The Real Mrs. Wilson

I was just clearing the breakfast plates, for some reason Daisy was in the locke over Sir`s knee, so was not helping me.

I got my lunch ready and a bottle of water and was ready to leave for work.

“Sara, you will be staying at Mrs. Wilsons for a few nights, I feel a strict lady will give you another insight of how a slave`s needs are provided. No need to take a bag I`ll drop one off at her house for you this morning.”

“Thank you Sir, Sir, I do not know where she lives?” Daisy`s bottom was quite a sight.

“Get off the train a stop earlier than normal and you will see she will be waiting, best behaviour, if I get reported to me you have not been it will be the weekend for you down the corridor.”

“Oh I will Sir, I promise.”

I kissed His cheek and bent over to kiss Daisy as she was still over his knee. Her bottom was just turning crisis.

Sir continued spanking and Daisy continued “ouching.”

As usual I was 35 minutes early for work so madea coffee in our canteen.

Most of the girls were early birds like me, think it was more to do with train times than the love of the job for them

Alessia Maythorpe came in and burst into tears her best friend, Jean, cuddled her.

“I missed my last train home so took a taxi, which took an extra 20 minutes, cost me £18, and I did not want to wake mum and dad by ringing, big mistake.

Da met me in our hallway. I had to strip naked and he belted me all over, and I mean all over.”

“Let`s see Alessia.”

She pulled her top off and dropped her trousers.

She was absolutely covered in belt marks.

“Did he hit your tits and pussy too?”

She removed her bra and lowered her knickers.

She has a gorgeous body, she is 21, maybe 34b but a lot firmer tits than me, maybe not quite as full though.

A runway strip, up from her hood towards her naval, jet black.

Her dad did a job on her alright, most of her tits and nipples bright red and betweeneen her legs, the bit we could see anyway.

We all gasped, “That’s not all.” she turned around and her bottom was scarlet, “He gave me a belting at breakfast in front of everyone, even my kid brother and sister and her sleep over buddy, to make sure I remembered to go straight home, for a month + a bed time spanking for 3 days.” She burst into tears again.

It was quarter to 9, I waited 5 minutes,

“Jean, help Alessia and straight up to your desks please ASAP, come on the rest of you.”

As I was now a supervisor they all did as I asked without question and Alessia and Jen were just a minute late.

I gained their respect when two of them made a right mistake, maybe even sackable it was so big.

I went into the manager, told him what I had found and asked if I could Take their punishment as I should have noticed.

He reluctantly agreed and I spent an hour after home time either over his knee for a spanking and corner time then his ruler.

If like me you thought being spanked with a ruler was a soft option, you should see the marks and a day later the briving, not to mention the pain when being administratored.

The way the rest found out I had taken their punishment was Janice`s mum was one of the afterwork office cleaners and came in during me being spanked with the ruler.

She told Janice and they were bright enough to add 2 + 2 together.

I had text Sir to say I would be late, and my manager also rang him after I had left, unbeknown to me.

When I arrived home he said nothing, I went and showed, remember I am not allowed clothes between evening shower and morning one, only my silk dressing gown if I had earned it, I left it off and went down for dinner.

“Sir, I got into both today and my manager kept me after work to spank me,” I spun round and semi bent over.

“Is that your first encounter with a ruler sara, look how its bruising Daisy?”

“Oh yes Sir.”

“Should I go over the counter sir?”

He walked towards me, I thought I was going to get a face slapping, he hugged me and gently rubbed my bottom.

“I know all about it sara, go pop your dressing gown on, no extras tonight, and good girl.”

I went to our manager with the mornings results and mentioned about Alessia, he was very sympathetic, and I noticed in the afternoon he had her in his office for half an hour or so. She said at coffee break how good he was and how he had hugged her and how she wept a little more.

Home time, I got off the train a stop later than normal and could not see Mrs. Wilson, I sat on a station benchmark and waited for her.

My phone rang, it was Sir. “Oh Fuck, sorry Sir, Yes Sir, No Sir, Oh Sir.”

He rang off.

I had not heard him right at breakfast, too busy staring at the naked Daisy and her crime bottom. I should have got off at the stop before mine, not the stop after.

Sir said I would live to regret my carelessness and rang off.

10 Minutes later Mrs. Wilson arrived in her car, I walked towards her as she got out.

“I am so sorry Mrs. Brown, I have no excuses at all, am I in big trouble.”

She nodded.

“Am I to be spanked?”

“At the very least sara, at the very least, into the car.”

Time to wise up, “Yes Ma-am.”

We practically drive past my house, up Leeds Road and Then right onto the new housing estate.

Mrs. Wilson lived right at the end adjoining the wood.

She stopped in the hall and turned to face me.

“The start of your stay has not started well has it sara?”

“No Ma-am, sorry.”

“And what would you suggest we do about that?”

“I need a punishment Ma-am.”

“And were you in my position, what Punishment would you think fit?”

“Please Ma-am I am the slave of Sir Don and do not have any opinions of my own, I did wrong but don’t know what else to say.”

She could see I was upset and turned, “Naughty little girls are dealt with severely in this house, follow me to your room.”

We walked down the corridor and up the staircase to the landing.

“This is my room, house bathroom, we passed 2 more rooms, punishment room and your room.”

“Do you need the toilet?”

“Yes please Miss.”

She took me back to the bathroom and lifted the toilet seat, lifted my skirt and hooked into my knickers and lowered them.

With her hands on my shoulders she pushed me down till I sat. I instinctively reached for the loo roll and she slapped my hand.

“Finished Miss.”

“Lean forward and try a little harder.”

I squeezed a little more out.

She pulled off 2 sheets of paper and folded it.


She cupped her hand and wiped my bummy with the paper then rubbed my lips with just her hand to ensure I was dry.

She pulled up my knickers and took my arm and walked to the sink, she washed her hands and then took mine and washed mine.

We walked back along the landing to my room.

“Arms up.” off came my jumper, then she unbuttoned my blouse and removed it.

She reached behind me and unfasted my bra, then took a step back, “Hands by your side.”

She took her phone from her pocket and took some photos of me topless. She tweaked my nipples hard, more photos.

“Arch your back and stick your titles right out.” WACK with her hands on each title, she left a hand mark and took more photos.

“Unpack.” she lifted my bag onto the bed, and I unpacked the little I had, topless.

It was not too embarrassing for me as we, like most from the church, practiced naturalism and had been all over on holiday since I was born, naked on beaches, swimming pools, club rooms.

When I had finished I turned towards her, arms by my side, tits out and my nipples almost hurting they were so stiff.

She unzipped my skirt and removed it, and took more photos then pulled my knickers up so tight my pussy lips were silhouetted in my crotch, photos then off theycame.

I wondered was this the time I was going over her knee for being stupid.

“Have you seen how we have to treat little girls, toilet them and undress?”

“Yes Miss, I am so sorry I did not listen.”

“What do you think is going to happen now sara?”

“Am I going over you knee Miss?”

“Not quite, but we do agree naught little girls need Punishing?”

I nodded and had the backs of my legs slapped hard, “Pardon.”

“Yes Miss they need punishing.”

Mrs, Wilson pinched my stiff left nipple, my favorite one, the one I tweak when playing, and I almost cum. She led me from my room with it and into the “Punishment Room.”

It was a mini version of the one down Sirs corridor.

I was put on the wooden horse, like the one Sir has that bruised my pussy lips.

“I have cams all over so will see if your hands leave your head, then woe betide you girl.”

She placed my hands on my head and slapped my tits hard.

My pussy lips were stretched hard over the square top of the horse.

She then pushed me right forward squashing my cllitty on the wood and gave me 10 or 15 spanks on my bottom, then left me.

It really hurt my lips and my clip felt swollen too, I looked round and could see no camera so gave them a quick rub, the door opened.

I put my hand up as my tears flowed, “Please Miss it hurts so much.”

She never spoke but helped me off the horse and laid me on a table.

“Legs wide sara, if you close them I will tie them wide and double the strapping on your pussy lips.”

She was not joking, I had to pull my legs up and hold them wide for the hiding my pussy got.

I cried and screamed all the way through it.

She stopped and helped me up. “Back on the horse sara, still half an hour to go.”

I climbed up and again she spread my pussy lips over the wood.

I cried again and she stroked the top of my pussy, I so hoped she would clipty wank me again like she did when I was at the Panel.

She did, she rolled my clipty in her fingers, my hand left my head as I put it up.

“Yes sara?”

“Am I allowed to cum miss?”

She nodded and I shuddered, and again.

My time up she helped me up off the horse and back to the toilet but instead of sitting on the seat she had a bucket I had to squat over, as she watched me.

She wiped me dry again, then hugged me, my arms flew around her too as the tears came back.

Like at home I was naked for the rest of the night.

We went down for dinner and I was surprised to see 2 men at the table. I straightened up and pushed my tits out.

“These are my lodgers sara, Alan and Peter.”

“Good evening Sirs.”

They both said hi.

“Show the gentlemen how bruised Your pussy is sara.”

I was a little taken back but stood between them and they fingered and proved my pussy.

Well that was sorted I thought, I would defo be getting fucked tonight, I then wondered if Mrs. Wilson got her share of their cocks too.

We all ate dinner in the dining room and each time Mrs. Wilson went to the kitchen I would be tittied up or fingered, I certainly felt tighter.

We had coffee in the locke and chatted, “9.00 sara, time for your bath, but, over here first, she patted her knee.”

“Yes Miss, thank you.”

I dragged over and opened my legs extra wide for her guests. Boy could she spank, I was soon bawling.

Spanking over Alan volunteered to bathe me.

“Off you go with Alan sara, and remember he is my guest and as so you will respect his every command.”

“Yes Miss.”

I was rubbing my bottom as I went up the stairs it was really sing.

We went into the bathroom and l was put against a tall radiator and my hands put over my head onto the top rail.

Sir put the plug in the huge bath and set the taps open.

I was left where I was and Sir left, he was back in a few minutes in his dressing gown.

He undid the cord and showed his cute cock. Maybe 5″ slack but unshaved.

I knew I was going to be fucked so knelt and opened my mouth.

Sir gently fed his cock into my mouth and I softly and gently sucked him hard, thinking he would soon be inside me, wrong, he spurted down my throat and I sucked him dry.

We bathed together in the large bath, it was really nice, close and cuddling with a young 20+ year old who was not trying to enter me.

I dried him and he dried me, he was soon hard again and I sucked him off again.

He put me against the radiator again and went and put his jog suit on then I followed him downstairs, still naked.

Mrs. Wilson had set me out a glass of milk and a cookie the correct supper for a little girl.

“Bedtime sara, you will go into the bedroom next to the bathroom as get into bed as a bed warmer for Peter?”

“Yes Miss, good night all.”

I leant over them all in turn making sure my 34c naked tits pressed into them as I kissed their chefs.

I laid in Peters bed and waited for him.

He was not long before he came in and undressed and went for a shower, I laid on my side and began to doze until I felt something pushing on my lips. I opened my eyes and it was Peter and his cock.

“Were you given permission to go to sleep?”

“No Sir.”

“Perhaps we should go down and see Mrs. Wilson?”

“Please Sir will you deal with me?”

He pulled the covers off me and I got out of bed.

He placed his foot on the dressing table stool and hoisted me over his knee.

Sir made his point with a really hard hand spanking, I thought he was using a hairbrush it hurt so much.

I was soon on my knees with his huge, thick slack cock in my mouth.

He kept gagging me and suffocating by pinching my nose.

My legs were obviously open keeping balance, he kicked me hard, I could not cry out as his cock was pretty well wedged in his mouth.

“This is called `cunt busting` girl and I will keep kicking you to make your lips swell and bleed and bruise your clip till you make me cum,” whoosh umphhhh, another kick, and another.

He must have kicked me 5 times or more till he almost choked me with his cum

He got into bed and I followed him, floor for sluts.

I fell asleep on the floor and was hurt by a slap on my bottom.

“Fuck me slut.”

I climbed on the bed and sucked him hard and mounted him, wow I was so swollen, and he was so big, he thrust up. “Owww”.

“Harder, faster,” he slapped my tits. “Do you want me to get my belt?”

“No Sir.” I bucked as hard and as fast as I could until he cum into me.

I went to clean myself up and then went back to my place on the floor.

An hour or so went by and he When he came back in he kicked me, “So, not keeping my bed warm as instructed, open those legs wide slut, more cunt busting for you.”

I did as I was told and took five more right on my slit, he then stood on my pussy.

Into bed slut, you are going to get the fucking of your life”

He got in and I ran out of his room and into Mrs Wilsons room in floods of tears.

She put her light on and I told her what was happening, she hugged me.

“When you come home tomorrow you will go to your room, get undressed and wait outside the punishment room, I will not have you disobey me, now, under the covers and thank me for looking after you, and no tears on my pussy or I will take you back to Peter.”

She pushed my head down and made sure I latched on to her swollen clip, I think it`s the first time I have been fucked in my mouth by a cliporis, but…

The alarm went off at 6.00. “Go and wake Alan up how you have been trained.”

“Yes Miss.”

I went for a wee and crept into Alans room, went under his duvet and took his slack cock in my mouth and sucked him to a cum.

“Wakey Wakey Sir.”

“Awww thank you little one.”

He pulled me towards himwith my tits and kissed my forehead.

I went back to Mrs. Wilson.

“Did you fuck Alan sara?”

“Yes Miss, with my hand and mouth.”

“Good girl, now go and wake Peter.”

I sat on her bed, she leaned forward and slapped my face.

“I will ask you once more, go and wake Peter.”

“No Miss.”

She grabbed my hair and pulled me to Peter`s room, he was awake, she pulled back his covers and pushed my head onto his cock.

When he was stiff she laid me on the bed, lifted her nighty and sat on my face, her wet pussy throbbing, she pulled my legs up and wide and Peter fucked me as hard as he could, I was in pieces by the time they had done.

She took me by the hair and dragged me into the punishment room and sat me on the horse again, I was heartbroken.

“Something to help with the pain in your pussy sara.”

I looked up just as her belt hit my tits, time after time.

She again dragged me off and sent me to shower, I put on my skirt jamper and coat ran downstairs, put on my shoes and ran home.

It was only a couple of miles and as I used to run for Yorkshire, did it in no time.

I did not have a key but as it was almost 8.00 Sir and Daisy were up and downstairs.

Sir heard me trying the door and I just fell in his arms.

I told them everything, in the bath, Daisy softly bathed me as Sir rang my work.

“I have had a word with Bill, told him something came up and you would be in by 10.00, I will take you in. Get her dressed Daisy.”

I went down had a drink and was made to have a slice of toast and Sir took me to work, it was 9.45.

I was so engrossed in my job, I worked my lunch break to make up the time, it was 4.30 before I knew it.

Daisy was waiting for me and came home on the train with me as Sir went and picked up the rest of my clothes from Mrs. Wilson`s house.

I laid on my bed over a plastic sheet and she bathed my pussy with cotton wool balls and antiseptic wash, the rubbed me gently with cream.

Sir came in and checked the damage, “Mouth and hand duties only for the next week or so sara.

This has been a lesson learnt for you sara, remember how when I brought you home form the panel, it was, Mrs, Wilson this, and Mrs. Wilson that, perhaps you will not be so quick to judge people until you know them better.”

“Yes Sir, Sir, she soothed me and climate wanked me, maybe sexual feeling took over common sense.”

I laid on my side and Sir leant over and hugged me, Daisy took out his cock and placed it in my mouth as she gently rubbed my nipples, no mistaken this love.


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