The Punishment

she was late. There was no way to get around it.. she was over two hours late. she had gone to the mall, planned out her time perfectly.. run to the new clothing store, get back in time to clean up lunch dishes, start dinner, and be kneeing beside the door when Master got home… and it all would have been perfect….. if the new store had not been having a huge grand opening sale with unbelievable prices and an amazing selection.

The tightening in her stomach was painful, as she drove home, her fingers constantly worrying her wedding ring. He was going to be home before her, she just knew He was. she did take the time to stop by the KFC that was on the way home, and pick up a bucket of chicken and all the trimmings.. not perhaps, what He would have wanted for dinner, but making Him wait longer while she cooked would have been excruciating.. totally out of the question.

The whole way home she was practicing what she was going to say to Him.. she’d start off with a big smile and a surprised “OH! You’re home early!”… no no, that would never do. she wouldn’t lie about not knowing she was late.. she couldn’t lie to Him… perhaps walking in timing… “Master, I know I am late and I’m so sorry! I completely lost track of the time!!” she told.. that would not work either.. while it was the truth, she knew better than to make excuses. Rounding the driveway, and seeing His car made her forget everything else and she bit her lower lip as she eased to a stop and placed her car in park.

When she got out, she could see Him pacing through the front window.. a shiver of appreciation raced down her back. she got all the bags, and the bucket of chicken from the back-seat, then headed for the house.. even the bottoms of her feet were itching, she was so nervous.

she opened the door, and stepped through.. Those eyes turned on her.. first she saw relief in them, and she had a brief moment of relief.. a very brief moment. Then they changed to that fiery look He gets when He is angry with her, and she nearly burst into tears on the spot. she set the bags down next to the couch, the chicken on the coffee table, and removed her sweater..

“Master, I……” she did not get a chance to finish her sentence. He grabbed her arm, sat down on the edge of the couch, ripped her pants down to her thighs, placed her over His leg and began waiting on her bottom.

“Master! Master wait.. please OUCH!!! Master please sto.. OUCH!!” her hands tried to cover the singing flesh of her ass as she tried to get Him to quit.. her voice rising with pain and her cries growing louder.

He grabbed both her wrists in one hand and pulled them over her head, never once easy up on the painful spanking. her feet kicked and she screamed and screamed, but still He did not stop. What was worse, was that He did not say a word to her, just spanked her until His arm was too tired to continue. By the time He did stop, her screams and faded to uncontrollable sobs, and her ass was blazing red.. crueles already showing that were going to cover her entire ass clear to her upper thighs, where several of the harsh blows had landed.

He pushed her off His lap and she landed on her ass on the floor, instantly crying out and rolling to her hip.. her face, when she looked up at Him, was streaked with many tears.. lips parted and moist.. chin quivering.

He had no mercy. He reached down and pulled her to her feet, then dragged her over to the corner and placed her in it, face first. her pants were still bunched around her thighs, and He left them there, then went to sit down on the couch.

she knew the position all too well, and hated it.. she was only put in the corner when she had truly angered Him and He needed time to calm down before speaking with her. Amidst fresh bursts of tears and sobs, her hands moved behind her.. each one gripping the opposite forearm.. she knew better than to speak at all.

she could hear Him rummaging through the KFC bucket.. hear Him eating, hear Him going to the kitchen and coming back with a glass of milk or juice or something.

Only when He was done with His meal, and she had finally stopped crying, did He speak. “Go to your room, baby”

she gasped.. He had said “your” room, not “our” room.. which means He was still too angry to deal with her. she let go of her own arms, and turned towards Him, reaching down to pull her pants up.. though her fingers froze when He shot her a deadly look.

The pants stayed around her thighs and she whimpered “Please, Daddy…” He did not speak to make her stop talking, nor to tell her again to go to her room, He simply leaned back on the couch and reached for the buckle of His belt, to undo it. she ran. Straight to her room.

When they had purchased this house, the real-estate Lady had asked if they had children.. afterall, it was a four bedroom house. Her Master had said “No.” and left it at that. What the womanDid not know, was that one room was for them, one for His office, one for the “play” room and one just for her.. complete with a canopy bed, dolls, toys, books, everything a little girl would love in her own room. Unfortunately, she was only put in this room when she was in deep trouble, so all the fun things He had bought for her, were very seldom touched.

Once in her room, she closed the door and finished getting undressed. The little nighty she put on, went down to mid thigh. There was no way she could put the matching ruffled panties on with her bottom being this tender.. even the rubbing of the nighty felt prickly to her.

she went into her bathroom to brush her hair and teeth, and while there, she twisted around to look at her bottom in the mirror.. black and blue was an understatement. her fingers slide lightly down the darkest part, and she hissed at the instant reminder that she was not going to sit for a few days.

she finished brushing out her hair, and really brushed her teeth good, then washed the tears from her face, though they still filled her eyes. When she returned to her room, He was there, standing in the doorway. His arms were crossed over His chest, and her steps falsetered when she saw Him.. huge green eyes looking up to Him… hopefully.. fearfully.

He looked at her, then looked at her bed.. then at her again. Once more she ran, hoping up on the bed Instantly and climbing to the middle, then she knelt up in the center of it… her bottom lifted off her heels for a change.

His arms uncrossed, and He stepped to her bed, lifting her up only enough to lay her down and cover her up. He sat down then, but His expression did not invite discussion. He spoke in that tone of disappointment that always made her wish she could curl up and die. “I purchased a cell phone for you, for a reason. There is never an excuse for you to let me worry about you like that, unless the batteries are dead. Are they?”

“No Daddy” her wordswere whispered.

He nodded “I didn’t think so. Being irresponsible is not accepted in this house, and you know it.”

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Go to sleep, baby, we will discuss this in the morning.” He rose and looked down at her.. He knew she was going to punish herself much longer than He ever would, and He offered the reassurance He knew she needed. “Daddy loves you, baby.” Then He turned and walked out, closing the door softly behind Him, and listening to her break into sobs again.

she dragged her favorite PoohBear down from the shelf beside her bed and curled up around him on her side, crying, and listening to Daddy getting the house secure for the night before going to bed Himself.

Somewhere along the line, she fell asleep, Because when she rolled over, the pain in her bottom woman her from her bad dreams, and she looked at the clock.. it was three AM. Throwing the covers off, she grabbed Pooh’s arm and walked to the door.. eaaassssing it open and peeking out into the hall. Then she ran across the hall and into the room she usually shared with Him.. walking to His side of the bed, she stood there and looked down on His sleeping form for a moment.. her eyes filling up again. she whispered “Daddy?”

His eyes opened, and He looked up at her sleepily. “What’s wrong, baby?”

her lower lip trembled, and she whimpered “I had a bad dream, Daddy, can me and Pooh get in bed with You please?”

He did not answer, just lifted the covers and scooted over a little, and in an instant, she was laying next to Him, curled up against His chest, and those powerful arms were wrapped around her, keeping her safe.

He began stroking her back, soothing her.. knowing the tears were not because of the dream. He kissed them away and held her close.. one hand caressing her hair.

she took a ragged breath and tilted her head back.. offering her lips to Him.

He smiled at her in a loving way, and kissed her tenderly. His gentleness with her now, was a stark contrast to His anger earlier, and it made her heart ache with the need to please Him.

He rolled her over on her back, rolling atop her. She needed His weight right now, and He felt so good pressed against her that she did not even protest at the pain in her bottom.

her thighs parted, the nighty riding up to her hips, and she felt Him ease into her.. her body trembled, as her knees bent, cradling Him against her.. arms wrapped around His neck.

They made slow, sweet love.. His mouth finding her breasts as He slide in and out of her.. her nipples hardening between His teeth and lips.. the feel of His tongue flicking the very tips caused her to moan as electric shocks rocked clear down to her pussy.

It took very little time for Him to begin moving faster in her.. she could feel His cock throbbing and pulsing.. feel her own heat answer His thrusts by tightening around Him.. her juices flowing without stop. When He finallyshot hot cum deep inside of her, she screamed in pleasure. her scream was cut off by His mouth once more finding hers, and He kissed her through the entire shared orgasm.

When they both began to calm, He kissed her nose and rolled off of her, pulling her to His chest. Another kiss was placed to her forehead, and He spoke in that deep satisfied tone of His. “I know I said we’d talk in the morning, but let’s wait until it’s at least daylight. I love you, baby.”

she whispered, snuggling closer to Him “I love You too, Daddy.”

When they slept this time.. both of them slept better… and tomorrow would begin the amends making. she fell asleep, thinking to herself.. even with the punishments that come along with this type of relationship.. I wouldn’t give it up for the world.


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