Part 3: A Pleasure Interlude.
Behind the door was a room with a couch whose right armrest was raised in the manner of a chain lounge, so that you could lean back very comfortably when you put your feet up. To the left stood a small round table, the central column of which ended in three curved legs. There was a bowl with some fruits on the table. Next to the fruit bowl was a stack of small plates as well as knives and forks.
Opposite, at the other wall, was a double bed. She sat down at the right end of the couch, lifted her feet on the cushion and leaned back comfortably as far as her bound hands allowed. But that was only a minor inconvenience compared to her maltreated buttons. She supported her right hip against the backrest so that she sat more on the left half bottom cheese, the right one Hurting at every slightest touch. BB went to a bar cart next to the sofa.
“Actually I had bought a lot of champione to ply you with alcohol,” he laughed “, but now I can only offer you orange juice, cherry juice or water.”
“I’m awfully fond of cherry juice, please add a little fizz.”
He mixed cherry juice and sparkling water and poured himself a double whiskey soda, lightly nudged the two glasses in his hands with a “Cheers” and held the glass out to her. She leaned forward a little and took a whole mouth full, which she swallowed in small portions. After a moment she leaned forward once again for another one and again he held the glass to her lips.
“Thank you,” she leaned back again taking a deep breath and closed her eyes. He put the glasses down on the wide armrest at his end of the couch, lifted her legs and put them over his thighs as he sat down. He really liked her feet. They were big and strong but by no means plump but rather well proportioned, Even handsome and they were very sinewy. On the back the tendons clearly protruded down to her toes. Above the tendons ran a network of veins which were clearly visible and some were sothick that they bulged the skin.
Her soles seemed to have been treated rigorously. The skin on the ball of the foot was thick and very firm, and even thicker on the heels. On both sides and the rear of this firm skin at her heel ran a small called border strip which had numerous tiny cracks. Also the skin in the arch of the foot was much more leathery than he had ever seen on a woman, it felt like really thick purchasing. Her toenails were painted red, her little toes were slightly bent and each following toe was a little longer than the one before, making her feet pointy. Her soles were a bit dirty because she had been barefoot all the time since the shower.
Out of nowhere he suddenly sang with an impish grin ” These feet are made for walking, di duby duby duhh.” using the well known tune.
” Gosh,” Claudia burst out laughing ” the singing kidnapper.”
” I always sing in the shower, be warned!”
” No, no! I like your singing, you have a great voice. I wouldn’t mind having a shower with you.” She gave him a tender smile, whereupon he, after a moment, looked down at her feet again.
He put his thumb on her big toe and stretched his middle finger apart to see how far it came to her heel.
“You have really cute feet, 8 1/2?”
She nodded a bit embarrassed, she had always thought they were way to big to be cute.
“Most guys think they’re way too big.”
“But on the contrary, I love it. So much sensitive skin…”
His right stroked the soles of her feet, while his left traced the lines of the tendons and veins on the back. She answered his tenderness by closing her eyes and leaning back with a little moan. As he ran his fingers over her toes, she suddenly sat upright and giggled, her toes curled and she tried to pull them away. That was a mistake!
“Aha, ticklish,” he said, “that gives me an idea!”
He conjured a rope from his cuff and wrapped it around her ankles, then wrapped the ends two, three times aound his right thigh. She could no longer pull her feet away and since her hands were still tied behind her back, she was at his mercy. In the next few minutes he ticked her all over so that she would squirm and twist her feet without escaping him. In between he took one of the small fruit forks and pulled it up and down over her soles. Lightly at first but then he pushed so hard that a slight trace Still on her skin, which actually made her giggle even more, she really had tough soles. He spread her toes apart and priced the extremely sensitive skin in between.
Claudia bit her lips to avoid moaning too loudly, it was incredibly thrilling to be so helpless and exposed. She scrunched up her toes, but the fork still found its way in between. Again he worked her soles with it, up and down, so hard that the path of the fork was visible for a few moments. Then he very quickly priced her soles in various places, especially in the arch of her foot. The fork seemed to work best right below the ball. When he put it there, she closed her eyes, and when he squeezed and turned it back and forth a little, she breathed deeply. Again and again he alternated between tickling and the fork, while she tried to protect one foot, and then the other one from his attack, always inevitably offering one unprotected sole. The morning gown fell from her knees and exposed her beautiful, athletic legs. He gently ran his left up her shin and suddenly ticked her knees which gave marvelous results. She throw herself back and forth, screaming and laughing.
“Please stop, please!” she cried, and when he didn’t she tried to snap at his hand on her knee.
“Ha, that you will regret,” he said raising an eyebrow and giving her a half serious look. “You’ve just earned yourself the third degree!”.
He stopped tickling her knee and grabbed a strip of clothes from the small table.
“Oh, no, no, please not the third degree!” Claudia loved this game of submission.
He wrappedd the cloth very tightly around her legs right below her knees, so that her strong calves prevented it from slipping towards her ankles. Then, with a diabolic grin, he produced two small U-shaped stirrups from the pocket of his jacket. These had many small points along the insides and small ring eyes at each end. A shoelace ran through all four eyes and the lace in turn ended in the very narrow eyelet of a small rod whose other end was bent. He put one stirrup over each of her big toes so that the eyesets were facing inwards and pulled the string, causing her toes to touch each other, because the little spikes were poking into the very soft, sensitive skin on the inside of the toes. When the small bar had slipped through the eyesets of the stirrups, her toes were very tightly bound together. He tightened the string and attached it to the clothes under her knees. Her feet were now perfectly fixed. When she tried to turn her feet apart or over each other she immediately felt the spikes and she could not bend her feet forward against the pull of the shoelace. Smooth and upright she offered him her soles.
“You wretch,” she cried accusingly, frowning at him “it gives you a devilish pleasure to make an already helpless girl even more defenseless!”
“So it is,” he laughed and pressed the fork into her skin again. The pricks seemed to be much more effective, now that her soles were all stretched, and his fingers could work on the arch of her foot more easily as well, since the skin no longer curled when the soles were arched forward as before. Her feet tried to escape again and again but immediately the spike bars came into action and allowed her feet only very small, useless movements. Now that she could hardly move her feet, her body squirmed all the more. Again and again she bent forward, laughing and screaming, so that her hair fall on her legs and immediately afterwards she throw herself backwards against the backrest. Beside her body movements she lether voice run free and made a whole range of sounds, giggling and screeching and laughing and moaning. Finally, breathing heavily, she asked for mercy.
“Your soles are very tough indeed,” he said, ” I don’t know any other girl that would giggle, if I’d give her feet that fork treatment. Yours would have been able to stand a very good lashing.” His look became sort of dreamy eyed as he seemed to envision, what that might have looked like.
“Well, I’m used to training my body from early childhood, so when I decided a year ago I wanted a child, I thought I had to prepare myself for the pain during delivery. That’s when I started walking barefoot. At first all over the city on the pavement, but soon on gravel, too. Now I additionally train my soles every other day for about half a mile on the railway track, always between the sleepers. The balllast they use is really sharp edged, the sort you’d call cheese-grater rock, when you’re climbing.”
She paused and looked at her glass. “May I?” He fetched it and this time she almost drank it down.
“Some more?” he asked.
“No, thanks.” she shook her head.
“I had thought,” she continued “, that Fred would help me, Fred is the genitor.” She drew her mouth down disparagingly.
“He had always raved about how great it would be if we were a family, how much he loved me and how great he would do with kids. Well, when I was 27, I felt I was ready to have a child, but as soon as I told him that it had indeed worked out, he was gone. In fact he actually left the country. After he had put a few hundred miles between us he sent me one short message. He wrote that he, unfortunately, doesn’t feel able to become a father yet, the lowlife.” She had pronounced the word ‘unfortunately’ with a raised eyebrow as if a condescending butler told an unwanted visitor that, no, His Lordship wasn’t in.
She looked absent-minded for a moment, obviously sending Fred a few more angle thoughts, then she went on.
“As an additional training I also tried to give my soles a spanking with a cable. That hurt quite a lot but if you know beforehand how hard the blow will be and when and where it will land, the effect is not the same. I therefore asked a friend to take over the cable, but she didn’t dare to give me more than a few light slapses.”
BB’s eyes lit up, he raised both his eyesbrows.
“Oh, I can Surely help you there,” he grinned broadly “, if you like, we’ll go next door tomorrow. This ,” he raised his forearms and pointed both thumbs backwards at his chest ” will be your ‘personal trainer’ for prenatal care.”
She laughed.
“That would be great! I’d love to try it with you. I saw that you have a knout in your collection, about thirty inches, half of it handle and the other half cable.”
BB Shook his head. “That one is too cruel, let’s rather use one of the birch rods.”
“Well,” she nodded ” you’re the trainer. Let’s use the birch.”
“All right, let’s see what I can do for you.” As his fingers crisscrossed over her soles she was sure that he was tracing the lines where tomorrow she would feel the harsh kiss of the birch. She breathed deeply to calm herself.
Then he stopped, looked up and smiled at her for a moment before he pushed his left behind her neck, pulling her forward until her forehead touched her knees. Across her back, he reached far to the left, pulled her wrists towards him and opened the carabiner. He held her in that position for a moment, placing a series of little kisses on her neck and then let go. She straightened up and loosened her shoulders while he removed the clothes from her knees and the rope around her ankles. Finally he also freed her from the spiky shackles. She poked his nose with her index finger.
“You liked it when I bowed so low, I could tell!” She winked one eye at him.
“Uhm,” he muttered and nodded.
“If you like, I’ll kowtow to you.”
He took her hands and kissed them.
“It doesn’t have to be often, but once in a while, that would be quite something.”
“Promised,” she said “, I’ll be your slave for a day and a night, every now and then.”
He leaned forward and pressed his head against her hands. Finally he looked up and asked:
“What do we do now?”
“We’ll call it a day soon, right?”
They chatted about this and that for a little while. Claudia told him that she used to practice decathlon because it was so varied. Her key skill had been javelin, no surprise she had such strong arms and such broad shoulders. Finally Claudia was so tired that she simply had to sleep.
“I suppose you have a toothbrush for me, too, don’t you?” It was more of a statement than a question.
“Sure, it’s on the shelf in the bathroom above the sink. The red one, the green one is mine. There is also a nightgown for you in the bathroom closet.”
When she came back he went and when he returned he wore a sleeping gown made from black silk and the mask. She knew he would no longer wear it tomorrow. He took it off when they were lying side by side in bed and he had turned off the light. He turned to her and kissed her lips.
“Sleep well, you devil of a woman.”
She stroked his cheek and also kissed his lips.
“You sleep well too, you friendly monster.”
Then she turned around. He snuggled close and put his hand on her stomach.
Soon they both were sleep.
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