Disclaimer: All characters are fictional and over the age of 18!
“Come on Celine!” my best friend Elle bragged me. “You have been fucking him with your eyes the whole night. Go ask him!”
She was right, I was undressing him with my eyes all night. Him… Gus…
Gus was my secret, or probably not so secret crush for two months now. I didn’t Really know much about him, I knew that he was 29 years old and was a regular at the nightclub we were in. He always wore black clothes, I had never seen him wear anything else. His black hair and very dark eyes made him even more intimidating. It was probably on purpose to seem unapproachable, as he was alone at the bar today again.
Just as this moment a tall blonde, very hot woman sat beside him, started flirting with him. But she didn’t even stay longer than 20 seconds before dashing off, her cheeses bright pink.
“He doesn’t seem to like company today,” I said and looked at her.
Our friends Marthaand Karin looked at us.
“But you wanted to know about his secret chamber!”
Yes, I really wanted to know. The past month I had been, or rather we had been trying to find out anything about him, but the only funny thing we came up with was, that he supposedly has a secret chamber for sex games. Yes, I was very intrigued. My sex so far had been pretty vanilla but the thought of a kinky sex life, or even a kinky sex life with Gus instantly made me wet again.
“You are right,” I heard myself say before I emptied my drink in one last sip. Wait, was I completely out of my mind?
Before I or anyone could stop myself I approached Gus.
He looked even more impressive up close, his black shirt stretching over his biceps.
Either he didn’t seem to notice that I was right beside him, or he didn’t care. At least he didn’t even look at me. He was staring at his glass and looking at the drink with an unreadable expression on his face.
“Show me,” was all I said befor my mouth was too dry to continue. Hell, what was I even doing here?
“Show you what?” he looked up now, his dark eyes meeting mine for a moment and making my heart skip a beat.
I gulped, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline and excitement. He slowly raised an eyebrow.
As I didn’t react he seemed bored and continued to star at his drink.
“Your chamber!” I blurted out before I could lose my courage.
Now he looked at me again, his look challenging and a bit angle, but there was also something else in his eyes. Interest maybe.
He just stared at me for a long time before saying, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”
“Oh, I think you know very well what I mean but you don’t want to both explaining why I can’t see it.”
He looked at me again and I felt the need to flee. His look was so intense. He was probably some kind of secret government agent trying to infiltrate a nightclub, pretending to be a regular and drinking alone in the corner.
“Celine,” I helped him.
“Look Celine, I can’t just simply show you. And I truly doubt you are into kink, so thank you for your interest but it is not gonna happen.”
“Would you mind speaking in complete sentences? I am rather tired of guessing what you are.”
My cheats felt like they were on fire. Why was this man able to embarrass me so much? I looked down, not sure what to say.
“I am or rather I want to be into kink. You are my first and only encounter so I would really appreciate your help.”
He leaned back, taking a sip from his glass, looking at me.
“See? That’s better. Now then, if you can find a second volunteer, I will show you today.”
I bit my bottom lip. Was he serious? Was I really asking for this? But the thought of seeing what he had been hiding in his private chamber the past few months excited me and I was getting a little carried away.
“Okay, that shouldn’t be a problem,” I heard myself say. I must have been completely out of my mind, why would I say that? As if I could just ask around people Hey, do you wanna see Gus’ secret chamber?
Quickly I moved over to my friends, who were all eagerly waiting for my return.
“How was it?” Elle asked quickly. “I mean, at least he talked to you!”
“Well, it was better than expected honestly. I am supposed to find another volunteer, and then we can go.”
“What, like, now?” Karin asked.
“As in, he will actually show you?”
Yeah, I was still not believing that so I didn’t say anything.
“I would but look, I have a boyfriend,” Elle pointed out.
“I know, Elle. What about you girls?” I said, looking at Martha and Karin.
“I’ll do it.,” Martha spat out.
“Wait, honestly? Come on, let’s go!” I quickly grabbed her hand before she could change her mind.
“Stay safe!” Elle yelled after us.
Gus was still sitting at the bar, as Martha and I approached him hand in hand.
He looked up, his dark eyes roaming over us before he leaned back again, finishing his drink.
“Yes, that is gonna work. Let’s go,” he said with a smile and stood up.
I felt my stomach flutter at the sight of his strong body towering above me, I couldn’t believe what I was about to do.
He walked towards the door and like puppies we hurried after him.
In the back of My head I thought it must be something like a sex dungeon with ropes, whips and handcuffs. This thought alone was enough for me to get aroused. I had never been into anything like that before but the more I was thinking about it, the more I wanted to know.
We walked after him for about 10 minutes, before he turned left and opened the door to what seemed to be a large house.
“Welcome to my home,” he simply said before he walked in.
I felt like I was on a strange adventure and I couldn’t help but smile.
Martha and I followed him in, the door closing behind us with a loud sound.
It looked like an ordinary single man household. Maybe a bit darker than expected, but tidy and clean.
“Close your eyes,” he demanded.
Martha instantly closed her eyes but I still hesitated.
“I am not gonna hurt you yet Celine, but I will if you don’t listen to what I say,” he whispered into my ear, causing goosebumps all over my body.
Slowly I closed my eyes.
“Good girl.”
I didn’t dare to move but I heard his steps around me and then felt him take my arm.
He slowly led me through the rooms and I heard him opening doors.
My heart was beating fast and my whole body felt flushed and nervous, but at the same time, I was excited and curious about what was to come.
“Open your eyes.”
I opened my eyes and was shocked.
This looked like a torture chamber, not sex related at all. There were strange chairs and tables everywhere, each with something to hold your arms and legs.
There were shelves full of scar looking objects and hooks on the ceiling.
“Not quite what you expected, Celine?”
Slowly I started to fear him. His dark, intimidating pressure was even more intense in this dark room, where the walls were made from red brick. The only light came from a chandelier above us, but the whole room was still dim.
“Okay, I will explain what happens. You two do, as I say. If you refuse, there will be consequences. Both can tap out any time by saying the safeword “red,” remember it well! However you will only use it when you absolutely cannot continue. For the session you will call me master. Did you understand that?”
“Yes, Master,” Martha quickly answered.
“You are a quick learner…”
“Martha, Master.”
“You are a quick learner Martha, I like that. Now both of you will undress for me.”
I looked at him in disbelief. “Wait, we will start now?”
“What did you expect? I told you, there is no simply showing this. Now undress!” to prove his point he got a crop and held it under my chin.
“Yes master.”
I started opening the zipper of my dress, but he interrupted me.
“No no, strip for me. Make it slow and sexy,” he demanded, while sitting down on a rather old wing chair, leaning to one side, so he could bring one foot up with him, letting the crop lean against his chest.
My heart was beating so fast and I was getting a little shaky. I couldn’t believe I was actually undressing in front of him, but at the same time, it was turning me on.
I walked up a step and slowly started dancing, touching my clothed body, before I slowly started to open my zipper.
I pushed the fabric over my shoulders, before it slipped down to the floor, revealing my black lace thong and otherwise naked body.
Looking up I was surprised to find that he was watching me, but he seemed to have changed positions.
He was leaning on both of his knees now, his hands crossed, watching me intently.
I went to one knee and let my hands glide over my body, up my breast and over my throat.
My skin was tingling as I felt his dark gaze on my body. I bit my bottom lip, still dancing to the music in my head, while the bass was thumbing in my chest.
When I pushed my thong down my legs, I looked at him. He was looking back, his eyes darker than before.
My heart started beating even faster and I felt my cheats get hot.
“Very nice body you have there Celine. Come over here,” he patted his lap while he said that.
While I walked closer to him, he ordered Martha to start undressing herself.
I was honestly impressed that Martha was playing along until now. So far I had always thought that she was very prudish. Apparently I was completely wrong.
Gus inspected my body thoroughly, as I was standing right in front of him.
“Any hard limits? Anything you don’t want at all?”
“Anal,” was the only thing that came to my mind.
He smiled dryly and said, “Shame, you have a really cute ass. But I will respect that.”
Martha was eventually naked and I noticed that her hair was trimmed, however still thick.
“A nice thick bush you have there, Martha. Any limits?”
“No, master,” she said while lowering her head.
“Now we are talking,” Gus said and clapped his hands.
“Martha, dear, please go over there to the St. Andrews Cross. Celine, please restrain her.”
Uhm, okay, I didn’t know how, but I would figure it out.
Together we walked over and Martha obediently stood in the cross. At the top and the bottom there were leather cuffs for her hands and feet.
I restrained her as I was told and made a step back. Slowly he got up and went over to Martha, slowly stroking her breasts and nipples.
She whimpered in pleasure and looked at Gus in lust.
“You can take a little pain, can you?”
Martha eagerly nodded. “Yes, Master.”
“Good girl,” he said and went to grab a nipple clamp and clip clamp.
Slowly he attached them and watched her squirm and moan, while her eyes rolled back.
“I deserve the pain, Master,” Martha pressed through her teeth.
“I figured as much,” Gus answered and grabbed her chain to pull it.
Martha moaned loudly, as her nipples and her clip were pulled into Gus’s direction.
My mouth was open and I was getting wet at the sight. It looked pretty hot and Martha didn’t seem to have anything against it.
Slowly he let her chain go, watching her sway back and forth, while she panted.
“While Martha can think about why she deserves the pain, get over here.”
He directed me at the cuffs that were hanging from the ceiling. Oh gods, what was he going to do?
As I raised my arms, he took them and restrained them above my head, a little too high for my taste, but I didn’t say anything.
The way I was restrained, I could look at Martha, who was still clamped and eyed me curiously.
“Open your legs a bit more,” I heard Gus saying.
“Yes, master,” I silently said and opened my legs.
Next thing I felt was a Hitachi buzzing against my clip, while he grabbed my left nipple and squeezed it tightly.
I moaned from the mixture of pleasure and pain and closed my eyes.
Then I heard the clanking of chains and then my left nipple was also clamped, sending waves of pain through my body.
I arched my back at the unexpected pleasure wave that followed. Quickly he put the Hitachi down and clamped my other nipple as well.
He pulled lightly to make sure that it was well attached.
Then he fixed the Hitachi on my thigh, high enough that I felt light violations against my clip, but not high enough to give me actual pleasure.
He took a few steps back, inspected me thoroughly and then said, “Well, it seems you have to wait a bit, while I enjoy Martha. But don’t worry, you are not coming anyway.”
I absolutely shouldn’t feel aroused as he said that. But Gods did!
Slowly Gus removed her clip clamp, making Martha groan in pain, but then he replaced the clamp with his fingers, rubbing her clip, while his other hand was pulling the nipple chain, making her go on her toes.
She moaned even louder, before he pulled back and undid her restraints, walking her over to me. He grabbed her wrists and restrained them directly next to mine. We were standing so close to each other, that Our clamped nipples nearly touched.
Then he removed the Hitachi from my thigh and I whimpered a little. My clip was so incredibly swollen and I really wanted to cum!
“I will now apply weights to your nipple clamp chains and place them into the other girl’s mouth. You may not drop them, or it will hurt your friend.”
“Yes, Master,” we both said simulateneously, before he applied the We both tried to keep the weights inside our mouths, as he took a few steps back.
Slowly Martha began to drool. Shelooked me deep into the eyes, while we were waiting.
He then placed a vibrating dildo between our thighs, so both of our clients were placed directly on top. He secured it tightly and switched it on.
We both instantly started moaning, but it wasn’t very loud, as we had these huge weights in our mouths that were acting like a gag.
He was sitting on the armchair again, watching us struggle.
“Neither of you will cum, are we clear?”
“Yef, match”; we muffled through the weights.
He smiled and turned up the victory with a remote.
We both moaned louder now and struggled a little, but we couldn’t do anything. The violations were too strong, and we had a hard time trying not to cum.
I saw Martha grind against the toy and I could feel my own orgasm building up.
“I am cumming, pweaf, may I cum?” I mumbled through the weight, careful not to drop it.
I could see Gus smile before he shook his head.
“No, you may not.”
Wait, howwas I supposed to hold it? I tried to get on my tiptoes to stop the stimulation but he had attached it to my hip, so I just pulled the vibrator higher, making Martha moan very loud in response.
He turned off the vibrator, followed by Martha letting out a frustrated grunt.
“I know Martha, you are a good girl, but your friend here still has to learn.”
He turned it back on, bringing me close again, before he turned it back off.
He did this several times until we were moaning messes.
Finally he got up, undid our restraints and unclamped our nipples.
We both hissed in pain and held our breasts.
“Martha, love, I think Caline can make up for your missed orgasm, right?”
“Yes, Master.”
He walked her over to the chair and pushed her into it, pulling one leg up, so her pussy was exposed at the edge of the chair.
“Celine, get over here and make your friend cum with your tongue.”
I walked over to them and got on my knees, so that myface was inches away from her pussy. Only now I recognized that she had a clip piercing, and that her pussy overall was beautiful.
My own arousal was dripping down my leg at the sight of her very, very wet pussy.
So far I had never been with a girl, let alone licked one, but I mean, if I just did what I liked, how hard could that be?
Slowly I started tracing circles around her clip, occasionally licking directly over it, making Martha moan and her back arch.
Looking up I saw Gus gently playing with her nipples and breasts and I really wanted to be in her place, it looked heavenly!
Carefully I placed my lips around her pierced clip and started sucking it.
Her moans became louder, her hips moving against my mouth and I could feel my clip throb in frustration and need.
Her hands dug into the armrest and her legs twitched.
“Cum for me Martha,” Gus demanded and she obeyed.
Her muscles tightened and her whole body shivered and twitched,as she moaned loudly.
I grabbed her hips to keep her in place, while she was still shivering and panting, riding out her orgasm.
After her orgasm Gus came around and helped me up.
“Good job Celine. Now get over here.”
Gus stood in the middle of the room and started undressing. Seeing him undress made me wetter, than I had already been. As I had hoped and, to be honest, sort of expected, he had a nicely trained body. He wasn’t too buffed, but his muscles were clearly visible, even a hint of a sixpack followed by a V to his groin area.
After he undressed his boxershorts, I noticed that he was already hard. He had a very nice cock and a decent size.
“Kneel for me.”
I went down on my knees, not daring to look away.
He came closer, so his penis was only an inch away from my mouth.
Gus forcedly pushed his dick into my mouth, holding my head with his one hand, literally face-fucking me.
I choked and gagged, saliva dripping down mychin.
When I saw this in porn, I had always thought that I wouldn’t like it, but I did. All I wanted was to please him, so maybe he would let me cum later.
Drool was dripping down my chin and started dripping on my chest, as he pushed his dick deeper.
His dick became fuller and harder and eventually he pulled back.
“Get up and walk over to the pillory.”
The pillory? Okay. I stood up, a little shadowy and walked over.
It seemed to be some sort of wooden thing with cuffs at the end, you could push your neck and hands into.
I did, as I was told and felt Gus closing the restraints behind me.
“Spread your legs a bit.”
Here I was standing, bent, waiting. And not knowing what was about to happen and not being able to see, what was about to happen messed with my head in a very good way!
“You have not been puzzled for letting me wait, earlier,” he said and I felt a crop hit my bare ass.
I flinched immediately and groaned.
“You deserve 10 hits with the crop and you will count them out loud. When I am finished, you will thank me. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Master.”
The crop hit my ass again, harder this time.
“One,” I pressed through my lips.
He hit me again and again.
By 8 I could feel my pussy juice run down my inner thigh. Although it hurt, I sort of liked being exposed and used this way, it was really a strange feeling.
He hit me again and I had to hold back a loud moan, as he brought me closer to an orgasm with each slap, as he rubbed the leather part of the crop against my swollen clip after each hit.
“9,” I panted.
I was twitching uncontrollably when he hit me for the tenth time.
“10, thank you Master.”
I heard him put the crop away and heard his footsteps coming closer.
“You seemed to like it, didn’t you? Look at all your juices flowing over! It would be a shame if they were going to waste. Martha? Clean her up with your tongue, but don’t touch her pussy. She won’t be cumming any time soon.”
I heard her come closer and then her tongue licking up my juices from the inside of my thigh.
A soft moan escaped my lips, as she went further up. She did the same to the other side and I had to hold onto the pillory tightly to not collapse.
My knees were shaking and I was getting really needed. Gods, I really needed to cum, or I would exploit.
“Martha, ready for round two?”
She nodded eagerly. “Yes, master!”
Wait, why was it her turn again? I didn’t have an orgasm so far and she was already allowed to cum a second time?
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