Fanchon Nemirow looked curiously at the little door along the far wall of Midori’s cellar. “Mids, I don’t think I get it.”
Midori was a honey blonde with mischievous green eyes. “Well, I had this built for Hearst. It’s a little room within the wall behind this door.”
“It looks like a cell door, in a jail.”
“Yup. It’s what’s called a strip-cell in prisons in Some, states, and in others, a room like this is called the “Hole” or solidary confinement, and in that show “Orange Is the New Black” the solidary cell was called Secure Housing Unit…or the ‘Shoe’ for short.”
Fanchon smiled, thinking of “Orange Is the New Black”. There had been a Hispanic character called Aleida, who was a domme after her own heart!
“That’s right. They’d lock the girls in these 80 square foot rooms, smaller than a horse stable, really.” Fanchon thought about it. “It was one helluva punishment, really.”
Midori winded. “As you know, Hearst is dependy warden of Anvers Correctional, over by Route 58 just before you enter Buttermilk County?”
“That big, ugly penitentiary.” Fanchon nodded. “I think my husband’s company did some software for them recently. Alfred told me it was a big contract.”
Midori leaned against her basement wall, right next to the curious little door.
“Well, Hearst is a dependy warden. It has little to do with any talent in penology, it’s all about nepotism. Hearst’s dad was warden, and so was his grandfather.”
Midori snickered. “When Hearst first asked me to dominate him, I didn’t realize there was career guess caught up in this, as well as the usual husband kink.”
Midori turned to the little door, which had a small square eyes-length window.
The window itself had its own little door, and Midori pulled it open with her slim, manicured fingers. She motioned for Fanchon to peer in.
Fanchon noticed that the lights went on in the little room went on automatically when the door opened, and the room’s occurant, on his knees, was rubbing his eyes from the sudden light.
The tiny room was made of stone, grey stone and Fanchon wondered if the rest of the house was stone as well. But no, it was covered in drywall, and she doubted stone was under that.
But in this room, it was just dark, ugly, gray stone. And, kneeing on the floor was Hearst Delisle, the dependy warden of Anvers Correctional.
“And you see here, the door is closed with electrical tape. ” Midori said, gesturing to the sealant.
“Hearst can leave when he likes, but I’ll know, and punish him if there’s not a good reason. But there’s no worry about him being trapped in a fire.”
The little stone cell was illuminated only by that lone ceiling light that had gone on when the window opened.
“I have a boyfriend who is with the Fire Department. He got me a big hose and I have it attached to a heavy water p ump. I can just poke the hose in this window now and then, when I feel Hearst needs to wake up a little.”
Fanchon watched Hearst kneeing naked, feeling humiliated as he saw the two clothed women looking through the window.
“I love putting the hose through the window and sending in icy streams to make Hearstie dance about in here if I don’t think he’s getting the full confidence experience.”
Both women laughed, thinking of this, and of course Hearst just put his face in his hands.
Fanchon could not believe the size of this little room. It wasn’t even as big as a damn parking space, was it?
“You wouldn’t believe how grateful Hearst is when I finally unlock the door and let him out. Sometimes I meet him just wearing a thong, and he picks me up in his arms and rushes me upstairs and goes down on me for like, an hour.”
Fanchon peered in the little window again.
Next to where Hearst was kneeing, there were two buckets. One was obviously a water bucket, and there was a little dipper, like something out of the nineteenth century to quench the thrst of agricultural workers, maybe peasants.
The other bucket, holding a lone turd soaking in urine, had an obviously different purpose.
And yes, poor Hearst was stark naked, except for his penis, which was locked in a steel tube, much like the one Alfred wore, except when he traveled by air, and had to wear one made of plastic to beat the metal detectors.
Hearst looked up and saw Fanchon’s face, and he turned scarlet in further embarrassment, but he stood up.
Hearst’s eyes were clearly still not used to the window of light, and he blinked and rubbed them.
“Middy, honey, can I come out now?”
“You have an hour and forty-five minutes left on your sentence, Hearst” Midori cheerfully responded.
Midori pulled her right breast out of her blouse. She jiggled it through the little opening at her sad husband.
“See, if you were a good boy, you might be kissing and sucking on this rosy nipple, but instead you have to just sit there, don’t you, you douche bag?”
There was a muffled sob.
“As you can see, Fanchon, the wall behind Hearst has cuffs hanging from it, very Middle Ages, and when I am especially displeased with him, I cuff Hearst’s wrists and he’s forced to stand for hours.”
Midori nodded to a loop in the floor. “Sometimes I lock his chatity tube in that metal loop so he’s forced to stay kneeing. It seems to focus him into total sub space, you know?”
Midori shut the little window without further comment, and her husband was plugged into darkness again. There was a sound of sobbing behind the door.
“And you see this smaller, wait-level window?” Midori asked, giggling.
“This window is a little smaller, and sometimes I have our prisoner put his cock and balls through it-I lock The window around his junk and leave him there, being forced to stand for a few hours.”
“Really, his dick just forced to swing outside the door, where he can’t see who approaches?” Fanchon asked in astonishment.
“Look, if he didn’t want this cell, he wouldn’t have built it. Hearst had this thing constructed when he was married to his first wife…you know her, I think, she’s now the dominant partner of Dante Abbandando, who runs the Dante’s Inferno dungeon in South Buttermilk County.
Fanchon remembered. They had several similar cells like this in the Inferno Club!
“Anyhow” Midori continued breezily, ” I love singing up to poor Hearstie’s wee-wee when it’s stuck outside the door and caning it suddenly.
Midori chuckled ” Or teasing Hearst just to the point of an orgasm…he’s inside the cell and has no idea what’s coming next. Once I seasoned his urethra with hot sauce!”
Midori snapped her fingers. “Oh and now and then I bring boys down here, big construction guys and sailors from the base, and we use the wait level window as a glory hole, they stick their dicks in and Hearst pleasures them with his mouth…it’s all purpose!”
Fanchon was bewildered. As adominant wife, she’d put Alf through a lot in the twenty-three years they’d been married. She’d burned his nipples with hot light bulbs, and tied him naked on the porch, whipped his bare ass in the changing room at Lord and Taylor…
She’d made Alfred knee in the bathroom at parties they gave, providing oral relief and swallowing the waste of various guests…but what Midi seemed to be putting Hearst Through was off the charts!
Midori snickered, reading Fanchon’s mind. “You have to understand. Like I told you, Hearst had this little room built for himself. He took out a huge home equity loan to make it happen. Hearst is expiating his guilt over his family’s generational brutality and persecution of conflicts in the prisons of Buttermilk County.”
She paused. “By being an inmate a few hours or even days of the week, Hearst is getting in touch with something really deep in his soul.”
Over cocoa upstairs, Fanchon listened as Midori explained that although the solitary cells in prisons were much advanced now, a century ago, when the penitentiary was being run by Hearst’s grandfather, these were the conditions that jailbirds had to endure.
“It’s awfully narrow, that room.” Fanchon ventured. “And the floor looks really hard.”
“Well, yes. Imagine what it must have been like in Anvers when some poor bastard conflict had to spend months in that cubbyhole, or forced to hang from the cuffs, because he’d mouthed off to a screw.”
“A-a what?”
“A-a what?”
“A screw. A Hack, a bull-a guard. Remember, Fanch, my great uncle was confined at Anvers between 1933 and ’58. My cousin, his son told me the stories.
“Twenty-five years straight?” Fanchon asked, aghast.
“Well, no. On and off. Uncle Hiberneus had kind of sticky fingers. He couldn’t pass a gas station without trying to rob it. And then Uncle Hibe’s son, my cousin Junebug had a wee problem with counterfeiting money.
And they were regular guys, and acted up in prison, and then thePunishment for bad behavior while incarcerated was being put in those tiny rooms.”
Midori sipped her hot chocolate carefully. “I mean poor Uncle Junebug? Junie would kick some disrespectful hack in the nads and they’d put him in that intolerable place.”
Midori shook her head. “Then when Junebug’s sons, Junebug Junior and Rabies began going to juvenile hall and reformators, they found the kids had the same deal with the solidary cells. It’s really outrageous.”
Fanchon had nothing to reply to this. “How long does Hearst have to stay down there in the strip cell?”
“When his behavior is good, I lock Hearst in the little room for at least three hours one night a week, and all day Sunday after church, just to you know, have him get his head together.” Midori answered casually.
“But when Hearst annoys me, I give Hearst a choice between adding a week or two to his monthly masturbation date, or doing seventy-two hours in the cell, usually on the weekend, and he’sdesperate to jerk off, or even better to fuck me…so he goes downstairs, weeping all the way.”
“Kneeling in that awful darkness.” Fanchon said, some dazed.
“He built the cell, not me.”
Midori paused. “My cousins, Junebug Junior and Rabies write me from Anvers, they’re too old for the youth prisons now, and they tell me that in the past two years, jail has become far more humane than it was…I credit that to Hearst realizing what life is like in there.”
She laughed.
“Solitary confinement is much better for them. J.J. just got sent to the hole when he was caught with some pills recently, and they have a little tiny television, and may be putting in Wi-Fi.”
“Really?” Fanchon asked. In her heart, she was a conservative Republican.
Still, Perhaps having a little cell like this in her own home would help in her training of Alfred…though he was a bit claustrophobic.
But Fanchon had a female sub. Tiburcia was a rotund chemical engineer.After flogging Tibby with her own bullwhip, Fanchon had often locked her in closets and once under the sink in the bathroom.
Tibby had told Fanchon that it gave her time to reflect on her sins and Fanchon could truly see Tiburcia kneeing on a stone floor.
But Midori was still discussing prison…
“I told Hearst if he acts up too much I’m going to take a field trip to the prison, pick out the five biggest cons, well-hung black ones, and have them gang-bang him in the Warden’s Office.”
Fanchon paused. “You know, my neighbor audited Hearst’s crisis course at Schexsnyder Business Academy over on Naugatuck Avenue. She did say Hearst’s theories are very advanced now.”
Midori laughed. “And with luck, so will his anus be.”
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