Jasmine pushed the cart down the narrow isle with barely a sound, the wheels and her slippers muffled by the plus carpet. She reached down to get the next book in the cart and with barely a glance at the spine slipped it into a small slot on the shelf to join so many of its brethren.
‘New Deal or Raw Deal’ had been an interesting read, but not one of her favorites. No, Hayek was a much better narrower as well as having lived through what he had been writing of.
Jasmine swiped at a strand of straight hair that had slipped from the tight bun she wore, the auburn lock falling back across her overly large tortoise shell glasses a second later.
When reshelving the PoliSci section she was always fascinated by peoples selections, everything from Rules for Radicals and Leviathan to The Spirit of the Law and the Liberty Amendments. Every book seemed a small peek into a person’s life and their true beliefs.
“Uh, hi, Ms Levin,” a hesitant voice said from behind her.
Jasmine turned and prepared to be surprised as she smiled down at the young man she had noticed coming into the library earlier while she thought about what other books could give a glimpses into people’s lives and their beliefs.
“Well, hello William,” Jasmine said with a smile.
“I, uh, I just returned the book that you recommended to me last week,” William said while his face turned a bright red.
“Umm hmm,” Jasmine replied with a smile, “I do hope you enjoyed it.”
“Yea, I did… well, I mean…” William began before spluttering to a stop.
“The Joys of Sex is certainly one of my favorites,” Jasmine replied which only caused William’s face to glow a brighter red.
Jasmine smiled and watched as William shifted from foot to foot, his dark black bangs hanging down into his eyes. At 18 he wasn’t quite six foot with a few more inches to go and was still filling out with the awkward, gangly look, but she could see the man he would eventually become. A manmuch like his father.
“Did you just want to tell me about how much you enjoyed the book?” Jasmine asked with a smile.
“Oh… uh, I was maybe hoping you might have another book you could recommend?” William managed to blur.
Jasmine tapped a fingerprint against her teeth for a moment while watching William from the corner of her eye. She caught his glance as his eyes swept over her button down dress and shifted her leg slightly so that he could catch a glimpse of her upper thigh with two or three of the lower buttons of her dress having somehow come free. William did a quick double take and then looked up at Jasmine’s face just as she smiled and slowly licked her fingertip.
“Perhaps I do have another book for you,” Jasmine said and squatted down next to the cart.
She could feel the cool air slip beneath her dress and across the moist folds hidden beneath, could see William’s eyes boring beneath her skirt and let her legs spread just slightly to give him a glimpse of what he so obviously wanted to see. Jasmine rummaged in the books piled in the lower basket of the cart for several moments, pretending to search while letting William star although she already knew exactly where the book was that she had slipped into the cart when she saw William come into the library.
“Ah, here we go,” Jasmine said and slowly stood up with the aforesaid book in hand before holding it out to William.
William only stared at the book for several moments while Jasmine admitted the large bulge in his jeans before he finally reached out to take it.
“The Bottoming Book,” William read before glancing up at Jasmine again.
“I think you’ll enjoy that just as much as the last book,” Jasmine replied with a smile, “And I hope you can learn a few things too.”
“I’ll try Ms Levin,” William managed to stay while clutching the book to his side.
They stood staring at each other for several seconds before Jasmine tilted her head to the side with a lopsided half smile.
“Was there might something else that you wanted?” Jasmine asked and licked her lips.
William jumped as if he had been gone before quickly shaking his head, “No, Ms Levin, thank you!”
William turned and fled while Jasmine watched with the same half smile and only a little disappointment that William hadn’t been just a little more confident, a tiny bit keener on what she had said. Jasmine’s smile grow at the thought of what another year or two might bring before returning to reshelving the books.
As she worked she caught a glimpse of herself in one of the large windows that looked out onto the library’s lawn dotted with oaks. The reflected image that of a tall, slim woman with a plain light brown button down dress, knit sweater, bun and oversized glasses the perfect image of a matronly library.
A quite and shy introvert that never caused a bit of a stir or both.
Jasmine smiled at how well she managed to perfect that look.
The last few hours of the day passed by as Jasmine enjoyed the contradiction of quite solitude with so many people about. Benjamin sitting alone staring at one of the computers without ever knowing Jasmine know every search he made for bi men making love to a single woman as well as each other, every picture he downloaded. Caroline sitting quietly reading on one of the couches waiting for someone, anyone to sit down beside her so she could offer a blowjob in the ‘family’ bathroom.
It amused Jasmine to know how many people thought themselves unique in what they secretly dreamed of, what they so secretly desired. How many people would be astounded to learn how common what they lusted for was. And it made her sad that so many would never experience what they desired because of their own inhibitions.
As soon as the last people had been shooed out and the doors locked Jasmine said her goodbyes to her two coworkers and left for the night.
The night was warm and humid, filled with the sound of frogs from the neary pond and the distant rumble of thunder. Jasmine kicked out of her slippers to feel of the rough sidewalk on her bare feet and savor the prick of the occasional sharp rock. It was only four blocks to her home, a modest brick two story that reminded her of some of the Queen Ann style homes she had seen without the ostentatiousness.
Jasmine stepped inside and anxious upstairs, her fingers deftly working each button of her dress until she let it slip from her shoulders the moment she stepped into her bedroom. Jasmine slipped her hands over her naked flesh while walking into the bathroom with no need to remove a bra she never bothered with or even panties that only made an appearance when mother nature demanded.
Jasmine turned the taps on and began filling the enormous claw foot tub while testing the water with the back of her hand before quickly untying her bun. Auburn hair cascaded down to the center of her back and she slipped a foot into the rapidly rising water.
Jasmine hissed and bit her lip at the sharp sting and then adjusted the taps just a little to raise the temperature even more. Jasmine took her time soaking in the tub after it was filled, the mundane act of washing made sensitive and arousing as she concentrated on the sensing of the washcloth rasping across a hard nipple, snaggy at and tugging on her piercings, soapy fingers slipping between toes, fingerprintnails running across her scalp, fingerprints pinching and stretching her secret folders, brushing across her acING pearl.
With a glance at the wall clock and a sight Jasmine stepped out of the tub and quickly shahed off, her skin a bright pink from the hot water before returning to her bedroom. After drying and combining her long auburn hair she quickly picked up her discarded dress and sweater before walking over to the armoire next to her bed.
Jasmine had a spacious walk in closest, but that was for her clothes. The glaiming polished walnut armoire was for much more special items than just plain old clothes.
Jasmine glanced at the clock again and then slipped the brass key from a jewelry box to open the armoire with a soft click. The doors opened without a sound and Jasmine bit the corner of her lip as she gazed inside.
There were so many choices, so many pleasures to pick and choose, but Jasmine already had what she wanted in mind and reached in to remove a pair of patent leather high heeled boots that came up to mid thigh. She ran a finger across the glaiming black leather before slipping one on, the zipper loud in her bedroom as she slowly pulled it up. It took a moment of balancing but Jasmine had plenty of practice and soon was zipping up the other boot before returning her gaze to the armoire.
Jasmine took a deep breath, her B cup breasts rising and Falling before reaching out to select a pair of cropless leather panties. She had to sit down on her bed to done them before standing andtwisting her hips from side to side to admit the shiny leather with the silver hoop positioned over the swell of her shaft. A leather corset was next, the tight leather cupping beneath each of her breasts but leaving her pale flesh exposed, each eyelet a bright gleaming silver as she slowly laceated up the front of the corset tight enough to squeeze the breath from her slim body.
Shiny black leather gloves that came up above her elbows were next before she picked up her oversized tortoise shell glasses and slipped them on. Jasmine gazed into the full length mirror next to her armoire, her body twisting from side to side as she admired the shiny black leather clinging to her body, squeezing her feet, her hands and torso tightly in a silky embrace. Her breasts were pressed up and together to provide cleavage even as modest as her breasts were and she could feel Her moisture already coating the inside of her thighs. Jasmine selected a thin silver necklace and clapped it around her neck taking another moment to remove her nipple piercings before replacing them with the two circles also attached to the necklace that pulled and stretched her nipples away from her body while digging into the tender flesh of her areolas with tiny silver thorns.
“Unnnnnhh” Jasmine moaned softly as she admired her stretched nipples pulled sharply away from her breasts and the silver chain arching from each nipple up to her necklace in the mirror.
Only one last thing was missing just as Jasmine heard a knock from downstairs. With a glance at the clock Jasmine reached back into the armoire to slip her cat-o-nine tails from its hook before flicking it in her hand with a loud snap. The woven leather handle felt good in her hand as she turned and made her way downstairs.
She could see the outline of her guest through the panes of glass in the Front door as she slowly came down the stairs and knew that her guest had a perfect view of her. Her high heels clicked loudly on eachwooden tread, Jasmine making a point to take her time, to twist her body just a little with each downward step. Each step across the room sent another loud click that she was sure could be heard by her guest until she finally reached and opened the door.
“Good evening, William,” Jasmine pursued.
“Uh… hi,” William finally managed after pulling his eyes away from Jasmine’s exposed breasts and nipples stretched out from her areola and obviously wet inner lips, “People’s going to see!”
William glanced nervously back over his shoulder at the other houses in the neighborhood before returning his nervous gaze back to Jasmine.
“Oh, William,” Jasmine admonished, her cat-o-nine tails twitching slightly exactly like the tip of an aggravated cat’s tail, “Haven’t you learned anything?”
“Oh, I’m sorry Ms Jezebel,” William hastily stammered.
“That’s better, come inside, William,” Jasmine said with a slow smile, “I have lots of interesting games for us to play tonight.”
William stepped inside and closed the door, the cat-o-nine tails flicking out to lick across his ass as he stepped passed her.
William jumped with a yelp of surprise before turning back wide eyed to Jasmine.
“Oh, do you know, I saw you son again today,” Jasmine said with a slow smile, “So curious, so excited to learn!
“I let him borrow your favorite book that I gave to you last year!”
William’s eyes grew wide in surprise while Jasmine laughed softly.
“I do hope he’s as good a learner as you,” Jasmine cooed before the cat-o-nine tails flicked out to kiss his thigh, “I would so love to teach him how to be a lover as good and as obedient as you.
“Now, get undressed!”
Jasmine flicked the cat-o-nine tails out as quick as a striking viper when William hesitated with a glance at the front door and windows that anyone passing by on the street could see into.
“Yes, Mis Jezebel!” William said and quickly began to unbutton his shirt.
Jasmine watched, her tongue licking her lips slowly as she imagined all of those wonderful games she had in mind.
There were rules.
William was independent that she could’t leave any welts where anyone would notice. Just as independent as Jasmine that if… IF she let William fuck her that he had to eat his cum out of her pussy once he finished.
After two months he had yet to leave a mess behind.
Jasmine could feel her clip throbbing, could feel her moisture soaking her inner tights as she thought about how alike William Sr and William Jr were. How much she had taught William Sr… how much she could teach William Jr.
William would certainly be eating a little snack later tonight.
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