Part 2: Learning the Implements
“This is the room,” his hand encompassed the whole room with a semicircle ” where I can tame unruly women really well. I’m going to try some positions on you now.”
Claudia looked from the benchmark to the trestle, to the X-frame and then to all the punitive instruments. He led her to the punishment horse.
“Lie over it.”
She bent forward until her chin touched the leather, then she had to bend her knees a little bit to put her hips on the bead. He reached down and pulled up a short chain. He hooked the carbine at the end into the eyelet at the front of the leather collar. In a single step she was practically already fastened to the punishment horse. It was all incredibly well thought out. It was indeed so well thought out that suddenly she had a somewhat bad feeling. Her head was much lower than her pelvis and because of the leather bulge that lay under her hips, her bottom was even more exposed, a perfect target for the punishment.He put a wide strap across her waist and tightened it.
“Now put your knees and the lower legs on the pillows.” He tapped one the leather of one of the protruding cushions with his hand. As she knelt on the cushions, she noticed that they were quite wide apart, spreading her thighs. Not only her bottom, but also her pussy was on display like a showpiece. She was in the perfect position to be taken from behind as well. He fixed her lower legs with a strap at the knee and at the ankle. Her entire backside was now exposed to any punishment he wanted to inflict on her. Even the soles of her feet lay horizontally turned upwards and curled slightly, because the leather cushions were so long that her feet did not reach beyond them but the backs of her feet rested on the cushions and were pressed flat by the straws at the ankles. He stepped between her feet and took her big toes between thumb and forefinger and pressed them strongly. Claudia suddenly had the word “thumb screws” in her head. Had she seen any earlier? She was totally unsettled, but now he let go of her toes and put his thumbnails on the soles of her feet.
Slowly he moved from the ball to her heel, over the Achilles tendon, the calves through the back of her knees, making her giggle against her will, then slowly up the thighs, over the buttocks, along the spine. He had to bend over to finally extend the trail to her shoulders, his fingers meeting at her neck. He had made her feel how much of her body she was offering defendlessly. When he was bent over, a tight bulge in his trousers pressed on her vagina. Now the time had come, it shot through her head! She waited for him to unbutton his trousers but he stood up again and only gave her a slap on her right bottom cheese.
“Now listen carefully, Claudia, I’m gonna say all the rules only once.”
Claudia nodded. A shiver ran through her body as he stroked the inside of her thighs.
“Rule one: I will never hurt you with my hands, they areOnly for pleasure. If I want to chastise you, I will use one of the implements for that.”
Claudia relaxed a little. She was kind of sure that he was completely honest and really meant it. From her thighs his fingertips moved up to her labiae and gently rubbed over them.
“Rule two: I will never hurt you here between your legs.”
She took a deep breath of relief, but he put a damper on her. He reached over to the wall and took one of the boards off the hook. With it he kept hitting his tight slightly, and now and then loosely from the wrist landed it left or right on her bottom while he kept talking. Her skin quickly showed a slight pink color. Boy, oh boy, she thought, quite impressive, how the things stings even when used that lightly.
“Rule three: Any of the implements may be applied to your bottom and tighs without exception. For especially serious misconduct, you will receive six strokes with each implementation.”
Claudia flinched and took a deep breath: that would be about two hundred strokes!
“I… …I can be a very good girl.” Her voice was very rough because her throat suddenly dried up.
“That … is … very … good,” BB said slowly, pausing after each word and landing the paddle alternatively left and right on her bottom, leaving her cheeses with a much deeper shade of pink. Then he went on:
“All the whips and the birch rods can be used on your back. Additionally to the soles of your feet and the insides of your tights the thin cane may be applied. The thin whips and birch rods will be used on your tits, understanding?”
“Yes, understanding,” Claudia replied. She had actually feared that he would now give her more samples of other implements while she was tied to the punishment horse, but he just gave her a light slap on the left tigh with his hand and started to untie her. The board dangled from his wrist. Claudia squinted at it and when he noticed it, he said
“It’s a paddle, I drilled a few holes into it, soit’ll work even better when it hits your buttocks.”
“Wow, great, you’re really trying hard,” Claudia said half mockingly and immediately bit her lips. Why couldn’t she hold her cheeky beak?
“That’s enough now, Claudia!”
He pulled out the booklet and made a fourth dash. That’s great, Claudia thought, now it’s two strokes of the cane again instead of one. The thought made her bottom , which by now was well warmed from the paddle, tingle slightly.
“It’s good that you’re already in position, we can fix that right away.” He tightened the strap around her waist again, which had already been loosened, hung the paddle on the punishment horse and fetched one of the canes from the wall.
A shiver ran down Claudia’s back as he whizzed the cane through the air. The whistling sounded really mean.
“Have you ever been able?” Claudia Shook her head.
“Take a deep breath three times. The third time, you’ll receive the first stroke.”
Claudia breathed. He waited until three, then the cane landed quite hard across her bottom. Claudia could suppress a scream with her teeth clenched tightly, but couldn’t suppress a loud moaning. She breathed quickly as the pain pulsed in her butt and she felt the wealth on her skin swelling up.
“Ready for the second one?” he asked.
Claudia took two more breaths.
The second stroke landed close to the first and was harder still. This time her back muscles tensed involuntarily and her head went up and stayed there quite some time while she moaned. Entries in the penalty book were not to be taken lightly, as she knew now, but she was proud that she didn’t scream. He hung the cane back on the wall and watched the result.
“What do you think?”
“That was a real zinger.”
“Yes, they were pretty hard. I wanted to see if I was right, and you were doing really well. Most women would have screamed. Do you think it would help you to be a little less cocky?”
“I’m sureit will help enormously.”
The remark was so close to the limit that she expected him to pull out the book again, but as she had two very dark stripes on her bottom he showed mercy, patted her left cheek, then unfasted the straps and pulled the paddle loop back over his hand. Finally, he opened the carbine on her ruff, pulled her up and led her under the two ropes hanging from the ceiling. The cars clicked into the rings at the ends of the arm spreader and again she was well tied up in no time. He went to the wall behind her where the two ropes ran over a drum and turned the crrank that protruded from the middle. The ropes tightened and Claudia was pulled up so that her heels were almost lifted off the floor. As he slowly returned to her he looked at her back.
“I wonder how many welts would fit on your back next to each other, you have a pretty large back.”
He had bent his fingers a little and pulled his fingernails slightly across the skin of her back. Starting at the top of her shoulders and ending at the bottom of her ribs, he could draw eight paths side by side.
“A good thirty,” he noted with satisfaction, “it will be a wonderful sight when I spread your arms and legs on the X frame and work you over.”
Claudia involuntarily saw in her mind’s eye what it would look like if marks ran all over her back from top to bottom. On the wall hung one of those long pony whis with a thin thong she knew from the riding school. With that one it was easy to put stripes on her back. She tried to shake off the images and concentrated on his touch. He just let his fingertips circle over her back while he kept talking:
“I suppose you’re wondering why I brought you here. Well, let me explain.” He lowered his hands.
Claudia was a little Surprised, actually it seemed quite obvious what his intentions were with her but the beginning of his next sentence confused her completely.
“I like children very much,” he said, and after a pause:
“I want to have a family.” He paused a little longer to find the right words.
“But,” he hesitated again and continued “, I also have these fans that I want to make women submissive by corporate punishment. I would like to find out with your help whether these are fans that I can also live more harmlessly and playfully, or whether I would continue to madly beat a woman when her back is already bleeding and she has been crying and becoming for mercy for a long time.”
Claudia remained silent, she just couldn’t think of anything to say, and she felt how a terrible fear was building up inside her.
“As you can see, in this position I can decorate every inch of your skin, front and back, with all kinds of my implements.”
Claudia’s legs began to shake. She pulled herself together frantically. She did not want her fear to show.
“I want to know,” he said thoughtfully, “whether I really am a monster, because then I can’t be a father. It’s terrible whenchildren in a family are witnessing violence.”
He was silent for quite a while and she wondered what images he was seeing before his inner eye now.
“Anyway, I’ve prepared everything to find out,” again his hand made a sweating gesture all around the room.
“To build the,” he emphasized the word “, ‘furniture’, I’ll call it, took me two weeks and the bullwhip over there on the wall is more than ten feet long. I practiced its use for three months until I could cut a Christmas candle in half with a single stroke. That thing is tremendously powerful. I think every woman, you as well, just screams out, if the thong hits her back, her bottom or her tighs and the skin is cut open with just a few lashes.”
Claudia hadn’t been able to get the bullwhip out of her head since she had seen it. She was really scared of it. She had been thinking back and forth in desperation the whole time and now she just couldn’t see any other way, she had to confess.
“BB…,” she started and then hesitated again. He was silent, and when she didn’t say anything, he added:
“I’m listening.”
“Please don’t beat me too hard with the bullwhip, I…” She broke off and started again. “I’m pregnant.”
She looked straight ahead and waited. She felt as if she had placed herself as completely in his hands as she could possibly have. It took him a few moments to repeat:
“Pregnant.” He pronounced it as if it were a word from a foreign language whose meaning had slipped his mind.
“Pregnant?” Now it sounded as if he could remember the word again.
“Pregnant!” He snorted as if he was going to spit the word out.
“Pregnant, damn it!” He screamed in rage, reaching out with the paddle and slapping it harshly on her right cheek at each of the three words.
Claudia screamed out. The force of the blows throw her forward, she lost her footing and swwayed helpedlessly back and forth several times. The pain was terrible and it came as a complete surpriseise, for she had not looked backwards. Now she was panting, trying to cope with the pain. Her right cheek burned like fire and it did not get better at first, but worse and worse. Of course the paddle had also hit the two welts and she had the feeling that they were now swollen to twice their former size.
BB shook his head somewhat dazed and looked at the fire-red butt, on which the hole pattern of the paddle over the cane stripes appeared as bright circles with black-blue edges. It looked pretty bad.
“I’m…. I’m sorry,” he stuttered, carefully feeling his hand over her skin. The paddle dangled from his wrist again and slightly nudged her thigh. It took quite a while before she could answer.
“It’s okay,” Claudia finally said, breathing heavily, “you’ve really prepared everything so well … and now this.”
His hand slipped from her bottom over her hips to the front and drew very small circles on her belly, as if he wanted to comfort the tiny being that was there.
“I’m really sorry,” he said again, “how long have you known?”
“About ten weeks.”
“How is he doing?”
“It’s a girl,” she replied.
“How do you know that?”
“I know it, her name will be Marie.”
He didn’t say anything for a while.
“What am I going to do with you?”
Claudia thought desperately about what she could say, finally she started:
“May be…,” she paused for a moment to summon up her courage ” may be you could slap the paddle again on my other chef, if that makes you feel better.”
“You really think so?” He grabbed the taut, general curve and squeezed it quite hard a few times.
“You bottom is beautiful and a very tempting target, I can hardly contains myself!”
“Yes, go ahead. If I’m prepared, I won’t scream at such a blow.”
“And if I don’t stop at one?”
She spread her legs a bit and leaned back slightly so the strokes wouldn’t push her over again.
“Never mind, just go ahead.”
He got into position next to her and touched her left cheek with the paddle to get the right distance, then swung out. Claudia took a deep breath in and out while tensing her arm muscles and trying to keep her buttocks loose at the same time. If the paddle hit a tensed muscle, it would probably hurt much more. She looked to the left to see the blow come. He hesitated and looked back and forth between the raised paddle and her butt, then raised the paddle still higher, only to let it sink with a sight. He put his left hand on her belly and said:
“But I can’t stop thinking about the little creativity here.” and after a long pause:
“I’m afraid I won’t find the answer to my question.”
Claudia thought it over.
“But you already did find the answer. You don’t go on hitting a helpless girl even when you’re very angry.”
“I’m not sure this really is the answer,” he said, “it’s so damned unfair that you are two against one. If you were alone, I would have given youa very sound spanking and I would have made your feet dance under a crop. To whip the bare soles of a woman so that her feet flex and twist and she can’t do anything about it is one of the most arousing sights I can imagine. One of the reasons I choose you actually is that you have such beautiful, big, well-trained feet.”
He was the first man to speak so fondly of her feet. She suddenly felt really sorry for him. Moving as far to the left as possible, she just reached his cheese with her tied hand. His cheese fitted easily into her palm, she didn’t just have big feet. Her fingers caresed his neck. Finally she said:
“That may be, but you would’ve stopped if I’d been crying and begging you. Actually, you had already found the answer when you promised not to hurt me between my legs.”
“You have a great respect for the life women give, so it doesn’t matter if the woman by your side is pregnant or not.”
He pressed his head against her hand and closed his eyes for a moment.
“And how do you know this?” he asked doubtfully.
“I know,” she replied, and that very moment he suddenly realized that she was right.
He went to the wall, let down the ropes and then grabbed a colorful dressing gown hanging from a small wardrobe. He came back, stood behind her and gently kissed her shoulder.
“Thank you,” he just said. He opened the small lock in the middle of the bar and the two cars. She let her arms sink to her sides, then he helped her into the dressing gown. She pulled it together at the front and knotted the belt. He put her hands behind her back and connected the cars.
“Is that all right?” he asked.
“Sure, perfectly all right,” she smiled.
He led her to a door she hadn’t even registered before.
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