If you have been a follower of the narratives written about me and the Secret Society, then you know a little more than the average story reader about a real organization of black men for black men and about the white women they control as captivates and sex slaves. The response to the earlier Secret Society narratives has proven that many of you want to know more about the organization and what it does to the white women it encounters as it Survives just below the surface of our every day lives.
Part one of this new update, written by my second husband, was almost more than he could handle both technically and emotionally, even though he and I are very close, and he initially encouraged my little adventures with black men.
It had been several years since my first marriage ended and I wrote my first two narratives about the Society. Of course, when I moved, I vanished, and had hoped I would never hear from the Secret Society again. Although that was an exciting part of my life, when I did leave, that part of my life was behind me, or so I thought.
I will add here before starting this narrative that the Secret Society has a reputation for never letting a white woman escape their grap as long as she can be used, played with, and enjoyed sexually. White pussy, especially married white pussy, is a prize to black men, and they do everything they can to seduce as many white women as they can.
Now to pickup the story…with a few brief comments to allow you to catch up. After my husband and I met two black men in the food court of the mall, a Mr. Rich and a Mr. Williams, I was asked if I would like to consider modeling for the next Rich Fashion’s catalog. The money sounded good, so I accepted the offer to do a photo test.
At 9AM, a limo showed up and my door, and took me to a nondescript building where I met Mr. Rich, the owner of Rich Fashions, and his District Manager, a Mr. Eddie Williams. As the first story closed, written by my husbandd, some clothes were brought into the executive office and I was told to try them on. When I asked about the dressing room, I was told “If you are going to be a fashion model, you had better get use to changing right here and now, as things get so hectic during these photo sessions that ‘on location,’ there is no time or place for a dressing room.”
I had just removed my dress and was standing there in nothing but my heels, some thigh-highs, my bra and panties. It was at that moment that I was told these two black men were members of the Secret Society and in just so many words, I was told to remove my bra and panties and to “get over here now!”
I heard other white women who were involved with the Society that they would go to great efforts and lengths to keep women, the “desirables” in “their service.” It was no secret that the Society would often spend untold amounts of money to track down women who tried to escape their sexual dominance and control. They placed a high value on white women in their late 30s through their late 40s, especially if they were attractive, sexually submissive, and were married. An attractive married white woman is considered a real trophy to a black man sexually. They had certainly found me, much to my surprise and now to my dismay.
“Peggy, have you forgetten, my dear? Take off your bra and panties, turn around and face us, and get your white ass over her NOW!”
A command like that coming from a black man of the Secret Society was always straight forward and forceful. I should have known these two were Secret Society when I saw them just from how they approached me. Now, they were back controlling me and my life, and to try to escape their controlling grap again would mean severe punishment. In fact, I wasn’t so sure that punishment wasn’t forthcoming as a result of my unannounced department from the Society now that they had found me. I had a rating of “Platinum Star” when I just moved away without telling them. II turned to face them, and as instructed, I unhooked my bra and slipped out of my panties, then I walked over and stood submissively in from of Mr. Rich and Mr. Williams, as directed.
Mr. Rich reached down and lifted my left hand. As it looked at my wedding ring, he said, “Well, isn’t this a nice wedding ring, Eddie?”
Eddie nodded, and replied, “It sure is, boss. One would think she had just forgotten all about us, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes, one would think so, Eddie.”
With that, his large black hand squeezed my hand so hard it brought me to my knees in a muffled sound of pain. I though he was going to break every bone in my hand as the gold on my ring fingerprint bit into the fingers on both side. I almost screamed it hurt so bad!
“Well, Peggy, ‘er excuse me, ‘Mrs Sanford,’ now that you know your proper place with us and you are on your knees in front of the state leader of the Secret Society,What were you trained to do when you were in Florida?”
With that, still on my knees, he released my hand and I reached for his zipper. Yes, I knew what he expected and what I had better do. I carefully pulled down his zipper and as my head whirled with memories of the Secret Society just a few years ago in Florida, I took out his huge black cock and placed it in my mouth.
“Tenderly, my dear, as it will get much bigger if you do it correctly.”
With that, he grabbed the back of my head and shoved his big black cock in my mouth and down my throat full length. I gagged. That wasn’t well received, and again, he shoved his cock in my mouth full length. By now, it must have been at least 10 inches, very full and thick with a huge head. As he fucked my face and mouth, I did my best to keep from touching his cock with my teeth. I had the feeling if I hurt him at all, the repercussions would not be pleasant.
Suddenly, as he forced himself even further into my mouth and down my throat, I knew my teeth had touched the base of his huge cock! He pulled out of my mouth, and with a really forceful slap across my right cheek, he slapped me to the floor. I started to cry.
“Peggy, get up and do it right, my darling, or you’ll get more than just a slap!”
Sobbing, I quickly replaced my composition and again started sucking him. This time, even though it was Very uncomfortable and my jaws ached, I was careful not to let my teeth touch his cock as he again cupped my head and forced fucked my face until he flooded my mouth and throat with his spurting cum.
After Mr. Rich had satisfied himself, Eddie, Mr. Williams, walked around behind me. I could feel his hard cock as he rubbed it in my hair.
“How do you want her, Eddie?”
“Stand up, Peggy, and bend over the desk, you little white bitch.”
With tears still streaming down my cheeks and drops of cum on my lips and around my mouth, I was shaking as I stood up. I had forgotten when Iwas involved with the Society in Florida how they used and abused their “white sluts” as they called us.
“I’ve been wanting a piece of married white ass ever since we saw you swinging it in that food court yesterday. Now, I get my turn! Spread your legs, white girl… wider! Get those legs apart and tilt that ass up so I don’t have to stop down to fuck you.”
Eddie’s cock seemed bigger than the one I had just sucked to completion. He was rough and slapped my fanny really hard a couple of times as he thrust himself deep in my fully exposed and waiting pussy. He was as forceful as Mr. Rich, and he hurt me as his full length reached my cervix and beyond. Then, without warning, he withdraw his black dick from my throbbing pussy and he pressed the big head against my asshole. There was a pain I had forgotten. He again was rough, but once lubricated from my pussy juices and from his spit, he was again thrusting in and out of my pink asshole with a vengeance.
I knew from the Florida experiences that black men really enjoyed fucking married white women, especially the really pretty ones. To take a white woman and forcedly fuck her in the ass surprised the delight of caviar and a glass of fine wine for most black men
As he fucked me for what seemed like forever, with pain coming from every long and deep stroke, I knew it HAD to be over soon. I just wanted it to end quickly! He was killing me! Then, after a couple more strokes, he stopped while in my ass!
“Peggy, you better start wiggling that white ass when we fuck you, baby, or you’re going to find our wrath is far worse than anything you ever experienced with those Florida “brothas,” baby! Now, let’s start over again!”
As he fucked me harder and deeper than before, I twisted, wiggled and turned my ass upward to allow it to milk his cock and make him cum, and he DID. As his sperm shot into my ass, it filled me up and I could feel the warmth as mass of the fluid from the fucking. As hewith drew from my ass, my legs were shaking so bad I was wondering if I was going to fall down.
“Go get cleaned up and take that white dress with you, you fucking whore.” The words echoing in my ears and old memories returned, as Mr. Rich said them.
“When you finish and you are dressed, come back in here. Don’t you dare try to escape. We know where you live, honey pie, and the results would not be something you or your husband would want to experience.”
As I reached the ladies room, I washed off, brushed my hair, and put my makeup back on, my mind was racing. What in the world had I done to deserve this? How was I going to explain all of this to Don, although he knew some of my history due to our closeness. In looking down, I saw that Eddie had ripped one of my hose. Damn, what a mess I had gotten myself into.
As I slipped into the white dress, less bra and panties, as I had been told… I remembered the old days back in Florida when the Secret Society took me away from my innocent life and through a couple of years of training, I had become a “platinum” piece of ass in their simple ranking system. Instead of being fucked all the time like in the early months, I ended up being one of their recruiters, bringing in and seducing new, really beautiful white girls to serve the needs and desires of these bastards. I remember how they would do extra nice things for me if I could find and just bring in a exceptionally innocent and beautiful married white girl.
Once a woman was brought into the Society, they would promise her money and all kinds of extras. Then, once they had her hooked, they would do anything to keep her, including some really crafty dispatch, followed by forced nude pictures and videos, often taking away her will to escape. These poor women would then experience endless rape and brain washing. Once they had a gal where they could control her, she was like a fly being taunted by a spider. She would do whatever they told her todo out of fear, and you didn’t dare to just walk off or say, “No more!” It wasn’t over until they had consumed your mind and body, often leaving you with a black baby to raise and explain to your husband, friends and neighbors.
As I walked back into the room, Mr. Rich looked up and smiled. “Well, Peggy, you look ravishing, I’ll have to say. We may have another sample of Your beauty before we take you home. Now, you get to spend some time with the photographer. Come this way….”
After feeling my breasts and pulling up my skirt to ensure I had omitted my bra and panties, he slapped me on the ass and guided me down to the photographic studio. As we walked in, the photographer, another striking much younger black man walked over to me and smiled.
“So, Mr. Rich, is this the illusive Peggy Sanford you told me about last week?”
“Yes, it most certainly is. I will leave her in your hands for a few hours. Make her look as beautiful as you can, although she doesn’t needmuch help. At one time, Peggy was one of our Platinum girls with the Florida chapter. She knows her place and although she may have lost that status when she ran away, we need to make her look as good as possible for the catalog.”
The door closed behind Mr. Rich as he exited the room.
“Well, Peggy, let’s got started. We’ll do a few shots with that dress and some others that have been selected for you.
As time passed and the camera went click, click, click, I tried to get my thoughts together and think of the catalog and how it would provide us, Don and I, with some much needed money. We were close to losing the house now that he had been out of work for several months.
Once I had gone through at least a dozen very sexy outfits, as I was changing into one of the first of the series of bedtime outfits, a see-through baby-doll “whatever” that showed everything, I turned and asked, “Do you have a name?”
“Sorry, I’m Phil…” he answered.
“Phil, I assume you blur out my pussy and nipples when these photos go into the catalog, right? I feel stupid for even asking.”
He turned and looked at me with a rather mystified look on his face.
“Peggy, how long has it been since you left the Society?”
“Why do you ask? I guess it has been at least 5 years.”
“Honey, this isn’t a clothing catalog for Rich Fashions. It is a catalog of the white ladies who are property of the Society. It may look like a catalog, but each of you gals are pictured in the booklet, and this is what the Society uses to select women for assignments and special events. You stats, talents, and other information about you is noted in code below your page full of photos. And, no, baby, your pussy and tits will be clearly shown along with the photos of you in the different type outfits you have modeled in today.”
“Oh my gosh!” I responded with the look of pure shock on my face. “This is all new to me!”
“I thought you were a Platinum girl…”
“I was, and then I had a major change in my life, remarried, and left the Society.”
“You don’t leave the Society. The Society never lets women like you go. You should know this.”
“Yes, I have found that out. What does the book tell about us?”
“All of you ladies are pictured in different outfits and nude. Codes tell what your stats are, how much a member or non-member has to pay the Society to ‘rent’ you for whatever. It grades your sexual performances and talents. You, Mrs. Peggy, and all of the other gals showed in the catalog are now escorts, whoses for the Society, whether you like it or not. If you choose not to do what the Society tells you to do, as you know, the punishment can be severe and repercussions endless. The enforcers of the Underground Society can and will make your life a living, endless hell. Now, take off everything except for your heels and let’s get some sexy shots of you. Get on that bed and open your legs for the camera.”
I took a deep brEath. Yes, the Society had changed since I escaped, and I could tell the simple group of black men who founded the organization had been nationalized into a well run, tightly knit, tough, mafia style business renting the ladies out for the pleasures of any and all. I climbed up on the bed, and again, picture after picture was taken of me totally nude, exposed from every angle, close-up and personal.
“Well, Peggy, that does it for me for this morning. I guess we will see each other after lunch. I understand I may photograph and video your punishment.”
With an alarming flood of panic, I turned and looked at Phil and said, “Punishment? Me? What punishment? What are you talking about?”
“I guess Mr. Rich or Eddie failed to tell you. I’m sorry I let the cat out of the bag!”
“What ARE you talking about?”
“Peggy, I guess things have changed since you ran away. I guess I let the cat out of the bag. After lunch, you will be taken to the punishment room, and while the members of the local lodge watch, you will be punished for running away by one or more of the men from the enforcement section of the local lodge.”
My knees suddenly became weak and my mouth went dry, and my hands started shaking. I wanted to run, scream for help, do anything to get myself out of this insanity, but there were no windows and there was no escape.
I turned and looked at Phil. “What will they do to me?”
“Sorry, baby, I can’t tell you any more. I have said way too much already. I wouldn’t have said what I have, but I thought as a Platinum girl you know about these things.”
” Can I get dressed now?”
“No… I guess they didn’t tell you about the rules of the building either, did they?”
I looked at Phil and said, “No… nobody has told me anything.”
“You white ladies are not allowed to wear clothes in the building once you are inside the buzzer door… just heels and perhaps a garter belt.”
“Why? I never heard of this in Florida!”
“White women are kept naked in the lodge so any black man who has the urge can fuck them anywhere, any time, whenever the urge strikes their fancy, my dear. Here are the instructions to your assigned room. You are to go there now. Good luck. You seem like a nice lady. I’ll see you again in one of the punishment clubs at 2 O’Clock. Now, go to your room where you can relax until one of the guys come for you. Your lunch will be waiting on you there. Goodbye for now, Peggy.”
I opened the door of the photograph studio, looked at my directions. The directions noted I was assigned to Suite 409. I felt really strange and nervous as I walked down the empty hallway to the elevator. As the door opened, a handsome black man was standing inside with his arm around a very attractive white girl who
“Going up?”
“Yes, 4th Floor… thank you.”
“Us too,” he added as the door closed.
Trying not to be too obvious, I noted the other woman was probably about 35, really attractive, nice figure, blond all over, and with the most beautiful natural boobs I have ever seen. In glancing at her eyes, I detected she was on the verge of tears and her eyes were filled with signs of fear. Looking down, I saw she too was married.
Looking at her, I asked, “Are you okay?”
Quickly, the black man answered for her by saying, “She’s Just fine. She’s new here. I just rented her for an hour from the stable downstairs. She will just is fine, a little unused perhaps, but I like the new ones. I’ll be gentle if she is co-operative.”
As the elevator stopped on the 4th floor, the door opened and they excited ahead of me. As they approached Suite 407, they opened the door and went inside, locking the door behind them. I had glanced down and caught a quick look at what appeared to be a simple gold band on her ring finger. The thought crossed my mind of my early days in Florida and how I was seduced into the Society. Then, I heard whatat sounded like a slap, and a muffled cry.
I heard him say, “Let’s got started. I only have your white ass for an hour, bitch!”
I turned the knob for Suite 409 and went in, closing the door behind me. My lunch was on the table. The feminine padded chair, decorated in perfect colors, was cool to my ass as I sat down. As I ate a couple of bites of the lunch under the heat retaining cover, my mind was whirling about what was coming. I had no clothes, no watch, nothing. All I was wearing were my heels. I was guessing it must be about 1:30PM or so. What kind of punishment was coming? Oh my, I wanted to go home!
Faintly, from across the hall, I could hear voices. “Please don’t hurt me.” She was crying, pleading. Then, with some other noises I couldn’t make out, it sounded like Somebody was either getting a beating or they were beating a hole in the wall fucking. Then, there was a loud scream, and another, “Please, please… stop! You are hurting me!!!”
I just kept walking. I knew what was happening and I couldn’t stop it or help her. This was the way the Society worked. They would find these extremely attractive married white women, the more prim and proper they were, the more the Society wanted them, and the more they could do to keep them under their control. I was thinking to myself that I was the perfect example of this. Once a white woman is “property of the Society” there is no escape. The real world has no concept of the Secret Society, how it works, who is behind it, and what they do and with white women.
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