Summer wasn’t ready for this. She’d only been working at the firm for a week, and she’d already been called into her boss’s office.
Was she presentable? As she walked by a glossy glass partition, she took a moment to take herself in.
Her hair, usually hanging long behind her back, was tied neatly into a ponytail. Though she preferred how it framed her face whilst loose, it was too Impractical when bending over, always ending up in her face.
Speaking of bending over, skirts were no longer on the menu. Though she always wore them long, they were tight. Pencil skirts and a big butt left her feeling like a whore everywhere she went.
In a way, the idea excited her. Being ogled by the pretty receptionist, or her hunky co-worker at the water cooler…she’d been single a while, and the idea of being seen as attractive was appealing.
But unprofessional.
So, skirts went. Instead, trousersuits. This particular number had what might be described as a plungingneckline, but Summer preferred ‘generous.’
Batting her eyesashes at herself, and pursing her red lips into her best Customer Service Smile, she headed to the office door, heels clicking all the way.
Exhaling, she rapped on the door. A tense moment, then…nothing. Summer’s heart started to beat faster. Had he not heard? Maybe he had and had invited her in, but SHE hadn’t.
Her mouth dry, she raised her hand to knock again. Before she could, a stern voice came from inside.
Summer jumped, then steaded herself. It wasn’t necessary bad. There were a million reasons he might want to see her! Maybe he wanted to welcome her in, a little late. He was a busy man, she knew that. Or maybe, she was doing a good job, and he wanted to congratulate her.
She’d stalled enough. She stepped inside.
The office was grand, with wood-panelling right out of a movie. Accolade lined the walls, and behind the oak desk which dominated the room, a line of shuttered windows gave a view of the entire city.
A black leather office chair span around, and Mr Marston, phone to his ear, held a single finger up.
‘Yes. Yes, I understand. Of course.’
Noiselessly, he stood and offered her a seat, then sat back down.
‘Look, listen, I’ll have to get back to you. Just stall for time, and I’ll have the report on your desk tomorrow.’
He hung up the phone and leaned on the desk, rubbing his greying temples.
He wasn’t old, not at all. Late thirties, maybe. From his tastefully lined face to his salt-and-pepper hair, he oozed experience.
With a sight, he sat up straight and smiled, flashing perfect white teeth.
‘Miss Chase, my apologies.’
‘You’re a busy man, I understand.’
He didn’t scowl, but his face hardened, if only for a moment. Summer’s face went pale.
‘As I was saying, I was engaged with a phone call that carried on entirely too long.’
Summer nodded, too afraid to speak.
‘You’re probably wondering why I called you in here today.’
He reached into his desk and withdraw a handful of papers. Summer couldn’t help but notice his hands. It was hard to describe, but they were beautiful like they ought to be made of marble.
‘I have a proposal to make, regarding your position in the company.’
‘Are you offering me a job?’
‘I do not appreciate being interrupted.’
‘Sorry, Mr Marston.’
He raised an eyebrow.
‘If you want the job I am offering, there are certain elements of decorum that will need to be improved upon. However, those will come quickly and naturally, as you ease into the responsibility of the role.’
‘I’m not sure I understand…’
‘Then read what I have given you, and promptly.’
Summer did just that. It was hard to focus under the penetrating gaze of his blue eyes. However, she did read and managed to understand enough to set the cogs in her head-turning.
‘In your role as my liaisonand secretary, I expect you to be particularly efficient.’ He paused, and Summer took that as an opportunity.
‘What makes me think I’m suited to this job? Surely there are others who are more experienced?’
‘Well, primarily, you’re rather nice to look at. That is always an important element in choosing a secretary.’
Summer nearly choked on her water.
‘Mr Marston?’
‘Was that inappropriate? I have a tendency to speak my mind.’
‘I’ve noticed.’ She had, and she’d noticed the effect it had on her. On the occasions he’d addressed the company, his commanding manner gave her a throb between her thighs.
‘Would you prefer something a little stronger?’ He gestured at her bottle.
‘I’m sorry?’
He produced a half-empty bottle of scotch and two crystal glasses. Any of the three items probably cost more than Summer’s wardrobe.
‘Sir!’ She lowered her voice. ‘Mr Marston, I really don’t think we should-‘
‘This is my company, Miss Chase. Ihardly worry about punishment.’
Summer, crossing her legs, bit her lip. ‘I don’t usually drink whisky, but…’
‘I insist.’
He poured two double measures with practiced ease. As he took a deep dream, his eyes lidded in something amounting to ecstasy.
Summer didn’t dare mimic his bravery and instead sipped some. It was like being kicked in the teeth. Her burning mouth Distracted her from her watery eyes, but not her need to cought.
Laughing with a smile, Marston set his glass down. ‘It takes some getting used to.’
Still unable to speak, Summer just nodded urgently.
‘That is a wonderful necklace,’ he said, his eyes darting down to her chest, then fixing back to her eyes.
Summer flushed immediately, raising a hand to her chest. Surely, this wasn’t in violence of the dress code? They were getting drunk in the office, for God’s sake!
‘I wasn’t entirely honest with you earlier,’ he said. ‘The nature of our meeting wasn’t wholly regarding your employment prospects. I have another proposition for you, one more…personal.’
Summer felt fear. She could hardly breathe, every part of her brain dedicated to staring at Marston’s perfect face.
‘Summer – may I call you Summer? I mean what I said, about finding you attractive. And the importance that plays in the role of my secretary.’
With his left hand, he reached up to cares the back of her face. The double shot of whisky on an empty stomach was already having an effect, and his touch felt ecstatic.
As he cupped her cheek, she let out a deep breath, closing her eyes and focusing entirely on the deep relaxation his presence lent her.
‘What would you say to adopting a more…physical duty, in the office?’
Her red lips had now wrapped around his thumb, and she sucked on it lightly, barely the presence of pressure.
With a lipstick-stained thumb in her mouth, she struggled to speak. ‘Yhe their.’
‘Yhes, shir.’
He drew his thumb from her mouth, placing his hand atop her wrist. ‘Once more.’
Summer swallowed. ‘Yes, sir.’
‘Good girl.’
Summer’s heart, and her pussy, fluttered.
‘Now come here.’
She rounded the desk and bent over to kiss him, passwordately. They locked their arms and lips around each other, and the faith rasp of his stubble pressed on her cheats.
His mouth tasted of scotch, but she didn’t mind. She’d been alone for so long, any contact was intotoxicating. Even if she hadn’t been touch-starved, Marston was an electrifying presence.
Noiselessly, he guided her to the floor and her knees. Without being asked (ordered was more accurate), she immediately began kissing his thighs. He moaned softly, his fingers massaging her skull.
Summer’s head tingled numbly as if her brain were running on low power. Everything was so perfect, so natural, she didn’t even need to think. She just did.
The next thing she did was begin to unbuckle his belt. First with her hands, then, at his intelligence, with her teeth.
His hands began to navigate more of her body, caressing her next and throat, even venturing down far enough to her breasts.
As Summer pulled down Marston’s zipper, his erect penis emerged, poking her face and lips. Like a key into a lock, her mouth graciously accepted his cock.
Licking it top to bottom, she wetted it as much as she could, relishing the power she gained from teasing him.
Then, inhaling deeply, she raised her head and buried it in her throat.
When she emerged again for a breath, she was red in the face, though not nearly as much as Marston, who looked like he might explode.
Another knock at the door.
Summer shot up, nearly hitting her head on the desk. Only Marston’s guiding hands saved her. With one hand, he packed away the glasses and bottle. With the other, he gently eased her back onto his dick.
Flicking on a fan, he cleared his throat. ‘Enter.’
Su’Mr Marston.’
So, Alice could speak without being spoken to? That bitch. Summer would show her. She’d prove to Marston who the head bitch in the office was.
Something about her burning fount of jealousy motivated her, widening her throat to allow Marston’s entire dick.
‘Are you okay?’
‘Fine,’ he said. ‘I think I might be coming down with a fever.’
‘I could fetch you a glass of water?’
‘No. Thank you. What do you want, Miss Foster?’
‘Alan, from 4B. He’s emailed you about the quarter. It’s urgent, he said.’
‘I see. I’ll get right on it.’
Alice, apparently receiving the message, left without another word.
As soon as the door clicked shut, Marston pushed his chair back, revealing Summer’s flustered face. With both hands, he took her head in his gentle grip, then forced her down.
After a minute of ferocious face-fucking, during which Summer bounced rapidly between squirmingfor air and squirming with pleasure, Marston began to tremble.
His dick throbbed in her mouth, pulsing like a tide, ready to erupt. And it did. A shot of cum spurted directly down Summer’s throat. It was like nectarar.
As he continued to cum, she gradually drew his dick up from her throat and into her mouth, licking and sucking the tip as his dick twitched the final few times.
When she emerged, flustered and breathless, even Marston’s stony complexion had fractured.
‘Well, Miss Chase. I think that concludes this interview. I can say without a doubt the job is yours.’
Summer, thinking entirely with her pussy, simply listened. With a finger, she scooped a drop of cum from her lip, sucking it from her finger like ice cream.
‘However, I think another meeting, at the same time tomorrow would be beneficial. Don’t you agree?’
‘Yes sir.’
‘Good. I think you have a bright future as my secretary.’
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