It was not a dark and stormy night, nor was I looking for anything more than idle chit chat. Logging onto an adult only internet chat site just to pass the time had never done more for me than that; been a way to pass time and spoke to some very interesting people. Although it often piqued my curiosity, anyone I had ever “met” on the net soon tired of my actual desire to make an intellectual as well as erotic connection and soon both of us would tire of this endeavor and soon return to the public banter available in a crowd of other bored chatters.
Honestly, I had found in my time in chat that most of the participants were only there for idle, shallow conversation and I soon found myself some what bored. In my mind, to sort of justify spending my valuable time there, I had decided that even, “hot_girl_wanting_to_screw_27” was a fat 65-year-old retired paraplegic man in a wheel chair that knew just enough to fool most others. As I explored their minds, it soon became apparent that most of the chatters were masking their true identities and had everything to hide and fell short on reality.
None of this surprised me, as I am nothing if not a student of human behavior and I revealed in disrupting their tried, true and practiced “lines”; participating out of loneliness, our seemingly shared common thread. After many frustrating shallow conversations with various ‘poses’ I found myself getting the urge to screw with their feeble minds. With the thought that no wonder these people were sitting home alone sitting at their keyboards because of their social ineptitude, the devil in me launched a brief experiment just to test a theory.
Inevitably, there would be at least a dozen men in chat trying to fascinate and mesmerize women with such romantic and alluring comments as, “Hi so_and_so_in_ohio_51, are you m or f?” Talk about chick magnets; these dudes would be spotted as losers in a crowd of a thousand. Then, when someone logged in that sounded even remotely like that of the feminine persuasion, they would ratchet their sophistication and savoir-faire into my favorite, “show me your tits.”
Even I knew that this just had the females clamoring to develop a deeper and more meaningful relationship with the Lothario of such depth and romanticism and soon I realized that there was no way I could compete with the plethora of Cyranos that populated these web sites. First, I just tried different web sites to keep from shooting my computer and condemning the web overall. The same lame chat seemed to permeate the first half dozen or so sites I tried. I just had to have some fun with these dimwits and decided to pull a scam on them as a final farewell.
In a fit of despair and boredom I posted a very official looking memo that could have been from the Webmaster. It’s amazing how the blue text that any one of these types could have implemented really seemed to appear as a message from God. I warned that a new computer virus had been diScovered that reformatted the disc drive of anyone making the statement, “show me your tits” over 25,000 times. Much to my amazement and in a sad verification of my shallowness theory, the 75 or so chatters on this particular site fell suddenly silent. You could see that all seventy plus were still logged on; but the scroll suddenly moved at the pace of a slug in the forest instead of humming along at the speed of a three-lane freeway.
Eventually, one brave soul grabbed deep into their verbal library and typed, “Uhn uh” in an attempt to debunk the mysterious blue typist’s warning. Slowly, chatters began typing until a dozen or so souls assured one another that this just was not possible. I have no idea what occurred after that, as I could not bear to stay on any longer. I’m sure the web site is up and running and Still serving its place in the world. I just had to do it and I apologize to those that have found lifelong happiness and fulfillment on and assure you that I will never repeat my different experiment nor return to this particular chat line torment the clientele.
From that point on, I searched for a more stimulating chat room that I could tolerate; keeping my cynicism and low expectations in mind as I looked for more fulfilling illusion at the least. At least with this mentality I could feel I was meeting my basic objective of cheap entertainment and at the most contributing to the better of society. At least with my expectations tuned to the reality that these were not places to develop relationships, I engaged in harmless banter until the other party exposed their deception or became fearful of my honesty and creativity; eventually bowing out.
Then, I discovered a BDSM chat room in Literotica that at least included some entertaining banter and required of its participants some respect for the English language. “The Bitch” was particularly harsh on those without grammatical integrity and she (sic) would intimidateThose who wouldn’t conform to move on. Delightfully, I discovered a person who had enough information to verify that she had gone to high school in the same time and place that I had and “fallen into” a life of submission and storytelling of that lifestyle. This kept me coming back and soon; presumably because I was now deemed acceptable by acquaintance to the crowd frequenting this site, I was accepted and enjoyed Many nights of word play with the dozen or so frequently visitors.
As potentially dark and demonic the BDSM moniker cast over the chat room, I found these people to be reasonably intelligent and kind. Rarely did they mention the sexual proclivity that attracted them to the room; in fact they seemed to shun such conversation since everyone was either owned or in possession of another, such that I had many pseudo intellectual conversations About day to day concerns of adults from all over the world. I finally felt I belonged something; something akin to the bar in the television show, “Cheers” and settled into that for some time.
In no way did I ever expect to find another person to actually develop an online relationship with and had purposely retained my cynical attitude in order to be fooled into believing that this site was any more than just an innocent outlet. My preface to the heart of this story was told merely to establish both my low expectations and the reality I kept in mind When chatting with others in these chat rooms. My low expectations allowed me never to be disappointed and I never would have expected to meet someone with the power to appreciate my intelligence. In my wildest imagination I was certain that no woman could ever be successful at “owning me” in the fashion that has recently found me both intrigued, mesmerized and completely sold on the power of relations on the internet.
The paradigm shift that occurred happened one warm night when I logged on to pass some time after a long day at work when “London_fog_girl” started directing some attention towards me. We began exchanging shallow pleasantries. This woman soon intrigued me as I had never been before; feelings I thought not possible began to embrace me. They were unprecedented in my chat experience and so it was with ever increasing innuendo and entendre that our discussion progressed. Soon, one of the regulars suggested we two privilege our chat with the comment that we should, “get a room” and I must say that my online life has not been the same since. In fact, this alluring woman has had an amazingly broad effect on my life and I find myself thinking about her and the transformation that she has created for me often in my day-to-day life.
As we moved our “too erotic for prime time” chat into private messaging and focused on one another solely, I could feel that This woman was different from any other I had previously chatted with. I chatted at first with hesitance but was quickly lowering my guard. I soon found myself encouraging herand sharing my personal thoughts and feelings with her such that I was entering uncharted territory. Before long, we unthinkingly discovered that we were, Dick and Jane, just as in the children’s books and that we generally were enjoying each other’s intelligences as well as the sexual tension caused by our unhindered exchanges. We shared personal facts from our different continents that quickly verified that we were whom we portended to be and our guard was soon lowered; with an inverse increase of the enjoyment of one another.
That I was more than 10 years older than Jane and she was married seemed of no consequence as our intellectual experience deepened. Our openness and sharing persisted through the revelations of our children and home lives across the Atlantic Ocean and in different time zones. Our conversation Continued with ever more geneuine, erotic and innuendo lady revelations and soon we progressed to discover more about our personal likes and dislikes; ranged from themundane, such as sharing a penchant for a good cup of coffee to our desires around milk bondage and the subsequent teasing that could be bestowed upon one another.
All of this led to the most erotic and memorable Internet sex experiences I have ever had and I write this story at the request of sweet Jane. I have become so smitten with my transatlantic kitten that in no way would I want to displease her by not satisfying her Desire to read of her seduction of me. I can only hope that Jane is pleased enough with my story that she will edit it and we will submit it to Literotica in order to jumpstart my writing hobby to see where it might lead. Selfishly, however, I wish for her to continue to own me as she has so boldly seen to; and whether or not anyone else gets to enjoy our story is of less consequence than that of pleasure her. If, However, Jane asks me to publish more stories, Literotica readers will have her to thank.
Have any of you ever tried to type with one hand, as your other hand is lubricated and busy struggling your cock? Have any readers ever been so mentally stimulated by an online stranger so as to completely surrender to her and fall under her spell? Have any of you been pulled from so deep a state of cynicism of online relations developed over a period of years only to have that cynicism blown away by a seductress’s words; and in only the first few hours of chatting with her?
All of these transformations occurred to me on that warm, calm night as I sat at my keyboard; eventually coerced by her erotic suggestions to close my curtains, lock the door and strip naked at her command. From across the ocean, this not so plain Jane manipulated this strong and independent Dick to surrender to her wicked direction; to allow her to completely control me in such a fashion that rocked my world. Jane had me larger and longer than ever and had me denying my climax until I folded in compliance to her suggestions.
As she described in detaill how she would slowly strip me, Jane somehow instinctively deduced my desire to have my nipples between her teeth; even to such an extent as to how hard I like them bitten to create maximum desire. As Jane described to me her tongue swirling over the head of my stiff cock; so did my lubricated hand twist distinguishedly over the sensitive purple head of my erection. Finally, in an almost erily psychic passage, Jane described one of my Most precise erotic secrets as she suggested squeezing my balls gently but firmly between her fingers as she held my cock deep in her pussy. How did this strange know my secret fans and how could I possibly resist her hot suggestions?
Slowly she tormented me. She told me she would rise up until the tip of my hardness was almost to exit her warm pussy and then she would ever so slowly own me by sinking slowly over the length. It was as if Jane were riding my prick for real as she then would tease me further by describing how she had then climbedoff my pole and further tease my nipples. She then described taking my scaling cock into both of her hands. As if that wasn’t enough; Jane soon had me typing my devotion to her ministers. From across the ocean and through her passwordate prose, her words upon my display soon had me right where she wanted me; saying to her things that I would do for her that no woman before had ever made me say, do, or even imagine wanting as badly as I wanted for this nearly total stranger. Slowly but surely, I was falling into her total and divine control.
Jane slowly but surely manipulated from me my promise to be hers and only hers; to be her submissive play toy to use as she wished. Logically, none of this makes sense as I write this now. I could have been faking her out or could have just stroked myself to climax at a feverish pace Without her knowing and then going along with the myth that I was exercising some restraint. I could have created the illusion in so many ways that I was cooperating with her while really living in a far different reality that I may have been able to deceive her and retain control. I was used to remain far more restrained and much more in control in real life, so the fantasy that she was creating for our enjoyment took me by delightful surprise.
Looking back, I say what I could have done; all the while realizing that I had no say in the matter at all. Jane had complete control of my penis and my brain; captivating this once strong and independent man into her compliant boy toy. She had successfully made me into her cyber bitch; helpless to ignore her ever more lurid and suggestive demands and incapable of doing anything but heeding her stern warnings. Jane was skillful at prolonging my climax; to the point of me typing something about my difficulty in keeping from shooting my load. She of course capitalized on this and deepened the command and control of my brain and body at every passage. Clearly, she sensed my ever-deeper stateof despair and took advantage of this to become ever more in control of me.
I really have no collection of forming words at the height of my excitement and most probably wasn’t even forming sentences in response to her demands; and yet she was able to read me like a book. I thought that I was telling her what I wanted from her sexually; but it was she who was guiding the show the whole time. I remember commenting about how my lubricant had been transferred to the keyboard and what difficulty I was having responding with only five of my ten fingers. I think I joked about, “hunt and pecker” typing in my desire to keep her amused with my where while masking my delirium. She only capitalized upon my prediction and continued to tease me until she got from me what I think she truly intended from the outset.
I am delightfully convinced that Jane had intended to own me all along and have me declare my undivided devotion to her through manipulation. I am so glad she chose meas her project. She had me begging for release and amazingly; holding off for her permission before shooting my load. To the best of my hazy memory, she had me rock hard for over an hour; awaiting my new mistress’s permission to shoot the hot come from my tight balls. Jane specially manipulated me to be her play toy and used me magnificently for what I hope was satisfying for both of us. She found me completely helpless but to Follow her every command with her teasing and I found myself helpless but to comply; hoping to the depth of my being that we could share this experience more than one time.
Jane has used her mind to fuck my brains out over the Internet. This vixen has screwed my brain to the extent that I await even a few lines of endearment from her. I wake at night and check my e-mail; to behave as she wishes so that I might satisfied her. I long for more and only hope that this story she has commanded me to write will satisfy her enough to ask me once again to submit to her pleasure.
I have stayed up late and long past my bedtime to please you, Jane. I have written our story as you have asked of me. I have expressed my devotion to you and have pledged to you that you alone own me and can do with me what you wish. I only wish to please you Jane, so that you find me worthy of your affection and precise time. I have begged for you to let me climax with you and look forward to you driving me again to that point of complete surrender. Please, Jane; find this story worthy of your superior power over me and take it to do with as you wish as a token of my respect and love for your attention.
I only wish to scream your name as you dominate me and so kindly allow me to come for you. I wish for you to make me beg, as you demand of me; as I know it satisfyes you. I wish to serve as your cyber boy and to be used as you see fit. I await your next message and your next command, as I am now yours and loving every keystroke of our relationship.
Your Dick
My dearest Dick,
While I am very, very new at Internet chat rooms, I feel a connection to you from the start, I didn’t know what I was looking for, or even why. Like you I was very cynical and mainly there for entertainment, I went to the BDSM site thinking I would like someone to try and take control of my strong mind. You However taught me that I am not the type of person who can beg, but I have instead discovered that I really like you begging me. I love the fact that I now “own you”, yet still only to a certain degree. I love your mind and the things that it does to me.
With you I finally feel free to express the secret side of myself that no one else sees. With you I can live my fantasy, while Your words entrance and entrap me in your own little wicked web. Like you I am a slave to your desires.
I want you to submit our story for everyone to enjoy.
All my love
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