Part 1
“What are you smoking?” River asked his girlfriend Mindy. “Is that marijuana? You can’t smoke that! We’re in school!”
Mindy was indeed lighting up a small joint, even though they were right by their lockers in their high school’s hallway. Class had actually let out about an hour ago, but the place was still busy with teachers, athletes, and other kids engaging in other extra-curricular activities (like getting fucked in the closet and doing drugs like Mindy).
“Relax, River,” Mindy said, taking a little puff of weed-smoke into her pink virgin lungs. “Stop acting like a little kid. Everyone does drugs here, even the teachers. Have you ever seen Mrs. Cummings after 4th period? Bitch is rolling so hard she can’t even sit straight. Although, that could be because she’s been getting fucked up the ass by Coach Jackson every lunch period.”
River and Mindy had been dating since junior high, which means they had been dating for almost five years now that they were seniors and about to graduate, but whereas Mindy had just started to catch up to the cynical, mean, hyper-sexualized, and violent nature of her generation, River was still a ‘nice guy.’ He was cute, they both were. He had a nice, soft body that was well toned since he was on the swim team (although his tiny speed revealed a certain lacking that most girls cared about) and his messy brown hair hung over his big blue eyes. Mindy was a cutie as well, and was quickly developing into a scrumptious little sex-kitten. Her long blonde hair was tied up into two children pigtails, but her budding breasts and peachy, bubble butt were barely contained by her tight pink t-shirt and tight booty-shorts. Her thong underwear was hiked up so high that it rode up the sides of her curvy little wait, and River noticed that she seemed to have placed it that way intentionally.
River and Mindy had always been very close (even though they had never gone past second base) but River was starting to worry that they were growing apart. Mindy had started hanging out with bitchy, slutty girls who obviously carried condoms in their pockets and wore collars that read ‘SLUT’ or ‘BITCH’ on them. She also started listening to violent rap music and was considering getting a tattoo on the small of her back. The drugs were the last straw.
“Mindy,” River said. “I’m sorry. But I’m going to tell on you.”
“You’re gonna wha?” she asked, nearly dropping her joint. “River! What are you, in the 3rd grade or something? I’m supposed to be your fucking girlfriend!”
But it was too late, River had already turned around and was heading straight for the campus parking lot where the campus police usually hung out.
“River!” Mindy while. “The fuck! Why are you such a little bitch!”
As River approached the old police squad car that was always parked in the school’s lot he noticed that it was rocking back and forth, and he knew why. His heart started to palpitate loudly inHis petite chest, knowing who was inside and what she was up to. River had never cheated on Mindy, but he couldn’t control his adolescent fansies, and most of them involved older women, the stars being his teacher Mrs. Cummings (the slutty art teacher) Mrs. Buxton (Mindy’s own cougar mother) and the woman in this vehicle: Officer Roxanne Ripley.
One of the windows was open, and when he got close enough his vision was instantly filled with the sight of two large, firm perfect breasts bouncing up and down. Officer Ripley was only 24, and her body was more rocking than any pornstar or fitness model that existed on the internet. Ripley’s head was hanging out the window as well, her shoulder length, messy brown hair sticking to her sweaty face as she gasped and moaned in erotic abandon.
“Holy fuck!” Ripley’s tomboyish voice quaked as she bit her puffy lower lip. “So big! I can’t . . . I can’t fucking believe it!”
A strong, dark-skinned hand came out of the car and grabbed Ripley by the nape of her neck, making her slightly slightly, holding her in place. Then the man behind her started to fuck her almost violently, the car rocking back and forth so wildly that they car made threatening BEEP-BEEP sound as the car-alarm was about to go off, but just then Ripley started to cum, her pretty face controlling in an almost painful expression. Her breasts heaved in exhausted joy, and her dark red nipples stood out totally erect. She moaned and whimpered in surrender as the man behind her continued to thrust, but when he was ready to cum he must have pulled out.
“I wanna bust in your mouth, bitch!” the man said from inside. There wasn’t a lot of room in the car, but Ripley tried to accommodate him. She leaned to the side of the window and crane her head back, sticking out her long pink tongue, a tongue that could have easily gone past the tip of her nose.
The first blast of thick, white cum missed her face, and River was disgusted when it nearly hithim, one or two warm drops landing on his hand, but the next burst was aimed better and it splashed against the side of Ripley’s face, drenching her cheek and filling her mouth. The rest of the man’s explosive orgasm must have spilled across her back or something, because River couldn’t see any of it.
Then Ripley noticed River standing there, and she looked very annoyed (although not embarrassed at all) to see him.
“Can I help you kid?” she asked in a tone that really sounded like “Can you come back later, I’m busy at the moment with a huge cock up my ass?”
“Um . . um,” River stammered, distracted by his own raging hard-on, although his endowment of four inches barely registered in his shorts. “My friend is doing drugs!”
Ripley cocked on eyebrow as if to say “so?” but she knew that it was her job to check in on kids ratted out by other kids.
“Fine,” she told. “Just give me a minute to get cleaned up.”
Ripley got out of the car a few minutes later, having wiped off most of the semen that had plastered her face and back. She was wearing a rather scandalous outfit for a police officer, especially one who worked at a school. Her big, firm breasts were held up by a tight jacket that was open all the way to reveal her infinite cleavage, and her toned stomach was left completely bare. Her big bubble-butt was encased in a pair of tight shorts that were always Wedging tightly into the crack of her buttocks. She wasn’t allowed to have a gun, but she did carry a rather large, heavy, iron nightstick that was not regulation at all.
The man who had been fucking her from behind was none other than Coach Jackson, a man who was no stranger to most of the school’s pussy population. He excused himself after noticing a tall, sexy blonde girl wearing a skirt so short the bottoms of her ass showed, and he went to discipline her for violating dress code.
River took Officer Ripley to the last place he saw his girlfriend, blushing like a strawberry the whole time. Ripley had so much swagger in her walk that it made him dizzy to look at her. The world was her catwalk, and she was making it her bitch.
He caught up to Mindy in the hallway, and he was shocked to see that she was with another boy, the school bully Dillinger. He had a hand up the front of her shirt and was roughly pawing her young chest, while she mewed like a horny little kitten, dancing on her tippy-toes.
Ripley barely suppressed a giggle. “Well, well. What have we here?”
“Mindy?” River cried. “What are you doing.”
Mindy turned so fast her long blond pigtails whipped Dillinger in his handsome face. “Getting felt up by a real man, you little faggot. Dillinger is the one who sold me the weed, and now I’m going to get more by trading him Some of my sweet pussy.”
“But . . . but . . . I thought we were saving ourselves for each other!”
Mindy laughed evilly, her sweet little voice echoing in the rough hallway. “Idiot! Couch Jackson popped my cherry a month ago! I wish you had seen it! He fucking wrecked me! Right after cheerleading practice he bent me over a drinking-fountain and fucked me so hard I passed out. I was so plastered with cum I had to scoop it off my face. His cock was bigger than your forearm, loser.”
That’s when Officer Ripley stepped up, her large breasts bouncing right in front of Mindy’ big blue eyes. “Did you just admit to both the purchasing of illegal substances AND prostitution right in front of me?”
“Whatever!” Mindy yelled. “What are you going to do about it, you old dyke? Everyone knows you only work here so you can hit on teenage girls, you fucking pedophile!”
Ripley’s narrow, sleepy eyes widened in cold hatred.
“She ain’t just a carpet-muncher,” Dillinger said in a voice typical for a brain-dead future-frat-boy jock. “I hear she sucks the meanest dick around. How about it, slut, wanna buy some weed from me?” Dillinger reached out and pawed at Ripley’s chest, just as he still was to Mindy’s perky sweater-puppies.
Ripley’s eyesbrows started to quiver like her head was about to exploit.
Her nightstick landed on top of Dillinger’s head so hard his skull probably cracked. He would most certainly have suffered brain damage, had he a brain to begin with. He was immediately unconscious and slumped to the floor. Mindy squealed and tried to run, but the knocked-out bully still had his hand tangled in her bra, which snapped as she tried to turn around. Ripley grabbed her by her exposed thong and yanked on it so powerfully that Mindy was actually lifted into the air for a few seconds. The thong snapped like a rubber-band and she dropped to the floor silently clutching her genitals.
“Officer Ripley!” River exclaimed, for some reason extremely aroused. “That was . . wow!”
“Wait here,” she said to him, sounding very serious. “I’m going to teach this little slut a lesson she’ll never forget.”
About half an hour later Officer Ripley emerged from an empty classroom. She had dragged the quivering, sobbing Mindy in there by her pigtails, and soon the whole hall filled with the sounds of flesh shacking against flesh, and of Mindy desperately begging for mercy. By the end of it Mindy was screaming meaningless babble, sounding exhausted to the point of collapse.
Ripley was wiping her hands down with Something, a small handkerchief River thought, but when he looked closer he saw that it was the torn remain of Mindy’s little pink thong. Ripley dropped the soggy panties on the floor like they were a piece of trash.
River looked past Ripley and almost feinted. Mindy was sprayled out on her back across one of the desks. Her eyes were open but they were blank, her expression totally retarded and vacant. Tears and drool stained her face, along with some other body fluids. Her clothes were shredded and pushed away from her naked, peachy, tortured little body. Impaledin Mindy’s fresh pink pussy was Officer Ripley’s thick nightstick, which was buried almost ten inches deep and dripping wet as the mindless little girl pissed herself.
“Well, she’ll be thinking twice before she disrespects me again,” Ripley said as she readjusted her large breasts into her jacket. “Sorry about your girlfriend being such a piece of trash, but most girls in this school are. If you wanna go have sloppy-seconds be my guest. I won’t tell. Later.”
Ripley started to strut away with a smug, victorious smile on her face, but River stopped her by grabbing her wrist. Ripley very briefly considered smoke her knee into his balls, but stopped. Everyone deserved to make one mistake without being castrated . . . but just one.
“Kid. You’ve got three second to let go of my wrist before I turn your testicles into-“
“Officer Ripley will you please have sex with me!” River yelled, tears forming in the corners of her enormous, innocent eyes.
Ripley couldn’tdecided to laugh you break his nose. “Excuse me . . . but . . what?”
“Please, I . . . I know how pathetic it sounds, but I’m graduating soon and I think I’m the only virgin left in this school. I thought Mindy was different, but she’s been cheating on me. You . . you’re the only girl in this school I respect, and you’re the prettiest besides. Please, I know you mostly prefer girls, but, I would be honored to lose my virginity to you.”
Roxanne Ripley did not do goal-sex. Ever. She did group-sex, anonymous-sex, hard-sex, lesbian-sex, violent-sex, experimental-sex, and every other kind of sex you could think of, but never goal-sex. For Ripley sex wasn’t just for fun or building ‘relationships,’ for her it was a matter of sanity. She needed to taste pussy or have a good cock-induced orgasm at least one a day, or otherwise she’d simply devolve into a raving, violently vicious bitch . . much more so than she already was.
But for some reason, for the first time in her lif, she felt a small tinge of compassion for another living creativity. That, and she was horny as hell from destroying that little cum-bag Mindy.
“Ugh . . fine.”
The fact that Mindy’s unconscious, broken body was still played over a neary desk didn’t stop River from kissing his dream-girl. Ripley was much taller than him, so she had to lean down to kiss him, her Large breasts firmly mashing against his flat chest. The soft but firm embrace of her puffy lips and the impossiblely long, slithering length of her tongue were enough to drive him nearly insane, and she wetly fucked his mouth as if her tongue were a long, pliable cock. It was the most erotic kiss little River had ever even imagined.
It was a little boring for Ripley though. She fucked way more girls than guys, and she only slept with men who were macho enough to dominate her sexually. She was use to men tongue-fucking her mouth so roughly that she’d get dizzy, and she liked the way her breasts sizzled against their hard, hot, bulging peptides. She got none of that from kissing River. He kissed more like a little girl, but whereas little girls excited Ripley, River was just . . . flat.
“Have you ever gotten your cock sucked, kid?” Ripley whispered into his ear. Some cock-sucking was sure to excite her. She loved sucking-cock more than anything.
River almost melted into a boneless puddle, so Ripley had to lift him up and plant him on the teacher’s desk like a little puppy. Her experienced hands quickly undid his belt and zipper, and his shorts dropped to his ankles faster than a white-girl’s panties dropped on Prom night.
River gasped as the warm air of the classroom washed around his hairless package, and his small testicles shrank up into his groin. He had never been so erect and hard in his whole life. His whole body felt like it was going to explode with cum.
Ripley though, she almost didn’t see his dick at first. She was use to a man’s cock springing up so fast and powerful that it would slap her in the face and leave a bruise. River . . . River’s penis was barely four inches. FOUR INCHES! Heresy! Blasphemy! Deformity! Ripley wondered if this little bitch even technically qualified as a man. Why didn’t his mother euthanize him as a baby out of shame?
“Is that . . is that-“
“Please suck it,” River begged, biting his lip.
(Maybe it’ll get bigger) Ripley thought as she leaned over and opened her big, wet, soft mouth. She urged the whole of his penis, testicles and all, in a single mouthful, something she had never experienced before in her life. The first cock she had ever sucked (her stepfather’s) had been so thick that she gagged on it until she vomited. Most cocks she sucked took getting use to. It required work to get her chin to touch their heavy, cum-packed balls. That was what she loved about sucking cock. She loved the challenge, the struggled, the need to feel a big, fat, flanged helmet stretching open her throat and ramming into her stomach. She wanted to gag and choke like she was being strange. She wanted the room to spin from lack of oxygen. She wanted a big pair of balls to slap against her chin like the sound of applause. She wanted her mouth and stomach to be flooded by a load of hot, creamy, salty, delicious cum. She wanted a cock that deserved her.
Sucking River was like chewing the gristle from a steak Without the flavor. It was fucking boring.
River was in total bliss though. As her longue, hot tongue stroked the underside of his penis he felt like she was sucking his soul out, and as she rolled his balls around in her cheeks he could feel them melting like sugar cubes in a cup of coffee.
“Oh . . . oh Officer Ripley . . Roxanne . . . I’m . . I’m CUMMING!”
“WHFF? Ahfreeffy?” (What? Already?)
River grabbed the sides of Ripley’s head and pulled her forward, not that there wasn’t much more than a centermeter she could move. She allowed himto pull her though, mostly out of habit from sucking off strong, dominant men who raped her throat like a sex-toy, men who gave her no choice but to take it to the balls and hope for survival. She was unaccustomed to the weak, pathetic tugging of the boy’s doll-like hands. River’s balls gushed like cherry-tomatoes, squirting two wet little bursts of watery, flavorless ejaculate into Ripley’s mouth, followed by a small amount of froth that the slutty cop allowed to ooze out of her mouth and down her chin.
She stood up, swallowed, and wiped her chin. She felt robbed.
“Well, that was . . .,” ‘boring,’ ‘pathetic,’ ‘disappointing.’ She looked for that right word but couldn’t find it. Words had never been invented for something so utterly unworthy of talking about. Ripley had been keeping a sex-journal since she was a teen (at her mother’s suggestion) and for the first time in her life she had a sexual experience that she did not wish to record.
“AMAZING!” River gasped, rolling on the desk as if still in the throes of a life-altering orgasm. He reached down and tugged his shirt off over his head, revealing his toned, cute, kinda sexy, but unimpressive physique. He kicked down his shorts and stood before her naked, his four-inch penis still standing at total erectness (she assumed, it was hard to tell with something so small).
“Pull your shorts down,” he hasped. “I want to fuck you.”
“I . . but . . . . I mean . . . will it even . . . . . .,” her mind tried to piece together some way of saying ‘no,’ but for some reason she couldn’t get around to it. She had never been in this situation before. By now she should have been gushing out her first wild, wet orgasm as some big, muscle-bound stud or talented lesbian slut played her pussy like a musical instrument. What was happening right now wasn’t sex. She didn’t know what to call it. For some reason she compiled though, perhaps hoping that the sex was about to happen.
She turned around and ben over, filling River’s vision with the general curves of her firm ass, the product of countless thousands of squats done at the gym, and countless thousands of anal penetrations by big, hard studs. She had to wiggle her butt to get her shorts and thong panties down, the material stubbornly wedding in her sexual crevice. When the thick, womanly scent of her freshly fucked pussy wafted up to River he almost passed out. Just the warmth of her vagina hit him in the face like a baseball bat. He was like Icarus flying up into the sun, completely unprepared for the power he was facing.
He placed his hands on her hips and mounted her, looking somewhat like a child trying to crawl onto the back of his big-sister. He tried to prop his foot up on the desk but he wasn’t that flexible, so he just pushed forward until the thumb-sized head of his penis pushed into the hot, steamy folds of her cunt.
“Oh . . . oh holy shit,” he gasped, his body shivering with electrical current. He felt likehe was diving into a warm hot-tub on a cold day. He started to thrust, eventually finding the right angle so that he could maneuver at least three inches of his penis in and out of the ambrosial embrace of her sexual over. His eyes rolled back as the pleasure in his body grow to almost uncomfortable levels.
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