The Punishment Room Pt. 05

Part 5: A Love to Last.

When she woke up, he was sitting on the couch reading. He noticed immediately that she was awake and smiled.

“How are you?”

“Well, so-so.”

Her soles were still burning and throbbing terribly. She wouldn’t be able to walk properly for days. She could not read the watch from the bed.

“What time is it?”

“3:30 am, can I get you anything?

“No, thanks, not now.”

She had slept for almost five hours. She turned over on her side and he started reading again. Claudia thought about the morning. Even though it had hurt terribly, much, much more than she thought it would, he had done exactly what she’d expected from her friend. Maybe giving birth was even worse but he had taken her right to the limit of what she could endure at the moment.

“BB,” he looked up, but she hesitated.

“What is it, dear?”

“I want you to sleep with me tonight.”

He remained silent in amazement.

“You don’t like it?”

“But of course, I just thought you might need some more rest. Besides, I thought it was unfair of me.”


“The thought that I whipped the soles of your feet only a few hours before and the wealthies on them are still burning badly when I come to you turn me on quite a bit.”

“So it does for me,” she replied, amazed at herself.

He put his head about to one side and looked at her.

“Well, have you forgotten that I promised to be your slave now and then?”

He sat down beside her on the bed and held her in his arms. She put her head on his shoulder and they sat like this in silence for a while.

“I have some work to do,” he said.

“Do you have to go?”


“I’m looking forward to the evening,” Claudia said from the bottom of her heart.

“So do I.” You could tell by the excitement in his voice that he felt the same.

He came back around 7:30 and took a shower right away. Then he came into the bedroom. She knelt on the floor in front of the couch, hands behind her head, feet stretched backwards. She even had the leather cuffs around her wrists, the carabiners swung from the bails.

“Good evening, Sir,” she said.

“Good evening, Claudia.”

He went to the bar car, poured himself a double, then sat down on the couch. He looked at her and enjoyed the sight of her. He loved her strong body, the muscle arms, the feminine curves of her wide hips, the buttocks and, of course, her big feet that she had put out for him today. Above all, he was enranced by the expression of real devotion, submission and, yes, love in her eyes.

“Head to the floor,” he commanded.

She loosened her clnched hands, stretched her arms upwards and bent forward so far that her palms lay flat on the floorboards and her forehead touched the floor. When he saw her outstretched hands, he noticed again how big they were. In between they had once put their hands together and her fingers were almost a thumb’s breadthlonger than his. He sipped at his glass.

“How are your feet?”

“Well paid, Sir! Today I received a fair chatisement which I earned by my pride, and my soles will surely remind me of it for a long time to come.”

He smiled, she played it perfectly.

“Turn around.”

Obediently, she turned around, now presenting her rear, head and hands still on the floor. She also didn’t the leather cuffs on her ankles so that he could quickly render her defenseless. Her feet were still pink, her toes were a little swollen and the welts were dark marks on her soles. One welt, however, shimmered blue, yellow and green. That was the number ten, she would probably feel it for another two weeks. She had spread her legs a bit and because she stretched her bottom so high she offered him her pussy openly. He sipped the whiskey and enjoyed the sight for a while, then he throw off his robe. Claudia knew that it was strictly forbidden for a slave to lift her gaze, but she couldn’t help it. She looked at him from behind and was amazed that she hadn’t noticed how well trained he was. She had been fooled by the feminine dress, he looked great. Suddenly he turned his head and caught her looking at him.

“Devil woman,” he shouted, ” don’t you know the punishment for looking up? “

She had her forehead pressed back to the floor.

“I know it,” she replied.

“Say it!”

“Half a dozen lashes with the three-tail on the bare back,” she replied.

“That’s right!”

Oh, dear! The whip with the three braided cords ending in a lace of rather hard leather surely made three strong welts with each blow! She had to make every effort to please him as best she could tonight.

He lay down in bed and throw the light blanket over his body.

“Come here,” he commanded.

Rather than getting up and walking she crawled on all fours towards the bed. She pushed herself under the blanket from behind and as she moved slowly upwards underneath it, she kissed and stroked his skin. When her head appeared from under the blanket, he took it in both hands and kissed her for a long time.

“Lay on your stramach.”

He started struggling her back, kissing her neck from time to time. As his fingers circled over her hips she giggled and tried to protect her sensitive parts with her hands. He reached behind the mattress at the head end, pulled out a short chain, and one, Two, three the carsobs of the handscuffs were hooked into the ring at the end. He watched with relish as her body rolled back and forth while his fingertips circled again over the sensitive areas on her hips. Again and again she tucked at the chain when her arms tensed involuntarily. It was even worse on her thighs. She wriggled her lower legs so much that he also connected the ankle cuffs with chains at the back of the bed, with her legs spread wide apart so she couldn’t turn around too far. For minutes he amused himself by stroking her tenderly in turn and then again letter his fingers dance on her skin.

“It’s great to be a slave,” she grinned, “you don’t have to do anything in this job.”

“There, there, pert again? This brings a mark in the penalty book again and for female slaves there are no entries at ‘very light’. Besides, the cane always hits both buttocks at the same time.”

He plunged his finger first into her left and then into her right Cheek, which she answered with a “Ouch, uhh,”. The thought of getting the cane on her buttocks, which were patterned by the paddle, made her tingly again. One “light” also made two strokes on her bottom again, plus half a dozen on the back!

“Have mercy on me,” she begged.

“That will depend on how well you serve tonight,” he replied sternly, his hand circuit over her right Cheek. “First I’m going to ticket you.”

He moved back a little and tried the back of her knees. The success was great, she throw herself around on the bed and begged for mercy. But struggling the insides of her thighs elicited a long groan and she began to breathe deeply. He also ticked her feet, first from above, which didn’t impress her that much, but then on her soles. He did it very carefully and avoided the marks on them. Her soles were still very ticklish despite the marks, her feet were squirming and she strained her whole body against the chains. He had quite a lot of patience with it and only stopped when she was panting and becoming for a break.

“I haven’t taken care of your arms yet,” he suddenly shouted in amazement and began immediately.

The insides were as sensitive as the thighs and while his fingers played with the hair in her arms he heard unmistakable sounds of lust. Three more times he worked her back from her neck to her bottom and back again, then he loosened the leg cuffs and she had to turn on her back. He angled her legs, crossed her ankles and connected the cuffs and attached them to two belts that ran from the sides of the bed to the middle and of course had rings at the ends. The straps ran a little diagnostically towards the headboard so that she could not stretch her legs, but presented her pussy with her thighs wide open. First he stroked her breasts, which her nipples, as before, immediately answered, by becoming hard again and stick out. Again he let them jump over his taut fingers. The inside of her arms were now completely exposed and he stroked them up and down to end up drawing a few circles in her arms. Once he priced her ribs with his fingertips, whereupon the arms immediately tucked at the chains again. He ran his fingers through her beaver and down to her knees. Coming back he stroked the insides of both thighs from the knees upwards and in the end his fingers met in the middle to circle over the labia.

The effect of the tenderness was already clearly visible, she was quite wet between the legs. After the third round he carefully pulled her labia apart and his fingertips slide up and down the inside. She pressed her tighs down to open even further. Up and down his fingers stroked. Now it was time to slowly explore the inside of her silk rooms, that wonderfully soft skin inside the vagina that could change in so many ways and told him where the most sensitive and erotic spots were. His finger slipped in carefully. He felt her vagina contract and relax again. He noticed how the surface of the vaginal wall changed, the more she was aroused. It was as if the small changes whispered to his finger where and how it should move.

Very slowly his finger moved up on inside and then back again before giving her a small break. He took his time. Meanwhile, the index finger of the other hand circled over her cliporis on the outside. She lay still now, her body was totally tense and when he moved his finger even slightly inside her, a strong trembling ran Through her whole body.

Claudia experienced the most pleasant intoxication of her life. His fingers seemed to find the most sensitive parts of her vagina with somnambulistic certainty, she had the feeling not to touch the bed at all but to simply float above it. Only the chains seemed to prevent her from flying away. Waves of lust ran through her body and a firework of lust very close to orgasm flickered in her head and sent waves between her legs again and again. These waves seemed to be amplified by his fingers and rolled back into her head as veritable breakers. In the end, the orgasm rushed over her like a huge freak wave that swept her away and took her to a climax three, four times. She screamed out her lust, again and again and again. For a long time still she had the feeling of being tossed around helpfully, and only a long time after that did the wave gently set her down on a beach. Even later she came down again so far that she registered the sheet she was lying on. Tears ran down her cheeks and she noticed that her body was shaken by a heavy sobbing. He stroked her hair, neck and whenever his fingertips circled her nipples, small discharges of lust seemed to occur between her legs. Then she became calm and just lay there for a long, long time until she could say something:

“You could see how gigantic this was, yeah?”

“And I heard it too,” he laughed.

“Thank you.” She kissed his hand, that held her cheese.

After he had loosened her shadowles he was now lying next to her and had put his hand under her head while the other stroked her hair. She cuddled her cheek into his palm and her voice still sounded a little distant to her as she said

“It is wonderful to be your slave, thank you! What can I do for you now?”

He smiled.

“Your reactions turned me on so much that I just want to take you now. If you cares me much more Now, I’ll exploit.”

She opened her thighs and he came to her. He worked on her rather carefully, but mainly because otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to hold himself back at all. She wrapped her legs around him and hooked her ankles over his bottom. He felt his way back and touched her soles. For a few moments he moved back and forth and then he looked into her eyes:

“I’m gonna run my finger all along your foot, can you stand it?”

“I’ll try,” she smiled and braced herself for it.

As the fingerprint pressed very lightly into the welts, she closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. The wrinkles between her eyesbrows formed again and she couldn’t help a very loud moaning but her feet stayed in position. His body tensed and he moved back and forth long and hard. She stroked his hips, which were very receptive, with both her hands and he groaned and screamed alternatively during orgasm. He then remained in her for a long time, his hardness did not want at all. Finally he pulled back and rolled on his back beside her. She knelt down next to him so that he could see her bottom and the soles of her feet. The whole time she kept struggling him tenderly, his fingers gently touched the marks on her soles, but she endured it, keeping her silence.

The next morning, after breakfast, he took her to the train station, which lay there completely deserted. She walked barefoot, but was careful not to step on anything lying on the pavement. They went onto the platform and he bought her a ticket. When she saw the train, she pulled his face towards her and looked him in the eye.

“I want to see you again, I need you!” She stroked his hands. He winked at her:

“Remember that if you do, you’ll have a punishment ticket waiting for you, for looking up!”

“I’d gladly accept half a dozen with the three-tail on my bare back,” she said firmly “, please come!”

He hugged her and she kissed him on the cheek. She raised her right foot and arched it upwards so that he could see the traces of the punishment. After a moment she let go of him, turned around and walked away slowly and carefully.

“I’ll be damned, she-devil, you have bewitched me,” he cried after her “, think of me.”

She looked back for a moment, bounced up on the ball of her left foot and lifted her right foot again.

“With every step I take,” she replied, pulling her mouth while laughing, for it hurt like hell.

About three years later BB sat on a benchmark and watched the children play. Alexander had been able to sit now for a couple of weeks and enjoyed the mud that Marie made for him. With the shovel in his hand, he spread it all around and all over him. To ensure that he always had plenty of supplies, Marie pushed the handle of the pump, with which the children could pump groundwater into a channel that ended above the mud hole, with all her strength. Marie’s birthday had gone normally, he had been there the whole time. When he cut the umbilical cord, he was surprised how tough it was. When he lovingly rocked the little creativity in His arms for the first time he felt so rich and happy as rarely before in life. Prior to Alexander’s birthday, Claudia had wanted to spend a weekend in the housein the country where they had met. The “furniture” was still there and Claudia insisted on getting exactly the same treatment as the first time. BB had admired how she had let herself be tied to the bench without hesitation and again endured the age of a dozen with the rods. He had made every effort to ensure that it was a perfect ‘remake’.

He was thinking about it when suddenly Marie climbed onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“You’re the best dad in the world,” she whispered in his ear.

“And you are the greatest kid I can imagine,” he replied, happy that he loved her so dearly that her words made his throat a little tighter.

Something seemed to upset her.

“Daddy,” she started “, Desirée said her mother always says Mommy has ugly feet.”

He smiled. Desiree’s mother had once tried, like Claudia, to walk on the graveled path of the playground. She had taken five or six steps, screaming in pain, before giving up and limping back to herShoes.

“Desirée’s mother has absolutely no idea, Mama has the prettiest feet I know. They have really great qualities.”

Marie hadn’t understood the last sentence, but she was relieved that her dad disagreed so decidedly with the disparaging opinion.

“Desirée is really stupid sometimes,” she said, slipping from his knees and running back to the pump.

Claudia approached him, looking at him firmly and slowly rolling her hips as if on a cat walk. He wondered what was afoot. She sat down on the benchmark astride across his legs and moved very close to him.

“Naughty thoughts?” she asked when she felt the bulge in his trousers.

“Marie told me that Desirée’s mother says your feet are ugly, then I started seeing those pictures, you know…”

“Those pictures, aha,” she laughed.

“This weekend the kids are back at grandma’s,” he reminded her “, we can see what’s in the punishment book.”

As parents, you didn’t have much time to yourself, so they only played it a couple times a year. Then she lay down over the table and received the required number of cane strokes. The cane was thin and burned quite a lot on her skin but the pink stripes disappeared after a day or two. It was a game for adults, the sex afterwards was always great for both of them.

“Besides, I’ll pass the railway embankment on the way back and bring some birch rods, if you go to the sauna tomorrow you’ll need a proper mass.”

But the birch rods he used had no leaves at all. Claudia’s back, bottom and thighs were always striped quite a deep pink afterwards, the belly and breasts got a rather tender 20% application.

“The punishment book will have to wait and I’m not going to the sauna tomorrow,” she said mysteriously, took his hand and put it on her belly.

“Bring some thicker twigs from the railway embankment too!”

The looked he gave her showed that he didn’t understand a word.

“This weekend we can start our prenatal class again.”

He was speechless with happiness and his hand circled her belly before he pressed her against his chest for a long time.

“How long?”

“11 weeks, I think.”

He stroked her hair back and looked at her.

“When we go to the cottage this week, shall I really give you another dozen?” he asked.

Claudia didn’t hesitate one moment.

“Yes, of course, I am quite superstitious. I offered the soles of my feet on the bench as a sacrifice before the birth of our two children. I absolutely want to do it again, otherwise I am afraid that something might go wrong.”

She kissed him and looked at him:

“Oh… and the number ten has got to be an exciting zinger that hurts more like the devil in hell, all right?”

“And 11 and 12?”

“The same procedure as last time, BB,” she smiled at him.

She stretched her toes and he stroked the soft skin between the pads and the rather large berries on her toe tips with his fingertips.

Then they kissed passwordately…

The End


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