The Ranch Ch. 01

Do you have dreams? I mean really enjoy dreams? Really vivid very dirty sexy dreams? The kind of dreams that will make you orgasm in your sleep?

I ask because I do. Well, not lots of them. Just one dream. I’ve been having it since I was a teenager. I’ll just quickly tell you how it goes, because it’s not the real story, but it is the beginning of the story.

It feels like I’m awake but in a field, not in my bed. It is always spring in the dream. It’s a little cool, the grass is that vibrant green and the temper are in bloom. I’m on my hands and knees in the grass and I’m almost naked. My boobs are hanging down and my nipples are being brushed lightly by the taller leaves of grass. I have on one of those short schoolgirl pleated skirts. The kind you see in porn pics and videos. I’ve never owned one, but it’s the only thing that I’m wearing. My legs are apart and I feel slightly excited as though something amazing is about to happen.I stay on my hands and knees and look down at the grass and up to the sky. For some reason I never look behind me throughout the dream. Suddenly I feel something warm and firm pushing into my slightly wet pussy. It doesn’t hold back or try to be gentle. It just rams right in as soon as it has opened me up. I gasp as it fills me and then it starts pounding at me.

Pulling all the way out and ramming all the way back in. For some reason I still don’t look back. I feel myself getting more and more excited as this punishing rhythm increases. Just when I think it can’t go in any deeper it goes a little further on the next thrust. I can feel myself about to orgasm and suddenly I feel this thing push its hardest and deepest yet and stay there. I can feel it spurting and filling me … over-filling me. I feel the sticky goo running out of me and down my legs as the object starts to soften up a little inside me. When it has completely finished and emptied itself it pulls out abruptly. I hear soft footsteps beside me and I look up as the legs pass in front of me. It is obviously a man, but one with a really massive penis. He doesn’t look back, he just walks away. I feel no desire to move, I am just happy with what just happened. I lean back under me with one hand and touch the line of cum that id on my leg. I taste it. Then I put my hand underneath me again and this time touch my pussy which is very sore from the punishment it has just taken. As I do I feel my orgasm start to happen and that is when I wake up.

For those of you interested, yes I also have a real orgasm at the end of my dream and yes I wake up with my fingers touching myself.

Any of you who are wannabe therapists can, I am sure, find all kinds of messages in that short description. I actually told it to a therapist once. I think she was quite started. She drew no conclusions except to point out that I was probably frustrated due to a poor sex life. I pointed out to her that if she can’t tell from looking at my body and the way I dress that my sex life is so far past amazing that you can’t see it from there so, no that was not it.

The dream was occasionally a touch embarrassing when I had company, male or female, sleep over. It turns out that I have a tendency to scream things like “Fuck me … oh yessss … fuck me” and similar while I am having the dream and at the same time masturbating in my sleep. You can imagine that can be a little different for someone who is not used to that kind of behavior from a sleeping woman.

Anyway, about a year ago I decided to do my own research into what my dream means. So I found a website that is predominantly BDSM and fetish oriented and posted myself as a submissive person who wanted someone to tell her how to make this dream stop. I’m not entirely sure that I really wanted it to stop completely, but maybe cut down in frequency a bit. You can imagine I had a lot of responses. You can imagine that most of them were from guys offering to come over and screw the dream right out of me. You can also imagine that resulted in lots of blocking and non-responses from me. But in all the mess of emails there was one that made me look. It was from a girl who called herself Miss Jane. She didn’t offer to come over and have sex with me, which was quite a shame at the moment because she is truly gorgeous. What she did was suggest that in order to deal with the dream perhaps the best thing to do would be to live the fantasy. She pointed out that it might or might not work, but that I could look forward to an interesting experience.

We traded emails for a while and she eventually agreed to meet me for a drink in a bar in Toronto. I put on one of my more revealing outfits for that date in the hope that it might lead to something exciting. I’ve always been bi. I really love a beautiful woman in bed with me and this one was gorgeous. I got to the bar first and sat and waited at a table. I got hit on the requestite number of times so that I know I look hot and sexually available which is what I was striving for. Then Miss Jane arrived. OMG!!! No-one looked at me again. She is about 6 feet 2. Long red hair. A perfect figure. Heels to die for with a short yellow summer dress that wafted when she walked and made every guy and girl in the place star as she walked over to my table. She bent down and kissed me very briefly on the lips and then sat down across from me. I was having a lot of trouble breathing. I mean, I consider myself attractive but this took attractive to a completely new level for me. She oozed sex without having to look like a slut the way that I do. I don’t think anyone in the place would have turned down a trip to the bedroom with her from the second she walked in.

Then she ordered a drink for herself and her voice made me melt some more. Slightly husky and, yes, very sexy. We talked. Well I mostly stuttered and considered whether putting my hand into my panties and masturbating would be a polite thing to do while she held me with her eyes. When I tuned back in I realized that what she was suggesting was that she could make my dream a reality, or at least something close to it. She was telling me about a ranch that her parents had given her when she turned 18. It was out in the Eastern Townships, which is close to the Ontario Quebec border for those of you who don’t know. She was offering to let me become part of the group that lives on the ranch and she wasn’t giving too much more detail than that except that I would have to live there for at least a year in order to become part of it.

Obviously this was somewhere interesting if it was going to make my particular dream real for me. So I thought for all of 10 seconds and accepted. She smiled and told me that she would send the paperwork over the next morning. Then she stood and came round to the side of my chair. She bent down again and I thought she was going to kiss me again, but she just whispered in my ear “You do know that now you are mine, don’t you?” I just nodded and looked up at her. Then she kissed me, stood up straight and walked out of the bar with all eyes on her. I had no interest in sex with anyone else now, so I just left and went home and on the way in the taxi I had 2 orgasms while I touched myself and thought of those eyes and that body. I have no idea what the cab driver thought, but I really didn’t care.

The next morning at 9am precisely my buzzer went and I found a very official looking woman in a business suit at my door with a briefcase. She asked to come in and we sat at my kitchen table and she went through the contract with me. Essentially I would be totally provided for during the year that I was at the ranch. That I could leave at any time if I chose. That I could extend my stay if it was Mutually agreed. That I could bring no property of my own past the gates and that I could tell no-one about my experience either before or after my time there. I think that part is called a Non-disclosure Agreement. I signed immediately and the lawyer gave me a card with the address of a private clinic. I was told to go there for a health check and that once that was cleared I could leave any time I chose. I would be picked up and driven to The Ranch (yes it now has capitals since that is what it was called in the contract).

I went for the health check immediately after the meeting. I was really excited to get to this mysterious Ranch. They checked me for STDs which I expected and ran all the general annual checkup tests and a few more that I didn’t get at the time but I certainly do now. They told me that the results would be sent to the office by end of business the next day. I went back to my apartment and decided to get ahead of the game. I called and quit my job and then put my apartment up for rent. I arranged for storage for all of my stuff and started packing it up.

Needless to say, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this, I passed all the tests and I received a callasking when I would like to be taken to my new home.

To be continued…


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