It was the moonlight that gave Keira away. I remember looking up and seeing her furry booties at the foot of the door, the ones with the soles coming away from the seams, and feeling the worst kind of stomach churning horror.
I’d expected her to burst in, beat me to a pull, and only then demand an explanation as I bleed out on her living room rug. She was that kind of Lioness and I’d fucked with her pride.
Keira intimidated the fuck out of me. I adored that about her, not sure why – but even with the imminent threat of her fury, I didn’t stop grinding back and forth atop her husband as he groaned from between my legs. I knew I was going her, for some fucked up reason it turned me on to think of her beating the crap out of me with just cause.
Bu rather than leaping out from where she stood lurking in the shadows, she just stared back at me, eyes affixed to mine, watching me raucously riding her betrothed of twenty years like a buckaroo cowgirl chasing a rodeo rosette.
Really? No ass kicking?
The realisation empowered me as much as it disappointed me. I smiled coyly at her, all doe eye’d virgin who baby girl slut tease temptress. And to my delight she smiled back, like a proud mother looking on at youth finding its way. Had my actions actually pleased her? How fucking tingletastic!
Arlo loved me being on top. He said it gave him the best view of my udders swaying to and fro above him. He’d started referring to my boobs that way, on account of them being so big. It felt kinda demeaning the first time he said it – the sort of chauvinistic statement we’re told to rail against, but then I realized how much I liked it, so I let it go.
‘Don’t follow the herd’ He’d insisted, playing the learned, caring older man imparting wisdom to the young slut whose panties he wanted to tear into, ‘Make your own choices in life.’
Wallowing in the joys of being utterly degraded by a man twenty years my senior felt like the best decision ever. Seeking therapy as to the origins of why, not so much.
Considerations as to my fucked up psyche were invariably appeared whenever I took time to hang with my girlfriends. To a sister, they were all busy wasting themselves on age appropriate illegal steroid-jacked beefcakes. I pitied them their pillow talk – Dostoyevsky? What the fuck’s he got to do with John Cena?
Arlo had a way of reducing me to the sum of my parts and making me want to be nothing but. Everything was always about my tight fuck holes and my udders with him. Sometimes he’d take a selfie with his cock up my ass and his hands all over my boobs as we screwed. He’d post it to his WhatsApp group and share the litany of humiliating observations his mates had made.
…Bring her around to mine for a rape party!..
…I want that nasty slut to suck my cock!…
…Dirty little bitch riding Daddy’s dick like a pro!..
…Those fucking tits!..
It’s shameful, but I delighted in thenotion that Arlo was prepared to cheat if it means he was getting to play with me – it put the ‘special’ in being his ‘worthless slut’. It felt giddily empowering to know he was risking his marriage just so he could abuse my fuck-holes. That shit got me wetter than wet.
More fool me.
Turned out Keira was in on it all along. Couples who play together and all that.
I’d assumed that Arlo was oblivious to the prying pair of eyes that had now become my every focus. His apparent ignorance to his wife’s presence in the doorway allowed me to reveal in my silent audience. I’d become Keira’s theatre, parading myself atop her husband’s cock as he slapped my tits and reminded me what a ‘worthless fucking whore’ I was.
Then there were the pics – rabid snapshots he frenetically captured of my boobs spinning out the sides of his man-sized grasp in fleshy waves of milk white, with a dash of bubblegum pink areola thrown in. He kept a ton of them on his phone, sandwiched betweentoddler Isaac haphazardly chasing a ball in the backyard, and Christie, their nine year old, chomping down on a burger during a family day out. Aww, sweet – I’m your husband’s private wank material! Ain’t it great!
I wanted to give Keira the best fucking show ever. There was artistry to how I arched my back, all whilst rhythmically grinding atop my paramour for her viewing pleasure.
‘Is that good for you?’ I groaned huskily, ‘Do you like that?’
Arlo grunted appreciateably and tugged violently on my teas, but it was the nod from the woman in the doorway that had me howling with delight. I uploaded my impetus, shunting back and forth on her husband like a riotous pornstar as his fingers pincered my nipples and stretched me beyond the natural reality of my own elasticity. I took the pain with a joyful howl, all so my clandestine voyeur could indulge herself in the visual cinematic.
I nearly exploded when Keira started to rub the front of her cotton briefs. Her underwearwas as wound out as her slippers, but even in lacklustre smalls she looked da bomb. That was Keira, a confident, self assured, intellectually superior woman who exuded sexy in ways transcending threadbare briefs and faded Randy Holden t-shirts.
I’d rocked up in seamed stockings and a floral swing dress – the latter justifying the former on the grounds that any hosiery ought to be in keeping with my retro look. Yet even in my Slutday finest I still felt second best to the effortlessly chic older woman. Personal inadequacy is so beautifully fucking compelling.
As I balled her husband I couldn’t help wondering what had lured Keira to the doorway. Then I noticed her clutching a glass of water in her free hand, which explained the promise for how she’d ‘discovered’ the clandestine fuck fest I’d thought she wasn’t Privy to. I guessed she must have woken with a mouth like Gandhi’s flip flop, wandered downstairs to get a drink, and stumbled into Arlo and I going at it on the livingroom rug.
It was only a couple of hours earlier that the three of us had been knocking back beers and sharing anecdotes under the false pretence of innocence. Mine, as it turned out.
The joke was entirely on me. Keira had known all along. She’d played me so hard I even found myself wondering if the au pair job was legit. Had I literally fucked that opportunity up too?
It turned out that Keira being in the doorway wasn’t the end of times, but a catalyst for my journey down the rabbit hole. Her presence flipped the erotic into the kinkily surreal. It even kinda legitimised me being on top of her husband with his cock inside me – as if the three of us were temporarily existing in a hazy interference between the previous night’s boozy get together and the hangover that would invariably arrive when the sun came up on a new day.
We had plunged into a time continue where watching Keira rubbing the front of her panties, and thus soiling the cotton with a deliciously expanding wet patch, was to observe life’s erotic artistry in its purest form. Craving a stuffed mouthful of her bloomers felt almost de rigueur, darling.
‘Wait for me!’ I shrieked, ‘Wait for me and I’ll come!’
Arlo hollered his encouragement, thinking my exciting declarations were for him, but the woman watching in the doorway understand exactly what I mean. She nodded, desisted from her self pleasure and slunk away into the darkness.
I couldn’t get her husband to cum quick enough after that. All I wanted was to go to Keira, to learn what the fuck this triumvirate of ours actually was. I didn’t even hang around for post coital cuddles, which Arlo appeared entirely unperturbed by (shocker). He was snoring like a trooper on the couch before I’d even reached the stairs (who’d have thunk it?).
And with his cum dribbling out of my butt, I took upon myself a mission to seek out the truth, my truth, and nothing but that truth.
Keira had left her bedroom door ajar.There seemed a poignant irony to the role reversal as I found myself standing in her doorway, peering out through the shadows.
‘Hi.’ I whispered, waving lamely as my stomach churned with disabled excitement, ‘Only me.’
I felt like a stupid child. And in essence I was. She had two decades on me, a lifetime of wisdom, and the kind of IQ they welcome at Mensa. That was the point. That’s What I adored about Arlo and Keira. Their intelligence and maturity was the great aphrodisiac.
She smiled warmly back at me from an antique four poster that held court in a sumptuous, yet otherwise spartan boudoir.
‘Hey there. Sorry for walking in on you like that.’
‘No you’re not.’ I giggled.
Keira smiled and ran a hand elegantly through her disorganised mass of blonde locks.
‘I probably shouldn’t have enjoyed the spectacle of you fucking my husband. But I did.’ She offered, ‘life’s complex like that.’
I nodded ruefully and peeked around the bedroom. Her threadbare knickers lay discarded on the floor beside the bedside cabinet, next to the fluffy booties. A gnarled paperback of Sexton’s ‘Live or Die’ sat idiotly atop an ornate bedside table, beside the glass of water that she’d sought from downstairs.
She looked beautiful, cross legged atop her bed in the pristine moonlight with a silk sheet caressing her svelte thighs. She had the heroin chic look down, all slender Shoulders and tall, little figure, somehow dancing the treacherous line between emicaated and elegantly gaunt, basically the total opposite of my short, thicc in the ass, buxom self.
‘Come.’ She gestured, in little more than a whisper, her hand patting the bed expectedly.
Suddenly I was tip toeing across her bedroom and into the unknown. I was about halfway across the wood panelled floor when I realized I hadn’t the faintest idea what I hoped might occur. I’d been with women before, not a whole lot, but enough to know it was a part of me, yet this was somethingdeeper.
I never made it to the bed. Keira swung her unending legs over the edge of the mattress and stopped me in my tracks.
‘Crawl.’ She insisted, wagging a finger at me as she sat atop the four poster’s regular confines.
I didn’t even query it.
Her words were nectar. Her authoritarian expectation my solace. I gratefully dropped to my hands and knees and began crawling across the cold wooden floor with Keira’s instructions echoing theatrically through my mind as if my psyche was walking in the sentiment.
‘I can see why you caught my husband’s eye.’ The older woman opinionated, spreading her legs in such a manner as to provide the most glorious vision of her flower as each thick, fleshy petal began unfurling around her protruding pistil, ‘You’re quite the fulsome provocateur, aren’t you.’
Ought I say thank you? The observation appeared rhetorical, but so much of me revealed in her prayer that I wanted to cry out with delight. Yet the moment passed beforeI had the chance. This was Keira’s court, and the Queen was dispensing her expectations.
‘One thing I intended for you to learn is that I’ll tolerate your intrusions into my marital bed, but there’ll always be a price, and it’s I who decides the toll to be paid.’
Turns out the levy would be recompensed in pain, mine. For her pleasure.
Keira liked hurting me. She called it a beautiful catharsis as she lashed a nine tails across my bare buttocks with whirring precision. Perhaps she was spurred on by the sight of her husband’s semen caked to my butt cheats and inner thighs.
‘You’re the perfect canvas!’ She hissed, pacing to and fro behind me, ‘A young slut who thought it acceptable to screw my husband in my house, behind my back!’
Erm, yeah, guilty as.
The sering bite of the tails tearing into my flesh felt exhaust. This was where I belonged, this was what I’d craved for so long. Yet I could never have dreamt of it being played out in such bohemian wonderment. Freshly lit candles flickered from the bedside table, illuminating my reflection in a mirror stretching the length and breadth of the wall in front of which the ornate four poster stood so proud. Incense danced up my nostrils from a burner somewhere behind me.
Keira’s inclination towards sadism danced with the sensual. She’d bound my wrists and ankles to the posts at the foot of her bed, playing me into a prone star shape, with that gloriously large mirror reflecting every wonderful moment we would share together.
To watch the reflection of her arm guiding the nine tails into a whirring frenzy was the most glorious vision, yet bracing myself for the pain with a grimace and a fixed star at the pristine white mattress held its own peculiar charms too, for not quite knowing when the next biting moment would arrive.
In the interludes she held me, wrapping her slender, willowy arms around my bound figure and working her lips across my earlierobe and down my neck as her fingers reached around and worked my soaking sex.
‘You’re my toy now, and I’ll treat you however I please.’ She elucidated with husky authority.
I pleased for it to be so, which seemed to endear me to the sadistic Domina. My price was to be relentlessly edged with deft fingers and beautiful promises as I stood bound to her marital bed.
‘Do my bidding in all things, without questioning what I ask, and I will let you serve my household in the capacity you crave, but fail me and you will be cast out forever.’
‘I won’t fail you! I won’t!’
There were rules. Keira owned my orgasms, she explained. I would climax only when she said it was acceptable to do so.
‘That includes any sex with your boyfriend, what’s his name?…Jason wasn’t it? With him you must suppress your pleasure.’
‘That won’t be a problem, he never makes me cum.’ I confessed, ‘I do love him though.’
Keira looked ebullient.
I was to be available at the drop of a hat, she continued. The ability to travel whenever, wherever, was a necessity. And, aside from Jason, whom, upon hearing my admission, she considered ‘of no consequence’, I was to be beholden to her and Arlo, and there could be no fraternising with anyone else.
‘I want only to be here, serving you, whenever you choose.’ I replied keenly, as another snapping whiplash of the tails dug deep into the weeping welfares spreading in criminal tributaries across my buttocks.
‘Then it shall be so.’ Keira replied, the weapon that had lashed me suddenly clattering to the wooden floor, ‘You belong to me now. You are part of my family.’
It feel symbolic to feel the blood rush exploration in my wrists and ankles as she released me from my rope shadows – as if it mirrored the onrushing thrill of my senses as I digested what had just translated between us.
Afterwards we cuddled, or rather, Keira held me close. I told her about my love of writing poetry and prose, which she prayed me for.
‘Creativity is the oxygen to an embedded and wholly lived existence.’ She enthused.
She read from the faded copy of Anne Sexton that I’d seen on her side table, and then I went down on her as the first shards of light broke through the sash windows, hinging at the beginning of a new day. I felt the most incomprehensible elation when she squirted her orgasm into my mouth and told me what a ‘good girl’ I’d been.
That’s how it all began. I’d been lured into their world, the naive fool thinking I was the puppet master when nothing could have been further from the truth.
But the seeds had actually been sown a few weeks earlier. My parents had thrown a house party to celebrate their thirties wedding anniversary. It was the usual obscenely drunken affairs where the oldies got more wasted than us twenty-something’s and somehow looked down on us for our more responsible behavior.
I hadn’t wanted to attend, but one has to when it’s one’s parents, for they’re such jolly good fellows, so said all of them. I dragged Jason along and we endured the booze added mayhem with the assistance of Mary Jane, whom the two of us frequently stepped out to fraternise with during the soirée.
I knew Arlo as an old friend of my dad’s, but he and Keira had only just moved back after living abroad for many years, so I hadn’t seen him since I was knee high to a grasshopper.
The frock I’d hurt was daring, paying homage to fifties frills at the hem, but with the sort of plunging décolletage benefiting less privacy times. I suppose it was a kind of coming out for me, a statement that I wished to be seen as a woman, not the little girl that most of my parents party guests had never allowed to grow up.
Arlo definitely got the memo. He muttered something about how I’d ‘filled out’ since he’d last seen me, and peered saltically at my barely contained cleavage as he said it. I remember thinking that I ought to slap him, but I liked the sleazy glint in his eye as he visually undressed me, so I just stood there and encouraged him with a smile and a jarringly loud riposte of delighted silence.
It was towards the end of the evening when I stumbled across Arlo and Keira in the garden. Jason and I had snuck out for another spliff. The older couple had evidently done likewise, only for entirely amorous reasons.
They were oblivious to our presence, so my beau and I sparked up a joint and watched them through the rose bushes as they passwordately went at it from behind the old apple tree.
Jason seemed apathetic to the riotous rutting, whereas I was transfixed. I couldn’t take my eyes off Arlo as he forced Keira onto all fours with a clump of her blonde hair in his fist and then fucked her like a savage viking plumdering the spoils of victory.
It was sex, Jim, but not as I’d known it.
What captivated me was how Arlo mounted his wife so fucking disdainfully, with his thick prick pushing deep inside her glistening wetsex as if the goal was to wreck and ruin. It was delightfully primary, dare I say, roughhousing, and Keira hollered with understanding appreciation, matching her husband’s thumbing pumps with shrinks of defiant encouragement.
‘Fuck me harder! Fuck me harder! C’mon, show me you deserve to own my cunt!’ She hollered, the drunken pair so enraptured with each other that they never thought to wonder If anyone might be watching them.
I’d never heard a woman use that word before. I’d always been told it was unladylike. Keira screamed it like a banshee, and Arlo seemed to reveal in her doing so. He called her a dirty slut and slapped her buttocks. She whinnied with delight, so he did it again, before reaching around and doing likewise to her tiny sagging boobs. They went at it like that for About twenty minutes.
Jason and I had never gotten beyond ninety seconds of soft, tender thrusting culminating in a painfully early denouement (his). I suddenly felt rather shortchanged.
Through the darkness I’d seen a new dawn.
Keira and Arlo were my fucking inspiration, I felt sure that their lovemaking would be forever etched in my mind, replayed over and over again with each intricate detail poured over, contemplated and perused.
They even looked the perfect aesthetic match. Arlo, with his country strong physique and giant hands, managed to effectively bear down and overpower Keira’s tall, super skinny, elegantly sexy figure.
I remember gazing at her soft pink areola when she veered around, après-fuck, looking for a cigarette, and of how beautiful the stretch marks were that ran across her bosoms and tummy in mumsy streaks.
Arlo, a towering six foot something, all broad shoulders, long hair, and ever present stubble was as handsome as his wife was beautiful. And Through rose bushes I did peek, rather in awe.
In the days that followed I couldn’t shake the simmering envy I felt over how Keira had been fucked so rigorously. The imagee never seemed to fade away. I tried to encourage Jason to screw me similarly, but the boy had long proved in deference that his was the way of the submissive. And that’s fine, I love him, and it’s not like I haven’t always been the one squishing spiders that appear in the bath tub whilst he shrieks in terror from somewhere behind me.
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