The pup lay down at her Master feet, looked around then placed her head on to her paws and closed her eyes so she could listen to the sounds in the room. She could hear him turning the pages in the newspaper, he cought making her jump slightly she then replaced her head onto her hands. Silence fell once more. Listening to his breathing, she closed her eyes as she tried to relax unsure what the day ahead would bring.
Her Master lowered his hand and patted her head and her eyes gazed up and a smile came across her face. He folded the paper and picked up his cup of tea, brought it to his mouth and supported it gently. He then placed the cup back down but before doing so, he then poured some tea into the china saucer. Then placing the empty cup back onto the table he looked down at his pup.
He gently spoke, “Come here pup I have a treatment for you.”
She got up and sat beside his feet. She then looked up. He grinned.
“What does my pup want?” he asked.
She barkedand looked to the table.
“Do you want this, my pup?” Lifting up the newspaper pup smiles and nuzzled her self back into his legs moving her butt from side to side. Pawing him to try and get his attention.
She looked and shook her head from side to side. He patted her again and then lifted the saucer from the table to the floor placing it not too far from pup.
Pup sat and looked, licking her lips, she He knew what she wanted. She sniffed it but she knew that what was on the saucer she would have to wait for until she heard her Masters command that would allow her to start.
All of a sudden she heard the sharp click of his fingers and she then lowered her head towards the saucer her tongue slowly poking out and then begins to lap at the tepid tea.
When the tea had been finished she licked the saucer dry and then sat in her position when her Master patted her head.
“Was that nice my pup?” he asked.
She went over and kissed his hand to say she was thankfulfull for what he had allowed her to drink. He then got up and walked to the door and as he got towards the door he clicked his fingers twice so she would follow him.
She bounded after him and followed him into the kitchen. Her eyes looked around and he pointed for her to go and use the tray which was in the corner of the kitchen.
The pup went over and spreading her legs over the tray she began to pee. When she had finished she barked and her Master clicked his fingers for her to follow. He went to the kitchen side and opened a cupboard and lifted down a tin of food. She leaned her head to one side to try and see what he was doing.
“Hungry pup?” he asked.
She barked loudly and started to move from side to side on her front paws. As she was doing that he opened the tin and put some of the food into her dish and then went and got a few biscuits and sprinkled them on top.
He lowered the bowl to the floor and pup looked at the bowl but waited. He went back intothe breakfast room and reappeared with his plate, cup and saucer which he placed onto the drainage board by the sink.
He then clicked his fingers four times and pup went straight to her bowl. She lowered her head and with her tongue and managed to lick up the meat so she could chew it in her mouth. She still felt sick when she ate the meat, the smell of it went up her nostril and her tummy turned but she was so hungry she ate it.
“Now pup am off to work now get into your cage.”
She looked at the cage which she hated but knew it was no good to whimper as he would spank her. The cage was his home made device that stood of the ground slightly with a tray underneath that caught her urine or shit.
She looked at her Master and crawled into the cage backwards pushing the butt plug in to her tight arse she squeaked as it went into her arse. Once it was inserted he then placed a pole which he had attached in place above her tights as she bends across the pole, then he placed another pole and fixed it under her arms. This was to stop her form playing with herself and also to stop her from lying down.
He patterned her head and told her to open her mouth he then placed a specially made gag into it. It had a tube that fed her some kind of liquid at regular times she hadn’t discovered what it was but she had no option other then to swallow when it came. He then fixed her ankles and wrists to Each of the corners of her cage. Once they where secured to his satisfaction his hands then felt her tender breasts, nipping and tugging on her nipples, she moaned as he did that. When he had finished playing with them he then fixed some chains to her rings so if she moved they would tug the rings that were dangling from her nipples.
He then went and felt her clip and she moaned with excitement as he brushed his finger over her clip. She tried to move, pushing her self more on to his fingers as though she was becoming for him to end the teasing and to let her cum. He moved his fingers and then quickly slapped her butt and said “bad pup bad, I will deal with this when I get home. How dare you try and please yourself when I am touching you, my sluttish pup.”
Fear welled in her for she knew what happened last time he said that to her.
She whimpered slightly.
“There my pup” as he patted her head, ” Now Master has to go to work and he will see you in a little while, be good and when I get home we will go for a walk after I have dealt with you, my little slut pup.”
He then closed the door to the cage and locks it. She looks at him and tries to whimpers to show that she will miss him.
He poked his fingers into the cage and rubbed her ear and whispered into it “I will be home soon little pup and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He laughed and then walked to the door.
She looked around and fidgeted until she could get herself into a more comfortable position but she knew her day would be a long one in her cage. She looked through the bars and whimpered slightly as she felt the butt plug move as she wriggled it. Her anal area still felt tender as her Master had buggered her hard the night before. She moaned but she knew no one would hear her. A surprised escaped from her lips as she tried to relax as much as she could in the position she was being held firmly in.
she couldn’t understand why he kept her this way. She had promised she wouldn’t run away.
The machine suddenly bleeped and a little of the mixture came into her mouth she swallowed it and pulled a face. It was bitter but it was refreshing.
The wooden bars that he had placed were starting to push in to her flesh and she tried once more to take the weight of them but there was not much free space in her cage. When she raised herself up the chains on her nipples pulled.
She was getting very frustrated and a tear rolled down her face, she prayed that the time would go quickly as she closed her eyes.
When she wokeup she noticed that the room was getting dark, she didn’t know how long she had done off for, but she knew her Master would be home soon.
She moved slightly.
Then she heard the front door open and some movement in the hallway before he came into the kitchen. He walked over to the kettle and filled it up and then placed it on the stove to boil.
He then walked over to pup and unlocking the door he asked her if she had, had a good day?
She tried moving but her body had become stiff being in one position. He undid the gag and also the wrist, ankle and nipples restraints. He slowly moved the poles out and she turned as he did so. He then told the pup to go to the litter tray and explore her self.
She crawled out slowly and then went to her tray. Making sure it was between her legs she allowed her urine to flow freely.
He sat down in a chair to watch her.
“Now my pup, I have been giving some thought to this morning and because of this I have decided that I need to teach you some self restraint. To do that I have been to see a friend of mine and had some things made for you so that you will learn that you are here to please me and not yourself.”
He got up from the chair and went into the hall way and came back with a box and a bag and placed it on the table.
Pup was still over her litter tray as she had not been told to move. She looked at What he had just brought in, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped.
She looked to the door and he noticed and closed it tightly.
She lowered her head.
“Come here pup,” she crawled slowly over to him.
He lifted out of the box a leather belt, then a new larger butt plug and dildo which he fixed to the belt. He then also fixed some cables into it and attached a small box to it.
He told her to open her legs. As he pushed the new butt plug in she yelped in pain. Then placing the dildo in he then fixed it tightly into place by threading the looped end of the middle band to the belt, then tightening up the belt around her waist.
He then told her to crawl around the room.
He laughed as he picked up a box that was on the table. He pressed a button and she felt a slight buzz in her passages. She looked at him and then he pressed it again after he had fiddled with the buttons. A sharper buzz was felt.
“Now come here pup”!
She crawled over and out of the bag he brought a new collar and fixed it around her neck. He then pressed another button and she felt a sharp jabbing pain from the collar around her neck.
She looked at her Master for reassurance. He took no noticed and played with the box some more. He then pressed the button once more, this time the pain was more severe and she whimpered.
“Come here pup” he said patting his legs.
She crawled over once more and placing her head on his lap he began talking to her.
Now pup, when you do something to displease me I will press one of these buttons and you will learn that it will hurt you, and you will then learn to stop what is displeasing me pup. But this is not the punishment side pup as this is a new toy. Now for your punishment, I have decided that as I want you to be my pup, I am going to take you outside and bath you and I have some treatments in this bag that will help me to make you more my pup than ever.’
She borrowed her head to one side.
“Now pup I am going to take off your new toys for a little while as I need to do this first.”
He undid the belt and took the toys out her and placed them near by the sink.
He told her to knee. Once she was kneeling he told her to place her hands behind her back, then taking some rope he tied them together. Then he tied them to her ankles so she couldn’t move.
He then took a mixing bowl and in the bowl he mixed some stuff together. When he was happy with the mixture he walked over to the pup. He then got hold of the scissors and then started to cut her plained hair.She moved and started to scream out “No, no, not my hair please, not my hair.” She begged over and over again through her sobs.
He hit her. “Did I give u permission to talk pup and are you allowed to talk?”
Through her sobbing she replied “No Master.”
He then dropped the cut of plait in front of her. He then went to the bowl and brought the mixture over. Placing on Some gloves he then applied the mixture to her head. It felt cold to her head but as it stayed on she could feel the mixture warming her skull. She starts to cry, she knew what he was doing, and he had threatened her once before and now he was doing it.
“Pup I am leaving the mixture on for 20 mins and then I will be back to check to see if it has worked.”
He went out of the room she tugged at her bondage but there was nothing she could do. She heard him walk back into the room and over to her. He began to untie her and then once she was free he put on the metal collar and attached the leash toit. Clicking his fingers she followed him to the back door. Opening it, he went out side and pup followed. He lead her to where he kept the hose and turning it on he started to let the water run over her back. She shivered as the water touched her skin. He then told her to close her eyes and he placed the hose over her head and the cool water poured down on to her, washing the stuff off and the rest of her hair with it.
Watching what was left of her hair going down the drain, a sob escaped from her lips. He then washed her all over making sure that she was clean. As he washed her he checked with his finger that her anal passage was clean and that she didn’t need an enema but when he pulled his finger out it was covered in scat. He moved his finger to her mouth and told her to lick it clean. She pulled her head away she wasn’t ready for this but he was testing her.
He grins and said “you will get use to this pup; you will be use to anything I want to do with you.” He then took her back inside and wiped her down.
She stood there as he rubbed her with the dog’s towel.
“Now my pup you do look a smart pup now, but I need to do something and it will hurt but only for a bit.”
She looked up at him and saw that he was smiling. She smiled back and trusting him she allowed him to do as he wished.
He told her to stay and then went out of the room and came back in with a tool bag he placed it on the table, next to the box. She couldn’t quietly see what he was doing but she started to wonder if this is what she really wanted.
He then got the rope again and telling her to knee once more he retied her wrists to her ankles. Then getting the blindfold he placed it on to her eyes. Her breathing became deep and laboured.
“Now my pup this will hurt but it will only be for a few seconds, and because I don’t want to hear you scream out loud I am going to gag you, so open your mouth for me.”
Pup opened her mouth and felt the gag being slipped in she bite on it. She then heard him moved about it the kitchen and heard the stove being lit. He them moved some more and hearing a tinkling sound she wonder what he was planning to do.
She heard him move nearer to her and then a sharp burning pain on her shoulder, the pain made her jump and she screamed loudly into the gag and her teeth sank deeply into it. She could feel herself falling on to her side.
He untied her and then sat on the floor besides her struggling her head, “shhhhhhh, little pup all done now shhhhhhh, no more pain little pup, Master is pleased with you.” She laid there feeling his touched.
She didn’t know how long she laid there but she was free. Her hands touched her head. It was bald; her lovely chestnut hair was no more. He looked down at her.
“Now pup you will learn, now I need you to get back on all fours.” She got back onto her all fours and looked up at her Master. “Good pup good.”
He then went to the sink and picked up thebelt and toys and placed them where they had been before.
He then went to the box and pulled out some kind of leather gloves. He walked over and then kneeling he lifted her front hand up and placed it into the glove, it looked weird to pup but the more she looked at it she began to realize that it was shaped like a paw. He then lacened it up tightly. Then taking the other hand he did the same. She looked at them and then tried to bend her wrist but it was now in a fixed position. He then went back to the box and fuddled some more in there. Then bring out some more straps he fixed one end of them to the belt then bending her leg up so she was on her knees he fixed the belt tightly and did the same with the other leg.
He clicks on the lean to her collar and tells her to follow him. She tries to walk a little but finds it hard. She then tris Another step and then another until she feel secure enough to move some more.
“Good pup, good pup,” she smiled up at her Master asshe moved a few more steps.
“You will get use to it pup and in a few months times you will be more of a pup than you are now.”
She looked at him with a puzzled expression. She so wished she could talk but he had now fixed the collar on.
“Come on pup lets go for a walk.”
He gently pulled on the leash and she walked slowly behind him finding her method of walking harder than before. She tried hard to keep up with him but she soon was being tugged harder so she had to keep up with him.
“That’s it good pup, good pup, see you are getting use to it.” He picked up a ball and throw it, “now fetch pup.”
Pup scanpered off after the ball, picking it up in her mouth then turning around; she looked at her Master then ran back with it. She sat down and waited for him to Take the ball out of her mouth. He then throw it again and she went and got it and returned dropping the ball on the ground by his feet.
He smiled and bent down and picked it up. Placing it in his pocket he took out a treatment and gave it to her. She nuzzled into his legs to thank him. He then took her back inside to the kitchen. He poured some water into her bowl and told her to go and drink from it. She went over to the bowl and lowered herself down and drank from it. It felt good as she was so thirsty from all the running she had done.
He went to the cupboard and took down a tin of food. He placed the meat into her bowl, sprinkled some biscuits on the top, placed the bowl onto the floor and told her she could eat.
He then made himself his meal and placing it on to a tray he took it through to the front room, leaving the door open so pup could follow when she had finished eating. Sitting in his chair he turned on the television to watch the news.
The first bit of the news was what was happening in Iran and then what he was Hoping would follow next … the news reader went on to say … still missing is Miss Fairways she has been missing for three days and sill no body has been found. It is believed she was meant to be meeting a friend she had met online but it is not known where this gentleman can be found. If you have any information on this gentleman or the whereabouts of Miss Fairways please ring …
He turned the news off and smiled to himself. His plan had worked no one would care soon if she never turned up as she had no family nor friend’s and hopefully very soon the police would soon write her off as a missing person one of the many that go missing in the states.
Pup came into the room just as he was turning the television off.
“Come here my pup,” she padded over to his chair and lay down at his feet. “Good pup.”
He lit his pipe and thought to himself what a perfect picture ‘The Master with his dog beside an open fire’.
It was warm laying there beside the fire and at his feet she felt safe. She thought back to a few days earlier when she was Julie and on holiday in the States, backpacking.
How onEarth did she get here?
She remembered she had been talking to someone online and was going to visit them and while she was out on his boat she had drank some wine and then woke up here where she is now. She has no knowledge how she got back to his house, nor where his house was. The only thing she really knew was that she was in the USA.
Now being treated as a pup, how much her life had changed just in the past few days.
She had been marked, shaken and now controlled by some man she had met online. She wished she had listened to her online friends but she thought she knew it all and didn’t pay heed to what they had told her.
A tear rolled down her face.
But was it a tear of sadness or was it a tear of having her fantasy fulfilled that she had shared with him once when they had first met.
Only time would tell.
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