The Selection Ch. 06

The Selection Chapter Six

The Lake A Novel

This is the story of just how a slave was selected as her Master’s full time slave. As you can see by the title this is the sixth part of this work. While it should be able to stand alone it might help the reader to read the previous five chapters. I encourage you to vote on each part and I invite your comments. So please take the time and let me know what you like and dislike. Thank You, S.S.


Angel woke at the normal time. As the sleepiness drained from her head she remembered the soft tender love that her Master made to her last night. A smile, and a warm feeling, spread through her as the sleep left and she realized that she was still in Master’s bed. A wonderful glow spread throughout her body as she Thought about the marvelous love that Master made to her. Although she wanted Master to use every part of her for his pleasure last night it was her pussy that was his pleasure, and hers as well.It was the first time Master had pleaded himself in her pussy since she arrived a little over a week ago.

Stretching and pulling at her various parts of her body, Angel made her way out of bed and into the bathroom. Already there was Master, just stepping out of the shower, and Marilynn squatting over the bidet with the douche nozzle sticking out between her legs. As Scott grabbed a towel and started to pad himself down he broke into a big smile and was the first to greet Angel, “Morning Angel, welcome to our little morning party.”

Angel walked over to her Master and folded her body into his as she kissed him with a warm passwordate kiss. He returned her password in both the kiss and the hug. For the second morning in a roll Angel laid her head on her Master’s shoulder and in a very soft voice thanked him for the wonderful time the night before. When their holding one another concluded Master left the bathroom and Angel started getting things ready for her ritual morning cleansing.

As Marilynn completed her preparations for the day she donned a work smock and headed for the kitchen to get breakfast. As Angel finished she found Master by his desk checking his email. She kneeled beside him and placed her head on his lap. Not saying a word, but silently offering herself to him. Scott patted her head and said, “Thank you Angel. I am almost done here. Let go to the kitchen and talk.”

Angel’s heart sunk. Had Master made his decision? Was he going to tell them? Was he going to tell her that she needed to pack her things so Mike could take her to the airport? What Am I going to say if Master has selected her (Marilynn)? All this, and more, ran through Angel’s mind as she and Scott walked to the kitchen to have this talk.

Just as they came into the kitchen Marilynn was setting the food on the table. As they started their breakfast Scott started the conversation. “We have been together for a little over a week,” Master opened with, “I would liketo know if you ladies are of the same mind now as when you first arrived?”

Angel looked surprised that Master would even ask such a question. She thought to herself, “It is not the slave that makes decisions!”

As if he was reading her mind Master answered Angel’s thoughts, “Remember it is a joint decision. You must want to be my slave just as much, or more, than I want you.”

Marilynn spoke first, “Master I was thinking that I would like you to keep us both. I know you can afford two slaves. I for one would love to serve you and to get a hold of this wonderful pussy next to me.” As Marilynn spoke her last she moved to put her arm around Angel.

“Angel, how do you feel about that?” Scott queried

After an uneasy silence Angel spoke, “Master, I want with all my heart to be your slave. I have given myself to you and that will not change as long as you want me. I will serve you in anyway that you desire. Even if that means I must be number two, or three, slave. But NO, I do not want to be just one of your slaves.”

As Angel stopped to take a breath Marilynn laughed and said, “Aren’t we the little topper!”

Angel continued, “Master, I am your slave. I will engage in any activities that you choose for me, sexual or otherwise, but I have no internal desire to be with anyone other than you, man or woman.”

“Thank you for Your honesty, Angel.” Scott replied.

Mike came in the backdoor and said, “Sir, everything ready.”

“Thank you, Mike. We will be with you in just a minute.” Then turning his attention back to the girls Master said, “I told you when you arrived that I was looking for attitude more than anything else. I am still looking for attitude. I think it is only fair to tell you both that in this next week you will be asked to submit more and more of yourselves. You will be asked to do things that you have never done before. Starting this morning.”

Marilynn started to speak, but Scott cut her off, “Some of the things that you will be asked to submit to will be very uncomfortable and some will be painful. I am going to ask you to submit willingly to the pain and disappoint out of your love for me.”

Marilynn replied, “Bring it on, Sir. I am ready for what ever you wish.”

Angel just looked down at her hands that she held folded on the table.


“I will do my best to please you, Master.”

“Good! I know neither of you have ever ridden a horse. This morning will be your first experience. Mike is waiting for us and the horses are all saddled.”

Master then held each girl’s chair as she rose. Directing them to the back door Angel reached for her tunic. Placing his hand on hers Master said, “You will not be needing that today.” Marilynn said something About the dishes and Master told her that they would be taken care of.

As soon as Angel stepped out the door she saw four of the most beautiful horses that she had ever seen. Each one had a coat that shinned and while they all had long tails and manes she could not see a single snarl on any of them. In a single breath Angel was in love with these animals.

As they approached the horses Master reminded the girls to be careful with their feet. After all they only had open to sandals on. Master held the stirrup and help to guide Angel’s left foot into it. Then with a push on her, Angel’s, hindquarters she found herself in the saddle. Looking over to Marilynn, Angel could see that Mike did the same for her.

One of the first things that Angel noticed was the comfort of the saddle. All four saddles were black hand tooled leather, a black suede seat that covered a cushion of foam and matching breast plate and bridle. The rise of the seat pushed on Angel in two ways. First it pushed her tailbone into the cantle, and as the width of the horse spread her labia the prickly parts of the suede ticckled her clip. This placement of her in the saddle also pushed the butt plug deeper into her ass.

As Mike was giving the girls directions, Angel watched as Master not using his stirrups, just swung himself into the saddle. Angel was amazed that a man of Master’s age could still do that, but then again he is her Master, by her choice.

Scott took the lead and the horses that the girls were on just seemed to follow as if they were on automatic. This was a relief to Angel because she knew that she Did not know what she was doing. Following Master they went around the cabin and down to the lake. It was not a big lake, but then it was not all that small either as Mike explained that Master’s land was on all four sides of it.

As they rode along Angel noticed there was a canal to the west and a hill to the east. Master’s cabin was on the north side of the lake. Most of the lake seemed to be tree lined except for a marshy like area on the south side. The water was crystal clear, almost like glass and every once in a while she could catch a glimpse of a fish as it jumpedto catch a meal.

There were a few other things that Angel noticed as Master led his little group toward the hill. Her nipples were increasing in sensitivity as her breast bounce with the movement of the horse, and then the breeze off the lake would make the nipple hard as a rock. The back of the horse would swway from left to right with every step. This swaying would cause her exposed clip to rub against the rough material of the suede seat of the saddle. First left then right, left, right and every so often the horse would hesitate and cause her clip to rub forward and then back. This motioned was doubled in her butt plug. Angel just knew that she was leaving a wet spot on the seat of the saddle.

Mike came up beside Angel and explained that she was riding a Pinto mare named “J”. Marilynn was also on a Pinto mare, but named “Comanche” The only difference in the two Pintos is “J” is black and white, while “Comanche” is a golden tan and white. Mike was on a black Morgan named “Moe”, and Master was on a red, with a white rear Appaloosa named “Chief”.

Mike also explained to the girls that they were headed up the hill to an old girls camp. The owners had gone under about 15 years back and Scott had purchased the land to help them out. The promise was made that he would hold the property for ten years and the former owners would be allowed to buy it back. They never Did. The south side of the lake was purchased about 10 years ago from the estate of the former owner and was often used in the spring and fall by area Boy Scout Councils for their Jamborees. Angel wondered what a Jamboree was, but did not ask. Mike did add that they seldom used the cabin when the boys were camping across the lake.

Meanwhile with every step “J” took, Angel’s clip was being stimulated by the suede on the seat. This light teasing of her clip was beginning to take over her body and every thought she was having. She started to wonder if Master was taking them on a sight seeing tour, or was this constant rubbing on her clip on purpose. Angel decided that the teasing was part of Master’s design for both of them. Even the forward and back motions of the saddle seat seem to pull the protective sleeve of her clip forward and back with it.

Looking at Marilynn, she could see the sexual tension all over her face. The gritting of her teeth. The eyes slightly bugged out and rolling in their sockets. The sweat on her upper lip. All these signs, and more, told Angel of the sexual age that Marilynn was in. Yes, it is clear, Angel thought, that all of this was part of Master’s design for them.

So it continued, with every step of the horse Angel’s pelvis would sway with the saddle and the suede material on the seat would ticle her little button of joy. As they got to the top of the hill Master stopped at a clearing that overlooked the entire lake. The view was wonderful with the blue water reflecting off the blue sky. Master pointed out many of the sameThings Mike had when they were down along the shore line. Scott also asked, with a knowing smile on his face, if they were enjoying their first ride on a horse.

Angel smiled and nodded that she was enjoying her ride. Marilynn said, “Master, I am so horny I need you to fuck me … fuck me hard.”

Scott then turn Chief and led the girls over to an old campfire ring and dismounted. Helping each of the girls to do the same. Angle noticed, and was surprised, at how well kept the campfire ring was.

Noticing Angel’s expression Master said, “The boys from the farm like to bring their dates up here on the week-ends. The area is secluded and the cabinets provide a little privacy. The boys provided the clean-up and most of the maintenance is free. I chip in with supplies every once in a while. Like wood, nails, shingles and the like. Over there is a pretty well equipped medical clinic. It was a nurses station when the camp was active and now provides a setting for them to play doctor. Towards the road there is an old mess hall with a very large fireplace inside. They use that during the winter. Mike and I use to ride up here on a Saturday night and watch the shows.”

Mike joined in with a broad grin on his face, “As long as they have been willing to keep the place cleaned up we have allowed them to have their fun.”

“We have found that these young men are very imaginative.” Scott said as he led Angel over to where a flagpole stood to the left of the fire ring. Once there Master connected her wrist cuffs together and then hooked the cuffs to the snap on the lanyard of the flagpole.. Polling on the lanyard as if he was raising a flag he pulled her arms above her head until he whole body was lifted onto the balls of her feet.

Taking a line out of his saddle bags Master connected it to each of Angel’s ankle cuffs and pulled this line behind the pole forcing her to bend her knees and hang there from just her arms. With another piece of line that Scottattached above each of Angel’s knees, and again was brought behind pole to force her legs open to their very limit.

Not even taking time to admit his work, Master ran his hands all over Angel’s body. Across her cheeks, lightly over her lips … which she kissed as his fingers passed by. Down her torso, around her breasts, very lightly over her nipples and then even lighter over her tight stomach as he worked his way down between her legs. Running his finger back and forth through the wetness that he found Master looked Angel in the eye and asked, “What are you?”

“I am your slave, Master.”

“Why are you here?”

“I am here for your pleasure, Master.”

“Very good slave.” And he gave her a kiss, and said, “I think you will be happier if you cannot see what is coming next.” That said, Master pulled out a blindfold and placed it around Angel’s eyes. After another kiss Scott placed a penis gag in her mouth. Checking both the gag and blindfold he said, “Now you canOnly feel what is going to happen. So, enjoy it.”

Telling Marilynn to come over next to him he placed a pair of nipple clamps on her. The clamps were connected with a chain. While he connected a third clamp the chain he order her to spread… she compiled … Scott then placed the last clamp right on the hood that held her swollen clip. Marilynn jumped, screamed, but only said, “Oh, thank you Master.”

Scott then pulled out of his saddle bags a little flogger. Some might call this a pussy whip. One could not cause much pain with this device, but it could, and would, wake up the senses. Scott started with Marilynn. First her tits. Master work all over her breast, top, bottom, in between and under both arms. Marilynn had been told to stand at attention … hands behind her head and legs spread shoulder width apart. Her breast were a real nice pink when Scott moved down to her belly. Again his blows were up, down and all around. As Marilynn’s skin turned a pink and then red,Scott started on her thighs. All the time Marilynn was becoming for more. Marilynn started to get weak-kneed as the ends of the flogger would hit the clamp on her clip on their way to the inside of her thigh. Marilynn jumped from one leg to the other, but she did not bring her hands down, or her legs together, in an attempt to protect herself. She just Oooooed, Aaaahed and asked for more.

Abruptly Master stopped his flogging of Marilynn and turn his attention to Angel. Angel received the same flogging as Marilynn. The only difference being the strikes between her legs. In Angel’s case her legs were wide open leaving her labia spread allowing direct contact. With every brush of the flogger Angel oozed most liquid out of her pussy as it dripped onto the ground beneath her.

When Scott was satisfied with his flogging of Angel he turned to Marilynn, and said, “You have been wanting to get at Angel ever since you got here. Now is your chance. You may put on a show for us while youpleasure your slave sister. You may only bring her pleasure, and you may not allow her to come. If Angel has an orgasm, Marilynn, you will be punished. Do you understand?”

Looking at Angel, Marilynn said, “Yes Master, I understand. And, … Master may I cum?”

“That will depend on just how well you take care of your assignment.”

“Yes Master.”

Moving closer to Angel, Marilynn started by running the backs of her finger nails under her victims arms. Lightly, every so lightly she moved those fingers down Angel’s sides … across her belly … between her breasts as she told Angel all that she was going to do.

“Master gave me permission to play with you, my dear. Now you will begin to learn the wonders of another woman playing Your body like it is her own musical instrument ” As she spoke, Marilynn brought her mouth up close to Angel’s neck causing her warm breath to move into the bound slave’s ear, then dropping her mouth down between her neck and shoulder herbreath moved around the victim’s neck and under her chin. Angel tried to move her head in order to close the gap between her head and should, but Marilynn would have none of that. Marilynn just kept her chin in between her head and should while she continued to blow warm air on Angel’s neck.

Lifting her right hand Marilynn took a firm hold of Angel’s left breast. Placing her hand right over the title leaving the nipple in between the two middle fingers. As Marilynn closed her hand Angel’s nipple was squeezed tightly, painfully, between those two fingers. Working her hand off the title until the nipple was between her forefinger and thumb Marilynn squeezed tightly cutting off all blood flow to the nipple. Applying the nail on her thumb to the upper sided of the nipple Marilynn added twisting and pulling. Angel jerked and thrashed about from the pain, but it had no effect on Marilynn’s administrations to the nipple. Marilynn traded nipples and repeated same process.

Had it nothave for the gag Angel would have let out an earth shattering scream when Marilynn stopped her pinching, pulling and twisting of her nipples and just bit down on the right one, and then the left. As Angel jerked from the pain Marilynn just held on with her teeth and let Angel administrator her own punishment. At the same time Marilynn reached her left hand between Angels legs and took hold of her clip. That little sensitive button between the folds of her pussy was now treated just as her nipples had been … pinching, pulling and twisting

The jerking of Angel’s body from the pain became more and more violent. Every muscle in her body was pulling against her bindings and her body was covered in sweat. In addition to the moisture generated by her sweat, Angel was flooding Marilynn’s hand with the sweet nectar that only can be produced by a woman’s pussy. That wonderful nectar that will broadcast the excitement of a woman as it prepares her for what ever penetrations that may be in store for her.

As the sloshing sounds got louder and the odor telling of a woman’s carnal desires penetrated the air, Marilynn abandoned Angel’s tits and dropped to her knees as she sucked her clip into her mouth. Pushing the protective sheath back into Angel’s body, Marilynn took hold of the clip shaft with her teeth. There holding Angel’s pleasure button Marilynn proceeded to lash the swollen head with her tongue. Angel’s jerking just pulled her clip shake hard against Marilynn’s teeth and adding to her own torque.

There was very little of this treatment that Angel could take. In just a few seconds her body exploded in to a massive orgasm. Somehow in her bound position Angel found the leverage to jerk her pussy right out of the mouth of her torqueor. Even as the assault ended on her password, Angel’s muscles continued to contract, jerk and quiver until she settled into just shaking with no control. Just one continuous muscle spasm.

Marilynn just watched in amazement as her slave sister went through her exercise in ecstasy with her face covered in Angel’s juices. Angel’s juices were still dripping off her chin when Master came up behind Marilynn. Taking hold of both arms Scott pulled them behind Marilynn and snapped her cuffs together. Grabbing a hand full of hair Master pulled his slave up to her feet. Still hanging on to the hair Master spun the slave around until she was looking up at him and said in a firm but clam voice, “I told you not to let her cum .. now didn’t I?”


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