I picked up the cup, took a sip, then placed it back down on the desk next to the mouse. The warm coffee felt good on a cold evening like tonight. I normally don’t have caffeine this late in the day but some days I just need that extra boost to get me over the finish line.
I propped my elbows on the table and leaned forward, cupping my head in my hands, pondering the effectiveness of the new profile. It has just enough of my breasts without breaking site policy. The picture clearly showed that I am a dominant woman, and the hair drawing over my face accomplishes the goal of hiding my true identity. I can’t even imagine what would happen if I were to be found out. My career would be over, my relationships would all suffer in some way, and I would no doubt be an embarrassment to my family. “Priority number one” I whisper under my breath.
Reaching for the mouse, I grab it and click, posting my revised dating profile. I got up from my desk and crossed the room, stopping bythe kitchen to put my empty coffee cup on the counter before continuing to the bedroom.
I sat down at the edge of the my bed and stretched a few minutes, reaching for the ceiling with my hands then arching my back to loosen up some of the stiffness from the day. Slipping off my jeans, I half thought of just closing out my day now, even though it was only 8:00 PM. I wanted to simply hop into bed, slip under the covers with my phone, and drift off to sleep catching up on my messages. But instead, I headed to the shower to clean up first before tidying up some loose ends.
After showering and drying off, I pull out the low plastic clothing storage containers from underneath the bed. The container holds my ‘dominant’ clothes – the clothes that I don’t want others to know about. I rummage through the container and pull out some low heel boots, a corset, and some other legethery and dark fetish clothes.
Sitting back down on the bed, I began putting them on, one by one. I layer them in order, as if they were armor being donned before a tournament. And like armor, these trappings make me feel strong and invincible.
My heels strike the floor as I walk through the kitchen. I intentionally slow down, enjoying each time my foot hits the floor with a loud commanding thunk. I feel powerful and move with a purpose. Reaching the cellar door, I stop and unlatch the bolts. I flick the light switch at the top and then, with the same commanding gate, descend the wooden steps into the basement.
At the bottom, I take a moment to breath in the air, letting the distinct euphoric aroma of earth, musk, wood, and old house fill my lungs. It is a heady scent which always relaxes me and stirs up dark primary desires.
I walk over to the large kennel cage where Daniel is sleeping peacefully. I squat down quietly, as Not to awaken him and find myself jealous of his slumber. For many long moments, I honestly debate waking him. But I want to rest myself and for meto do that, I need him out of my house. And for me to do that, I must fulfill my part of the bargain.
Daniel is my neighbor. He is actually quite a nice man. He has helped me out in the past, with cutting some of my hedges and lending me some of his yard tools. It’s a shame that our friend will have to change. We can never go back to just being neighbors.
I stand up and kick the cage a few time, thinking “But he brought this upon himself.”
“I thought you had forgotten about me” my slave yawns then stretches his arms. “It’s actually quite peaceful down here.”
“We do this, and then it’s done?” I ask, although more like a statement than a question.
“Yes” he says “of course. Done deal”
“And you will never tell anyone about *any* of this, correct?” I say firmly. “No, that’s what we agreed to” he confirms. “But… you and I are going to have fun tonight, right? That’s the other half that you promised.”
I healed a long heavy sight and then wave my hands in front of my breasts, showing the Mistress outfit and cleavage. “Helloooo” I reply “What do you think these are for?” I answer rhetorically.
Daniel seems content with that. He nods and then slowly looks me up and down, with greedy eyes “Ohhh Yea!”
I am instantly repulsed but manage to suppress my desire to beat him.
I detest this agreement. I don’t resent him for finding my on-line Mistress profile. How can I; that was completely my fault for being so careless, telegraphing my life on the Internet and blindly posting all those photos of myself, thinking it wouldn’t catch up to me someday. But I do abhor him for telling me about it. I abhor him for blackmailing me. I abhor him for threatening to leak my secret to the neighborhood. And I abhor him, just for being him, to my very core.
“Shall webegin?” I ask, trying to suppress my contempt, yet feeling it leak out at the edges.
“Yup, let’s do this” he responds eagerly.
I bend down and put my face up to the cage. “Shhhhh” I whisper, putting my finger up to my lips. “You didn’t do too well last time, earning you a long timeout” I reminded. “So let’s try this again. What is my name?”
“Goddess” he replied, stoically.
“And what is your name” I say, not really asking.
“Daniel” he quips, trying to be funny.
With that, I stand and kick the cage and head towards the stands, like before. “You can just sleep here tonight for all I care” then start heading up.
“No, wait! Wait!! I’ll play along. I’ll say what you want” he says soberly this time.
Walking back over, I look down at him in the cage. “This is not a game, slave. Do you understand?”
“Yes” he responds emotionsless.
“You just earned one point for that foolishness” I say flatly. “Now what’s my name?”
“Goddess” he says.
“Very good. And what’s your name?”
“I… I don’t know. You never told me” he replies, raising his hands and shrinking.
“Your name is ‘slave’. Do you understand?” I tell him, as if speaking to a child. “Now say it”
“slave” he says uncomfortable
“Again”, I demand.
“slave” he says even more uncomfortable
I reward him with “Very good” and then unlock the cage door. “Stay there” I command then walk across the basement floor, sitting down in the chair at the opposite side. “Now open the cage door and crawl over to me”
slave opens the door and starts to stand
“DROP!” I yell, getting up from my chair and taking a few menuing steps towards slave, who freezes in place. “Drop to your hands and knees NOW!!” I say, my arm outstretched and hand pointing down to the floor, firmly.
“Okay, okay” slave says, backing down from the fight
“One point for standing, one for not following orders, and one more for talking back!” I decrease in afirm voice. I go back to the chair and watch as slave pathetically crawls over to me, stopping at my feet then leaning back and resting on his calves.
“Down!” I command again, leaning forward and grabbing his head in one hand and pushing it to the floor “another point for just being so fucking stupid”
slave twists out of my graps and rises to his hind legs again. He immediately holds up his hands, palms facing me, padding the air in a yielding manner. “Hold on… hold on… hold on…” my slave blurs out. “Remember, this is all new for me. And remember, *I* agreed to be here, okay? This is *my* fantasy.”
I just silently shake my head in disappointment. ‘ten points right there’ I think to myself.
“Okaaaay?” slave asks “C’mon, say it with me”
‘Oh, my dear sweet, pathetic slave’ I think to myself, ‘Your are not ready for this. Another twenty fucking points for you’.
But I remain silent and stare at him with an icy gaze, shaking my head in disbelief.
“Hey, hold on…” slave says, as if he was human. “Don’t shake your head. We had an agreement. I’ll keep my mouth shut but you have to make this a fun night for *me* as well. And I don’t like being treated like that, okay?” slave said with his own pitiful indignation.
We star at each other for about ten seconds before I decide to change tactics.
“Okay, slav… sorry… I mean Daniel.” I say in a compromising voice. “What would make this more fun for you?”
“Now *that’s* more like it” slave chirps. “I was thinking maybe you could tie me up over there” pointing to where two chains were hanging from the ceiling. “Sure” he continues, getting up and walking over to the chains. “In fact…”
‘twenty fucking points, asshole’ I think, suppressing my rage by tallying up all the offenses so far, to keep me calm.
“…sure” he goes on “this would be a perfect spot for us to have sex” he finishes.
“Excuse me?” I burst out, generally surprised. “Sex?!?”
“Sure” slave says a little dumbfounded, “isn’t that what we’re doing tonight?” “I mean, hey, that’s what we agreed to, right?”
Feeling equally dumbfounded and quite honestly speechless, I just stand there and can only respond with “Unnnhh… sure, I guess.”
“Great!” slave says “So what happens next?”
Still stunned and only starting to recover from my shock, I answer “Ummm… well… perhaps you should take your clothes off”. My voice has calmed and even melt.
“Okay” slave says, then as an afterthought adds “Is this the part where I start calling you Ma’am or Goddess?”
“Sure” I calmly agree. “That’s fine.”
“Super” he says while bending over to remove the last of his clothes.
I remain calm, and even friendly the entire time. I am compassionate when and I strap the cuffs to his wrists, even gently brushing my hand against his shoulder. I flash a smile up at him as I am putting on his ankle cuffs, gently asking him to stand with his feet a littlewider apart. I ask for his permission to tie his wrists to the chains in the ceiling, even apologizing for making them a little too snug. And when it comes time to secure his ankle cuffs to the rings in the floor, I rub his leg and ask “are you comfortable”, fighting back the urge to bite him.
“Absolutely” slave purrs. The entire time, his dick has grown hard with little drops of pre-cum trickling down his shof.
“Good” I purr right back at him.
“Is this the part where I pick my safe word?” he asks, as if he just finished reading a BDSM primer.
“Yes, of course” I say, bubble. “What word would like?”, as if we were down here playing scrapble.
“I gave this a lot of thought” he said proudly. “I think I’m going to use the word ‘Uncle’”
I pursued my lips and nodded my head a few times in feigned consideration. “Not bad, I said.” “But how about something more unique, like, oh, I dunno… ‘Mistletoe’ perhaps?”
slave thought a few seconds and then agreed, saying “alright, I think we’ve got everything. Let’s start this show!”
‘Oh, my fucking slave’ I thought to myself ‘you have no fucking idea…’ reaching for the gag.
“Oh, one more thing, honey” I casually revealed. “Sex is so much better when you’re gagged, trust me” I nodded, placing the gag in slave’s mouth and tying it at the back of his head.
Slowly walking Around him, I looked at his naked confident body, firmly standing there, his head following me with his luxury disrespectful eyes taking in more than I offered. I continue slowly surrounding him, like a predator around the weakest of the pack. His antics of trying to dry fuck me while tied amused me, as did his attempts at grabbing me each time I walked too close to his hands. I brought my body close to his, rubbing my breasts against his chest, then put my hand on his back and whispered sensitively into his ear “let’s play baby”, then with all my might I wound up and slapped his ass.
The magnificentsound of flesh upon flesh, like a clap of thunder, was outdone only by his cries of pain. He started yelling something – I didn’t care; they were incomprehensible and meaningless. I watched him glare at me and try to scream more nonsense in my direction. So I torqued my upper body then twisted back as fast as I could, slapping the same ass cheek unbelievably even harder than the first time. The sounds of flesh and pain were like heroine to me and I closed my eyes, leaning my head back, and rubbed my hand against my wet pussy until his cries began to subside.
“Aaaaaash-hooole… Ukkking-iitch”.
I knew what he was saying and I loved it. I took my hand, wet with pussy juice, and again slapped the same ass cheek, just as hard as before. A tremendous wave of pleasure warmed me from the inside. It was the long awaited release of having to put up with all his crap, all day.
“ISSHAALLHOE,” he tried to shout through the gag
another **SMACK**
another **SMACK**
I tilted my head quizzically, “What’s that baby? I don’t understand” And when he again tried to pronounce the safe word which I already knew he could never say Through his gag, I hit him again. “You’re saying you want more?!?”
I slapped his ass over and over and over, for at least five minutes straight until he stopped protesting. His ass cheek was critic red and when I touched it, an immense heat radiated from his skin. I placed my hand over his chest, and could feel his hear racing and his breaths heaving his chest up and down.
“Shhhhh” I whispered, trying to calm him. “Breath slave. Just breath.”
“Isshaallhoe” he pleaded, looking me in the eye.
I know how wrong this is. But I kept pretending that I didn’t understand him. God forgive me. How panicky he became and how desperate his eyes looked, welling up and silently pleading with me. Yet all that terror was intotoxicating, making me even more wet. And my plans for him were not quite done.
When I feel his breathing and heartbeat subside, I grabbed my phone and turned it on. His eyes became wide and his breath quickly. Finding a secure shelf in my basement dungeon, I started recording our session. He tried miserably to hide his face from the camera. His muffled pleads were laughable. Well, not really. But being blackmailed myself, I felt every right to do the same to him.
I walked over to my wall of toys and lifted a rubber dildo. Without turning around, I could feel his terror start to rise and I could hear his breath turn into rapid panting. This time, the “NOOO” through his gag was very easy to understand.
I picked up a bottle of lube and brought both right in front of his face. I slowly poured the oil over the tip of the dildo, letting it ooze down, glazing the entire shaft. I then walked behind him, the entire time listening to his gagged protests “NOOO… NOOOOOOOOO” and slave’s wildly shaking head. Spreading his ass checks apart, I try to thrust the dildo inside of him. But his ass was so tight that not one inch penetrated. I kept at this for five more minutes, despite his struggle, groaning, and flailing around like a maronette: “Unkssskkkk… Frrruuuuus… Unnnnkkkkk… MMmmmmrmm”. I Eventually was able to twist the dildo about four inches into his virginal ass, leaving the rest dangling out like an unwanted tail. Before moving on, I grabbed the tail end of the dildo and thrust it back and forth violently a few more times. His pain was obvious but by now so was my desire to make him pay for his offenses, so he took what I gave him completely.
I will break him eventually.
And by the end of the night, together, we will build a new type of neighbor relationship.
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