Chapter Four: A Normal Course
This is the story of just how a slave was selected as her Master’s full time slave. As you can see by the title this is the fourth part of this work. While it should be able to stand alone it might help the reader to read the previous three chapters. I encourage you to rate this story and I invite your comments. So please take the time and let me know what you like and dislike. Thank You, S.S.
When that last night ended things seemed to get down to a normal routine. One that everyone seemed to adjust to. It was the same every morning. Mike would wake the girls at around 6:00 AM. Unlock them from their bindings, collar and cuffs.
Angel would make her way into her own bath, remove her plug and insert the enema nozzle. When the enema bag was empty she would replace the plug and step into the shower. Give herself her douche, shake all her body hair and then finish her shower. After drying off Angel would remove her plug and reieve the pressure. She would then apply her makeup, replace her collar and cuffs, and then her plug. Grabbing her work tune she would run for the kitchen to start breakfast. She would get there about 6:50 every morning.
Breakfast served, all the girls would pitch in to get the house clean before noon. By lunch the work tunes were all put into the laundry and the girls were again in what they started to call their natural state, “Nude”.
On most of the afternoons the girls would have free time. They learned about the grounds and the wonderful gardens that seemed to have new blooms everyday. In this free time Angel liked to walk in the garden by herself musing over the last session she had with Master, or the ones they had as a group. She thought about how wonderful it was to wander through the gardens and feel the sun beating on her skin, or the breeze massaging her nipples as it danced through the trees.
Often Angel would wander around the gardens thinking, daydreaming, as she would pick up a flower. Lifting it to her nose she marveled at the rich aroma it produced. Angel continued her walk, and without any consciousness notice on her part she would start to brush the pedals of the flower over her bare skin. Thinking of all the surprises that had come her way since she started to chase after Scott in the chat rooms.
How shocked she was at some the questions that he would ask her. Like her Feelings on being ordered to keep her pussy bare as the day she was born. Angel had never thought of it before. She even asked Scott why a man of his stature would want to look at a little girl rather than a woman. Then his answer made perfect sense to her … from a D/s point of view. The removal of the public hair has nothing to do with his desire for children, but rather the slave’s gift of the symbol her womanhood to her Master. Now, almost a week after she had been shaken and ordered to remain hairless she could not think of any reason to ever let it grow back. Her bare pubis was a symbol of her chosen position in life.
As Angel wandered and reflected she started to rub her flower over her vulva. Feeling the softness of the pedals on her skin and not even thinking about the way that she was pleasuring herself. Yet, as she continued her play her motivation increased and the breeze would provide a rippling effect on her lips of her pussy.
As Angel continued her walking, pleasuring, as Her thoughts ran to the time that Master had taken her and Marilynn to the basement dungeon. Angel smiled as she acknowledge in her mind on how she had come to enjoy group sexual play. How could this have happened to her, she wondered. It was just a year ago that she had met her Master in the chat room and at that time she was of the mind that she would not share her Master with anyone. Yep, her mind was set … she was gong to be a one man girl and her Master was going to be a one girl man. Now she would look forward to the times that Master would playwith her and the other girls at the same time. How could this change have taken place within her?
Angel had never been to the basement dungeon before. Compared to the over all size of Master’s house it was not very big. She guessed that the footprint of the dungeon was only about one fourth of the overall basement. As the three of them came down the stairs Angel notice that here was a darkroom, a fully functional kitchen, a recreation room and then the room with the locked door, the dungeon.
The dungeon itself was not as Angel had expected. She had pictured a dark and frightening place with the floor and walls all painted black with chains hanging everywhere. Master’s dungeon was decorated as if it was on an old fashion sailing ship. As one entered the dungeon room they would have to go down a set of stairs. These stairs allowed for the very high ceiling. The walls were all a natural wood as were the beams that ran across the ceiling. The corner opposite the stairs, there was a platform with a wooden post that ran from floor to ceiling in the center. In an other corner there was a jail cell. Not like one might expect. The bars on this jail ran on a diagonal from one wall to an other. The jail itself was very small. Perhaps it had enough room to hold two very friendly slaves One wall of the dungeon was filled with all types of gadgets that hung neatly as they waited to be used on a slave. The lighting for the whole room was again in a nautical theme.
Returning to her thought of her session in the dungeon with Master and Marilynn. On how wet she became as she watched Master secure Marilynn to a table that looked like a on old medieval rack. It was made of wood and would pull the slave tight from both her feet and her arms. There did seem to be a difference from the racks that Angel had seen in pictures. As the slave’s arms were pulled tight from her body, causing her to be stretched out, her legs were pulled out to the sides causing her outer labia to be pulled open exposing her pussy and the wonderful shades of pink to be found within.
At the same time Angel was bound spread eagle with her arms secured to hooks in the ceiling and her legs held open as the ropes were tied to little openings in the floor that had a steel bar through the center of the opening. As Scott was tying off the knots to these bars he told Angel that this is the same type of device used to tie down airplanes or cargo onboard ships. Angel was sure that there was no pulling loose from this binding, but she just had to try anyway.
Turning his attention back to Marilynn, Master fondled her breast. Squeezing, twisting and pulling on her nipples as he talked to her. Master said, “How do you like my little toy? You know I designed and built it myself. Oh … I did have some help from Mike.”
Marilynn just moaned in response as Master continued to massage her breast and provide his little abuse to her nipples. Angel could see clearly the mood deveLoping in Marilynn’s pussy as she made herself more and more ready for whatever Master had in store for her. Angel could also feel her own moisture as she too made herself ready for her Master’s use.
This picture in Angel’s mind caused her to lift and squeeze her own breast. Dropping her flower she inserted her two middle fingers into her pussy. The squishy noise that came from her soft, wet, sloppy pussy made her moan as she realized her wetness came from the excitement of watching another woman. Briefly Angel wonder if this means she was turning into a lesbian, then she just let that thought pass. Her body quivered involuntary as her fingers moved in and out of her soft pleasure canal and her thumb rested on her clip.
Shaking off the temptations to bring herself to a climax Angel removed her fingers and continued her walk. As soon as her fingers feel the air on their wetness Angel placed them in her mouth in order to lick them clean of her own juices. This had become an automatic habit. Master had told her early in their relationship that every slave needed to be trained by her own Master. It was foolishness to think that one Dominate could train a submissive for another. Everyone is different. Master said as he explained that the basics of training slaves would be close, but the fundamental differences in the dominant’s could make for some major changes and confusions within the slave.
Remembering then how Master had turned his attention to Angel as Marilynn looked on. Master stepped over to where Angel was bound tightly in her spread eagle form with a piece of rope in his hands. Laying the middle of the length across the top of her chest Master started to rap the rope around Angel. First one rapping was over the top of her breast and then the next was under them. In time the base of her breast were beginning to be squeezed together from top and bottom.
Angel is one of those gals who’s breast are extremely sensitive, and any type of attentionion to them will get her juices flowing. Even to the point of climax. Breast bondage was one of her favorite rituals in the play of D/s. Angel never failed in getting very turned on by this attention, and would often cum from just the breast play.
As Angel’s breast started to flatten out from the rope circuit above and below Master brought his rope to the center of her chest from under the breast. Then he crisscrossed Each end between the breast and started to rap each title separately. Three rings around each one. Each ring was tighter than the last. This rapping caused the breast to become perfect formed orbs. This pushed the bulk of the weight of the breast out, stretching the areolas, flattening the nipples and increasing the sensings as the breast changed in color from the normal skin tones to radiant reds and blues. Scott continued to run his rope in crisscross patterns causing Angel’s breast to tighten even more as they separated from each other.
Just the memory provideos a wonderful, ageing feelings of being possessed by this wonderful man that orchestrated this mixture of sensings. Angel could feel the insides of her thighs getting wet as she thought about how Scott had tied off his rope and then gently, oh … ever so gently, moved his fingers around her tits. Even the hairs on the back of his hands dropped her to beg for the release that only an orgasm could bring.
Even now with nothing happening to her, except in her memories, she was whimpering and seeking permission for her release. Begging the Master that was nowhere in sight for his permission to let herself go. To come to the climax that would send over the top and force her body to convulse with the pleasures of the glories of all glories, an orgasm.
Angel opened her eyes and realized that she was all alone. At least she thought she was alone. Hoped that no one was around to see just how foolish she was acting. Her walking had come to a complete stop as she pulled and twinsted her own nipples with one hand and worked her tender folders of skin between her legs with all the power that she could provide with the other hand. She had been calling out loud for her Master to grant his permission for the orgasm that she was so close to.
Sitting on a stone benchmark that was close by the pathway she had been walking on Angel started to catch her breath. The cooling of the stone felt refreshing against the heat of her bottom. She watched as her breast heaved up and down as if she really just got out of a session with her Master. Master had told her many times that it was the mind that was the most sensing organ in the body. Angel smiled to herself for she had just learned that once again Master was right.
As much as Angel wanted to calm herself she just could not shut off her mind. Her hands were also giving her trouble in Their desire to work on the pleasure zones of her body. The picture that she had in her mind was still very vivid. She could clearrly see herself as she had stood there in her bindings with her breast swelling by the rope bondage that had been artistically applied. Even now, while she was sitting on the stone bench, her nipples felt just as sensitive as they did that day in the dungeon. Angel know that if she did not stop now she would reach a point of no return. Her body would force her to climax and then she would have to confess to Master and then accept her Punishment.
Mike then provided the help that Angel needed. He came into the garden calling her name. As he spotted her he said, “Angel, Master wants you in the front hallway.” Mike turned and walked towards the house. Angel got up and followed. A little weak knee at first, but she was able to make it.
Arriving at the front breezeway Angel saw Mike, Marilynn and Master Scott. Walking over to Scott Angel lowered her eyes, dip her knees and asked, “How may I serve you Master?”
Scott placed a hand on each of Angel’s shoulders and leaned into herand gave her a kiss on the chef. “Right now we have some business to attend to, but later I would like a date with you.”
Angel asked, “Is Beth still upstairs recovering?”
Scott replied, “No. She has gone home for a few days to take care of some family matters.”
Scott then addressed both Angel and Marilynn, “Remember when you first got here, while you were yet in the motel room, I told you that either of us could end the contract of your service at anytime. That is the reason that we are gathered here today.”
The two girls just looked at each other with a question in their facial expression.
“Ann and I have come to a mutual agreement that we should end her service as a slave and that she should move on to other things. I am hopeful that we can send her off on a friendly note and I am asking you two to join me in this endeavor.” Scott said.
Neither girl had a chance to respond, as Ann came to the head of the stairs just as Master had completed his stAttempt. Mike ran up the stairs to take Ann’s suit case from her.
As Ann descended the stairway, Angel thought how strange it seems to see her wearing clothes. Ann was wearing a sun dress with a sun flower print that made her look very comfortable for traveling.
Ann walked right up to Master, lowered her eyes, dipped her knees and held her skirt out as she made her little cursy for Scott. Scott took her in his arms and gave her a kiss. Master asked, “Are you all ready?” As Ann nodded in the affordable Scott asked, “Would like a moment with the other girls before you leave?” Again Ann nodded and Scott stepped back allowing the three girls to say their good-byes.
All three of them huddled around each other, hugging, kissing and crying. Ann said, “I am not yet ready for a 24/7 relationship where I must relocate. Master and I talked about it several times and then we both agreed it was best for me to go home.”
Angel stepped back from Ann with a tear in her eyes not knowing just what to say. For she had very mixed emotions churning in the pit of her stomach as she watched as Marilynn kissing Ann on the lips. On one side of her emotions she knew that Ann would no longer compete with her for her Master’s attentions. On the other side Angel was surprised at the bonding that had occurred through all the mutual sessions with all the mutual orgasms.
Breaking off her kiss with Marilynn, Ann walked over to Scott, kissing him she said, “Master, remember you promised that I can come every so often for a visit, and when I do I will be your slave for as long as I am here.”
“I will remember.” Scott replied, as Mike ushered Ann through the door and into the waiting limo. They all stepped out onto the porch to wave their good-byes as Mike drive down the long circular drive.
The girls started back into the house as Scott called to Angel. Marilynn went on into the house as Angel returned to her Master and gave to him a slight cursy and said, “How may I serve my Master?”
Taking her hand Scott said, “Let sit on the swing and talk for a bit.” And he turned and walked to the swing at the end of the porch.
Angel loved this porch. With its red brick floor offset by the white house and on side and the huge white columns on the other side. There was a large chandelier centered on the double doors hanging from chains. The porch was filled with chairs, table, Settees and at one end, hanging from chains was a swing built for two. The porch was surrounded by flowers of all kinds that dragged themselves over the edges of the bricks and provided a very fresh smell for those lucky enough to be here. The only thing that bothered Angel about this porch was the fact that it may have unexpected guests at any minute. Master ran a lot of his business affairs out of his home office and employees came and went and deliveries were made there every day. While Angel had gotten to the point of feeling her nudeness was not only natural aound Master she was still not use to being nude in front of strangers.
As the couple sat on the swing Scott held on to her hand and taking her other hand in his other hand, turning her to face him. He said, “Angel, I would like for you to be my date tonight at the club.”
Her broad smile and her rush to kiss him was his only answer.
Scott continued, “In your room you will find the clothes that you are to wear tonight. I am sure that you will like them.”
Angel replied, “I am sure it will be my pleasure to wear whatever you have selected for me.”
“Do not be surprised when you find a shelf bra among these articles of clothing.” Scott continued, “I have been wanting to talk this over with you for a few days now. Do to your size, I have been thinking that we would want to put you into a shelf bra on a daily basis. This would provide those beautiful tits of yours with some support, help your protect your back and still leave them open and available to your Master. What do you think?”
As Angel gave her answer some thought and then wisely responded to her Master, “I welcome to opportunity to wear anything my Master would desire for me, and I thank my Master for thinking of my well being. I have not wanted to say anything, but I have had a sore back when I have gone to bed at night. It is always better in the morning though.”
As Angel was speaking Master reached his arm around her and pulled her head down on his shoulder. There he played with her hair with one hand and lightly circled her nipples with a finger from the other hand. After a short time of this cuddling Master said, “We may have to discuss a breast reduction. I want you to keep me informed as to your back pains.”
Looking up at her Master Angel said, “Are you sure you would not mind my having smaller breast?”
Scott smiled and said, “Angel I wanted to get to know you better long before I know what size your breast were. I assume you that I am not going to think any less of you if your breast are smaller. Besides, I have never been a real breast man.”
Looking into his eyes for the truth she asked, “If you are not a breast man just what kind of man are you?”
“I am a pussy man. I love the looks of a pussy. Always have.” He said as he smiled at her.
Angel looked deep into his eyes and decided that he was telling her the truth. With that said she laid her head back down on his shoulder and felt content in their cuddling.
They must have done as they cuddled because the next thing they knew Mike had just returned from the airport. Master looked at his watch and got them up quickly, saying, “We need to worry or we will be late for dinner and the entertainment.” Master unlocked Angel’s collar and cuffs so she could take her shower. Then slapping her on the behind he said, “Now off with you.”
When Angel came down the stairs to meet her Master she was wearing a blue dress with a full skirt and open neck that came down to just above the start of her cleavage. The outfit included a matching bag and shoes. Underneath the dress was her shelf bra, thigh high stockings and her plug. Angel was carrying her collar and cuffs and as she curtsied to Master she said, “I did not know if I was to wear these or not.”
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