If this story causes enough positive feedback, I shall post an audio version, just because I’m just nice like that. Hope you enjoy.
I lead you onto the stone steps, our progress echoing coldly as we descend. The walls here are narrow, and the steps step. You use the handrail to keep your balance. It is dark here, except for the naked hanging bulbs.
Below us, the space opens into a large brick and stone chamber, with a low curved ceiling and crooked archways at the far side- maybe a converted wine cellar of some sort. Flickering candles give the room an orange tint, casting long sputtering shadows.
In the centre of the room, under a large hanging cast iron chandelier is the bed. A small rectangle covered in silk sheets, with a single iron post at the head. Attached to the post is a length of cord, and on the cushions beside the cord a black shimmering scarf; a blindfold.
The room is exactly how you anticipated, exactly how I described
IAsk one last time “Are you sure you’re ready for this. When the evening starts, know there can be no going back”. You respond with a silent nod. You understand the rules. You will have to obey, without question, all of what is expected of you- whatever the cost.
I take you lightly by the hand and lead you to the bed. You take the small steps to the side and stand on top of the sheets, looking down at me on the floor. You know what is expected of you. With the nervous tremble of anticipation, you slide the dress strraps from your shoulders. It falls from you easily, leaving you naked- exposed. As commanded, you have come here with no underwear. As you become aware of my eyes scanning your body, admiring your figure, you blush and involuntarily move one arm across your chest and a hand to Between your thighs. You see the side of my lips curve upwards on one side, a small smile at your obvious disappointment. Realising the pointlessness of your gesture, you move your arms back to your sides. I motion for you to turn, and so you do. You rotate all the way round and face me once more. You can tell that I’m impressed by what I see.
I pick up the scarf and you knee down before me, your face now level with my own. I place the smooth fabric up to your eyes, and you feel it pressing tightly as I tie it behind your head. You feel the tug as I pull strands of your hair free from under the blindfold. I prefer it that way. My fingers come under your chin, gently lifting it, turning it from side to side, checking the scarf is in place and secure
Taking you by the hands I guide you down onto the bed. You lay on you back and raise your hands above your head. You feel the cord wrap tightly around your wrists, many times before the final knot is made. A gentle pull confirms your suspicions- you are now bound to the post. I see your lower lip pursuit, and I place a finger there to silence you; remember, there can be no questions now. That time has passed.
You feel the cool softness fall down upon you as I covered your naked figure under a silver sheet. Your sensitive skin responds to the light touch, gooseflesh rises. Suddenly, the ringing of a small bell. Footsteps echo as the others enter the chamber. The popping of a cork, the pouring of Champaign, quiet murmurs abruptly stop as positions are taken around the edge of the bed. You can feel their eyes on you.
The sheet is slowly raised up from your feet, trailing over your body as your calves are exposed, and then your thighs, higher still. Now you can feel the space between your thighs is revealed, and there the sheets remain across your waist.
Fingers glide across your naked skin, tips coming to rest on the blushed meat of your lips, sliding lightly to the top of the opening where your swelling cliporis is becoming exposed. You guess these slow, expert, fingers to be my own as they come to rest just over the hood of your cliporis and pull back the looser skin. You can feel the thumbsStay as the fingers return lower and spread you wide. Your muscles pinch. In your minds eye, you can visualize the strangers watching as these hands playing with your wet opening for their own personal pleasure. Now the fingers venture inside, reaching down and pulling back. First a little friction, but so very quickly you become moist enough to accommodate the questing digits. The rubbing is light but fast, as I know you like it, leaving you panting under the silk sheet, growing hot.
With shock, you feel another hand, this one outside of the silk, starting on your hip and moving so lightly up your side to your arm. Then another hand, this one firmer and more callous, cupping your breast, the thumb caressing the fabric against your nipple, already so hard and aching, clearly visible below the silk. At first you are filled with alarm, helplessness, but as more hands set upon your body, you soon discover that your body is enjoying the sensing.
Another set of fingers glide aross your inner tigh- you feel the gentle price of long nails. The hands working between your legs are joined by a third: two hands keeping you wide, thumbs stroking your swollen pink tip, while a finger slides in and out of you in a slow rhythm. You can feel the wave building up inside you, waiting to break and release, as your body contorts and stretches below the roaming hands.
-When Suddenly the finger pulls out, and all of the roaming hands retreat. A groan escapes you. In response you hear a small chuckle from some of your audience. You’re mind races as you try and imagine how many people are down in the chamber- maybe five or six others, excluding you and I.
Now the sheet is tugged from your body, all the hot air trapped beneath it suddenly replaced with the chilly bite of the chamber. A moment that feels like an eternity passes as you wait expected for the hands to return. Instead, A single finger slides against your open pussy. It lightly traces the opening befor leaving. The same finger reapers at your mouth, resting against your lips. It is clear to you that you are expected to suck the juices. You except the finger into your mouth and roll your tongue around the knuckle, allowing the sour taste to fill your senses.
You feel the gentle resting of a light arm on your inner thigh as a fingerprint comes to rest on your pussy. As you continue to suck the finger in Your mouth, the finger between your legs circles your clip- you can feel the gentle price of a long fingerprinting your flesh and you realize with a jolt that this is a female’s hand. The finger in your mouth slides out, leaving your lips pursued and jaw open. Now fingers stroke the side of your face, all the while the female hand works your clip- so, so lightly. The fingers on your face trace Your lips, exploring your gums and mouth. Suddenly they close on your jaw, pinching your mouth further open. The female arm leaves your leg, as to do the hand.
“Put out you tongue,” commands the voice, not my own. You obey.
You feel another tongue lightly struggling the tip of your own, and as that happens you feel something soft and wet come to rest on your clip- yet another tongue. As the tongue on your own slides and strokes, so to do the one exploring your flushed and glistening meat. Lips close around your tongue and suck- such an unusual yet sensitive feeling. At that same moment, lips close around your clip and suck. You realize that whatever is done to one end will be mirrored at the other…
Now the tongue pushes deep inside your mouth as those lips envelop your own. The tongue between your thighs does likewise; pushing deep inside you as you feel the whole mouth pressing against your shaft. The lips there are soft and full. Both tongues explore your insides in unison; flicking, twisting, sliding- a soft sensing. As the inside of your mouth becomes wetter, so to do the space inside your pussy, you can feel the juices overflowing as aclimax builds up inside your whole body.
Your legs stretch, your feet point out. Your arms flex and you feel the rough burn of the tight cord around your wrists. In a wave of surrender, your orgasm bursts- you can feel your inner most muscles closing around the tongue inside you. As the mouth that was exploring yours pulls away you let out a guttural moan. As your muscles weaken, you can feel your thighs shaking uncontrollable. Your body is left a moment, you can hear the faith whisper of voices, but your mind is in no fit state to filter any meaning. You hear a feminine gasp of delight and the hushed voices cease.
That same feminine finger returns, you feel its nail on the underside of your breast. The sharp tip scratches slowly over your skin, sharp and deep- you are certain of the white mark it will leave. You try to contort your body away but your movement here is too limited. The nail comes to the top of your breast and continues over your hardened nipple before it stops there. Finger and thumb pinch the duct lightly and rub.
Inside, you scream out “No, stop, please”! You’ve never wanted this, you’ve never wanted to ‘be’ with another woman, but despite what your mind is telling you, your body betrays you yet again by its response. My voice fills your mind, such simple words to understand but so hard to fulfill: “When the evening starts, Know there can be no going back”
Those same soft, full lips from before fall on the side of your mouth with the smallest kiss. You are reminded of the soft landing of a butterfly, in such excisite relief to the hard twist of your nipple. You let out a sharp cry. Now she kisses your lower lip, harder. Teeth gently bite it. Your body and your mind are so confused by the experience of tasting another woman’s lips, as they expertly play with your own. The lips and the hand move away, and again you are left alone on the bed.
“You will suck my title while the men pleasure themselves over you” purrs the seductively feminine voice.
You can feel her naked leg slide over your body as she comes to rest on top of you. You feel no clothes on her form and realise that she too is naked, perhaps everybody here is? Fingers slide under the back of your head and bring it up. The first thing you feel as your face rises is something small and soft, but firm, pressing on your lower lip; her nipple.
“Lick.” The woman commands.
You remain still. All you can feel is that soft nipple against your mouth, gently heaving under the woman’s breath.
You recognize this as my voice, disapproving of your hesitance, but you do feel a reassuring hand rest on your shoulder. You realize that the others I am with will condemn me for such a gesture, and that later I will suffer for it. You feel the guilt swell inside you.
You lick the nipple before you. You feel it’s firm spring. At first you lick like a cat, unsure of how or where your attentions should be made, but before long you find yourself into your work. You lick the outside of it in a wide circle, closing in. You lightly flick the sensitive tip and roll it from side to side. Next you take it into your mouth. The feeling of it growing harder still between your lips excitings you- as does the notion that you are entertaining the ones that watch you.
You feel something, hot and tacky, lightly bouncing on your own breast. There can be no mistake the sound of the man masturbating beside you, his speed and rhythm suggesting he is on the broke of an explosive climax.
The nipple in your mouth is pulled away with the noise of broken suction and replaced with another. Eagerly this time, desperate for the approval of your masters, you take it into your mouth. You suck it hard and you hear the woman gasp in delight.
“Bite it! Make it so fucking hard! Hurt her!” a male voice this time, going you on.
Lightly you bring your teeth to bear on the duct. Next you feel the hot fluid of ejaculat flick across your naked chest; one of the audience has clearly become overexcited by your display.
The woman dismounts your body and lays your head to rest back on the bed. Her fingers scoop up the hot load from your body and smear it over your lips. You lick them clean and the salty taste explores your senses. You can feel a tongue, which you assume to belong to the woman, licking the rest of your chest clean of cum. You feel used, abused and dirty, but despite that you can also feel your own juices leaking out and over your trembling thighs.
Those callous hands return. They reach out and grope at you with urgency. These hands are not soft or gentle; they are rough and brutish. They squeeze your breasts together, the fingers closing in and pinching your flesh. They run down the length of you and pull your pussy wide open- it stings despite how ready and loose you have become. Fingers jam inside, they thrust so rapidly- a brutal fingerprint fucking. It hurts you so good.Another wave building up in you- about to burst- the fingers pull out.
Sweet god, you feel teeth biting down on your pussy lips, and the sharp bristle of an unkempt bear on your most sensitive skin. The teeth press hard- you scream- no half hearted gasp, this is a real scream of pain. Even his licking tongue feels rough and sharp. The teeth finally release and you are able to stop the scream. You can feel the sting of tears gathering in the corner of you eyes.
Again, you want to cry “Stop!” now so much more than before. You were unprepared for this level of abuse, but you remain silent.
Rough hands around your ankles, your legs are hoisted up. All your weight comes to bare on your neck and shoulders- keep there by one hand; your torquer is clearly very strong. The man’s free hand slaps your buttocks- not a playful love tap but a full open palm smoke. The sting spreads out, this will definitely leave you marked. Another slap, you suppress the scream and instead bitedown on your lower lip. Another slap- you cut your lip, and the warm copper taste fills your mouth. Only a small cut, but enough that you won’t be making the same mistake again.
Your legs are dropped and you collapse on the bed. “Open your mouth, and keep it open!” The brute commands. You obey.
He licks the blood from your lip. Then you feel him spit inside Your mouth. Then a sharp slap to the side of your face. The tears run freely now, your mouth quivers. You lay on the brink of crying out “enough!” You pull against the cords that keep you tied, and feel the burning cut of torn skin.
Another exploration of hot liquid, this time over your feet, yet another watcher reaching their own climax at your expense.
You feel the brute clmber on top of your chest, his hairy naked legs against your skin, his weight making it hard to breath. You know what to expect before it happens. He thrusts his long hard shake deep inside your mouth; you can feel the sticky pre cum on the back of your throat, the pulsing on your lips. He doesn’t expect you to lick or suck; he simply grabs you by the hair and hums your head. You try and put your mind a thousand miles away, but your buy back to the present with every gagging thrust. If you could, you’d cry out for an ending, but you can’t. Instead, you simply give in and take it. You no longer have a choice in the matter.
After what feels like an age, he exploits inside your mouth with a triumphant roar. No need to swallow, the whole load pours down your throat. Before you choke entirely he pulls out. You hack and cought, gasping for air. Your breathing steals. Finally that ordeal is over, but the night is not.
A gentle whisper in you ear, my soothing voice “Almost over”.
Gentle hands return to cares your figure. Kisses on your neck, stomach and thighs, tongues over your breasts and lips- all at once the whole crowd fall across you, an orgy of sensings. Now something else is pressed to your lips edgeways, thick and hot; a pulsing erection. Fully turned on once more by the attention of all these strangers, you abandon your disgust and your pride and lick along the underside of the shaft. It’s so long from base to tip. The man repositions himself over you, gentler than the brute before him, he’s careful not to let his weight onto you. You feel the sticky head return to your lips and tease with it with a stroke of your tongue before taking it inside your mouth. His hands run through your hair, clenching behind with a gentle tug.
Another throbbing and wet head slides against your cheek, leaving your face damp with pre cum. You release the shake in your mouth to offer this new meat some attention.
Soft feminine lips place themselves around your left nipple and suck expertly, while masculine hands care and squeeze your right breast. You feel soft hands part your sore tights and another erection resting against the open and wet hole there. A hand rests on your mountainand the thumb gently rubs against your clip. Your muscles respond, opening invitingly. The hard length slips deep, firm but gently.
You widen your mouth in ecstasy, perfectly filled below. Both the cocks you had been teasing fight to be back inside your mouth and you manage to accommodate both. The man between your legs raises your hips with his hands; the angle of his shaft inside you rubbing against nerves you had never known existed. You cum instantly to his exhaust thrusting. One of the shakes inside your mouth burst and you taste his climax. That man pulls out from your mouth and climbs off your body, only to be replaced instantly by your second suitor. You take the second cock fully down your throat, biting down lightly on his base, bobbing your head to get him off.
The man between your legs begins to increase his rhythms, his pounding hips becoming harder, his heavy balls slapping away at your thighs. You feel yet another wave building inside, you’re so sore from the abuse and repeated attention but you know that this next climax will be your most powerful yet. The man you are deepthroating cums down your throat, you’ve never known anyone cum so much, In your mind’s eye it pours down you like a waterfall. The feeling and power of being that much in control of another person’s pleasure was all you needed to explore one last time. You scream out, Every muscle stretches and contors till you feel like you can reach forever in your darkness. The hands on your breasts squeeze and the lips suck hard. You feel the splash of yet more cum across your face and chest. The man thrusting inside you leans back and rams one last time, so deep you can’t distinguish between the pleasure and pain, and you feel his climax mingle with your own, an exploration that seems to hollow out your whole body and leave you empty inside.
While you lay there panting, your keepers remove themselves from your body.
Time passes.
You don’t know how long you lay there for, but eventually you feel your head gently raised, and the Knott of your blindfold undone. It falls away, and even the dim light of the chamber seems much too bright. Your wrists had become so numb that you haven’t even realized I’ve already untied them. You rub against your tired eyes, and tenderly prod at your cut lip. Sitting up, your breast hurts and your behind is tender.
You look around, but it’s just you and I now.
“Get dressed, see yourself out” I whisper, before standing up and walking away, leaving you naked on the bed.
Before I leave your sight, I pause, just for a moment, turn and smile. It’s a warming sight, just enough to know that it’s all just part of the show…
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