Chapter Three: The Journey Begins
This is the story of just how a slave was selected as her Master’s full time slave. As you can see by the title this is the third part of this work. While it should be able to stand alone it might help the reader to read the previous two chapters. I encourage you to rate this story and I invite your comments. So please take the time and let me know what you like and dislike. Thank You, S.S.
Early the next morning, Mike made the rounds to each of the slave’s bedrooms releasing them from their tethers. He instructed each to shower and shake as he removed pad locks from their collars and cuffs. You are to clean your plugs, relieve yourselves and then reinsert the plugs. “Then you are to report to the kitchen by 7. Bring a work tune with you.”
Slowly at first each girl made her way into the bathroom attached to her room. There she found everything laid out for her. Soap, washcloth, towel etc., each according to what theyused before coming to Master’s house for this two week selection. There was a properly mixed douche, and special cleaning agents for the butt plug along with an enema. There was even after bath lotions, creams and makeup. Everything that a slave would need to be prepared for her Master’s use.
Angel wasted no time letting the shower warm up to the temperature she preferred. Stepping into her shower she mulled over the events of the day before.. Rubbing the soap into her skin she ran her hands over her pussy. She smiled as she remembered how much she feared being clean sad for Master. She was afraid she would look, and feel, like a little girl again. Now, her shaken pussy just made her feel like she was owned by her Master. The thought accrued to her, and brought a grin to her lips, that it was a very comfortable feeling to belong to Master.
Still lost in thought, Angel absent mindedly opened herself up and inserted the nozzle for her morning douche. Angel was surprised to realize just how much her thoughts had lubricated her. The nozzle opened the portals of skin that protects her womanhood and slide in as deep as it would go with very little effort.
She opened the clamp allowing the moisture flow into her as she pulled the tip of the nozzle off her cervix. Angel could feel the liquid fill her and then run out and down her legs.
She then removed her plug and cleaned that Before washing the rest of her. Her hands kept coming back to her bald pussy. She would open the lips and run her fingers back and forth through her slit. Before she was done with her shower, Angel was wetter inside her pussy than she was from the shower, and shaving did nothing to save the excitement within her.
Angel wondered if Master would be able to smell her arousal as she continued her morning preparations for her Master. She Wondered if things would be this good for her after Master had selected her as his 24/7 slave. The large fluffy towels, heat lamps inthe bath, tower warmers freshly supplied and waiting for her just as they were this morning. “Was this to be her life as a slave?”, she wondered.
Everything else in place Angel took a liberal amount on hand cream on her fingers and applied it to the plug. Then she inserted a finger into her ass. As her sphincter muscle relaxed she inserted a second finger and pushed both of them in and out. When she was ready, Angel removed her fingers and inserted the butt plug for the day. She was surprised at how easy it slipped into place once it got started.
She had heard from other submissives different things about the butt plug. How it felt like it was home when inserted in the ass. How they missed it when it was removed, and how much they liked to have it taken out in order to make room for the Master. In her thoughts Angel added to these other Descriptions that the plug made her feel totally owned, completely submissive and securely the property of her Master.
Taking a few mInutes to make sure everything was in order in her rooms Angel then took a last long look in the mirror. She found that everything was as best as it could be. She looked every bit the part of a slave. This thought in mind Angel picked up her collar, cuffs and her work tune and headed for the kitchen.
Angel was the first to arrive and was greeted with a big smile from Mike. He walked over to her and took her collar from her hand and lifted it to her neck., then the wrist cuffs and the ankle cuffs were last. As Mike completed the job by placing the padlocks in place, Angel thanked him. He just smiled and nodded and told her she could start by washing the fruit and vegetables for breakfast.
Marilynn was the next one to arrive. She made it just in time and seemed a bit out of breath as she entered the kitchen. Her collar and cuffs were already in place and she had her work tune on. Mike called her over that he could replace the padlocks on Marilynn. She was then instructed to start cooking the eggs.
Ann was the next to arrive. About 15 minutes late. Everyone noticed Ann as she ran into the kitchen. Her hair was coming apart, she was gasping for air and she had forgotten many things. She had her white tune on, no collar, no cuffs and her butt plug was missing.
Mike raised his eyesbrows as he gave Ann the once over. Saying nothing about her appearance he simple gave her a work assignment in the preparations of breakfast.
As they completed their individual assigned task, each girl would take her dish into the dining room. Where Beth was already waiting for them, having set the table and poured the coffee. After putting down her dish, Angel went back to the door and hung up her tune on the pegs in the wall. Taking her place at the table Angel then noticed that Beth was not on the floor. Beth was sitting at the table.
Angel took her place right next to Beth. It was then that she noticed that Beth did not have her tail in place, but itDid appear that her metal pussy opener was still inserted. Beth caught Angel looking and said, “Master inserted this dick into me. It would be wrong for me to remove it.”
Angel just nodded and made a mental “slavery” note for herself, ‘If Master puts it on, or in, the item remains until Master takes it out.’
The others then joined them at the table. Mike sitting on the side at the end said nothing as he ate. The girls jabbered about their night before. Mostly they seemed to be trying to prove to the others that they were the greatest slave in the house. Angel avoided most of this chatter thinking to herself, ‘I do not care if I am the most submissive one. What I do care about is being the best slave for my Master.’
As the meal came to a conclusion, Mike began to make his work assignments. Beth was to gather and do the laundry. Angel was to take charge of the kitchen for both cleaning and cooking for the day. Ann and Marilynn were to both dust and vacuum each room inthe house. Each girl was responsible for dusting and vacuuming in her own rooms, and everything was to be done by lunch time. One last thing, each girl was to take care of her own lunch.
The girls then went about their work. Angel was very happy to be given the kitchen assignment. She is very proud of her abilities in the kitchen and felt that this would be an opportunity to show Master just how good she is.
At noon they were all sitting around the kitchen having a bit to eat. Mike included. Angel and Beth had removed their tunics and were just as Master would like. Nude, except for collar, cuffs and plug.
Lunch concluded, all the girls were ordered to the front hall. Marilynn quickly removed her tunic as she walked to the hall. There stood Master. As each girl filed in Mike directed them to stand in front of Scott. As the last girl got to her place, Scott said, “I want all of you to stand in a straight line at attention. It is time for an inspection.”
All fourslaves stood in a line in front of their Master with their legs open wide, the fingers of each had interlaced behind their heir heads and their chest pushed out. After taking a few moments to take in the view of his slaves Scott said, “I have been to the medical clinic this morning, and I am pleased to tell you that each of you have been given a clean bill of health.”
Master walked over to looked Beth over first, Then telling her to go to her cage and make herself ready as his pet. Beth then bent her knees. Just slightly as if she was doing a small curtsey and said, “Thank you Master.”
Marilynn was next. Master went behind her and check to make sure her butt plug was firmly in place by pushing it in to see how much deeper it would go. Then stepping in front of her he lifted each breast as if he is checking its weight. After pinching each nipple he moved his hand down to between her legs. Rubbing the side of his finger back and forth along Marilynn’s slit Scott pushed open the portals to her womanhood. As she opened up you could hear the mood of her arousal as it was seeing on to his finger.
Pushing his two middle fingers deep into her, Master tested her arousal and her openness to his invasion. Scott continued his exploration of Marilynn’s pussy by rubbing his middle finger across the opening of her cervix. Then curling his fingers he found the textured part of her internal flesh to test of its sensitivity to his touch. Marilynn moaned, and it appeared she was becoming weak knee. He continued his play until she started to breath with a heavy pant. Removing his fingers Master commented on her wetness as he raised his fingers to her lips for her to clean. She sucked both of his fingers into her mouth without hesitation.
Telling Marilynn that she did very good, Scott patted her check and moved on to Angel. Master repeated the same procedure with Angel that he did with Marilynn. With the same results … She was panting as he moved to inspectAnn.
Ann stood there with fear in her heart. She was still wearing her tune, her collar and cuffs had no padlocks and she still had not remembered to replace her plug. Ann’s fear was clear for all to see.
Master was shaking his head as he stepped behind his slave. Giving her bottom a hard swat Master told Mike to put her padlock on and to attach her to the frame.
Mike brought the frame up to where Ann stood waiting. She must have been thinking of the orgasms Beth had in the frame the night before, because there was no hesitation as Ann step up in the middle of the frame. Mike was quick at connection Ann’s cuffs to the four corners. He then placed the padlocks in place. When Mike was sure that escape was impossible for Ann he nodded to Master and then walked off.
Scott walked over to Ann and asked if she had a problem with the open and available rule. Ann said, “No master. I want to be open to you. I want you to use me.”
”I am glad to hear you say that mydear, because you are going to be open to me and everyone else in the house for the rest of the day.” As Scott was telling Ann this, he picked up a stick from the base of the frame and wrapped it around her leg just below the knee. This same stick was then tighten around the metal upright on the left side of the frame. When the identical strap was place on the other side it forced Ann into a sitting position as her legs were radically held open.
Mike reappeared pushing what appeared to be a photographer’s tripod on wheels. Instead of a light or camera mounted on the top there was a dildo. Master said to Mike, “Lets go with one a little larger than medium.” Mike nodded as he removed the dildo and replaced it with a large butt plug.
Scott was now behind Ann putting a light lubrication on his fingers. Saying nothing at all Master Just inserted two fingers into Ann’s ass. He twisted his fingers to the right and then to the left as he pulled them out till just the tips were still in her ass, and then he push them back into Ann all the way. Master finger fucked Ann’s ass for some time, and then even more abruptly than when he inserted his fingers he removed them.
As Scott walked in front of Ann Mike quietly walked up behind her. Master raised his fingers to Ann’s mouth. She did not open. He said, “Clean them.” Still Ann did not open her mouth. Master then said, “If You obeyed this morning and cleaned yourself as instructed my fingers should be clean of any dirt. Now clean them!” Reluctantly Ann sucked Master’s two fingers into her mouth.
As Ann sucked and licked her Master’s fingers clean his other hand was between her legs. The outer lips of her cunt has opened do to her arousal and the spread of her legs. His middle two fingers slipped into her with ease. Ann was so moist that her fluids dripped down into his hand.
At the same time, Mike was taking aim with this weapon on Ann’s now loosened little brown hole. Lifting the extension on the tripod until the tip of the plug just come into contact with Ann’s ass. Mike then took hold of a handle and started to pump it up and down. With each pumping action the plug got higher. Mike continued until a combination of Ann’s weight and the height of the plug started to open her little brown hole. Mike then looked for a signal from Master and Scott nodded in the affordable, and Mike resumed his pumping.
Ann’s eyes got bigger and bigger as the invasion of her rectum increased with every downward motion that Mike made on that pump handle. It was a good thing Master had removed his fingers from her mouth. Ann was not sure that she could have avoided biting him.
As Master withdraw his fingers from the slave’s pussy the plug seated in her ass. Ann almost surprised in relief as she felt her sphincter contract between the ball the base of the plug.
As Ann was breathing her sight of relief Scott stepped up on the base of the frame and ordered her to op-en her mouth wide. Annobeyed. Master then placed into her mouth a ring with straws on both sides the were fastened behind her head. When the ring gag was secured Master raised his fingers that had been in her pussy and said as he inserted his fingers into her mouth, “Now you will be open for cleaning my fingers with no hesitation or complaint.”
When Scott was satisfied that his fingers were sufficiently clean he removed them and stepped down from the base of the frame. Mike handed Scott some clamps and looked on as Master connected them to each of Ann’s inner labia. Straps were added to each tigh and the string attached to the clamps was secured to the these straps.
Every hole in the slave’s body was open. Her mouth with the ring gag. Her ass with the large butt plug, and her pussy lips held open by the clamps.
Master looked on his slave and nodded his approval. “Now you are open to your Master just as you should want to be.”
Mike asked, “Shall I move her to the punishment room?”
“No.” Scott responded. “Leave her here in the hall by the front door. Every slave should want to be open for her Master’s use. A good slave will also want to entertain his guest as he desires. Here in the hall this slave will do both. She is open to all in the house, and when our guest arrives I am sure she will provide entertainment for them, as well.” Ann jerked violently in her bindings when she heard This.
“Be sure to leave the mixture at the base of the frame. Soon her arousal will fade as the feelings of punishment sets into her mind. Her lubricating fluids will tend to dry up then.” As Beth was returning on her hands and knees, Scott addressed Angel and Marilynn, “Not only are you allowed to play with this slave, your sister will need you to do so several times an hour. As you do, make sure to use the mixture in the spray bottle to provide lubrication to her mouth and pussy. By the way … she is being punished, she is not allowed to cum!” Ann’s jerking became more profound.
Beth reached her Master and sat as a pet with her hands on the floor and her ass resting oh her heels in front of him. She was holding her lean in her mouth as she offered it to Scott. He took the lean from his slave pet and patted her on the head. Connecting the lean to her collar he said, “Heel.” Beth crawled to his left side and sat on her heels, her hands still on the floor and her breast were squeezed together and push out between her arms.
Reaching down Master took hold of one of his pets tits. As he squeezed, pulled and twisted it, he said, “We are expecting company this afternoon, pet. Just to see you. As I understand they have several human pets at home and several trained poneygirls in their stable. Some of their poneygirls are trained for the cart and the others are trained for the saddle. I hope you like that idea of being a poneygirl.” Beth responded by just rubbing the side of her head against Master.
Looking to the other two, Master said, “WhenOur guests arrive you two are to put on your white tunics. Until our guest arrive you two will have some free time.” That said, Scott walked towards his study. Scott turned back to Ann and said, “You my love will not be allowed to wear your tunic.” As he said this he reached up and pulled so that the Velcro released it’s held and both the front and the back of the tunic fell away.
When the doorbell rang, Marilynn was in the hall playing with her slave sister’s pussy. increasing her torque by sucking on her clip and nipples would be more exact. As Mike walked by to the door he said, “Put some mood into her mouth and pussy and leave that girl alone. Get your tune on quickly.” Angel ran into the hall and grabbed her tune just as Mike had reached the door.
Mike hesitated in opening the door just long enough for the two girls to adjust their tunes and to get into the position that Master had instructed for meeting and greeting guests. Master had them standingon either side of the hall that led to his study in what the military would call an “At Ease” position. That is feet should width apart and hands claped behind the back..
Master walked into the hall just as Mike opened the door. Scott stepped forward with broad smile and his hand out saying, “Brian, Carol..” While shaking hands Scott went on, “How are you? Please come in, and welcome to my home.”
Carol is a beautiful brunette, about 30 years old, with shoulder length hair cut straight across the back and crystal blue eyes. She was wearing just a hint of makeup about her eyes and lips. Dressed in a fashionable beige business suit consisting of a full skirt and a tailored jacket. Her jacket did nothing to hide her more than ample bosom and the skirt accentuated the curves made by her hips. She stands 5’6” in her stocking feet and a bit higher in the 4” spiked heels that she is wearing for this visit. Carol greeted Master by placing her hand into his and dipping herself into a slight curtsey, and saying, “Sir Scott, how nice it is to see you.”
Brian is about 6’1”, late forties and even in his gray suit one can tell the he works out regularly. His blond hair was just beginning to show his age, but his broad smile along with sparkle in his eyes made one thing clear, ‘Now this is the all American boy.’ Brian greeted Master with a firm handshake and saying, “Scott, it is good to see you again..”
Still holding Master’s hand Brian nodded towards the two girls standing with their hands behind their backs and said, “Is one of these the slave that you told us of at the club?”
“No, Beth is waiting for us in my study.”
Carol walked over to the frame where Ann was hanging and said, “This one has had trouble with the rules of openness.” She Continued as she ran her fingers along the slave’s slit, “What a goal. With mouth like hers a woman could find many hours of enjoyment.”
Scott motioned for his guest to follow him to his study. As Brian fell in line beside Master while Carol pinched Ann’s nipples and then her clip before she joined the men. Ann whimpered as her body convulsed from the pain left by Carol.
Scott said, “Angel bring some refreshments to my study for our guests.”
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