“You are making a BIG MISTAKE ASSHOLE!!” Sheila screamed as John Davies, head of security of Garfinkels Department store dragged her back into the interrogation room.
“We will see about that? I know you are a shoplifter, and I will find the evidence, as I always do!” he snickered as he looked over his new prey. Again he had snagged a beauty and that was his specialty. Glancing down as she struggled in her cuffs, he could not help but leer at her nice perky tits, firm rounded butt and legs that wouldn’t stop.
“Totally delicious!” he thought to himself as he shoved her inside. Seeing their boss drag another suspiciously top heavy woman back to his office, the rest of his all-female staff rolled their eyes as they had seen this particular show before.
“You have no idea who I am do you?” Sheila questioned belligerently her faux outrage rising as she knew she was caught but still fully expected to wriggle out of the trap.
“Nope!” John quipped “And furthermore, I do not care. I saw you pocket those earrings, and before the day is done you will fork them over.”
Sheila rebelliously shook her head no just as John secretly wanted her to. He lived for these moments. Being a security guard in a high end retailer is not a good paying job even for the head of the department. The pay is lousy the work is dull but occasionally opportunities arise for some entertainment and this was just such an occasion.
He loved it when gorgeous young girls shoplifted in his store, he just loved it. It was a petty crime no doubt, and none of his “perps” ever ended up in prison but none ever repeated their crimes in Garfinkels. And beyond this effect to his delight they did all end up as stroke material for his vivid imagination as he released the moments when he took them back to his office and administratored a very through strip search on their nubile young bodies. Seeing Shelia comes into the store on the closed circuit monitor he hoped she was just such a girll as soon as he saw her enter the building.
Gorgeous and curvy, her snide manner had him instantly attracted and the second she walked in, he had all cameras trained on her every movement. Full wide hips, nice perfect round ass and tits that would bring bring tears to his eyes, as he saw her approach the jewelry counter he prayed she would steal something, anything really, just enough to offer him a pretext for his pervy sideline. Talking to the monitor as he focused in close, he was mentally egging her on as he saw her eyeing some earrings and the clerk was as usual clueless and had her back turned.
“Go on now babe, take it. You know you want it. You know they will look perfect with that new little black dress. Who will know?” he said as he grinned at the flickering black and white image on his screen. Seeing her snag the earrings in her palm, his cock already started to twitch as he knew that today was going to be a very enjoyable day.
Opening the door, he quickly walked out onto the floor and straight to the jewelry counter. Grabbing her by the arm, he quickly cuffed her and began marching back to the interrogation room. Hearing her curses and threats only made him harder and now that she was in his office she really struggled. The arrogant ones were always the best kind to trap as he lived to take down a fighter. As she spat and cursed, to his great delight he knew today would be Especially fun as she was unusually feisty. Demanding that she produced the stolen earnings, Shelia only laughed in his face and screamed that he was delusional.
“OK” John said in a mock sight “Have it your way.” Picking up his phone he called his assistant. “Sylvia, will you come in here please.”
Sylvia knew what that means as she had seen this movie many times before. John was up to his old tricks again, and as usual, he needed a female witness to prevent from being sued. Sylvia and the other girls who worked for him hated his tactics, but all were afraid to complain since he was the darling of Mr. Stevens the store manager.
After Sylvia came in the room, John turned back to his prisoner and barked out his orders. “OK, STRIP!”
“What?!?” Sheila exclaimed half with fright and half with disbelief.
“You heard me, STRIP!! I will find those earrings one way or the other.” Sensing her hesitation, he picked up the phone again as he spoke. “If you refuse to cooperate we could always call the police and you can strip in jail.”
“No No, please don’t do that.” Sheila begged. “My father would kill me!”
“OK then, start shedding your clothes and I won’t call anyone. This can be a purely internal matter.” Putting the phone down, he crossed his arms and glared impatiently at her, motioning with his hands for her to get on with it.
Humiliated beyond belief Sheila slowly began peeling off her shoes, socks and T-shirt, revealing her ample, and now sweat soaked bosom to all in the room. Now down to her underwear she paused.
“I did say strip did I not Sylvia?” John asked his assistant mockingly as he turned. Turning back to Shelia he spoke in a matter of fact tone. “Once the earrings are discovered I will let you go, now STRIP, and I mean EVERYTHING.”
Sheila thought she might have been able to outsmart John by where she hid the earrings but now feared she might have seriously miscalculated. Surely he would not expose her TOTALLY STARKERS would he? This was unheard of for a department store cop. Even still, as she reluctantly reached back behind her back to unfasten her bra she vowed that once this was all over she would get her eventual revenge on this rent-a-cop no matter how long it would take.
Reluctantly, she unhooked her bra and let it drop to the floor as she shimmied out of her floral print panties and kicked them to the side. Now completely naked she shivered, both from the chill of the air-conditioning hitting her bare flesh but also out of fear and humiliation. She made sure toKeep one hand over her pussy and her other arm over her breasts to maintain her modesty as best she could but it was not working. Although her body shaking in fear, her face was stoic, not betraying her emotions. Internally though she was seeing. Her face was totally red now as all her charms were on display, but still her secret had still not been revealed so for a second she thought she might get away with it.
John was puzzled as he thought. “Where else could they be?” and for a second thought he might have played this trick once too often.
“You are going to get slapped with a lawsuit like you never heard of for this one Fucker!” Sheila said as her face glowered and she began to shake in rage.
Just as he was about to panic, thinking that finally he pushed his luck too far, the solution dawned on him. He knew he had seen her take the earrings so they must be on her somewhere. Looking into her face, he smiled as he licked his lips.
“OK then, one last test and then you can get dressed. Put your hands on your head, spread your legs, squat down and cought!” he ordered with smug satisfaction.
Her face turned white at this command. Not only would this be completely humiliating, her whole body totally exposed to his lecherous gaze, it would also reveal her rather unorthodox hiding spot. Knowing she was caught Sheila reluctantly parted her legs and slowly placed her hands on her head as she squatted down. Her face burned as she knew everything God had given her was not totally open to his full view.
John felt his cock thickening as her heavy breasts jiggled as she started to sink to the floor. Now with her hands on her head ALL of her body was open to his full long lingering luxury star, and he savored every second of her glacial descent. Slowly running his eyes up her gorgeous legs, now spread obviously to his gaze with her wide open pussy now gaping, he wallowed in the moment. It was times like these that made the long hours and lousypay worth it.
Thinking how delicious her delightfully shacked snatch would taste if it were on his face right now he shifted his pants as they got tighter. The tension in the room, from his arousal and her humiliation, was thick and everything was as silent as a tomb as this ritual commenced. The silence was broken by the clinging sound of the earrings falling onto the concrete floor and the metallic ring it made as it struck the ground and cut the heavy air like a knife. Licking his lips again, John bent over and retrieved his prize.
“Hmmmm, a little moist but otherwise unharmed.” he chuckled as he licked the bauble clean. “I hope you have learned your lesson today young lady. I won’t press charges this time, but next time is a different story. Now get out of my store!”
“Oh I learned my lesson all right.” Sheila saw ominously as she quickly covered up and began to get dressed.
At home in his small apartment for months afterward John released the incident overand over in his mind as he feverishly jacked off.
“Yeah baby, yeah! Spread those big juicy lips for me babe!” he said to himself as he imagined shooting his fattie into Shelia’s full wet lips.
Several years went by more or less like any other years and although the memory of her dimmed, it never faded. He was able to strip search a few other hapless girls during that time, but none were quite as satisfied as Shelia had been. Although the march of time, his memory never fully dimmed of that fateful June afternoon and he always scanned every female customer coming in to the store hoping she would return and try her stunt again. To his disappointment, she never did, and as it came up on the fourth anniversary of their meeting he spent a long wank session in his bed fantasizing about her outstanding tits once more.
Sleeping well, he whistled as he entered the department store the next morning, happy for another day and another potential catch. As he got to his office hesaw a note on his desk from Mr. Stevens and opening it, he instantly felt nervous. Ominously it asked that the entire security team come into the conference room for a special announcement at 10 am.
John, Sylvia and the other girls working in security all waited nervously as Mr. Stevens entered the room. Retail is notoriously volatile and they all were convinced the store was being bought out and They were all about to lose their jobs. Their fear turned to relieve as they saw him enter with a smile on his face.
“I have good news to announce today,” Mr. Stevens began “My daughter has just completed her police training at the academic and this summer she wants to come and help her old Dad out in my business. I asked her what she wanted to do and she said she wanted to head up the security department as that most aligned with her major.”
Everyone sat silent at this announcement, especially John, but the other girls in security all were loving this potential change. Their pervy boss had been terrorizing them all for years and seeing him so publicly took down a notch was very satisfied. Waiting for the murmurs to die down Mr. Stephens paused and continued his announcement.
“Now, I know John here has been doing a bang up job, but for the time being he and the rest of you will report to my daughter who is now vice- president in charge of loss prevention. She has some very Interesting ideas, and as she is actually trained in Police Work, so I thought it appropriate and she will obviously have some new ideas to teach us all. Now, here I am yammering on and on, so I think the best thing to do is to introduce her to you.”
As the door swung open, everyone was shocked to see a gorgeous young woman walk through. Astonished that such a pretty and especially young girl would be taking over, the most astonished look was the one on John’s face. He actually became almost faint as he saw Sheila walk in the door. After a few more words of encouragement, Mr.Stevens turned the room over to his daughter and left her in charge.
The other girls were unaware of the events before, but Sylvia and of course John knew and both held their breath. Sylvia was smoking bullets, but John was shitting them. Clearing her throat, she spoke to her new employees.
“Before I began, I want you do know that I am not just the Bosses daughter, but I really am very interested in this subject. In fact, I have major in loss prevention and private security so I hope to impart some of my new methods to you all while I am here.” Everyone listened intently, definitely afraid of pissing off the boss’ daughter and each wanting to make a good impression. “So, without any more delay, let’s got started!”
“Now, before I began, I want to say that the most important thing to do when catching a shoplifter is to be able to catch them with the goods. That way the loss is prevented, and hopefully the police do not have to be involved. To demonstrate my new methods of conducting a proper search I will need a volunteer to play the perp.”
No one said a word, but as John stared on in total disbelief he saw her point directly at him and speak. “Who better to teach us than the head of the department. John, please join me up here at the head of the class so we can demonstrate.”
Sylvia smiled with a saved look on her face as the other girls fight back snickers. Reluctantly he walked to the head of the class, knowing his whole career was on the line. Once there though, he had second thoughts and was about to put an end to this charade, boss’ daughter or not. John began to protest but as he opened his mouth Sheila quickly whispered into his ear.
“Boy, I got you just where I want you. And let me tell you, I am going to enjoy every fucking minute of this.” As she turned to the class, her voice returned to a normal tone.
“Now we learned in the academic that the best way to learn is by doing, so, I am going to give your former boss here a challenge.” Lifting her hand up into the air she showed a pair of fake diamond earnings dangling from her fingers. Turning to John she grinned. “Ok John, you are a shoplifter today and just snagged these delicious earnings. Go into your office and hide them on your person and then come back. It will be our job to find them.”
His mouth open in disbelief, he knew he had no choice but to go along. As the boss’ daughter, and his new supervisor, she could destroy him in one second. Not only would he lose his job, but he probably would go to prison. Whatever game she was playing now, he had no option but to go along. Opening his palm, she dropped them inside and turned as he walked to his office.
“Good luck!” she said, her voice barely able to not break into hyperical giggles. After five minute, a very nervous and chasted John re-entered the room.
“Ok Class, now what would you do in this situation? You know he stole the merchandise so there is no doubt of hisguilt. What do you do?”
“Call the Police.”
“Threaten him with Jail.”
“Try to trick him into confessing.”
Answers of all sorts came from the class and Shelia just smiled, shaking her head. “No, you are all wrong. That is not how you handle this situation. THIS is!”
Turning to John who had just re-entered, she pressed her sharp finger hard into his chest as she stood mere millions from his face.
“OK Perp, Now STRIP!!”
A collective gasp went up from the crowd as her command was yelled. Nervously looking around at each other, they could not believe what they were hearing. Surely this was illegal, and definitely unethical. Grinning, they did all wish it would happen though as their pervy ex-boss certainly deserved this treatment. Although being a creep he also was certainly hot enough to inspire some curious banter amongst themselves as to what lay beneath his polyester blend uniform. Thinking it a sick joke, the girls all started laughing.
“This is no joke!” she yelled, the group all instantly falling silent. “Is it John? He knows, he knows this is no joke.”
John said nothing but nodded. He definitely knew this was no joke, but he was completely still, hoping she was just trying to make a point. Her next words told him that his trouble had only just started.
“Yes, as John here will tell you, Sometimes you have to scare the perps into confessing. And the best way to do that is to remove their protection.”
Turning back to John she glowered as she yelled. “Now quit stalling and STRIP!”
As he slowly began unbuttoning his shirt the silence in the room was deafening, only the low annoying hum of the Fluorescent light being audible over the breathless crowd.
As his shirt dragged over the chair and he kicked his shoes off, Shelia looked out into the audience and saw quite a few of the ladies enjoying the downfall of their boss. John knew not to fight and dutifully continued until he stood only in his white boxes.
“Now Girls, as you can see, the perps always try and preserve their modesty when in this situation.” Turning to John she added. “Don’t they John.”
He said nothing but just blankly stared forward. This was the most humiliating moment of his life and he was powerless to stop it. He prayed it was almost over, but as she spoke he knew it was not.
“Have we found the earrings yet ladies?”
A few giggles and snorts came from the crowd as they all yelled out “NO!”
“Well then, I think our Perp here is still hiding something.” Glaring at him, she screamed. “Lose the shorts Perp!”
His face blushing, he snaked them down his legs and kicked them to the side with his other clothes. Now naked, only his palms clapped firmly in front of him prevented his now fully erect cock from waving at his former employees and he could only hope it would stay that way.
Circling him as she inspected his body, Shelia kept her eyes firmly focused on his body. Despin hating him for all of these years, she had to admit he was hot and part of her was deeply aroused by the sight of his rippled ass only viewable by her at the moment. For so many nights she had planned out this very scene and now that it was here, her lips trembled as her next words left her mouth.
“OK Class, obviously this Perp knows how to hide his ill-gotten gains well. Given this situation, where most shoplifters would have either confessed or been discovered by now, there is only one more thing to do.”
Turning rapidly towards John, her mouth turned up in a malicious sneer as she yelled. “Hands on your head, squat and COUGH!”
His face now the color of eggplant, he slowly placed his hands on his head and winced as he heard the crowd gasp. Now that his penis was completely exposed all could see it at full mast, his foreskin having been peeled back as it reached full length. Grinning as she watched him squat, she revealed in this ultimate moment of victory. His cock throbbing and balls swinging as he lowered himself on his haunches, his cought shook loose the earring and it fell to the ground and made the same ring a similar piece of jewelry had made years earlier.
Transfixed by the incredible erotic scene before them, all of the other girls just starred open mouthed in total disbelief. There before them was their hot but creepy boss, stark naked and with a full hard-on squatting as his goods swayed before their eyes.
His head hanging in complete defeat, John began vibrating both in excitement and humiliation but now know his ordeal was probably over. She had got her revenge and now stood up and began to reach for his boxes. As he felt Shelia reach over and grab his forearm and shake her head, he wondered what more she could do to him.
Gulping he saw her putting on her elbow high rubber gloves as a chill ran up his spine as the next words left her mouth.
“Now Class, the rest of today’s lesson will be on FULL BODY CAVITY SEARCHES. Don’t worry, everyone will get a chance to have their turn on John.”
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