The Secret in the Shed

Fair warning: this story contains both guy on guy as well as guy on girl action. If that’s not for you, please check out some of my other stories, which mainly feature 1 guy and 1 girl. If you do think it sounds fun, then I hope you enjoy!

As ever, please let me know what you thought, constructive criticism is always welcome 🙂


On One side of the neighbor gravel path was a beautifully maintained flower bed, fit for any holtural show, on the other was a pristine lawn. The low sun shone down and the sounds of birds filled the air, it really was the perfect spring evening. But the peaceful scene was soon shattered by the crunch of tough leather boots on gravel, and the squeal of a helpless man held over the shoulders of another – much taller, and well dressed.

“Put me the fuck down!” The Slave demanded, but Master didn’t so much as reply. Ignoring both the sounds of his victim and the idyllic scene around him, the larger man marched quickly towards the large wooden shed, which was hidden in amongst the leaves. Throwing open the door he stepped inside, and placed his victim on the ground, letting him come to his senses as the door closed with a surprisingly solid thud, and was locked tight. All of the sounds of the outside were cut off, all of his attention was focused solely on what was in the room.

The room was decorated in black and grey, and was far more spatial than it appeared from the outside. On the far side, there was a large set of cupboards and drawers. And in the centre of the building, lit by a warm light, sat Kitten. Dressed in her corset and lacy underwear, her curly red hair was all a mess, tumbling down over her heavily made-up eyes and over the intricate black collar which was keeping her in place with a chain tied to the chair.

“Hey Kitten,” the man smiled.

“Hey Master,” came the reply, “What you got for me there?”

Reaching down he grabbed the other man by his hair, and dragged him upwards, displaying him like a trophy for Kitten to inspect.

“What is your fucking name?” Master demanded of them.

“I’m Ma-” he grunted, as he was dropped to the floor.

“You do not have a name,” Master barked, “you are a fucking slave. Nothing more. You belong to us now. We will decide what we call you. Do you understand that, slave?”

“Fuck, yes” the slave grunted in reply, as he began to understand what he had gotten himself into, “yes Master.”

“Now go over there, let her see you,” the Master ordered, gesturing towards Kitten. Dutifully the slave got to his feet, walking sheepishly towards the seated woman, glancing back over their shoulder to see the Master stood unmoving, watching his every move. She might have been seated, and restrained, but her presence was still intimidating. Her gaze was hard, but exclusive. But once he was stood in front of Kitten his attention was locked on her: he couldn’t take his eyes off her body squeezed into that corset.

“Oh, do you like that view?” She asked him, taking a deep, slow breath in as she looked up at him through the tops of her eyes, “do you like my gorgeous body? It’s so perfect isn’t it?”

“Y-yes,” he stuttered back, going red in the face.

“Hehe oh I know,” Kitten giggled, brushing her hair from her face with her fingers, “kneel for me.”

“Kneel for you?” He scoffed, indignant, “You’re tied to that chair, why should I knee for you? You can’t make me do a thing, bitch!” He spat back. Kitten only smiled a sly smile, she knew what was coming next. No sooner had the slave finished his sentence then a hard leather boot pressed into the back of his legs, and strong hands pushed into his shoulders.

“Kneel!” Master barked, as he sent him tumbling to the floor. Kitten couldn’t help but laugh as she watched the boy’s pathetic body crumple. This was gonna be fun.

“She may belong to me, but she is still far your superior. She is better than you will ever be. You will treat her with some fucking respect, slave.” Master’s voice was deep, and angry.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” the slave pleaded, “I won’t talk to her like that again!”

“Too fucking right you won’t,” Master barked as he stepped back to the edge of the room.

“Now,” Kitten said with a giggle, “where were we? Oh! That’s right, you were about to tell me how gorgeous I am, weren’t you?”

“Y-yes, miss,” whimpered the boy pathetically, feeling a cruel forming behind his knee, where the boot had pressed. “You’re so pretty. Your hair is wonderful, and your face is so pretty.” With each word her smile grow a little larger, and the light in her eyes grow a little brighter. “Your eyes are beautiful, and your body…” For a moment he paused, mouth slightly agape as he looked her up and down, taking in the sight. “…Your body is so perfect. Your pale skin and your round breasts, your-your slim figure and elicing curves. You look so, so good. Your legs are long and ton-ahh.” He whimpered as Kittens leg reached out towards him, running up his thigh towards his groin.

“Go on,” she smiled, “you can touch them.”

The slave’s eyes lit up as he reached out, and feel the smooth pale skin of Kitten’s long legs in his hands. Slowly they inched upwards, and as he reached her thighs Kitten let out a little excited breath and shuffled in her seat to be closer to him. His touch was soft and gentle, his skin almost as smooth and soft as hers. He was so unlike her Master… their Master. Almost subconsciously her legs opened slightly, exclusively, eleculating him closer. His hands moved up and up her legs, savouring every inch of skin they crossed, edging impossible to close to the prize between them. As his fingers reached the delicate fabric of her underwear Kitten couldn’t help but whimper. She had been sat here so long, tied up, denied her Master’s attention, made to wait for her new playmate. Finally, he was here, and he was so eager. She was too. She reached to be touched. But not by him.

As if her Master could read her mind, a strong hand grabbed the slave from between her legs, and throw him away from her. As he landed with a heavy thud and a grunt, Kitten laughed and smiled at her Master, who lent down and, cupping her under the chin with a single finger, kissed her softly on the lips. The taste of his lips was the sweetest thing, sending warmth from her mouth all through her body. Her body that ached for more, to be touched, kissed, used. As he pulled back she moved with him, drawing out his touch as long as she possibly could, until the chain pulled on her collar and she snapped to a halt. She was needy, but she would have to wait. Her Master turned quickly to face the crumbled ball of a boy lying on the floor a few feet away, who was still dazed from the impact.

“Do you like touching her like that, huh?” he asked him, but there was no reply. Marching over to the slave Master grabbed him from the floor, dragging him up to his knees by the fabric of his t-shirt. “Do you fucking like it, cunt? Do you like touching my little plaything?”

The slave’s mind was flushed with adrenaline, Master’s grip was tight, and his voice was dripping with evil intent. She had let him touch her, why would her Master be mad? He hadn’t done anything wrong, surely, but he was still afraid. “Yes, yes! Yes, I like touching her, okay?” Admitted the slave.

“Oh, I bet you do. She’s very nice, isn’t she?”

“Yes, she is…”

“Do you want to touch her again? Do you want to feel her in your hands, hear her whimper, taste her?”

The slave’s eyes lit up with the thought of it. When she’d asked him to come over to play he had been so excited, he’d always wanted a girl like her, and her Master was good looking too, but he wasn’t expecting this. He’d known about her desires, and had admitted that some were shared, but he never expected Master to be so intense, so cruel. The thought of safeword crossed his mind, but lust got the better of him.He’d had a hint of Kitten, and now he wanted more. He craved more. “Yes, yes!” he replied.

“Well then maybe, if you’re a good little bitch, we’ll let you. But you need to fucking earn it. Are you ready to begin?”

At once the slave’s expression was excited, then fearful, then determined. This was only them getting started? How far would they go, what state would he be in When they finished? He only nodded.

“I asked ARE YOU FUCKING READY?” barked the Master, inches from the slave’s face. His loud voice filled the room, even making Kitten jump, and it totally wiped the determination from the slave’s expression. His eyes were now full of fear, wide like a rabbit in headlights, and his lip trembled slightly. But still there was no answer. A hard slap connected with his cheek, snapping him back to his senses as he let out a loud squeal.

“ARE YOU?!” The Master demanded again.

“Yes, yes… I’ll do anything…” whimpered the slave, as a single tear rolled down hischeek.

Kitten let out an excited, evil laugh in the background, and the Master only smiled and said “Then we’ll begin.”

M stood motionless, staring at Kitten but not daring to move a muscle, as their Master paced around him, a crop in hand.

“Take off your top,” Master ordered of him, and slowly, nervously the salve lifted up his t-shirt, exposing his muscled torso. Throwing the top aside as The Slave crossed his arms, trying to cover himself as much as possible, his cheats flushing red from embarrassment.

“Aww, are you shy?” Giggled Kitten, as she twirled a strand of hair around her finger. “Would you feel more at home if I took my top off too?” As she said it her finger traced down her neck, running gently over her breasts to the top of the corset which barely contained them. Leaning over as far as the chain attached to her collar would allow, she tugged at the leather.

“This thing is so tight, so restrictive, I wish I could take it off, let everything out… but Master says I’m not allowed to do that… I must admit, I look great in it. With everything pushed into place, perked up… Don’t you agree?”

“Y-y-yes, miss” the slave replied, unable to take his eyes off her as she sat back up.

“Hehe good,” she giggled. “Hit him!”

Master swung, and the crop contacted the slave’s skin with a whack, leaving a big red mark where it had hit.

“Yayy! Thank you Master” Kitten cheered, enjoying the look of pain on her playmate’s face. “If you wanna see me out of this outfit,” she smiled, “you’re gonna have to take a lot of that.”

The slave only grimaced in reply. Master shot Kitten a stern look, reminding her of her place, and her mischievous smile was quickly subdued as she shuffled back in her seat and looked to the ground.

“Haha, bitch,” cursed the slave under his breath. Immediately she looked back up, and saw her Master grab him by the throat.

“What. The fuck. Did you just say?” Master snarled, staringdown into the slave’s fearful eyes, as his fingers wrapped tight around his throat. His voice was low, angry, deep, hardly more than a growl. It sent shivers of fear down the salve’s spine, and shivers of excitement up Kitten’s. She couldn’t see Master’s face, but she knew the look in his eyes well. When he was angry his green eyes burned like emeralds in the sun. It was her favourite look. She could see the fear it was causing on the slave’s face though. That was exciting enough.

“What. The fuck. Did. You. Fucking. Say. Cunt?” Master repeated, tightening his grip on his throat.

“I… I didn’t… mean it” spluttered the slave through desperate breaths.

“Then why the fuck did you say it?”

“I…” he tried to reply, desperately trying to spit out the words, but the grip around his neck was too tight. His lungs were burning, his head was spinning. A shake of the head was all he could manage. But Master did not relent. His grip held tight. His gaze was unwavering. His expression unchanging. He stared into the slave’s eyes and watched everything drain for them. He watched his face go red and felt him go limp. Only then did he release his toy, and let him fall to the floor. A long, desperate gasp restored the slave’s lungs as he crouched on his hands and knees at Master’s feet. His chest was heaving, the sounds of his heavy breathing filled the room. Still, Master was unmoving, standing, looking over the pathetic form of the salary, waiting for him to move. Finally he did, standing on shaky legs to look the Master in the eyes.

“Fuck you,” he spat.

Kitten couldn’t help but let out a little giggle, she knew what was coming next. Quickly the crop was raised, and struck the slave across the side. The Slave squealed, feeling the hot sting of the impact, and doubled over from the pain. Unrelenting, Master grabbed him by the hair, and marched him towards the wall. The Slave could feel his tight grip pulling on his scalp, and dared not struggleBecause he didn’t doubt Master would pull his hair out if that’s what it took. Slamming the slave’s face against the wood, Master held him there and again raised the crop. Quickly he braced himself, drawing a shadow breath and tensioning against the impact. Not that it did any good. The sound of leather hitting skin echoed around the room as Master swung again and again. Closely followed by screams of pain, and desperate pleading. The sweet symphony filled Kitten’s ears, every sound sending tingles down her spine, every curse bringing her smile to her lips. Each hit was a rush, each moment was more exciting.

“Yes sir! Get them! Go on Master,” Kitten cheered with a laugh, as her eyes filled with evil joy. She just loved seeing her Master play with his toys. Sparks flew around her body and soon she was squirming in her seat. Her skin was flushed hot and her eyes were wide. Her mind raced and her limbs tingled. And suddenly, as the slave collapsed to the floor, weeping and begging for mercy, Master looked over and locked eyes with her.

His green eyes were angry, and lustful. His lips formed a cruel smile. His gaze was like a spotlight, burning bright, directed at her. Every sensing became more intense when they locked eyes, and the sparks turned to lightning, igniting fires around her body wherever they struck. The excitement only increased as he marched towards her. His strides were long, and purposeful, but his pace was slow. As he walked he admired her, inspected her, his price, his Kitten, his toy. His gaze started at her long legs, and with each step closer he took they moved upwards. Up to her slender wait, enhanced by the corset, up to her round breasts squeezed by the leather. Up to her soft, red lips and to her big, brown eyes. Eyes that were full of lust, that begged to him without her having to say a word. They looked up at her Master, as he stood over her, and Kitten couldn’t help but whimper as his finger slide softly under her chin.

“Are you having fun, Kitten?” He asked her, with a smile

“Oh yes, Master,” she beamed back, “it’s so hot… It’s… Exciting.”

“Exciting, huh?” He teased, making Kitten squirm as he touched the inside of her thigh with the crop.

“Yes sir…” She replied, blushing and suddenly shy, wriggling as the leather inched upwards towards the line of her underwear, tickling and elisting. “Fuck…” she whispered, under her breath, as the tip glanced over her most sensitive area. But it didn’t linger, it continued up, following Kitten’s curves, until it slide off her body, and he throw it aside. She jumped with surprise as the toy clated against the wall, and his single finger under her chin slide down to the collar around her neck. Lifting it to view the inscription in the light, he read it aloud.

Butterflies filled her stomach every time she thought about her tag, and the words written on it. It had been one of the first gifts Master had bought her, and it was still her favourite ever, a little token to remind her how much he cared, and to remind her that he owned her, every inch of her.

“I want you to hurt him, Master,” Kitten purred, looking up to her Master with wide, pleading eyes. “Hurt him for me.”

“Anything for you, Kitten,” Master smiled back, before turning his attention once more to the slave.

“Do you hear that, slave? Kitten wants to see you hurt. I want to see you hurt too. Come here.”

The slave only shook his head, but when Master marched over towards him and grabbed him by the hair he soon compiled. Subdued, the slave was marched into the centre of the room and made to stand before Kitten, then, walking around to the back of the chair, Master unfasted her chain from her collar, freeing her from the chair.

“I want you to strip him off for me,” Master told her with a smile, and Kitten’s eyes lit up with the thought, this was going to be fun. Seductively she stood from the chair, and slowly knelt in front of her newtoy, sitting with her hands between her tighs, arching her back to push everything up and out. She knew that The Slave wanted her bad, his eyes were wide with excitement and his breathing was fast. Looking back over her shoulder to her Master, a nod and a smile from him gave her the go-ahead. Slowly, she lifted her hands to the wait of the slave’s jeans, feeling a shiver of excitement go down his spine as she did. Kitten could hardly hide her excitement either as the button came undone, and she inched down the fly. The smiles on both their lips grew and grow, as she began to pull down the denim, revealing his black underwear beneath, straining to hold in his excited cock. Eagerly, The Slave kicked off his trousers, and cupped a hand under Kitten’s chin. It was easy to forget her Master, and his own, stood just a few feet away. She was so exclusive, so sexy, so perfect.

“Good girl,” the slave whispered, as she slowly ran her hands back up his legs, to his bulge. He whimpered slightly as her hands ran over it, feeling it’s shape, feeling it grow. It had been a while since she’d had a real cock to play with; Master had been keeping her denied to make her needy, which was certainly working. She couldn’t resist any longer, and in one movement she pulled down his underwear, smiling as his shake burst out, hard, ready to be used. Slowly she opened her mouth, and, staring into his eyes, moved towards the head. But then her smile turned mischievous, and she sat back down with an evil little laugh.

“Oh, you think I’m going to suck your cock? Oh no, you haven’t earned that yet. Don’t move.” In one smooth movement she moved to be sitting back on the chair, legs crossed, as her Master stepped forwards in her place. Kitten giggled and twirled her hair as she admired the confused and frightened look on the slave’s face.

Master grabbed him, around the throat, before turning to look at the girl. “Put your legs flat,” he ordered her, before throwing The Slave downonto her lap. “Would you like to hurt him?”

Kitten nodded excitedly as she looked down at the struggled body that was held in place for her. His skin was smooth and pale, perfect for a beating. Drawing her hand back she slapped him hard across his back, delighting in the pained squeal he gave and admiring the perfect handprint she had left on him. Again and again she hit him, smiling and laughing as she felt the impacts sting her palm, and her other hand held him down by the back of his head. She hadn’t noticed that her Master had stepped away to grab the crop.

“Here,” he said, holding it out for her. Excitedly she grasped it, feeling the hard, grippy handle in her fingers, admiring the weight and bounce in the toy as she waved it around a little. Then, gently but firmly, Master wrapped his big hand around hers, controlling her as she wilded the crop.

“Relax your arm a little, yeah, good,” he instructed her, as he demonstrated how to make a good swing “Okay good, good girl, like this.” In unison they swung, and with a swish the tip of the crop slammed into the slave’s thigh.

Kitten laughed almost manically as she struck the slave’s naked body again and again, harder and harder. Each time the boy would squeal and squirm and try to escape, but Kitten held him in place with Master’s help. Still, she could feel his erect cock adjust the outside of her thigh, growing even harder as his squirming rubbed it against her soft skin. He must have been enjoying himself.


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