, her slave, to the bed and hugged her for a while, then had her massage her all over, and then kiss her from toe to head. David found himself more and more aroused, longing to join Miss Deborah, but knowing that could ruin everything. He knew his continued presence depended on his being obedient, so he just remained kneeing there, naked, longingly watching the love-making before him. Before long, Melanie was made to lick Miss Deborah, who lay on her back, holding Melanie’s head to her, humping up against Melanie’s face.
Melanie had been taught to lick lovingly up the right side of Miss Deborah’s vagina, to suck her enlarged clip, to adoringly massage her breasts. Miss Deborah became more and more excited, telling Melanie she was a good girl……a good cuntsucker….a good slave. But before she reached climax, Miss Deborah rose and donned her strapon dildo, then after cropping Melanie’s ass for a leisurely few minutes, switched Melanie to the bottom and began fucking her.
David watched this scene with long eyes, savoring the sounds of love and he found himself sincerely wanting Miss Deborah to be very, very happy and satisfied in every way, especially sexually. Miss Deborah was fucking Melanie harder and harder, and Melanie was wrapping her legs about Miss Deborah, panting and moaning heavily. It was at this moment that Miss Deborah turned her head a bit and told David, “Make yourself useful. Be my slave and lick my ass, or leave!”
Fearing Miss Deborah means leave forever, David knew rushed to his humiliating but arousing task. He lovingly tongued Miss Deborah’s ass as she pounded Melanie’s pussy, harder and harder. She pressed down into Melanie’s cunt, the up against David’s tongue, over and over, harder and harder, wetter and wetter. Minutes of increasing intensity passed and Miss Deborah felt herself becoming more and more excited. At the moment of climax she pressed her full weight down, driving the dildo to its deepest inside Melanie, at the same time reaching back and pressing David’s head so his tongue was deepest inside her. Climaxing, Miss Deborah’s pussy and ass muscles contracted and spasmed over and over in one of the most intense orgasms she could recall.
When the love-making was over, David was told to knee by the bed while the two women showed a second time. And after showing, Miss Deborah announced she and Melanie were going out to the movies. “And I have a little reward for you, David, while you wait for us. You do want to wait for us, don’t you?”
“Yes, of course, Miss Deborah,” David replied.
“Good boy,” Miss Deborah said, petting his head. “And of course I do not wish to have to worry about what you are doing while I am gone, so come here, boy.” Miss Deborah led him again by the ear to the living room. His eyes went wide at what he saw. It was a little stool, no more than a foot high, but on it was mounted the dildo Miss Deborah had just used on Melanie.
“Take this lube and sit on it,” Miss Deborah instructed. Slowly, very slowly, David did so. And afterward, looking up, he had never felt so submissive in his life. Then even more so as Miss Deborah handcuffed his hands behind his back, then bow-tied a ribbon around his balls and tied it to the leg of the stool. “Even if you rise, you will undo the bow and the handscuffs will prevent you from ever retying it, so I will know if you’ve been obedient. And this is what I want, for you to sit on your little stool, facing the door, longing for our return, a good fucked slaveboy. ” Then Miss Deborah produced a pair of her panties and stuffed them in David’s mouth. He thought she had soaked them in her piss. “There’s the treatment I promised. And it will give you something to do. Make sure my panties are sucked clean by the time Melanie and I return, or you will be punished!”
David sat there in obedient devotion as Miss Deborah and Melanie turned to leave for their movie. In the doorway, Miss Deborah turned back to look at David, smiled in satisfaction, and said to Melanie, “Some women wonder where their man will be when they come home. But we don’t need to wonder, do we?” Both laughed, and the door closed. David found his cock hardened as he watched Mistress Deborah leave, giving him a view of her wonderful ass, now cloaked in red, and he thought about serving Her and being Her slave and felt happy, sitting on Her favorite dildo, waiting longingly for Her return.
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