Its Saturday night, the girlfriend just split with me and you’d be thinking that I was somewhat depressed, but you got to thank god for mates, because even when you don’t want to you get dragged to a night club to have a good time!
Despite the pouring rain the trek around the pubs hadn’t gone too bad, the other guys were throwing pins down their throats like normal on a Saturday. But the longer I stood their the more I was wanting a bit of one on one company, that’s something the ex used to provide me with plenty of time.
We lined up outside the club for twenty long wet minutes, me being a bright spark I forget to bring a coat and my shirt was starting to stick to my body. Not that I was shy, I’m 26, down the gym five times a week, if my shirts sticking its just sticking to a firm body. Inside there would be so many people nobody would notice and it wouldn’t be long before I was drying out with the incredible heat made from all the emrithing bodies.
The night passed without much incident, a few girls took my fancy but surprisingly the feeling wasn’t mutual, so while my mates were off sniffing about like ally cats I sat on a stool by the bar knocking back bottles of beer. I wasn’t drink, but if I stayed any longer I would, I needed a reason not to drink.
That reason soon approached, and it was one hell of a way of trying to sober up. A woman who probably had ten years on me sat down on the stool next to me and crossed her legs, just showing me a hint of a stocking top, it didn’t look to be done on purpose, she didn’t seem the type. She was a few inches shorter than me with lovely red striking hair, her skin seemed so soft and it wouldn’t surprise me if I got the ages all wrong and she was about 18, who knows with women! Her lips were red and her eyes green and enchanting. I wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to be polite, if nothing else. Soon we were engrossed in conversation and her night had been as dull as mine. However there were twoThings that surprised me about this woman, who I worked out to be 39 years old. Anyway the first thing was she was posh, well educated and guessing by the way she was dressed she had money and plenty of it, what the hell was she doing talking to a blue collared worker like me? The second thing was she kept going on about there being no good candidates in here?
My mates returned and the lady vanished as they started acting like loouts, she was out of my league anyway, in many ways. But the night was drawing to and end and everyone was kicked out of the clubs for the normal kebabs and queuing for taxis.
The guys decided to go vanish into a kebab shop and get some food while I decided to head home alone, as I was already wet I’d save the taxi fare and walk, hell I was already wet. I just turned to go and a hand gripped my arm, turning I saw here again, I didn’t even know her names. She didn’t give me time to speak but pressed her lips to mine and powerfully pushed me back against a wall as she kissed me.
Her tongue forced its way between my shocked lips, he hands roughly ran up my jean covered legs to my crotch where she felt my thick cock wanting to escape. Both our clothes were wet and her large firm breasts pushed into me. It wasn’t long before I recovered from the shock and was kissing her back, my hands sliding up her rain soaked skin and grabbing her firm ass. My god I was in heaven. Whilst kissing we slide along the wall and down and ally, our bodies hungry for each other, this was perfect, she was so hot, god my cock needed to fuck her tight stuck up pussy.
In the ambient light I noticed a stack of boxes just the right height, walking backwards and still kissing I led her there, or did she lead me. Hitching up her tight skirt I saw the stocking tops and to my surprise no knickers, she had the smoothest shame pussy I had ever seen. Leaning back she let the rainfall on her face and rivers of rainwater run between her breasts. I was so turned on I grappled with my belt to free my cock ready to fuck her.
“You want to fuck me boy?”
I didn’t like being called boy, but what the hell. “Oh yes”
Use your tongue first of you get nothing” she said sternly.
Her pussy looked beautiful and perfectly edible, not wanting to waste time and keep my cock trapped longer than it had to be I dropped to the dirty floor and placed My hands on her shapedly tighs as she spread allowing me to perfectly see her pussy. If there was one thing I could do with my ex that was to make her cum and I was soon about to make this stuck up bitch cum.
I lean forward and quickly licked the length of her pussy lips, I savoured her taste before moving back in again. I moved my tongue up and down one pussy lip and then the other, hearing her groans only egged me on in my task. I could feel her hand on the back of my head pushing me further into her waiting pussy, she was a little forceful but I didn’t mind too much. Soon my tongueforced her lips apart and started lapping over her clip getting it more and more excited as her moaning turned to panting. Her one hand slide down her chest over her tits and down to join my tongue where with two fingers she parted her lips opening herself for my tongue. Without being asked twice I slide my tongue in as deep as I could and began circulation around tasting, savouring, enjoying her tight pussy, this woman was really something.
I was on my knees for ten minutes before I felt her pussy tighten clamping around my tongue and the hot ruse of pussy juice filling my mouth. Her taste was Devine and I swallowed what I could, the hold time she panted hard and pushed my face deep and harder into her burning hot pussy.
Pulling me up by my hair she, slightly out of breath told me it was my turn to receive. Excitedly I started to undo my belt, but she pushed my hands away.
“No no boy that’s my job”.
With that she spun me around to face a chain link fence and begankissing my neck while undoing my belt. My jeans were still up and her hands were all over my, I just wanted her hands back down there to undo my belt and relive me. The rain had stopped and the clothes were starting to get a little cold against my skin. Finally my jeans were undone and I went to turn, but what. I hadn’t noticed, I didn’t even know how she’d done it or where they came from but I was handcuffed by a pair of police issue handcuffs to the fence. Just as I was about to complain at being treated like this her one hand clamped around the base of my cock and with her other hand a finger teased the precum that was leaking out. This woman was a goddess who knew how to touch a man I was powerless.
Soon she was pumping my hard cock but keeping a nice tight grip to stop me cumming. Her other hand vanished from sight I was a little worried but then she whispered in my ear that she was fingering herself, then slipped a finger in my mouth for me to taste. But that wasn’t for herown pleasure, she needed lubrication…because what I felt next was alien to me. Her fingerprint began working into my ass, I wanted to protest but she made my cock feel wonderful, I didn’t want that to end too. So I was prepared to let her get on wit it, if only I could cum.
Her fingerprint worked in and out of my ass, only slightly she knew it was hurting, but soon I got used to the invasion and it actually felt bloody good. The deeper and deeper she got the better it felt but I wasn’t about to admit that. Then she found it, the button, the trigger, my prostrate glad. Her grip on my cock loosened and she applied pressure with her finger on my prostrate. Within seconds I was the one out of breath and a thick trail of hot cum stretched out on the box in front of me. I was exhausted, I dropped to my knees, face inches from my own cum. As I tried to recover I felt her hand in my hair again as if to comfort me as I recovered, instead she pushed my face into the cum lightly till it stuck tomy skin.
“Call me” she ordered throwing a business card down in front of me.
What, the bitch straightened her clothes and left, I was cuffed, jeans around my ankles and cum on my face, my fucking hardon hadn’t even gone properly. I was about to shout and protest hoping she would uncuff me but it would just draw attention to me, not her. Then I got even more pissed off, I saw on the wall above us trained on our position a security camera. The company name on the building was Chambers Ltd, no doubt someone there would have a laugh watching a young guy being finger fucked and made to cum everywhere. I was just starting to design a plan to get out when I looked down at her card, no wonder she was posh, she was managing director of a company called Chambers Ltd.
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