The Raid on St Ursula’s


The bells sound at Saint Ursula’s and the Virgins Convent. Sister Maria tightens her habit and goes to the chapel to pray. She exits the dormitory and enters the sunny courtyard.

The prayers are led by Abbess Isabella Torres. She glares at Maria. Her wrinkly, tight and stern face burns a hole through Maria, as she grovels on the ground.

Maria folds her hands in prayer, and bows her head. They begin to pray, using their rosaries, the entire room of nuns prays in unison. They are halfway through their ‘Hail Marys’ when BOOM!! CRACK!!! They are interrupted by a loud sound.

Everyone stops immediately and turns. A few nuns jump from their position to see what the noise was; Sister Maria being one of them. Maria opens the door of the chapel to see the convent tower collapse.

“GET BACK HERE!” Abbess Isabella commands. Sister Maria looks at her confused and frightened.

“Return to prayer!” Abbess Isabella orders. “The Lord shalldeliver us!”


Before Maria can return to prayer, a cannonball rips through the wall, and through Abbess Isabella. The Abbess is split in half by the speeding stone ball.

“AHHHHHH!!” The room erupts in chaos, as half the nuns flee, while the others remain in the chapel, praying frantically.

Sister Maria is one of those who flees. She runs out and sees more cannonballs flying through the air, landing on the roof and striking the buildings. Maria looks around and sees her sister nuns scrambling. They are boldly trying to escape through any exit they can find. Maria finds the closest door, and tries to go through it.


The exit collapses as a cannonball strikes a nearby wall. Maria back paddles and flees in the opposite direction. She finds a window overlooking the sea, and races to it to look out. It is a long fall into the sea below. Maria folds her hands and says a prayer, before swan diving out the window. She falls and screams all the way down. Closing her eyes, she prepares to meet her maker.

SPLASH! Maria lands in the water, and is submerged deep into the sea. She opens her eyes, and the salty sea water burns. Maria swims towards the surface. Her heavy clothes weight her down. Maria uses every bit of strength in her to make it to the surface.

Maria rises from the sea and flails around. The sun and the sea water burn her eyes. She Closes her eyes; and blindly tries to swim to land.

SPLASH! SPLASH! Maria hears screaming and the sounds of her sister nuns landing in the water near by her.

Maria makes it to a rock jutting out by the cliffs; she grabs on and holds tight. The sounds of the cannons go silent. There are still screams from inside the convent. Along with the sounds of men yelling and laughing.

Maria hears something else. The sound of the paddles splashing against the sea water.

Maria squints her eyes open. She struggles to see anything from the salty water, but shesees the shape of a rowboat coming towards her. She waves to the rowboat.

The rowboat reaches Maria. She is grabbed by the arm and pulled in. Maria squints as she stars into the sun and rubs her eyes. Fresh water is poured on her face, cleaning the salt water in her eyes. A dry rag is thrown in her face. Taking the rag, she dries her face, opens her eyes and is able to see clearly now.

She looks around her. What she sees makes her heart stop. She is surrounded by some rough-looking men.

“Pirates,” Maria whimpers to herself. There are other boats filled with pirates, pulling nuns out of the water. The girls scream and cry, as the pirates pull them into their boats.

Maria’s teeth chatter, as she uses all her willpower not to panic and scream. The boat she is in, turn around and goes towards the pirate ship. It is a two-mast brig with white sails, and a menacing black flag. The black flag depicts the smiling skull of a wolf.

Maria looks away from the frighttening flag, and looks back at her former home. The convent is on fire and the bells are silent. In the distance, she sees men carrying loop and nuns in chains.

Maria cries silently, as she is taken towards the ship.

CLINK! Irons are slapped on her wrists by one of the men on board the ship. He is a dark and muscle man, wearing a red bandana that covers his shacked head. He is shirtless and his back and torso are covered in scars.

Next to him is a tall and slim young man. His face is fair, handsome, and elf-like. He had aururn hair that was tied behind his head in a ponytail.

They row back to the brig and a rope ladder is tossed down. The muscle man climbs the ladder.

“Follow him,” The elvish-looking man says to Maria.

Maria stars at him blankly.

“You deaf, girly? Follow.” He points.

Maria shakes her head no. The auburn-haired man rolls his eyes, grabs Maria, throws her over his shoulder and begins to climb the ladder. Although his thn status, the man is really strong. He climbs the ladder until he gets close to the ledge. Maria is grabbed by the dark and strong man who pulls her over onto the deck, where she falls on her back. She looks up and sees pirates surrounding her; never had she been alone with so many men in her life. The men smile at her, like hungry wolfes.

Maria shivers.

“Clear the deck!” a loud voice shouts. Many of the men disperse; Some go below deck, others remain and surrounding Maria at a distance. Maria looks around and sees a large man with a huge chest and wide shoulders; thick, black hair sticks out from his shirt. His long, dark hair is tied behind him in a ponytail. He wears a tricorn hat on top of his head, with a red feather sticking out. Rough stubble covers his face. He has a scar across his chin and another on the right side of his face.

The man walks towards her and stands over Maria, looking down upon her. He grins wickedly, as Maria looks up at him, in awe of his power.

“Welcome aboard the Odin’s Doom!” His voice booms in a thick, west country accent. “I’m the legendary Captain Benjamin ‘The Barbarian’ Rylan!”

Maria bows, out of fear and respect.

“Good girly,” he says, as he reaches down and grabs her by the throat. He lifts her up and take a close look at her petite face. He grabs the habit covering Maria’s head, and tears it off in front of the crew. Maria’s dark hair and face is exposed to The Barbarian. Captain Benjamin takes a close look at Maria’s face, taking in the beauty of her almond-colored eyes and her fair, tan skin that shines in the sun.

“Looky here, boys!” He holds up his captive, showing off her face to the crew.

“Let’s take this fine lady and her sisters…” he sneers, and his crew laughs, “to our home, La Isleta Severa!”

The crew takes Maria and the captive nuns,who then are loaded into the brig of the Odin’s Doom. They have irons shackled to their wrists, and are packed into cages. The shipsails off away from the pooled convent. The captive girls look out at the burning ruins of their old home. Many of the girls begin to cry. Others try to pray, but can’t help but cry through their ‘Hail Marys’. Maria gives up trying to pray, and falls sleep on the hard wooden floor.

Time passes, as Maria lies on the floor; the other girls cry themselves to sleep, as the ship sails. After hours of sailing, the girls are awakened.


“Wake up, lasses!” The red-headed pirate bangs on the doors. The girls wake up grggy and not well rested. The tall, dark man stands next to him holding chains and a ring of keys. He grins at the girls bound in their iron shadows. He opens the cage and the ginger-haired man takes each girl out one by one. Starting with Maria.

The large, strong man roughly attaches the chain to Maria’s wrist irons and makes her lead the other girls, as they are bound to the chains. The redhead leads Maria out of the brig. Maria follows him up to the deck, and then onto the dock. She looks around and sees where she is. It is a tropical cove filled with palm trees, besides which there is a small settlement of pirates. The settlement has a tavern, a brother, some stores and houses. Pirates stagger around the roads; drinking and brawling.

There is a manor on top of some bluffs overlooking the cove. Captain Benjamin greets Maria and the others. “Welcome to Our humble abode.”

The pirates cheer, as the captives are led into the small town. The pirates gaze at the pretty nuns being led through their town. Maria looks down at the ground, to avoid any eye contact. They are led to a tailor’s shop where they are led into the back room by Captain Benjamin, the redhead and the tall, muscle man. Maria is disconnected from the chain, and taken to the front.

“Hola señorita.” Captain Benjamin grinins, as he opens a chest of clothes. He pulls out a dress. It is red and risqué. Maria’s eyes bulge at the sight of the immodest rags he shows her.

“Undress and put on your new clothes.”

Maria shakes her head.

“Obie! Hold her down.” The dark and strong man, Obie, seizes Maria from behind and holds her in place. Maria struggles, but she is incapable of overcoming the strength of the mighty Obie.

Captain Benjamin pulls out a dagger, and runs it across Maria’s throat. Her heart stops, as the blade traces over her neck without leaving a mark. He takes his blade and carefully slices through her nun’s clothes. Starting with the guimpe and down her torso, Captain Benjamin slices, until his knife reaches the floor.

“Tear it off, Cormac!” The red-headed Cormac seizes half of the sliced ​​habit.

“My pleasure, sir,” says Cormac, as he takes out his knife and Begins to cut. Captain Benjamin and Cormac strip Maria bare, as she is held in place by Obie. After removing all her clothes, the pirates hold her in place so her sister nuns could get a good look at her exposed body. Mariasweats and pants heavily, as her sisters look at her flat chest and perky nipples. Her body is slim and skin a medium tan.

Once the pirates are satisfied, they force her to wear the red dress. Cormac brings out a mirror, and places it in front of Maria. Maria quakes when she sees what she has become. The frilly, red dress doesn’t cover her shoulders and exposes much of her chest. Maria was grateful for her small bosom, for if her breasts were much bigger, they would be out in the open. She looks down and sees her bare legs are exposed. The pirates refuse to give her shoes.

The others are stripped and dressed in their new whose clothes. After they are done getting dressed, Maria and the rest of the girls are led to the beach. The rest of the crew are ready to party. Kegs of rum, beer and spirits are already being served to the pirates. Other whores are on the beach, partying with the pirates. Maria looks on with disgust at the girls. They have no shame, as they drink, flirtand fuck the pirates.

Captain Benjamin pulls out one of his pistols.

BANG! He fires into the air.

“ATTENTENT!” the captain shouts, in a loud, booming voice.

The crew stops the party and turn towards their captain.

“We have some new girls for you to enjoy.” He points towards Maria and her sister nuns.

“Ladies!” Captain Benjamin calls to the shameless women.

“Yes, captain,” they reply.

“Teach these new girls how to be proper wenches.”

“Aye, aye!” the wenches reply.

The whores strut towards the frightened virgins and began taking them over. One of these wenches tries to take a hold of Maria. Captain Benjamin stops her.

“No. I will take care of this one, personally. With the help of my best men.” He points to Cormac and Obie.

“Alrighty girl.” Captain Benjamin says, staring deep into Maria’s eyes. “You will be joining your Captain there.” He points to the manor on the bluffs, overlooking the beach cove.

“Come along.” He takes Maria by the arm, and forcefully escorts her to his manor. They are accompanied by Cormac and Obie, who stand on their flanks.

Maria grimaces as she hears the moaning, the squeals and more moaning of the party behind her. Her sisters came to this cove virtual virgins, and are now being made into proper whores.

Captain Benjamin takes Maria up a trail into the manor. It is a fine building that is weathered in many places, it may not be a dump, but it has seen better days.

Maria is taken inside and sees a living room filled with fine furniture. Obie walks towards a lamp beside a bookcase. He pulls the lamp and the bookcase opens to a dark, secret passage. Cormac lights a candle and leads the way into the hidden basement. Obie follows him into the passage. Captain Benjamin takes Maria’s hand firmly, and take her into the basement. Maria gets scared and struggles, but she is no match for the mighty pirate captain. With a powerful yank, he forces Maria to the ground. He lifts her over his shoulder and carries her into the basement, like a hunter carrying a felled doe.

Maria is taken into the basement. Cormac and Obie begin to light the lamps and torches in the dark chamber. Captain Benjamin takes Maria downstairs and drops her down on the floor. She hits the ground with a thud, and looks around at her. The room may be dimly lit, but that doesn’t hide the horrors. She sees instruments of torture and punishment, hanging on the walls and laying on tables. There are chains and ropes for bondage. A gibbet with an iron cage, stocks and even crosses.

Maria feels fear and excitement. The pirates lift her up and bind her to one of the crosses, shaped like an X.

Lord forgive me, Maria thinks to herself, while the men have her take part in this blasphemy act of binding her to a Cross for sexual purposes.

Captain Benjamin, Cormac and Obie pull out their knives. The blades are long and sharp. Maria shirts and her teeth chatter. The Captain takes his knife and gently runs the flat side of the knife over her throat. The smooth, flat steel rubs against Maria’s neck. After this little warm-up, the Captain turns his blade to gently cares Maria’ neck with the sharp side of the blade. Maria doesn’t dare breathe or swallow.

Obie steps forward with his long knife and runs it over Maria’s forearm. Maria sweats as the knife runs down her wrist and over her thin biceps.

Cormac knees down with his knife and runs his blade up and down Maria’s slender thighs.

“Boys, let’s make things more exciting for the lady.” The men laugh while Captain Benjamin pulls a red cloth from his belt. He ties the clothes around her eyes. Maria is deprived of her sight. Once she is blindfolded, the men resume caressing Maria with their blades. Maria’s heart races and her cunt wets her dress. She is horrified by the danger of the knife play, but also feels her expressed enjoyment of this independent game.

“Let’s get this damn dress off.” Obie grins and with his blade slices off the whore dress and tears it off with his large and strong hands. The men now have unfettered access to play with Maria’s whole body. Her torso and chest are not spared from their blades.

Maria’s fear and arousal are heightened by the combination of being blindfolded with the knife play. She has no way of knowing where the blades are going. Her skin is electrified by the blades. The men are very skilled with their knives. They skillfully run their blades over Maria’s skin without tearing her flesh. Maria sweats and her vaginal fluids drip down her legs and onto the floor. The knife play carries on for over a dozen minutes.

“Damn it, Captain!” Cormac throws his knife into a wall.

“Let’s just fuck her, already.” Cormac grabs Maria’s tiny tits.

Obie grinins and nods. “Yes. I’m in favor.”

Captain Benjamin raises his arms into the air, and gladly declares, “Well, our crew is a democracy and the will of thecrew is to deflower the virgin.”

“Aye, aye captain,” Cormac and Obie respond. They remove their pants and unfasten the clamps from Maria’s cross.

They drag her from the cross, while Maria struggles and resists. The pirates take her to a set of stocks on the floor. Maria is shoved into the stocks and her wrists and neck are restrained. Her face is planted onto the floor while her ass sticks out exposed to Captain Benjamin, who stands in front of her. Obie and Cormac circle around her.

The Captain looses his belt and drops his trousers. His long cock lunges out. Maria looks up, and then plants her face back down on the ground. Her mind races with dirty fans of being a shameless whore. Of greedily taking these men’s cocks. However, the values ​​of her sisterhood create a failsafe that makes her resistant her desires and these men.

Captain Benjamin gets down on his knees and lifts up Maria’s head. With his rough hands, he forces Maria’s face onto his cock. He pounds Maria’s mouth and throat with his long Johnson.

While the Captain is ravaging her face, Cormac and Obie knee behind her. They grope and slap Maria’s ass. Maria yelps while gurgling on the Captain’s cock.

“Alrighty Obie, you go first. Take your pick,” Cormac says to his mate. Obie gazes at Maria’s rear and decides on which hole to use. Maria, meanwhile, sweats and anxiously awaits to have one of her holes ravaged.

Obie makes his decision. He seizes Maria’s hips and slams his large cock into Maria’s virginal vagina.

Maria lets out a muffled yell, as Obie violently deflowers her cunt. Obie gets soaked, as Maria’s cunt squirts all over him. He and Cormac laugh, while the former nun gets spit-roasted.

While Captain Benjamin and Obie penetrate Maria, Cormac helps himself to Maria’s tiny tits. He reaches under, and gropes and twists her nipples. Maria feels a shock of arousal from having her nipples pleased.

Maria is double penetrated and gropeed for several minutes before getting released from the stocks. She is taken to the table, where she is bent over and has her hands bound in rope. The Captain and Cormac hold Marie down, while Obie takes a flogger. He cares her rear and tighs with the many-tailed whip. Maria’s heart beats a million beats a minute and she sweats profusely.


“EEEEHHHH!” Maria cries out.


“AHHHHH!” Maria struggles, but is held in place by Captain Benjamin and Cormac.


Maria is struck in rapid succession. She shakes and fights against the men.


Obie counts struggling Maria, until she completely yields.

“You enjoy yourself, mate.” Cormac grins devilishly.

Obie smiles ear to ear and nods. “Yeah, my man. That was satisfying.”

He puts down the whip and take Cormac’s place. Cormac stands behind her and begins spitting into his hands. He begins to finger Maria’s tight anus with his wet hands. Maria is fearful and exhaustused. She has an idea of ​​what is to come, yet understands there is nothing she can do about it.

After applying the salvia to Maria’s virgin ass, Cormac places his hands on Maria’s hips. With his hardened cock, he plunges deep into Maria’s anus.

Maria’s eyes cross, as her rear is violent by the ginger pirate. Cormac and Maria both moan, as they engage in sodomy. Maria is flabbergasted by the pain and pleasure she is feeling. It is even tighter than her cunt. His large and rough cock pounds her insides. Cormac lifts her off the table and hoists her upright. He continues fucking her ass in front of Captain Benjamin and Obie. The redhead is very strong, as he carries and fucks her.

Captain Benjamin walks over to help Cormac hold Maria. He also takes his erect cock and inserts it deep inside Maria’s cunt. Maria is double penetrated, again.

“AHHHH!!” Maria yells, as her cunt and ass are fucked. “Hahaha!” Maria’s screams turn to laughter.

My lord, I don’t believeve it. Maria’s mind is flooded with guilt and euphoria. This modest and meek nun was transforming into a shameless whore.

Cormac falls onto the floor. He still holds tight and keeps fucking her ass. Captain Benjamin also keeps fucking. However, he leans upward and makes room around Maria’s face. Obie joins the men and shoves his cock in Maria’s mouth. Maria tastes her vaginal juices on Obie’s cock, as he penetrates her mouth and throat.


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