The Punishment Professional

In this interview I met Gemma, a 28-year-old submissive from the north east of England. Gemma is into punishment and has recently been making money out of her kink by making videos of her sessions with a mistress.

I began by establishing where her kink originated from.

Me: Hi Gemma, thank you for joining me today.

Gemma: Thank you for inviting me to speak about my kink. I have never spoke openly about it before and so I am looking forward to this.

Me: Can we begin by learning when your desire to be punished first started?

Gemma: It was when I was at university. I was watching a drama where an MP lost his job after it became known that he visited a mistress for spanking and caning sessions. Whilst the actual punishment wasn’t shown there was enough to Understand what was going on and you heard the sounds of spanking. I found myself incredibly turned on by the mistress. Later I went to bed and masturbated thinking about a lecturer at the university dressed in a similar manner first spanking and then caning my bottom. When my climax came it was one of the most intense I had ever felt.

Me: When you did have your next experience?

Gemma: I decided I wanted to meet like-minded woman and so started visiting lesbian only clubs. I found most women wanted sex but one stood out because of her height and size of breasts. She always wore Slightly domineering clothing. I saw her a few times before I plucked up the courage to speak to her. She was aloof the first time but invited me to join her for a drink the second time. She invited me to her home and we began by snogging but then she asked what I really wanted. I told her I wanted her to spank me and she obliged. I really enjoyed the experience and asked her if I could masturbate afterwards. Again, the climax was amazing.

Me: Did you just confine your activities to spanking?

Gemma: No, she introduced me to other tools of discipline including the cane and leather strap. Gradultly she applied harder strokes raising the level of pain. I also grew to take more strokes.

Me: Were you worried you’d be found out?

Gemma: Absolutely. As the sessions got harder, the briving became more living and I was worried that as I had to change in front of other girls for games or shows they would see.

Me: Did you have any more experiences at university?

Gemma: Yes, in my final year I discovered that the university had a BDSM club and so I joined. The club arranged play sessions but it was quite limited as members were generally under 21 with some under 25 and so pretty inexperienced. It did allow me to explore my punishment kink and I learnt that I only wanted to play with female Dommes.

Me: Did you have any boyfriends?

Gemma: Yes, but I also found that I wanted a vanilla boyfriend and that my vanilla and BDSM life didn’t mix. I didn’t want to live the lifestyle 24/7 and so had a boyfriend to fulfill my normal pleasures.

I moved on to her current experiences and the play she enjoys now.

Me: So what sort of punishments do you enjoy?

Gemma: I like being restrained when I am being punished. Being put into restraint is part of the pleasure and I like the feeling of having limited movement when I am being struck.

Me: Tell me more about the restraints and positions you like being punished in?

Gemma: I like having my wrists and ankles cuffed and then being tied to a benchmark or frame. Positions such as having my wrists bound and suspended above my head are particularly arousing. The position I am punished in helps to increase the level of arousal.

Me: Tell me more about the punishments?

Gemma: I have spent time playing to learn which areas I like being struck to establish which turn me on. It started with my bottom and then moved onto the back of the thighs and upper back. This is quite usual but as time has moved on I have been struck in more sensitive areas, areas which only more serious players allow.

Me: What areas of your body do you allow to be struck?

Gemma: I now allow strucking of my breasts, inner thighs and pussy.

Me: That must seriously hurt?

Gemma: It does, but the euphoria and ability to go into sub-space is why I do it. My psyche means I want to be punished, I derive sexual pleasure from the play and it gives me the most intense orgasms afterwards. I also like the briising on my skin it leaves afterwards. I like touching the briising in the hours and days after the punishment. The singing feeling turns me on and usually leads me to masturbate.

Me: How long does it take for the briising to go away?

Gemma: It varies depending on the tools used but typically it stays for about a couple of weeks. I have to be careful I Don’t wear any clothes that would reveal it when I am able to the breasts or thighs and so I tend not to do this in the summer months. I have a job where I have to wear smart suits and I enjoy putting on nice underwear and clothes over my bruising and spending time with vanilla people without them knowing how I look underneath. I find it particularly arousing when I sit down on a hard chair and feel the sting in my bruised bottom.

Me: Tell me more about the tools used?

Gemma: When I started the Dommes would use tools that didn’t hurt or mark as much. As I have got more used to the punishment They have used harder tools. I have favourites like a cane on my bottom, tawse on the inner thighs, riding crop on my pussy and martinette on the breasts. Recently I have started enjoying having a rubber soled plimsoll striking my breasts.

Me: Is there anything you haven’t tried?

Gemma: I don’t do anything that would cause actual harm or permanent marking. Play sessions have to be modernized to ensure the punishment doesn’t break the skin or put me at risk of permanent scarring.

I wanted to explore how she now makes money out of her kink

Me: So you now do paid filming and photography work, can you tell me more about it?

Gemma: A couple of years ago I was approached by a Domme who had met me at a club and wanted me to take part in a filmed session with her which she planned to sell on the internet. It didn’t take me long to make my mind up and say yes. The session was great and within 24 hours the movie had climbed into the top ten of most viewed/downloaded movies on the site. More work followed.

Me: Do you mind that people on the internet can watch your play sessions?

Gemma: No, I have always enjoyed the voyeuristic side of BDSM and enjoy having people watch me being punished. I also want to show that punishment sessions are consensual as it worry me that there are probably other movies out there which are not consensual. I will only play in a safe way and can stop the session at any time.

Me: How much do you make from the paid work?

Gemma: I won’t tell you that but it makes me a nice sum of money. Recently wehave been finding that customers are willing to pay for custom made sessions. They will describe a play session and we will act it out and film it for them. They will pay substantial sums of money for this.

Me: So do you always do everything they want?

Gemma: No, we get some strange requests which we turn down or sometimes alter the session to make it acceptable.

Finally, I wanted to Know more about the session she was about to film.

Me: You are going to film a session today and you’ve allowed me to stay and watch. Can you tell me what you are doing?

Gemma: We are doing a custom session for a client. They have paid a substantial amount for this personal film. I am going to have twenty strikes to the bottom with a cane, twenty on the inner tights with a tawse and ten to the breasts with a plimsoll.

Me: How are you feeling?

Gemma: I am tingling as always before a session and want to do it now.

Me: Gemma, I’ll let you get on, thank you for your time today and for sharing your kink with us.


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