The Punishment Pt. 01

With thanks to Jasmine27 for help with editing.


‘Shit! Shit! Shit!’ Jess screamed in her head. She was in trouble now. She watched as her Master came striding towards her. She squirmed uncomfortable on the floor, the young Dom in training that she had been talking to, oblivious to the change in mood.

Sam had been watching with an incredulous look on his face for the past 10 minutes. Watching whilst HIS sub, the love of his life, flirted and touched another man. Touched another man without his express permission. Not that he would have given his permission in this case, not to the attractive young man currently tucking a piece of hair behind his sub’s ear.

“How long are you going to stand there and watch that young upstart take what’s yours?”

Sam glared at his best friend, “Fuck off!”

“Hey, it’s not me touching Jess. If I’d known sharing was on the table tonight, I would’ve asked to play with her myself, it’s been a while.”

“Youare beginning to really piss me off, Mike!” And without even a backward glance at his grinning friend, Sam made his way over to his sub.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your new friend, pet?” Sam’s eyes were cold, but never strayed from Jess’s face.

She gulped nervously, “Sir, this is Julian.”

The young idiot removed his hand, which was now trailing across the rise of Jess’s firm breasts, he jumped up and held out his hand to Sam. “Hi, I’m Julian. Great to meet you! This place is amazing, I can’t wait to tell my friend’s about it. You must get laid every time you come here, the girls here are practically throwing themselves at you.”

Sam couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The only thing keeping his temperature in check were the club rules, There was to be no violence and no voices raised in anger. The club was a safe place for Dominants and submissives to spend time together and enjoy different aspects of their sexual preferences. Not a place where fighting might break out or subs to be abused. Sam looked around the club for one of the Masters wearing a white sash, indicating that they were on duty. He caught the eye of Master Liam.

“Master Sam! How lovely to see you at the club again. It’s been what, 4 weeks since your last visit?”

“Good evening, Master Liam. Yes, it must be about 4 weeks, I was away on business. But I’m happy to be back, there appear to be something I have been neglecting lately that need to be taken in hand,” with this last remark Sam pointedly looked at Jess. “But tell me,” he continued, “Have the rules changed in my short absence? Young Julian here seems to think he’s in a club full of free and easy pussy. Apparently he can’t wait to tell his friends all about it, that is after he has finished playing with MY pussy.”

Liam straightened his back as he looked over the now uncertain Julian. “I believe he’s the nephew of Master Stuart, it’s his first time here, and if I’m not mistaken, his last. I willsee he is returned to Stuart immediately, Sam. Please accept my apologies.”

Sam watched as Liam led Julian away, in search of his uncle, Stuart. Stuart was a strange one. Whilst dominant over the submissives in the club, both female and male, Stuart was very weak when it came to the Doms. Sam and Mike had speculated that Stuart was, in fact, a switch. That he longed to be submissive to one of the male Doms. While not common, it wasn’t unheard of, and there were plenty of gay or bi Doms that would be happy to nurse this side of Stuart, including his friend, Sam. Sam had both female and male submissives and all parties had been very happy. No, what was strange, was that Stuart seemed to be in denial. And for a club that catered to all legal and consenting sexual acts, this was unusual, as there was no judgement here.

Sam turned his attention back to his submissive sitting on the floor beside him. Perfectly positioned, sitting with her bottom resting on the soles of herfeet, thighs parted, hands resting along the length of her thighs and head bowed. Perfection! Sam took a deep breath, reigning in his emotions. “Would you care to explain what you were doing, my pet?”

With her head still lowered, Jess replied in an emotional voice, “I was feeling neglected, Sir.”

Sam took hold of Jess’s chin and raised her head so they were looking directly at each other. “You’ve been away for three weeks, Sam! And when you came home and said you wanted to come to the club, I thought we’d be spending time together, instead you left me sitting here on my own while you spend the last forty minutes talking to Mike.” Tears were now running openly down Jess’s face.

Sam closed his eyes tightly. He’d fucked up, he could acknowledge that. He had been so excited when they arrived and he’ d seen Mike waiting for him, that he gave no thought to Jess being on her own, he should have at least sat her with some of the other subs to talk to. But, he had been desperate to share his plans with Mike and had rushed over to him to talk about the collaring ceremony he’d been planning for Jess. Now look at the mess they were in.

Sam extended his hand to Jess, lifting her to her feet he kissed her tenderly on the head. “I apologise, my love. You were right to be annoyed, I did neglect you. But your method of getting my attention has not gone unnoticed by me or the other Doms. A punishment will be arranged, but for now, I’m going to take my beautiful wife home and make love to her.”

Jess smiled at his words. She had noticed during his interaction with Julian that some of the other Doms were looking to see what was happening, but she decided to concentrate on the going home and making love part of Sam’s speech rather than the punishment part.

Sam had spent the last four days preparing Jess’s punishment. He didn’t normally like to wait this long, but as the punishment was to be given at the club, he’d had to wait to make sure the room andEveryone he wanted there was available.

Tonight was the night. Before getting ready for the club he had made love to his wife and whispered endearments in her ear. Whispered how beautiful she was, how she pleased him and how much he loved her. He wanted her to remember his words during her punishment.

Sam and Jess arrived at the club at 9 o’clock. It was later than they normally arrived and Jess wondered If this had something to do with her punishment. Sam had sat her down earlier and gone over their limits, their do’s and don’ts. They had talked about what had happened and why, and how they had both felt. He then made love to her, so sweetly bringing her to orgasm. Calling her ‘my love’ and not ‘pet’, his name for her when they were in the club, telling her she was beautiful and that he loved her so much. And so despite The purpose of their visit to the club, her punishment, Jess entered feeling loved and cherished.

Sam stood in the centre of the blue room, all the private rooms were given colour names. It was empty apart from a spanking benchmark and a padded table. Sam and Jess were joined by about twenty other Doms and subs, all of whom were important to both Sam and Jess. Jess was in her submission position, naked at Sam’s feet. Sam was dressed in only a pair of jeans and black boots. Sam cleared his throat and the quite murmurings of conversation ceased.

“Thank you for joining us tonight. I’m sure you are already aware of the circumstances that have brought us here. There are two things that need to be addressed tonight, well three, but for now we will concentrate on two. Humiliation and jealousy are two very powerful emotions and both of them bring us here tonight. In my excitement for future plans I was remiss in my attention to my sub, prompting her to try and Regain my attention by openly flirting with a guest in the club. I must accept that I failed to see to the needs of my sub and so, my punishment tonight will be that I don’t participate in the hands on punishment that she will receive. My pet?” Sam turned to face Jess, lifting her face to communicate with her. “Do you freely accept your punishment? Are you open to learn your lessons in humiliation and jealousy by whichever means I see fit?”

“Yes, Sir,” Jess’s voice was firm and clear. Unwavering in her conviction to her Master. She had done wrong and accepted that and I wanted her punishment so that they could both move passed this.

“I have asked Master Mike, as a trusted friend and Dom to oversee and partake in my submissive’s punishment. Also note during this part we will both be denied orgasm,” Sam concluded. There was a flurry of whispers at this last part, orgasm denial wasn’t unusual, especially during punishment, but if Master Sam wasn’t a part of Jess’s Punishment why was he included in this denial? Everyone eagerly sat back to watch what was going to happen.

Mike approached the subdued sub sitting on the floor, “Come,” he commanded.

Jess quickly scrambled to her feet, her voice clear as she stood, “Yes, Master Mike.” Jess followed Mike to the spanking bench. Holding her hand Mike helped Jess lay over the benchmark. It was a very wide bench and Jess lay as close to the end as possible while still being able to part her legs either side of it. Happy with her position, Mike started to secure Jess’s wrists with the cuffs attached to the benchmark. Once the wrist straps were fastened he moved to her ankles. He adjusted her legs a little, bending them slightly, exposing her pussy as much as possible to the viewing Doms and subs. He cuffed her in this rather unusual position, there would be no focus on her upper thighs with this spanking, it would all be concentrated on her cheeks and pussy.

Mike removed his shirt and positioned himself ready to begin.

Sam went over to one of the Doms watching the punishment. “Master Toby, may I give pleasure to your sub?” At this question Sam heard a jingle of the restraints on the spanking bench. ‘Ah, so you don’t like this?’ he thought, thinking about Jess, ‘Well, you should have thought about that before you flirted and allowed a man to touch you.’ He lead the submissive over to the padded table and helped her up. With a nod to Mike, the punishment began.

Jess felt the first sting of flesh on her flesh and jumped. It wasn’t just the flash of pain that had her jumping, but also the fact that Master Mike was not using a paddle or some other instrument. Normally, it was only Sam that used his hand when spanking her, both enjoying this intimacy, Jess normally found it a reward rather than a punishment. Mike had spanked her on several occasions before, but not like this. Jess looked questioningly towards the Sam, and wished she hadn’t.

Sam parted the legs of the sub laying in front of him. “Keep your hands on the table. You can make as much noise as you like and you may cum when you wish,” he instructed. Sam put his face in the pussy of the excited sub and licked. He felt a small jerk from the sub as his tongue swiped over her opening and clip. He noticed the differences in taste and texture between this sub and his. This sub was more tangy tasting than Jess and her juices were very liquid, not like Jess’s creamy emissions. But, she wasn’t uncomfortable tasting, and so Sam buried his tongue in her opening trying to push as far into her warm tunnel as possible.

As another blow landed on her arse Jess’s eyes watered, not from the physical pain, but the pain of seeing her master with his face buried in another sub’s pussy. They had always been very selective in who they allowed to join them in scenes. Jess knew she could be a very jealous person and any female subs joining them was a joint decision made at home.

Mike could tell he didn’t have any attention from Jess as he spanked her. Her complete focus was on Sam as he ate out Master Toby’s delightful sub. He’d had the pleasure of her before and it was indeed a pleasure.Whilst Jess needed to see her master pleasing other women, she also needs to feel the spanking he was giving her. And so with that he mind, he began spanking her pussy.

Jess’s face was burning, watching her master bringing the sub towards orgasm, and judging by the moans, she wasn’t far off. When suddenly a hard slap directly between her legs refocused her. A second blow had her moaning. The lips of her pussy tingled, as she felt blood engorge them, making them swell and part even more. Another blow, and this time she heard the slap of flesh on moisture, and know that her arousal was now weeping from her opening. She tried to move her hips, wanting to direct where the next blow should land.

“Ahhh,” she screamed as the next one landed on her now protruding clip. It was bliss, Jess loved having her pussy spanked, this was something she and Sam used as a reward not a punishment. She was momentarily confused, until she remembered that she was not allowed to cum. As the blows continued to reign down on her pussy she realized that Sam had obviously shared her love of pussy slapping with Master Mike.

Sam sucked hard on the small little button of nerves and the sub screamed her thighs clenching the sides of his head as she rode out her orgasm. As soon as she had still he helped her down from the table and returned her to her master. He approached another Dom. “Master Clive, it would give me great pleasure to make your sub cum.”

Jess watched as Sam had a different sub get on her hands and knees on the table in front of her. He parted her arse cheats and buried his head in between them. She looked at the woman’s face. Looked at the pleasure and lust that was visible, as her mouth opened and her eyes closed. Listed to the small moans as her master fucked her arsehole with his tongue. She spotted his hand Disappearing between the sub’s legs looking to play with her pussy.

Sam’s tongue speared in and out of the willing hole. The sub’s arsehole wasn’t as tight as Jess’s. He knew this sub preferred to be penetrated anally and was fucked here on a very regular basis. Whereas Jess was new to anal. Sam had spent many months preparing her with his fingers and butt plugs and had only recently taken her anal virginity. With his tongue buried in the sub’s back passage and three fingers in her pussy, Sam knew he had to have Jess again soon, he longed to fuck that tight passage.

After spanking her pussy until he could see her body shaking to fight off the orgasm, Mike returned his ministers to her cheeses. His hand was smarting and he knew he wouldn’t be able to continue this for much longer. He looked over at Master Rob, and indicated for him to come and take over. Sam had been very clear that no instruments were to be used. As Jess had allowed another man to touch her, he would continue this, with his permission this time. Just as he delivered his final blow, Rob having arrived at his side, he felt Jess tense up. He looksd towards Sam and saw Master Clive’s sub collapse onto her chest as her body trembled in her release.

Jess barely felt the blow to her behind as the second sub enjoyed her orgasm given to her by Sam. She didn’t like it one bit, didn’t like seeing his hands on the other women, his tongue doing the things it should be doing to her. Jess’ s body slumped as she realized her punishment. Sam too hadn’t liked seeing some strange touching her. She’d felt neglected and wanted to punish Sam, so she’d actively flirted and encouraged the man to touch her. She shouldn’t have, and she felt ashamed of her actions.

Mike saw the dawning of realisation cross Jess’s face. Taking goal on her he croouched down close to her head and whispered in her ear. “Look at his cock, Jess. It’s flaccid. He is giving those women pleasure but derives none from it himself.”

As Sam helped the sub down from the table, she did indeed notice that there was no erection in Sam’s jeans. Sam had been blessed inthe cock department and Jess could always see when he was aroused, and yet, there was nothing this evening. Jess took some comfort from this. She would end her punishment and not allow herself to cum.

Jess bit her lip to stave off her orgasm. Her pussy lips felt enormous. The Dom currently giving her her punishment was only slapping her pussy, not once had he spanked her arse. He was obviously getting a huge kick out of torturing her like this. Her eyes flicked over to Sam. His head was bent as he suckled on the nipples of Sabrina, one of the most beautiful women Jess had ever seen. Strangely, Sabrina’s master was not good looking in Jess’s opinion. And he was balding and slightly overweight. But they seemed very happy and Sabrina worshipped him, so he must be a good master to her.

Sam’s hand was dripping with the juices from Sabrina’s pussy as he finger fucked her. Her large nipples were so responsive as he sucked and bit them. He felt a small twitch of his cock behindthe zip of his jeans. He wouldn’t mind fucking Sabrina, and her Dom had asked him to join them in a scene on more than one occasion, perhaps next time he wouldn’t decline. He had probably been too easy on Jess, perhaps he needed to partake in more of the subs at the club, they tend to only add more Doms to their play and Sam was now realising that he was giving in to her jealousy and insecurities. He would start to correct that very soon.

He tampered down his urges and worked on bringing Sabrina to her climax. He curled his fingers and pressed against the flesh inside her channel. He felt the rippling off her muscles as she orgasmed, her hand reaching to clamp his head to her breast. Despite his request not to be touched. This would need to be addressed later, but for now he sucked hard and continued the pressure with his fingers.

Jess felt her pussy lips being held open, as the Dom behind her aimed small, stinging slaps directly onto her clip. Sweat was pouring down herface, she was biting her lip again and her toes were curled. She would not cum!

Since pleasure Sabrina, Sam had brought two more subs to orgasm. He now stood and watched Jess. He could see pain etched on her face and decided the punishment must now come to an end. He now only wanted to taste and fuck his own sub. But he knew he must wait a little while longer for that. In the meantime, he would allow Jess some relief.

Jess couldn’t take this much longer, she was so close to giving her safe word and ending this. But she didn’t want to disappoint Sam. She accepted her punishment and had learned a valuable lesson. But her body couldn’t be denied it’s release much longer.

Sam spoke to Master Rick, who was colouring Jess’s arse very nicely with his hand. She would need some attention there later to make sure she wasn’t too incapacitated over the next week or so. Especially as Sam planned to fuck her arse soon, very soon.

Jess was aware someone had knelt in front ofher. Her muscles were aching all over her body, her nails were biting into the palm of her hands and her eyes were squeezed shut. “You have pleased me so much, my pet.” She heard Sam whispering to her. She opened her eyes, and there he was. Love shining in his eyes. “You may cum now, you have my permission.”

As he spoke, Jess could smell pussy on his face and breath and decided it was so unpleasant. Suddenly, she felt a cool swipe across her engaged clip, with small, delicate movements, she realized someone was flicking their tongue against her burning nub. Her mouth fell open as she started to cum, Sam pushed his tongue into her mouth, swallowing her cries. She tasted female cum on his tongue and then darkness…

To be concluded in part 2.


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