The Punishment

“I am very disappointed in you” said the commander. “You are a disgrace for this unit. We didn’t have results so bad in many years.”

Everybody was quiet, listening to the commander of the army facility talking about the results in the last exercises.

“There is probably a lack of discipline and willingness in you” he said. “But I’m going to change that!”

He silenced for a moment and the commanded:

“You there, start counting from 1 and everybody pick a number.”

We obeyed the order and started counting from 1 to 146. When we finished two minutes later the commander spoke again:

“Let number 7, 23, 62, 99 and 121 step forward”.

My heart beat harder. I heard my number, 62. I didn’t know what the commander was having in mind, but picking random numbers didn’t look good to me. I had to step forward, as all the other four guys were doing the same. We got out of the lines and stood in front of the commander.

“From now on, for every failure or disobedience I will pick some of you at random and punishment you.” Then he looked at us and said “Today you are the winners!”

“You are dismissed” he ordered the soldiers. “You, what should I do with you?” he wondered with a loud voice.

He remained silent for a while. Then Dr. Ysimbaieva, who stood next to him, like most of the officers, turned to the commander and talked to him. She was a few meters away from us, and was a little bit noise around, but I could still hear her words.

“Give them to me; I need some boys for new tests.”

The commander listened to her and thought for a moment, then turned back to us and ordered:

“Officer Ysimbaieva will carry the punishment. Any disobedience and you’ll spend the rest of the month in the North wing”.

Oh, that was bad; North wing, there was the isolation. None of us wanted to experience that. We knew that was the last place you want to spend time in there; and definitely not 10 days until the end of the month. So we had to obey, but the word “tests” didn’t sound very good in my mind. And it looked like the other guys had the same feeling. I knew none of them, but we followed Dr. Ysimbaieva together to the medical area.

Dr. Ysimbaieva had the rank of Captain and was the chief of the medical stuff. She was a woman in her late 30s, not very tall, wearing eyes with thick black frame and having the air of an intelligent; when she was in school she was probably a nerd. In fact I heard some guys calling her Dr. Nerd. Guys were noticing her not only because she was one of the few women there, but probably because she had a huge chest which anybody would have loved to see.

She didn’t speak a word to us until we reached the innovation and she let us in, not into the main medical room, but another one, which we never entered before and had a big sign reading “ACESS FORBIDDEN. AUTHORIZED PERSONELL ONLY.” I was more and more curios and was actually starting to fear about what this punishmentment was about. Her silence was troublening. When we entered I saw the room was not like the other two medical rooms I’ve seen before. This looked more like a lab, but there were electronic devices and even straws on the wall. Dr. Ysimbaieva took a seat behind a desk and picked up the phone.

“Yelena, come here. I got some boys for our tests” she said.

This was starting to look more and more serious and one of the other boys asked:

“Dr. Ysimbaieva, what tests are you talking about?”

“We’ll test one of my devices, cadet” she said without looking like she was intending to give more details.

“What device, Dr.” asked two guys the same time.

“You will see in a moment” she said. “Now, take your clothes off.”

Usually, when they asked you that in the Infirmary you do as they say. But hearing about testing devices we were not that eager to follow the request. None of us undressed and we stayed in the room in silence. Dr. Ysimbaieva saw that we were not doingWhat she asked and she turned her attention from the papers she took from a cabinet to us and said:

“Perhaps I wasn’t clear enough. If I don’t see five cocks in 30 seconds I’m calling the commander and you’ll spend the rest of the month in isolation! Is that clear?”

“A… yes, doctor” I said and the others acknowledged too.

She turned back to her papers and we started to undress very quickly. She gave as only 30 seconds and she looked very serious. I didn’t like the gloomy idea of ​​spending 10 days in isolation so I was naked in 20 seconds, and it was the same with the other guys. She said she wanted to see 5 cocks so we didn’t tried to cover them.

Then the door opened and Yelena, the woman she called entered the room. Yelena was a nurse at the innovation; she was about 30 years old and very tall, she was taller than any of us. She was probably 1,90. She looked at as, just for a moment. It was like she used to see lots of naked men every day. She headed towards Dr. Ysimbaieva and the doctor said:

“OK, let’s got started with these papers. You” she said, pointed to the guy right to my, the first in the line. “You” she said, pointed to the guy right to my, the first in the line. “You name…”

“Alexei S.” he said.

“Age?” she asked.

“19” he replied.

“Get on the weighting machine” she demanded, and pointed to her left. Alexei followed the orders and stepped on it. Yelena, the nurse, Followed him and read the scale.

“72 kg” she said to the doctor and then to Alexei. “Straight…” He obeyed and she read again a second scale for height.

“Good” said the doctor. “Now the cock size.”

Yelena took a ruler and measured his cock.

“Flaccid length 8” she said, and the after a second, “same in girl.”

“Good” said the doctor writing down the measurements. “Now hard.”

The nurse moved the ruler tape from her right hand to her left and grabbed Alexei’s cock and worked on it, jerking it and making it hard in less than 20 seconds. Then she stopped, and used the ruler to repeat the measurements.

“Length 14 and girl… 12” she said.

“12…” repeated Dr. Ysimbaieva while writing down. “And with that we finished with you, cadet Alexei. Take you place in the line.”

He did as he was asked, coming back to us, with his cock in a good erection. We didn’t dare to say a word during all this time. And I knew it was my time. I saw Dr. Ysimbaieva taking another paper and then she said:

“Next. Name?”

“Dmitri P.” I said and she wrote down.


“20” I answered.

“Go for measurements” she said, pointing with the head towards the weighting machine where Nurse Yelena waited for me. I stepped on the machine and stood straight so that she could read both the weight and the height.

“69 kg and 1,75 height” she said to the doctor.

Then she grabbed my cock in her hand, and my soft cock looked tiny in her firm palm. She noticed my long foreskin and said:

“Oh, this one has a long foreskin. Long enough actually for two cocks.”

She firmly pulled it back and put the ruler tape over my small cock.

“Length is 7” she said and then rolled the tape around my cock.

“Girth is 8” she said again.

After that I knew what she was going to do. We all watched a minute ago how she jerked Alexei to get his cock hard. She did the same to me. Her firm big hand grabbed my cock and balls and they disappeared completely in her palm. She robbed them for a short while and then released the balls keeping only my cock which she pulled hard, like she was milking it. She looked much focused on what she was doing and I felt pleasure growing inside me and blood flowing into my cock. It didn’t take more than with Alexei to get me hard, and then she stopped. I wished she didn’t, but all she did was measuring me again.

“Length 13 and girl 11” she said.

While Dr. Ysimbaieva wrote that, Nurse Yelena put two fingers on my cock and grabbed my foreskin, rolling it over my cock head and then pulled it hard that it almost hurt.

“Yeah, a big foreskin” she said somehow satisfied and then she made a sign with her head, telling me to go back.

I returned to the line falling my cock throbbing and longing for the firm hand that made it feel tinier than it was but gave me pleasure. In the next several minutes they run the same procedure with the other 3 guys, Oleg, Vasili and Serghei. Oleg and Vasili had the smallest cocks, only 12 centimeters hard, but bigger balls, much bigger than mine. Their balls were hanging down longer than their flaccid cocks. But Serghei was another story, his cock was much bigger. When we undressed I noticed his bigger and ticker cock. Soft, it was twice bigger than any of us. When Nurse Yelena measured it he was 16 centimeters flaccid and 22 hard. That was big cock and Dr. Ysimbaieva watched carefully at him when Nurse Yelena jerked his cock and gave him a hard-on. Her look was saying she wanted that piece of meat inside her. Looking at that cock hanging between Serghei’s legs made me feel my cock tiny, tinier than I felt when Yelena grabbed it in her large palm.

Dr. Ysimbaieva looked at us and said:

“After this, you will be thankful to me, because this punishment will be rather a pleasure for you.”

That was interesting; I already felt pleasure and I was wondering what she meant with that.

“I am building some cock toys and today you will test one of them.”

Cock toys, that was weird I thought. But then I understand why they measured us our cocks. Statistics. I looked at the other boys and some of them looked eager for that. But we didn’t know what those toys were. Dr. Ysimbaieva left her desk and moved towards the wall were I saw some strraps.

“Alexei and Dmitri, you will be the first” she said and she passed us towards the wall. We followed her in silence.

“Next to each other, back to the wall” she ordered and we executed. Nurse Yelena took Alexei hands, putThey were up in the air and then tied them with the straws that were on the wall. Then she leaned down and did the same with his ankles. He was tied to the wall, arms and legs but still mobile to some degree. She moved then to me and while she was doing the same I was wondering what toy were they planning to test on us. Was that supposed to be a pleasure for us or actually a punishment as intended in the first place?

I watched Dr. Ysimbaieva and Yelena taking something from a desk full with all sorts of devices and stuff and coming to us, each carrying one device in their hands. When they stopped in front of us I saw what they were carrying: there was a small box with a display and a few buttons on it, and connected to the box there were two wires. At the end of each wire there was some sort of a leather strap. I supposed they were going to put than on our cocks. And it turned to be just so. Dr. Ysimbaieva put the box in Yelena’s hands and took a first strap and put it around Alexei’sballs and the base of his cock; she adjusted the strap so that it was tight. Then she put her hand in a pocket and picked a lot tube and squeezed it pouring from it on Alexei’s cock. She moved her hand up and down, spreading the lot and giving him a hard-on. Then she put her hand in the other pocket and picked a condom. She opened it and placed it on Alexei’s cock tip and then wrapped around it the second strap and fastened it.

She finished with him and they moved two feet to me and she did the very same. She put the first stick over my balls then she poured the cold lotion on my semi erect cock and jerked it with a firm hand. Though I guessed trouble would, come my cocked rushed to harden under her fingers. She put on a condom on the head of my cock only, and then strapped around my cock head the second stick. We were both wired up.

Yelena gave Dr. Ysimbaieva her box back and picked up a timer from her robe pocket. She reset it and waited for Dr. Ysimbaieva to say someth. They seemed to have done that before, for they knew exactly what the next thing to do should be.

“Go!” she said.

And they both pressed a button. I start feeling violence and small electric shocks in my cock and my balls. My cock throbbed. And throbbed again and again. My erection grow stronger. Pleasure started to run in shifts from the tip of my cock and my balls. I saw Alexei’s cock pulsating Too, and the two women looking at our cocks like at the object of their work and nothing more. And that turned me on even more. With each second I felt pleasure combined with pain rising in my body and especially my cock. It went like that for 2-3 minutes. At that point I knew I was about to cum. Then I heard Alexei moaning and looking at his cock I saw cum filling up the condom.

“185 seconds” said Yelena but she didn’t stop the stimulator.

My cock was pulsating so hard I had to close my eyes. I wanted to moan but tried to refrain from it. Then an orgasm erupted in my cock and my balls ejaculated streams of hot cum while my cock was pulsating madly.

“212 seconds” said Yelena.

“Please stop” cried Alexei, but Yelena only smiled to him.

I knew what he was feeling. My cock was assaulted with electric stimulation and I didn’t know how much I could take. I moaned a couple of times and said:


“Well, this is supposed to be a punishment too, remember?”

Alexei cumed again, almost screaming.

“241 seconds” said Yelena with a calm voice.

It was pleasure and paint on a rampage. I didn’t know which was more intense. I knew I would cum again too, but I whisked they stopped right there. They didn’t. So I started moaning and screaming continuously. And then I cumed again.

“255 seconds” said Yelena and they still didn’t stop.

It was clear they liked torturing us. They ignored our screams and continued stimulating us for another half a minute. Then just when I couldn’t take it any moreThey stopped. That was bliss. My cock pulsated for a few seconds and the stopped and started to relax.

Then, Dr. Ysimbaieva started to remove the devices, first from my cock and then from Alexei’s. She removed the condoms too and gave them Yelena and asked:

“Measure the cum loads”.

Dr. Ysimbaieva put the devices down and then untied the hooks that kept us immobilized to the wall. I felt the need to take my cock in my hands and cares it.

“I’m done with you. Go back. Oleg and Vasili, you’re next.”

I was holding my cock when returning to the line. I didn’t know what was bigger, the pleasure or the pain. I had both. And the next guys were going to have the same. They weren’t very keen now to go to the torturing wall but they did. And the two women spent the next five minutes on their small cocks. And speaking about small cocks, by the time she finished with them, mine became very small. Standing next to Serghei and his huge cock, mine was tiny. Then it was his turn and his big, tick cock was put to tests. The two women seemed to enjoy it more than with us and gave him actually a harder treatment. He didn’t take it better than we did.

When they finished, Dr. Ysimbaieva said we are dismissed, so we dressed and left. Before leaving the room, she said to us:

“I will call for you next week!”


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