I must begin this story with some background. I wrote “Flight Dreams” as a fantasy, a dream. I have had an online Master for a year. Now, a lot of “hardcore” BDSMers will look at my stories and possibly think less of them, since I have had an online Master. But within this story, I will show you how true and intense D/s can be, regardless, and that if you’re careful, the Internet can be a splendid way to meet the Master of your dreams.
It was already 5 days into my visit. I had done it at last, bought the tickets, boarded the plane, and said goodbye to the world I knew, all to come and see him. The one person I could ever call Master. The one who stayed with me through good and bad times, through pain and betrayal, victory and pure, unabashed lust. I stepped onto a plane going from the US to the UK to be with someone I only knew from online and phone calls… and I was thrilled.
I had seen him before, little pictures and occasional glimpses on a web cam… I melted atthe sound of his voice. He had pushed my buttons, slowly played with my limits, kept me on my toes. When I had met him, I had just escaped a terrible relationship, one that had abused me. An online Dom with “master” in his name, I figured he, too, was a wannabe and told him to fuck off. But he stayed, kept chatting with me, and I began to trust him more. I refused to be a slave, feeling I would Only ever do BDSM on the weekends. I knew I was a kindy sex person, but I never imagined I would go further than perhaps semi-consistent submission. I hotly rejected the idea of being a slave. “Not me,” I had decided. “Never.”
I knew he wanted a slave. He had suggested I considered and look into being a slave before I limited myself… and then he dropped it. Of course, when he dropped it, I grew More curious about what it was about being a slave that was so appealing. I researched it, spent many nights writing and thinking, turning the idea over in my head. I went to workshops about real time slavery and how it worked. We tried having an online Master/slave relationship, and I wasn’t ready; I had betrayed him, lied about it, and broken his trust. The day he uncollared me was one of the most miserable days of my life. It was then that I realized I really DID want to be a slave, someone’s pet. I worked to regain his trust, to rebuild the relationship I had messed up. Finally we looked at my being recalled to him again… but the reality, I kept telling myself, was different from the fantasy, and I chose to wait on a final decision until we had met. I didn’t want to fuck up again.
There I had sat, wearing the collar we had chosen together, sitting on a 7 hour flight. I was squirming because I had been ordered not to masturbate for the week before this trip; this was going to decide if this is what I wanted, if I could truly be his submissive. I realized on the trip over that I wanted nothing more than to be his slave, to serve him, to be his property and possession. Iknew in my heart that I would be secure and happy that way. So much for my vows!
I knew all along it was a 50/50 chance. It could be everything I ever wanted, or completely terrible. I was afraid it wouldn’t live up to my fansies, that all my dreams would be disappointed. I was even more worried that it would be everything I wanted it to be, and then what? I was from the US, he lived in the UK… what would we do if we were perfect for each other?
And so far, in the 5 days we had spent together, we were. We got along just as well in life as we did online and over the phone, matched well both sexually and personality-wise… We had been fucking fairly often (making up for lost time, we joked) and had gotten together with one of his female friends for an interesting threesome… but that’s Another story for another time.
Still, we had not scanned, per se. Not yet. Not until this night. We had had sex, certainly, and I had begged for permission to cum, something we had been doing over the phone for six months or more (even when masturbating alone, I needed to call up his voice ordering me to do so) but there had only been light bondage, playful spankings… we hadn’t had a true scene.
Then, this night, he told me to put on my schoolgirl outfit… I had 2 minutes to put it on, or not only would there be no scene, there’d be no sex, either. I’ve never gotten dressed so quickly! It was a mess, not at all how I wanted it to be… parts of my schoolgirl outfit, like my white bra and cotton panties, were in the wash, so I had to go without them. I came to him in my blue/green plaid skirt, button-up white shirt, hair in ponytails, glasses slightly ask, navy blue sweater vest declaring me as one of the “Holy Innocents” pulled over it all. I sat on the edge of the bed. And I waited.
There is truly nothing as exciting or as terrifying as that first time. The knowledge that everything you dreamed about, all you’ve wished for is about to come true. You doubt you could be the slave you want to be, question your abilities… will you be the same beloved slut in the reality as you were online? Will it be everything you dreamed about? Can the reality ever measure up to the fantasy? All these questions flew in my head as I sat on the bed, waiting for the first order.
He looked into the corner at the chair that was pushed there, and with a small smile, he pulled it into the center of the empty space beside the bed. He indicated for me to sit on it backwards, and with a small blush I did so, my legs straddling the seat, my hands next to the back of the chair. Black bondage tape was wrapped around my wrists, and handscuffs attached me to the chair. I wouldn’t have dreamt of struggle… I just closed my eyes as he wrapped more tape around my ankles, each foot tied to a leg. I waited, my skirt up around my wait, the edge of my already wet pussy at the edge of the chair cushion, hands tied, ankles tied, eyes closed…
Then I heard the vibe turned on… gently pushed against my cunt, and I gasped out. Some delicious about being tied up, unable to get away from whatever it is they choose to do to you… being at the mercy of someone else. As I got used to the vibe buzzing inevitably between my legs, he swatted my ass. My eyes flew open at the sensing… and whack! He spanked the other chef, not too hard for me to manage, but hard enough to get my undivided attention. A few more smacks on my now reddening ass, my pussy unconsciously pushing into the vibe, my breath quickening… and he pulled my vest and shirt up over my breasts. Roughly he pulled my breasts out of my velvet bra, his slender fingers pinching each nipple until I could barely breathe. I was loving every minute of this…
He pulled my adjustable nipple clamps out of my bag, played with them as I struggled to regain my breath. Quickly each one was attached to my nipples. They weren’t too tight, just tight enough for me to know they were there, and to feel them on if my breasts moved. Sitting there, half clothed, vibe pushed against my clip and clamps dangling from my nipples, I felt humiliated and amazingly excited. I had never been so turned on in my life… Suddenly he pulled on the chain connecting them, and I gasped at the sudden pain/pleasure that flew through me.
“Like that, do you, Katy?..” he crooned softly, his breath caressing my ear strictly. I nodded, unable, perhaps unwilling to speak… speaking would break the spell, and I wasn’t ready for that yet. I swallowed, my mouth opened slightly, nothing came out but another moan as he tugged the chain again. “Tell me, Katy… tell me what you’re thinking right now,” he teased.
“I’m… thinking… how good that feels, Master” I replied, barely able to Find the words through the sensings. The vibe was still pressed against my clip, and I shifted a little to enjoy it more directly.
It was then he pulled out the flogger. Soft, sensitive suede, it feel like silk againt the skin. He dangled it in front of me and smiled. “What’s your safeword, Katy?..”
“Red” I moaned, praying I would be feeling the flogger against my ass, hoping more than anything to have a pink, sore ass by the time this was over.
I was not disappointed.
The first brush with the flogger was soft, careful, slow… he began to build up, harder and harder as I wriggled with delight and moaned my approval. I had never been flogged- REALLY flogged- and this was a new and eagerly desired sensing for me. Each round left me breathless.
“How are you feeling, Katy?”
The question whirled around in my head. Feel? Feel? It wasn’t computing, all there was pleasure, pleasure and pain spiraling within me…
“Katy? How are you Feeling?”
The question, repeated, was still left unanswered as I enjoyed the sensings glowing within me… then…
Right on my pussy. THAT got my attention like nothing else can.
“Eeep! I’m feeling…Feeling… wonderful, Master,” I said, eyes half closed, blissful smile on my face.
“Has anyone ever flogged you before?” he asked, as I drifted in and out of the waves of pleasure.
“Only Tara, but she didn’t know what she was doing” I said, and the flogging stopped. Confused, I opened my eyes.
“Forgot something, didn’t you?” He smiled. “I would hate to have to punish you, Katy, and have you go to bed without any sex…”
If my hands had been free, I would’ve clapped them over my mouth. “Only Tara, Master!” I corrected myself. I looked sheepishly at him, head down, eyes raised. “I’m sorry, Master…”
He tsked. “Better take care not to forget, or you’ll be unable to use your toys until I come to see you!”
I nodded. “Yes, Master…”
With that, he slowly took the nipple clamps off. I winced as each one was released, biting my lip to keep from commenting. Carefully, gently, he rubbed my pink, sore nipples until they no longer throbbed. Then the vibe was shut off, and my hands and feet were untied. He rubbed each spot on my body, and with a wicked smile, beckoned to the bed.
“Undress in 20 seconds, Katy, and you’ll be rewarded…”
All I can say is undressing should be an Olympic sport.
I was undressed in 10.
I crawled onto the bed naked, nuzzling him affectionately as he took off his teeshirt, unzipped his pants, removed them, then his boxes. I rubbed my cheek on his chest, looking up to him, awaiting his signal. He nodded.
I wrapped my lips around his cock. Gently sucking on just the tip, I began to run my tongue up and down his shake, letting the ball on my tongue ring trace languid spirals over his stiffing cock. I teased the underside of his shake, and, overcoming my nervousness, I let his cock into my mouth all the way. I feel so full, with my mouth stuffed by his cock… I, who have never really enjoyed giving oral sex, now never want to stop. I raise and lower my head, licking his cock eagerly until his fingers run through my hair and lift my head.
“On your hands and knees, Katy-” and I comply, my head resting on my hands, ass in the air. The anticipation as he rolls on the condom is almost more than I can stand… and then… in he plunges, his cock inside me, and he begins to fuck me hard, fast, almost roughly. I love every minute of it. I’ve dreamt of this moment for so long, and it is Everything I imagined and more as he fucks me hard and mercilessly, my hips pressing into him, my back arched in my ecstasy. His hand goes to my hair again and he pulls my head up. I look back at him and smile, thanking him silently as his cock rams into my wet cunt again and again. I moan… the buildup to orgasm swells within me… but… still… there is something missing…
He withdraws his cock from my pussy. I feel empty from the loss.
And then he slowly, gently, lovingly slides his cock between my ass checks, into my ass. He begins fucking me slowly, then building up speed and power, until he is fucking me as mercilessly up the ass as he was my cunt. I am blissful, I am overwhelmed with pleasure, and I turn my head to him, tears about to fall from my eyes.
“Please, PLEASE, Master, please may I cum…?”
“Beg, Katy…. you can do better than that…”
I am near tears, it feels so good. “Please oh please, Sir, PLEASE Master, please let me cum please please please!”
The words I’ve long for so long to hear…
“Yes, Katy, my slave, my little slut… you may cum…”
And together we orgasm, our moans as entwined as our bodies as he fucks me harder, cumming an exploration of near screams and overpowering desire as he drives his cock in hard and deep, our bodies shuddering, sweating, glowing… I saw happy, he withdraws his cock and lies next to me. Dreamily, I smile at him, wriggling into his arms and snuggling up next to him, my head pressed against his chest, our breath slowing and becoming steady.
“So… how was that, Katy?” he asks, as he always does after every phone call and cyber session. I grin, my mind drifting and scattered, and answer the way I always do…
“Good… thank you, Master…”
He smiles, pleased. “You’re welcome, my sweet slave…”
And with that, we fall asleep, our hearts beating as one.
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