The Secret of Hardman Hall

Slave Teats and the Secret of Hardman Hall

Thank you for reading my story: I hope you enjoy it. It is a stand-alone tale and is not connected to any of my previous offers, but some of the same assumptions apply to most of my writings. It assumes the availability to the characters of medical and other procedures that do not exist in the real world, so their sexual stamina and endurance of bondage is far beyond what is possible for us. I think it is obvious that the story is not meant to be “believable” or “realistic” but there have been criticisms in comments on past stories, so I feel bound to repeat the standard “Don’t try this at home” warning, even if it sounds patronizing.

This is not the beginning of a series, but if it is well received I’ll probably write other stories featuring the same principal characters. Thank you in advance for your ratings and comments.

Chapter One – A New Arrival

“You are a pair of tits,” said Painmatron Eva to the slave, who for the time being was nameless in Hardman Hall. “Is that absolutely clear to you?”

The girl opened her mouth, hesitated for a moment, and finally replied in the affordable, but the painmatron was clearly not satisfied. She witnessed deeply, took a deep breath, and embarked on an explanation, in the tone of a teacher having to give a class of low-achievers their first lesson in quantum mechanics.

“You are a whole human being, but the only thing that matters about you is your tits. Your torso is a mounting for your tits. Your legs are for carrying your tits from one place to another. Your cunt and asshole are comfortable places for masters to park their cocks while they play with your tits. Your arms and hands don’t really have a function: they need to be kept out of the way and must never be in front of your tits. Your mouth can serve the same function as your otherholes, but it also takes in the food and drink that you need to keep your tits in the best possible condition.”

She hesitated a moment, as if wondering whether her audience was worth the effort she was putting in, but she finally did continue. “You may be wondering why you have a brain. I presume you do have one. It’s there so you can think about the best ways of displaying your tits to those around you. Who is most likely to be interested? Have you offered them first to your owner? Of the others present, who is the most likely, and the most entitled, to grap and grope them?

“Of course, your eyes are there to help you to know how to present your tits. Don’t use them for anything else. If they distract you, you’ll find yourself wearing opaque contact lenses. As a general guide: your gaze should always be aimed at a point somewhere between your nipples and the eyes of the person most likely to be your next user.”

The slavegirl was looking more and more appreciated, asIf being set standards that she could not possibly hope to meet. As the painmatron was the only other person present, she tried to keep her eyes on the centre of her chest, which bulged exclusively under the thin latex uniform. Painmatron Eva was not convinced that the message was getting through.

“How can I make it simpler?” she lamented. “Keep thinking; tits, tits, tits. Am I holding my shoulders back to keep my tits high and pointing forward? Am I breathing hard enough to make them heaven? Am I moving them just enough to make them swway gently, but not flapping them like wings? If there’s a television on nearby, don’t listen to the news or watch the cricket, or whatever else is on. Your mind doesn’t have enough bandwidth. Just keep thinking about your tits.”

“Yes, painmatron. I’ll do my very best.”

“Good. For the time being, your name is ‘Teats’.”

Teats was now ready for action. She was naked, as she always was, and her wrists were locked behind her back. She was a very buxom girl, twenty-two years old, and she had been enslaved only a few months earlier, having become impossible indebted to a syndicate of loan sharks. She was about five-five tall, well-fleshed but not overweight, her mousy hair framing a very pretty face with lovely lips around a smallish mouth. Many small improvements had been made since her enslavement. A slightly saggy bottom had been tightened up, her wait had been narrowed slightly and her big blue eyes widened. Her skin was perfect and she was hairless below her extended eyesashes. Her breasts were now very large indeed; bulky enough to fill her chest and be visible from behind, and they were never short of admirers wherever she went.

The painmatron summoned a kitchen slut to lead Teats to the lounge, the woman obviously Finding it difficult to keep her eyes off the swinging boobs as they walked side by side. She wore a white housecoat and was not restrained. There was no conversation. Teats was thinking aboutWhat she’d been told, for this household was obviously very different to the last one in which she had served.

Chapter Two – Lord Stephen

Teats was owned by a syndicate of a dozen investors, but she had not been acquired for use by the members, who already had enough pleasure slaves at their disposal. She might in time replace one of them, but for the next two or three years she was available for rent, by the day, the week, the week or the month. Because the improvements to her body had taken up so much time she had only had two assignments, one for a week and one for a month, and in both households she had been treated as a companion as well as a sex-slave. In the second she had been almost a member of the family. With the lady of the house being in the last month of her pregnancy she had been deputizing as her husband’s bedmate.

It was something of a culture shock, therefore, to be told that she was to be nothing morethan a pair of tits. The painmatron had also treated her as if she was not quite all there, although she was actually an intelligent, witty and well-informed girl. Previous housekeepers had been jovial, kindly, even motherly women. Those had been small, family-oriented households with no more than three or four slaves in residence. Hardman Hall was almost a stately home: a Regency pile with many outbuildings and a large permanent staff of both free and enslaved servants.

Teats had been hired to add to the stock of pleasure slaves during an “at home” weekend, with dozens of friends and associates of the owners millioning about the house and grounds and in many cases eating there and staying overnight. It was a feature of the household that the slaves had quite narrowly circled functions, which was why she had have defined by the painmatron as nothing more than a pair of tits. It seemed to her that the kitchen slut who walked with her had a lovely mouth and could easily be pressed into service as an oral slave, but she probably would not be. The title of “painmatron” suggested a strict and narrow approach to leadership, with more emphasis on the stick than the carrot.

They were lucky enough not to meet anyone on the way to the ballroom, and the kitchen slut just showed Teats the doors, wished her well and turned back. She took a deep breath and entered the room, trying to look inconspicuous to gain a few moments to look around and prepare herself. The place was buzzing; the sound of conversation almost drowning out the string quartert that was playing Haydn at the far end. Teats was obviously a latecomer, the only “loose” pleasure slave in the room. Most of the guests had already acquired one, and were holding them on leads.

All the slaves were naked, and the males were erect. It was impossible to distinguish between the residents and the rentals. Teats moved towards one side of the room, hoping to make her way further up towards the stage, and she found that it was lined with tables bearing finger-food and drinks, interspersed with deep alcohols where one or two guests were standing, facing the wall.

It took Teats a moment to understand what she was looking at. In the shadow of the first alcohol there were two live female faces, apparently built into the wall with their bodies trapped behind it. She suspected that it was probably easier than it looked to release them, but they were positioned at about waist level, so male guests could use them for a quick blowjob.

In the next alcohol two pairs of feet were sticking out holes in the plasterwork. One was in use by a female guest who was rubbing herself against them, under her skirt. The other pair was unused but twitching, and it was easy to imagine that, on the other side, an unseen person was using another part of the body. She never reached the third and last alcohol. She was contemplating one of the tables of delicious-looking vol au vents and sausage rolls,thinking that it was probably not de rigueur to bend down and grab like an animal, when a woman who she took to be a member of the family grabbed her arm.

She had with her a middle-aged gentleman- silver-haired and quite distinguished-looking- who had not yet found himself a pleasure slave. “Will this one do?” she asked him. “She’s got fantastic boobs.”

“I’m sure she has many fine qualities, which I’d be happy to explore,” he replied, sounding slightly pompous. She was carrying a lead which she locked to Teats’ collar, handling it to him and walking away. Teats noticed that, like many of the guests, he had a light whip clipped to his waistband, but it looked so new and nearly coiled that she guessed- or hoped- that it was no more than a fashion accessory.

Her heart now beat rapidly, Teats decided that kneeling would be inappropriate in that setting, and simply curseyed, trying to follow the painmatron’s strictures as closely as she could. She pulled herShoulders back a little and fixed her eyes on his chin, moving a little closer to bring her breasts well within his reach. “Master, my name is Teats, if that pleases you,” she said. “I hope that you’ll grant me the privilege of giving you pleasure.”

He seemed pleased with the greeting, and reached out a hand to grap her left breast, feeling its firmness and then rolling the nipple gently between finger and thumb. “I’m sure you will, my dear,” he replied. “I’m a baron, so you may call me ‘lord’ and refer to me as “Lord Stephen’.”

She curtseyed again, and he pulled her close and kissed her. He tasted of oranges, so she guessed that he had avoided alcohol to keep his virility intact. There were no tongues used at that stage. “Somewhere quieter, I think”, he said, and led her away. Although the crowded room he walked very briskly, so her breasts swung as she kept up with him, threatening to unbalance her. Walking decorously with bound hands, especially with bare feet, had neverbeen her strong point.

He stopped suddenly by one of the tables, where a serving wench in a latex uniform stood ready to help guests to reach what they wanted. “My dear, would you be kind enough to bring or send a plate of goods to Chalet Five?” It was not really a request, and she curtseyed before starting to obey.

He then asked Teats if there was anything on the table that she would particularly like. “I’m sure I’d like what your lordship likes,” she answered. “The little mushroom things look delicious.”

He nodded to the slut and led the way past the stage, where the quartet was now playing Schubert, and out through the French windows into the formal garden. It was a fine day, and several guests were using pleasure slaves on the benches or even on the grass. One or two had appropriate serving wenches or Even kitchen sluts, so perhaps the painmatron’s boundaries were not as firm as she wanted them to be.

Nevertheless, Teats tried to keep her attention on the way her breasts were moving. Greatly increased in size since her enslavement, she was still not confident that she could present them to their best advantage under all likely conditions. She wanted them to swway from side to side but with the nipples still facing forward, not to swing low like pendulums, so the way she held her shoulders was very important. With her wrists locked behind her back- as they usually were- it helped to tense her arm muscles, pulling at the cuffs.

Lord Stephen led the way around the side of the house, where a stable block had been partially converted into guest accommodation. The remaining stalls were occupied by six human ponies; four female and two male, and through the open doors Teats could see that they were bound over benches that looked like vaulting horses, waiting to serve as anal slaves. Two, one of each sex, were already in use. It was possible, of course, to take the fillies doggie-style. It was Teats’ first large-scale event, so at that time she had no idea how many users would mount them during that afternoon and even.

Lord Stephen had been given the best of the chalets, as he preferred not to stay in the main house where it could be noisy even at night. An iron-framed four poster bed dominated a very plus bedroom that also sports a chain and a three-piece suite, and there was an en suite shower room as well as a smaller one near the kitchen. The living room was larger but the furniture was more utilitarian, with both another suite and a dining table. Both rooms were beamed and both had upright posts, with two in the living area.

Lord Stephen walked Teats to the post in the bedroom and stood her against it, but did not tie her. He went back to the kitchen area and found a bottle of wine, and when he brought that in, he had to go back to meet the girl with the tray of food. Then he and Teats were alone together, and he fed her the mushroom vol au vents, making her feel that she was much better off with him than the painmatron. Then, after holding a wine glass up for her to take a drink, he led her to the bed.

Because her breasts were grown to seem as natural as possible, when she lay on her back they spread, flattened and dropped down by her sides, and she was very conscious of that. It was a relief, therefore, when he seemed to like them just as much, and began to scoop up great hands of her title-flesh to push them into mounds with the nipples right at the top, the areolas together. He bent down to suck the teats one at a time, and she was glad to hear him humming with satisfaction. She had wondered whether he would be disappointed to find that she was not yet in milk.

Teats’ breasts were very sensitive, and as the last procedure had only been performed a few days earlier, she did not yet know how sensitive. At the time of Her enslavement many samples had been taken from her, including some stem cells that were then cultured in vast numbers, most being kept frozen for later use.

Some had, however, been blended with small numbers of clitoral cells, and once they had multipleplied they were used to “dust” her breasts, and particularly the areolas and the inner surfaces. More were used on her lips and tongue and more on her sphincter muscle and in her anus. As yet they were only about twenty-five percent effective, because over time they would tap into her nervous system and form connections with the pleasure centres in her brain, but she had always loved having her breasts touched, stroked and kneaded. She expected that being milked would be a massive turn-on, but it would be at least another week before she began to produce.

Lord Stephen knew from her breathing that she was reacting to him, and he soon felt one of her thighs pushing up between his legs, seeking to rub against his erection. He took a moment to strip, revealing a body that was in excellent condition but rather hairy. Teats was used to males who were fully depilated, at least below their heads. Lord Stephen even had public hair. It was fortunate that Teats had, like virtually all sex-slaves, been rendered immune to itching and tickling. He returned to the bed and resumed his manipulation and sucking of her tits, but when she was fully aroused he chose to go for vagina instead of intermammary sex.

Lord Stephen showed himself to be skillful lover in a conventional way. He moved His penis in her tunnel very slowly at first, although his thrusts were always very deep. Having realized that her boobs were very sensitive he continued to use his hands to stroke them, to pinch the areolas and tweak the nipples, and if anything he overdid that, forcing her to start climaxing quickly when she would have preferred a longer build-up. He kissed her a lot, concentrated mainly on her mouth, but he also sucked and licked her throat, face and ears as well as her nipples.

She was very fortunate that he liked to see and feel her cumming, long before hewas ready to do so. Some men might have found Teats too quick, and indeed, one user in the past had compared the ride she gave him to eating a meal on a ferry in a hurricane. Perhaps Lord Stephen retained a vestige of performance anxiety, and when he knew that she was going to be satisfied it gave him permission to take his time. He did have an erection regulator fitted, so after his ejaculation he stayed inside her, rolling them onto their sides and leaning back to use his fingers on her cliporis. She came so many times that she was completely exhausted afterwards, and barely responded to his kisses. That would have been a very black mark- perhaps a whipping- if the painmatron had heard about it. He seemed to understand, however, and she made up for it later.

Lord Stephen was, in fact, a very nice man, and a very considerate one, especially to a slavegirl. Teats understand quickly that he had not been a master for long, and guessed that he did not own any slaves outright. Thatproved incorrect, but he seemed to lack assurance with her. She snuggled up with him after their lovemaking, pressing her breasts against his face and resting a leg against his penis, which he had now allowed to soften. He obviously needed to take a short rest, but she looked forward to slipping down his body and taking it into her mouth. She liked to suck a soft penis- preferably one set to “natural,” and to feel it harden in her mouth as her ministers had the desired effect.

Chapter Three – Exploration

Lord Stephen had not, it seemed, read the painmatron’s script, and did not regard Teats as no more than a pair of tits. In the course of the afternoon, evening and night he used her in all the usual ways, and although that included intermammary sex, he showed no particular preference for it. He chatted to her freely about his life and hers, fed her well and shared some very good wine with her, and summoned a chambermaid to put her to bed for the night and get her up the following morning. She slept with her hands over her head, chained to the bedframe, and although he woke and sodomized her in the small hours, she had one of her most restful nights in slavery.

Lord Stephen was under no obligation to keep Teats for the whole weekend, but when he showed no sign of asking for a replacement in the morning, after she had been fed, cleaned and showed, she began to hope that she had found a kind and considerate master. She had not looked forward to returning to the great hall to wander at random and await whoever might decide to pick her up and try her out. After breakfast, with her wrists again behind her back, he took her for a stroll in the grounds, and by a secluded pond in a wooded glade, he took her in the long, damp grass, with them both lying on their sides. Then he dropped a bombshell.

“Life overflows without ambitious pains,” he said, quoting a line from a poem by WB Yeats. An eavesdropper might have thought it a harmless, even romantic sentiment, but to her it means something quite different. It was a password.

One of the members of the syndicate that owned Teats was an eminent medical researcher who had to his credit several minor improvements diagnosis and treatment of respiratory tract infections. Fewer people- mostly slave holders and traders, and staff in the confidential clinics- know that he had also formulated a family of combined healing agents and painkillers which were particularly effective in treating the after-effects of large piercings.


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