The Secretary and Finance Director Ch. 02

I wasn’t surprised when I saw his Secretary run out of his office in floods of tears, he had lost his touch the moment his wife served him with diet papers. Still, I was disappointed, this one had shown some promise, if only he was more subtle in his approach.

We had boarded together and later went on to the same University; it was only natural that once we graduated we would go on to set up our own business. His salesmanship and leadership combined with my eye for detail and business acumen proved a winning formula and we were quickly making serious money with a solid business model that safely saw us thrive through two recessions.

He took the helm as Chairman whilst I took the role of Finance Director. Outsiders and indeed insides often assumed that he was the sole owner but that suited me just fine, withholding information about how much control I had over the business ultimately put me in a position of greater power.

We were like chalk and cheese; he was fiiery and wore his heart on his sleepe, whereas I was more discreet with my emotions. But although our methods were very different we both sought the same thing, the naturally submissive woman. She is a rare breed the woman who graciously succumbs to your every whim and as such we often found ourselves competing for the same price. Over the years we’d found rhythm with our duals and instinctively knew to back off When the other had won, we hadn’t come to blows since the battle over the woman who eventually became his wife.

Over the coming weeks I watched with interest as HR interviewed prospective Secretary. My office was in the prime location to look straight into the interview room and I delighted in watching the little nervous wrecks stutter their way through their interviews,they looked so vulnerable.

I clocked her straight away. She was wearing a tight cream pencil skirt and a pink blouse buttoned ever so slightly too low for interview revealing the tell tell fullness of a pair of violently enhanced breasts, naughty girl. She really had a remarkable figure, short and petite yet shaped and womanly. Her makeup was deepen but the little details, her long thick brown hair skimming the top of her buttocks, her kitten heels revealing cute toenails painted pink left me in no doubt that she dressed with men in mind.

She was different to the others, confident. The Chairman and I had discussed at great lengths the natural affinity between Secretary and power play, we both agreed if you find a secretary who is shit hot at her job then you damn well need to get her into bed. A Secretary serving her boss is only a couple of steps away from a slave serving her master. What would this creativity turn out to be?

I saw the Chairman leave his office and deliberately bump into her allowing the pile of papers he was holding to fall to the floor, damnit he was so fucking obvious. She looked him directly in the eye, said something and then bent down to pick up the papers for him. This girl had guts, was she playing him? He walked into my office and closed the door, for the first time in months I saw my friend back to his old self. I smiled. ‘She’s mine’, he said. ‘The game’s on’ I replied. I was going to enjoy this one.

She started a couple of weeks later. The feisty thing had demanded a salary higher than many of our longstanding middle management monkeys, If they found out there would be an uproar. But both the Chairman and I were in agreement, we wanted her on board and so she got what she asked for.

She quickly settled in and made quite the impression, she saw beyond just completing tasks assigned to her, instinctively knowing and completing what was required of her before being asked. She wanted to please, all the signs were there I just had to find the hook.

The Chairman in his typical forthright manner started play straightaway, recognizing her natural submissive streak he put her down and swore at her believing this the way to make her succumb. She just brushed it off and continued smiling, was it getting to her? If it was, she didn’t let it show.

One day after she had left his office smoking as usual he came into mine and told me he was going home, something was wrong but he wouldn’t tell me what. He looked sad and disheartened and I felt brotherly concern for my friend.

The following day at lunch time I heard a communication in the kitchen,what the hell was she doing in there? The unmistakeable arca of salmon wafted into my office, the only person who liked salmon more than me was the Chairman. After a spell she emerged from the kitchen carrying a bowl of food into the Chairman’s office.

My heart sunk. Had his cruel gameplay won him the battle so soon? I hadn’t even played my first move. Our offices being adjacent to each other only made matters worse; I could hear the murmurs of them talking but couldn’t make out what was being said. Shit, he had won.

That Saturday, as eVery Saturday before, me and the Chairman went for drinks. It got quite raucous and the drinks were flowing as he bragged about what he was going to do to her. As we approached the early hours he turned to me and told me that he was going to call her and demand that she drove over and suck his cock. In a drunken stupper I encouraged him and putting his phone on loud speaker he dialled her number.

Neither of us expected what happened next. She answered the phone, her slightly slurred hello revealing that we had hurt her. The Chairman cleared his throat to talk but she got in there first and she was angry ‘What the fuck are you doing calling me at this hour? You have no right to wake me up at 3am on aSunday morning you fucking idiot! I am not paid to work weekends and so even if the fucking office is burning down you have to deal with it yourself. For fucksake!’

We looked at each other confused. The chairman started to mumble a response but she hung up. Oh. This had just gotten ten times more interesting. I resisted the urge to say ‘The game’s back on’, but I knew it and he knew it. That Monday was the monthly Board meeting at which she would be taking the minutes and at which I would play my first move.

She didn’t disappoint. On Monday morning she waltzed into the office wearing a floaty summer dress that framed her beautiful firm breasts perfectly. I never let her see me looking at her breasts but oh boy I looked at them and today she wasn’t wearing a bra. As she sat down at the meeting table I wasn’t the only one who saw a flash of her nipples and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one whose cock stiffened at the thought of sucking on them. Did she do it on purpose?

The Chairman walked up to me and turned before saying ‘my secretary sits there from now on’. Arsehole! Good move. He then proceeded to lay into me making up crap that I supposedly hadn’t done, I was about to respond when I glanced over at the Secretary and noted that her face had softened.

I knew then how I was going to play this and I allowed insult after insult, accusation after accusation go straight over my head, showing no emotion. He looked confused and became increasingly frustrated at my seeming lack of willingness to due with him. What he hadn’t realized was that he had unintentionally drawn her focus on to me and I was going to hook her this afternoon.

After six hours the meeting drew to a close and when we filed out of the meeting room the Chairman looked at me as if to say ‘why have you given up?’. I smiled knowingly, after all these years I was bringing in new tactics and he didn’t like it one little bit.

Sitting in my office I knew she was going to come to me. I watched her going into the kitchen to make the Chairman’s post meeting cup of tea; it was a ritual that hadn’t changed in the 25 years we had run the business. He hated tea but he got off on the ceremony of ignoring secretaries as they tottered into his office on their sexy heels and placed the steaming mug on his desk. She walked towards his office, pausing by his open door making sure that he could see her and then, oh clever clever girl she walked straight past and into my office.

I resisted the urge to look up, knowing that doing so would break the spell. Out of the corner of my eye I watched her as she approached my desk and placed the mug down amongst my papers, she smelled so good. I waited for her to walk away so that I could see her beautiful behind and then I said quietly ‘on a coaster’. She paused and my manhood stirred as I saw the magic begin to take hold.

She walked back to my desk and clumsily shifted my papers to find a coaster. It was unlike her to stumble and I knew I had her. She looked at me directly in the eye and said ‘he’s a cunt you know, he shouldn’t have spoken to you like that’.

The provocative little tart! She was aware of what was happening too. I held her gaze and without her noticing I put my hand up underneath her skirtd spanked her pussy hard. ‘That’s a cunt’ I said ‘and don’t swear’. The shock on her face and her inability to suppress her pleasure at the act was the sign I needed. She was hooked and I had won.

I took a sip from the Chairman’s mug and said ‘I don’t like my tea like that’. She walked out of the room and I sniffed the hand that had spanked her. It smelled delicious, she was definitely mine.

Once she had left the Chairman came in and closed the door. ‘You bastard’ he said and chuckled before delivering his blow ‘you haven’t forgotten that you’re in Frankfurt for the rest of the week have you?’ Shit, I had. He hadn’t given up yet. ‘Please little Secretary don’t let me down’ I said to myself. This was proving to be the best battle we’d had for years.

I Reluctantly boarded the flight to Frankfurt that evening telling myself ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’, trying to believe it. That week was hell, the Chairman didn’t answer any of my calls, he was playing with my mind.

I landed back at London Heathrow on Monday morning, exhausted after having worked into the late hours for the entire weekend. I usually wouldn’t have gone into work, but she was there and I had to see her.

I pulled up outside the office and was just about to go in when she rushed past me, she hadn’t seen me. Capitalising on the opportunity I followed her. She came to a standstill with her back to me and lit a cigarette, I stood less than a foot behind her wanting so much to pull up her dress and fuck her from behind. A gust of wind made her dress billow and she moaned. That was a moan of pleasure. She was aroused!

I stayed fixed to the spot, breathing in time with her and enjoying her every moan. I reached out my hand towards her buttocks, stopping only millionmetres away. How hard it was Not to touch her. She took her final inhalation turned around and then, what a beautiful surprise, orgasmed right there in front of me. This creativity was so sexualisedthat she could bring herself to orgasm without even the slightest touch, I had to have her.

She looked vulnerable as she looked down at her feet, I’d caught her in a very private moment and she couldn’t look me in the eyes. I stepped forward and gently removed her panties, placing them in my pocket. As I turned away and walked towards the office she followed me, as I knew she would.

In the lift I remained silent and she instinctively knew not to break the spell by talking. I have never felt such sexual tension and it took all of my willpower not to stop the lift and drink the remnants of her orgasm directly from her pussy.

We walked into the office and I told her to follow me. I didn’t need to tell her, she would have followed me anyway. I took her into the chairman’s office and told him ‘she’s taken a funny turn’, he looked up and I removed her panties out of my pocket holding them just by my nose ensuring that she couldn’t see what I was doing.

I swear I sawHis heart breaking and felt more than a tinge of guilt as he looked back down at his papers and spitted ‘you look like shit, go home’. She didn’t realize what she had done to him and I could see her tension up in anger at his outburst, if only she knew.

She ran out of the office and I walked over to his desk. ‘I would have done the same’ he said glumly. I handed him the panties and he inhaled the scent, ‘what a price’ he whispered.

I found her before she had the chance to leave and pressed a slip of paper with my address in it into her palm. She tried to ask me questions, but I knew that answering them would only reduce my chances of getting the outcome I wanted. She momentarily glanced away and I walked off back to my office.

5:30 came and I got my things ready to leave, stopping by the Chairman’s office to say goodbye. Shit! He wasn’t there. He wasn’t fucking there. I knew exactly where he was and I drove home faster than I ever had before. I flung open the front doorand raced up the stairs to my bedroom.

He was sat on my bed next to her. She was fast sleep and he had pulled open her bathrobe to reveal her beautiful nude figure underneath. We both soaked her in. What a vision of feminine vulnerability. Her porcelain skin, her womanly curves, her long hair almost covering her left breast but allowing her pink nipple to poke through and one hand rested on her darling pink pussy. I was angry, but I couldn’t blow him, I knew he wanted her just as badly as I did.

There was a note on the pillow next to her, only I would have recognized that it wasn’t my handwriting. The sly bastard. We left her in the room and went downstairs to the kitchen.

‘You know she’s expecting me’ I told him. ‘It would all be over if she felt to find you there’. ‘You owe me’ he replied and I knew instantly what he was referring to, ‘I want to be there when you do it’.

Why was he bringing it up after all this time, why now? Given the gravity of my promiseto him I knew I had to say yes. ‘Ok’ I said finally, ‘but she mustn’t know that you’re there and you can only stay for the checks, when it’s time you must leave’. He agreed and I left him there in the kitchen as I took a mug of tea upstairs.

She was in the same position. Oh to taste her, to fuck her. Not yet, I had to wait. I sat down beside her and pulled out a feather from the pillow Under her head, softly sweeping it across her labia and clipit. Her pussy pulsated – my god she was so responsive – and her eyes flickered open as I let the feather fall to the floor. I handed her the cup of tea and told her that it was the way I like it and that she should remember that. I could tell that it wasn’t to her taste, but she drank it obediently anyway.

It was time, and I told her to follow me Without the robe. I heard it drop to the floor and felt her following me downstairs and into the dining room.

I lifted her up onto the table and positioned her on all fours; she obediently responded to my touch and spread her legs at the slightest nudge. What instinct she had. I took a deep breath and drank the view, her pussy and arse were just as I expected them to be, perfect. She was such a good girl, she didn’t require force or restraints, she was a natural submissive.

It had to start now.

‘You’re shaken’, I started, ‘I prefer waxed. I think I want you to be mine, but first I need to carry out checks to ensure that you’re of the right …calibre. You will look directly in front of you at all times. You won’t like everything that is going to happen to you but it is important that you accept it and don’t speak unless you’re spoken to’. Right on cue the Chairman entered the room and took a seat by her exposed rear. I picked up a pad of paper and a pen.

‘How many men have fucked your cunt?’ I asked softly. She answered straight away ‘I don’t know’. The slut, how could she not know! I took aim and landed a spank directly on her pink pussy leaving asatisfied red mark. She fell forward and my cock stiffened as I saw her vaginal muscles squeezing together. I repeated my question and even though she hesitated her answer was the same.

Spank. This time it was the chairman who had landed his hand on her cunt with greater force than I had, I saw his fingers twitching and I knew that he wanted to put them inside her. I shook my head at him and he retracted his hand.

‘Are you a virgin?’ I asked, ‘no she responded’. ‘Have you slept with more than ten men?”Yes’. ‘Have you slept with more than twenty men?’ ‘Yes’. ‘Have you slept with more than thirty men?’ ‘Yes’. ‘Have you slept with more than thirty men?’ ‘Yes’. ‘Have you slept with more than thirty men?’ ‘Yes’. ‘Have you slept with more than forty men?’ ‘No’. The chairman grabbed the notepad and wrote ‘filthy cock whore’.

‘How many men have fucked your arse?’ I continued. She stiffened and I could tell that it wasn’t a question that she was comfortable with. Come on I willed her, it won’t work if you don’t submit to me. ‘One’, she whispered. I knew the answer before I asked the question but I had to make her go through the pain of answering it. ‘Did you like it?’ Her answer was a resolute but whispered ‘no’. Her vulnerability and honesty floored me and I wrote ‘no anal’ on the notepad but the chairman took it off me and crossed it out. It wouldn’t work if she set the parameters of the relationship, he knew it and I knew it.

We both left her on the table and went upstairs. ‘I need to take a cold shower’ he told me and he walked into the bathroom closing the door behind him. I went into my bedroom and sat on my bed taking stock of the situation. Why the fuck did he have to bring it up now? I didn’t want to share her. I’d won fair and square. I was so consumed in my own thoughts that I didn’t notice when the shower stopped or hear him creep down the stairs. Shit, he’d done it again, how long had he been down there?

I quickly but quietly ran down the stairs, she couldn’t know that we were both here. Fuck fuck fuck. He’d inserted a speculum inher pussy and was now clumsly trying to insert a butt plug. I pushed him aside and took over, gently touching her waist and kissing the small of her back.

This had to be done properly. I softly said ‘this is for your own good, relax, for me.’ She relaxed and I pushed it in. She was a good girl and I told her so. The chairman picked up his camera and started to take photos. I shot him a filthy look but I knew full well that we’d both enjoy the images.

I wrote on the notepad ‘you fucking arsehole! Go and make us some dinner and leave me alone with her’ and thrust it under his nose. He smiled and left the room.

I remained there in silence for half an hour gazing at her with the speculum and butt plug sticking out of her perfect orifices. I pulled my throbbing cock out from my pants and stood directly behind her, strooking my shake and bringing myself close but not allowing myself to cum. I was reserved my full load to shoot directly into her cunt when we made love afterthe ritual.

If she had turned around at any point the game would have been up, but I knew, I just knew she was obedient. She was staying exactly where she was like a good girl.

I put my cock back into my trousers and waited for dinner to arrive. Before long the chairman entered, lasagne, the old dog did know how to cook after all. He handed me a carrot, nice touch. He sat down at her rear and watched me go upto her face and insert it into her mouth. As I returned the chairman handed me the notepad on which he had written ‘that was not what I had in mind’. I stood a chuckle.

I sat beside him and we ate together admiring the view. I knew I couldn’t stop him as he leant in to breath in the aroma of her pussy. She felt it. A trickle of her juices ran down her inner thigh. We both wanted to lick it off but neither of us broke the spell and we continued eating. When we finished, I motioned for the chairman to leave us alone for a minute and he took the plates back into the kitchen. The next bit was just for me.

I walked round to her front and embedded her head and shouldr tenderly against my chest in one arm whilst feeding her with the other. She was so vulnerable and I felt protected over her knowing what was going to happen next. It had to happen; it was for her own good.


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