The Quiet One: Prologue

I was starting to wonder if this was all life had to offer me. It came down to the fact I was tired of being by myself, hell I was tired of being myself. I had done my part to be the good boy my whole life. I listened to my parents while I was at the University, I partied very little, I received only high marks, and I finished in 3-1/2 years. I did all that was asked of me. After school I got myself a nice little job with a great Insurance Firm and had been working my ass off and moving right up. But now here I was, I had money, a nice place and nice things, but damn I was lonely. Don’t get me wrong, I think I am pretty good looking, perhaps a bit on the geeky side, but I take care of myself. I had a few dates in college, hell some even led to sex. Problem was, no one I wanted to date a guy who cancelled dates all the time to study.

So here I was 26 years old, alone and it sucked. I looked into the mirror at the naked man in front of me, “Dan my boy, something has to change,” Isaid to myself. That was it; I made the decision to leave my nerdy ways. I walked away from the mirror, put some clothes on and headed out. I decided to start with my wardrobe; it bordered on extreme geek and needed some updating. I hit the malls like a mad man getting new suits for work as well as something to go out in. I put all my energy into tweaking myself into something someone may take a second look at.

I made a commitment to go out every Friday and Saturday night till I fell head over heels in love with someone. Well as so many before me have found, that just doesn’t work in a bar. Lets see I sat, I drank, I sat, I drank, I drank, I chit-chatted a little now and again. Most nights I ended up getting a cab home, alone, drink off my ass. There is nothing like spending every Sunday moping around the house with a massive hang over.

I tried everything I had ever read about. I made great eye contact when someone looked my way. I was ever ready to talk. The one woman I spent a few hours talking to just had a week personality and wasn’t for me. I switched bars every week searching for that elusive diamond in the rough. Frankly let me just say that I kept putting the pole in the water and the fish I got bites from were not worth keeping. So after about 2 months of this (I give up easy), I put myself back into work and said heck with it. And that is what I should have done all along.

It was late one Friday night and I thought I was the only one still working; everyone else had lives after all. I went down to the copy and stopped before rounding the corner when I heard it running. I peaked around and saw it was Devon; she worked about tow doors down the hall from me. She was the nice looking but quiet and conservative accountant. I saw her in the hall all the time; we passed and always said hi, but nothing more. She was the unobtrusive one in her attractive business suits with their knee length skirts. We always managed to smile at each other when we pAssed and it was always the face of a pleasant pretty girl that looked up. However, the thought never crossed my mind to think of this girl as a possibility of anything other than professional.

This girl at the copyright was only a loose reality of the girl I saw every day. Her hair was down, just past her shoulders, and I had never noticed what a glistening shade of red it was. She had her jacket off and was Only in a shining white sleepless bloom. I had to look twice because I was shocked to see what appeared to be the edge of tattoo on her upper shoulder. I just took her in, thinking to myself that this girl looked better to me than any woman I had ever glanced in my steady diet of porno magazines. With her jacket off I could take in the great set of buns that was usually left to the imagination. As I continued my jaw dropping gaze down I noticed her fantastic legs, the curves still encased in their slightly opaque pantyhose. I was just getting to her shoeless feet when I heardher clear her throat and I had to jerk my eyes back up off of her legs.

“Hiya, Dan,” she said, with a cockeyed grin held steady on her face.

“Hello Devon, sorry didn’t know anyone else was here,” the words rushed out of my mouth as I turned to flee into my office.

“Wait a minute, from the looks of the papers in your hand, I think you needed to make a copy,” she called after me.

I turned on my heels and came back around the corner. “Oh it can wait till Monday,” I explained, now needing to run to a shelter, any shelter.

She then started to approach me. I am sure she could see the fear in my eyes; they felt to me as if they were shaking in their sockets. I didn’t know what to do but I held my ground. I thought I would begin to whimper as she stopped in front of me and took the paper from my hands. My eyes couldn’t help but drift down to the front of her smooth blouse as I saw she must have removed her bra at some point because her nipples were quite prominentt in a get to know you pose. She stood so close to me that her chest grasped my arm and I tensed uncontrollable.

“Here, I’ll copy these for you,” she taunted me, as she jerked the papers from my hands, turned and walked, no strutted, to the copy leaving me with empty hands and reflections of legs and ass in my eyes.

She stood over the copyright and inserted my papers into it. “How many would you like today” she asked me.

“Just two,” I stammered.

The copyright began to light up and she just stared at me, a small grin upon her face. I stood there by the corner trying to blend into the wall. I am quite sure my mouth was agope but I honestly don’t remember. She was humming with the machine as its green light was reflecting across her blouse like some broken disco light. Her hips were swinging back and forth ever so slightly with the swipe of the copyright. She glanced back at me with one eye and gave me the sweetest little wink. I almost fell backwards, if I would have blinked I would have missed it but my god was this girl coming on to me?

The copyright stopped and she collected all my sheets and headed back to me. She put them in my hands that had not left their outright position from before. I gazed at her face and eyes as if I couldn’t function without them. I gave to her my thanks and she turned away. Disappointed at the end of the encounter but not surprised I too turned to leave.

As I turned I heard her say “Dan.”

I turned, probably much too quickly, and said “Yes, Devon.”

“I believe from what people tell me about you that you have no plans for tomorrow night, do you?” she asked.

At first I thought about being standoffish and saying it was none of her business, but instead uttered something like “No, I don’t.”

“Good” she said flippantly, “Then I’ll see you at my house at 7:00 and we’ll do something, wear something really casual, Okay.” With that she turned and walked away.

I just stood there in amazement. I turned and went back to my office not knowing what to think. Laying my head on my desk I started to murmur to myself. I shut off my computer and left the office. The entire drive home my mind felt like it was underwater. When I got home I stripped of my clothes and jumped in the shower. I lathered my body up and closed my eyes. As my hand reached my member, it immediately gripped and I began to stroke with such force as I hadn’t used in a long time. I exploded onto the shower wall in minutes and just stood under the shower letting the chlorine smell take over the tub as I Shook my head trying to understand what had just happened and what I had just agreed too.


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