Chapter 3b
(The Spirit Gods Have Spoken)
After we awoke from our nap and turned off the damned alarm that was buzzing in our ears, we kissed and hugged and then decided to use the bathroom. Karen wanted to take a quick rinse in the shower and I had to pee something fierce. Since the shower stall was made of glass, she was keeping an eye on my pissing project.
“Would you like me to hold it for you Sir?”
“I’ve pretty much learned how to do it all by myself little one.”
“Don’t forget the ol’ squeeze and shake when you finish Sir?”
“You are about to step in it my little piss whore. Why are you so suddenly interested in my technique for peeing in a toilet, or anywhere else for that matter?”
“You are my Master and my owner and I’m just trying to let you know that I would love to help you pee if it would please you.”
“You sound a little too interested little one. You almost sound as if you would like me to pee on you in the shower.”
“Uuummmmm, Master. Would you like to do that?”
“You’re a little late with that question this time. I’m finished. We will keep that as a thought for later. Make some room for me in there. I want a quick soap and rinse too.”
We were done in five minutes. We dried each other off with the super fluffy towels and went back to the bedroom to dress for dinner.
I wore black jeans and a ‘Tommy Bahama’ silk shirt. Karen put on a light blue skirt that ended above her knees countered with an even lighter blue front button top that clearly exposed the tops of her boobs and the darkness of her nipples. No bra or panties of course. She didn’t have any with her.
We drove to a local steak house with a top of the line reward and top of the line prices to go with it. It was a Very popular place and we had to wait about 15 minutes before we were escorted to a nice table with a window that looked up to the canyons of Red Rock.
After we were seated, Karen told the waiter that she would like a white house wine and I asked for a large iced tea with two lemons. The drinks were delivered, our steak orders were taken, and the waiter left us to ourselves.
“What is your decision about the real piercings little one?”
She wasn’t expecting that question until later so she hesitated for a moment before speaking.
“I have chosen to have you do the three real piercings while we are here in Sedona Master. If I put it off, I would probably go nuts thinking about them for the next three months.”
“That pleases me little one. Your decision shows me the truth of your desire to be accepted as my owned submissive. Where do you want the three piercings?”
“I spend some time thinking about that Master. Since you have left this entirely up to me, I would like the first one in my left nipple Sir. The second ring I would like in my left outer labia. As for the third ring, I really do want it through my clip hood where you placed the fake ring yesterday. Is that acceptable Master?”
“Of course it is little one. These are your choices, not mine.”
“Oh, thank you Master. When can we put them in?”
“Don’t be over anxious. We have all night. I gave you the choice of where the rings go. It’s my choice as to when they go there.”
“Yes Sir. Can you give me a hint?”
“Don’t push it pain slut, or I will run a chain through all three rings, after they are inserted, and nail the chain to the floor for the night.”
“I’m sorry Master. I’m just so excited about this.”
“Why are you so excited?”
“These rings will show you what I’m willing to do to carry the symbols of my submission and commitment to you Sir.”
“What else excites you little one?”
“I am excited by the fact that I don’t need to hide my secrets anymore Master. Not from you anyway. I have spent most of my entire adult life running away from myself. Almost every sexual dream and fantasy that I’ve had over the years scared the Hell out of me because I knew they couldn’t possibly be real. I am an accomplished professional woman. That is the image that I want everybody to see. It is the image I intend to keep, even after this mind boggling weekend we have spent together. There is no way in the world I would ever tell anyone about the fantastic orgasms I have from being naked, pussy and butt fucked by vibrators and plugs, locked in cuffs, attached to a spreader bar, and whipped with a riding crop.”
“Do you know when you actually came to understand that need that you have kept hidden inside of you for so long?”
“I can’t tell you the exact moment that that realization about myself actually came to be Sir. I woke up this morning knowing it to be true.”
“I’m sure that there are other things that excite you too. What are they?”
“One of the most exciting parts of our adventure is the anticipation. I have no idea what you are going to order me to do next, or what you plan to do with me at any time. I was totally petrified of that anticipation when I first arrived here. Now, it excites me so much that my pussy is wet all of the time. I still feel fear, but not in a negative way. You are going to pierce me three times tonight. I feel the fear of you doing that but I want it so much I get tingly all over just thinking about it Sir.”
Right at that moment, the waiter returned with our steak dinners and we spent the next 30 minutes enjoying the most delicious Ribeye I have ever put into my mouth. We spend the rest of our time at the restaurant talking about whatever came to mind and laughing quite often. When we had finished, the waiter brought us our check and I handed him a Visa card. When the waiter had left to run the card, I handed Karen one of the remote vibrator eggs.
“Go to the Ladies restroom and insert this into your pussy and meet me by the front entrance.”
“Yes Sir.”
Karen immediately got up and went to find the restrooms as ordered. I signed for the dinner and went to wait by the front door entrance. She was only a couple of minutes behind me.
“I almost felt Evil putting this egg inside of me Sir. The restroom was filled with women talking about their kids, bridge club, and the price of food at the grocery store. All I could think about was cuming on your command. I really wanted to walk up to a few of those women worried about food prices and tell them that I was worried about when the remote vibrator in my cunt was going to be turned on. I wonder what their reaction would have been Sir.”
“Do you want me to order you to go back and tell them about the egg? That will give you your answer little one.”
“I will if you want me to Sir.”
“Let’s save that one for the next restaurant we stop at. We are going back to the toy store right now and pick out your rings.”
We went back to the Hummer and drove the few short blocks to what has now become Karen’s number one favorite place in all of Sedona.Since this was a weekend night during the middle of a holiday weekend, the parking lot was jammed full of cars. Last night must have been a fluke with only a couple of cars being there when we went the first time. As we walked in the front door, we were met by two male employees who were greeting each new customer or thanking the customers who were leaving. A handsome young man walked straight up to Karen and stood in front of her.
“This is our ‘Get To Know You” night ma’am. Everyone wears a name tag while in our shop. What is your first name?”
“My first name is Karen.”
“Are you a Mistress or a slave?”
This question throw Karen off her stride.
“Ahhhhh….I’m ahhhhh….a slave.”
The young man wrote on a small pad in his hand with a black magic marker, peeled off a sticker that openly and obviously made the statement: “Hello. My name is slave karen.” He placed the sticker just above and to the right of Karen’s right breast and pushed it down so that itwould stick to her top. She looked up at me with a look of uncertainty but accepted the sticker without any question. The young man was obviously enjoying the clear view of her tits and nipples through the ultra thin top she was wearing.
“I think it looks cute little one.”
“You do huh! I can just see myself walking into work with this name tag on. I bet that would cause quite a Stir at the water cooler.”
“If I ordered you to do that, would you obey me even though I wasn’t there to watch?”
“If you order me to do that, I will do it. The unintended consequences could be monstrous so I certainly hope you don’t.”
“OK slave, I won’t do that, but you will keep that tag on for the remainder of this trip. You can remove it after you take your seat on your return flight. Do you think that is a fair alternative?”
“It doesn’t really matter if it is fair or not Sir. Whatever you order, I will do.”
“You are really getting into your role my little public slut slave.”
“I’m yours to do with as you please Master. No exceptions.”
“Maybe I will give you the command to wear your collar to work one day, instead of just the chain with the key on it. What kind of reaction do you think that would cause slave karen?”
“I have no idea, but I’m sure it would still up a lot of curiosity.”
My tag said ‘Master Bill’ and wore it just above my shirt pocket. Karen wanted to wander through the entire shop again but I grabbed her hand and took her over to the jewelry section that was isolated behind the checkout counter. We were the only people there and, after one look at the cases of gold and silver, I understand exactly why. The cheapest item was $125.
“I would advise you get something silver little one. Gold turns color too easy, Especially with your juices all over it.”
“That’s probably true unless these are high quality gold.”
“These are the highest quality gold on the market. You are allowed to pick whatever you want. You’re the one who’s going to wear them and I don’t want to interfere with your choices.”
“What do you think of that one for my nipple Master?”
“I can’t get out of this can I? OK. I will make a suggestion, if you ask, since I do have experience in this area. You want a thin ring for your nipple little one. You also need to make sure that it is big enough around to fit over the top of one of those beautifully wide and long title points. You will find it handy to be able to easily move the loop from the down position to the up position above your nipple. If you choose one that is really thick, the pain of using a larger need for the piercing is that much greater and it’s weight could become a problem after wearing it for a long period of time.”
“Thank you Master. I appreciate Your advice. This thin, but wide silver loop is nice Sir. I’ll take that one for my nipple. I should be able to flip it up over the top if my nipple is all hard and extended at the time.”
That one was $130. Maybe I should have taken her to Walmart. Oh well…Nothing but the best for my sub/slave I always say.
“I love that gold ring right there Master for my labia lip. It’s a lot thicker than the nipple ring but it is beautiful. Why does this one overlap itself and one end is tapered?”
“You’ll notice that the other end is hollow little one. When this is inserted through the hole, I will have to use a spreader to force the ring open and insert the tapered end into the hollow end. This style gives an appearance of being one solid ring. It takes a much larger needle but that won’t matter as much since your labia is much less sensitive than your nipple.”
That one was $435. This weekend was getting more and more expensive by the minute.
“Will you pick the ring for my clip hood Sir? That would mean so much to me if you would.”
How could I refuse a request like that? I spotted what I wanted almost instantly. In the upper row of rings wasa gold loop sized perfectly to be used for her hood and it had another, much tinier loop going through the larger one. I have never seen one quite like that before so that is the one I choose. It was $515 for this one because of the high content of gold. None of these were plated. Now I couldn’t complain about the price any more.
“I love it Master. It won’t get in the way will it?”
“What do you mean by getting in the way?”
“Sir….OK….I’ll be perfectly blunt. Will it get in the way of your cock ramming into my pussy hole?”
“It won’t if we insert it through the same location the fake clip was most acceptable to you.”
“OK….I was just asking.”
“Sir…can we get one of the finger vibrators that I saw last night? Maybe even two so we have one that fits your finger and one that fits mine.”
“That is allowed little one. You are going to have to pay a price for that.”
“What does that mean?”
“We are going for a walk along Oak Creek tomorrow. I will find a picnic table in a location that I like and you will sit on the top of that table, naked from the wait down, and finger your clip with that little vibrator. I’m not going to let you cum. I want you all hot and squishy when we go to fulfill your fantasy at lunchtime. Agreed?”
“Do I have a choice Sir?”
Karen also managed to talk me into getting her a bra and panty set. I reminded her of the no bra or panty rule and she promised to wear it only with my permission or she would wait until she returned home. I may be her Master, but even the toughest of Masters can’t always refuse the pleading face and sad begging eyes of their sub/slave.
They were a French bra/panty set. The French really know what they are doing when they design these things. The bra had a hole at the point of each cup with would allow Karen’s long thick nipples to poke through very prominently. The panties were cut to allow her pussy to breathe fresh air. Crotch-less was the term used on the package. I will admit that they were really sexy looking.
The hardest part of this visit to the adult store was pulling out the credit card and paying just over $1200.00. As we were about to make the purchase, the owner of the store approached us and introduced himself as Jake Martin.
“I see you are about to buy some very beautiful, high quality loop rings for your slave Karen,” he said as he eyed the name tag on her blouse. “I am a retired nurse practicer, and I always recommend to my customers, who are paying out the amount of money that you are for these piercing rings, that they might consider allowing me to check the slave to make sure that the rings you have chosen are of the proper size for where they are going to be used. The Health Dept. will not allow us to refund your purchase once they are removed from the small bags we seal them into the time you pay for them. It’s extremely important that they physically fit the chosen place of insertion or you might find yourself wasting a lot of money on something that is not going to be comfortable or not usable on the slave’s body. I don’t want you to think that my motives are less than honorable and I am offering you this opportunity, free of charge, just to make sure everything is perfect for her. I also do piercings here if you want to consider that possibility.”
“Thank you Jake. I am going to do the piercings myself, as I have past experience in doing that, but I will take up your offer to check my slave to make sure the rings are the correct size.”
I knew the instant I said that that Karen was going to show some kind of immediate response. I just wasn’t sure what the response would be. This was an unexpected test of her submission that just came out of nowhere.
“What do you think of the offer I have accepted little one?”
Her pleading puppy dog eyes were telling me to get her the Hell out of there, but her mouth spoke the words that pleased me a greatt deal.
“I will most certainly obey your wishes Master. Whatever you choose to do, I will do my best to please you Sir.”
“Can we do this right now Jake, or will we need to come back at a special time?”
Jake said we could do it right then and there, and to please follow him to the rear examination room. He led us through the room that was used as the “Gay and Lesbian” section and through a door at the far end. Inside was a totally antiseptic and fully equipped room just as you would find in a doctor’s office. The first thing he said, once we were inside the room, and he had shut and locked the door, was to ask Karen to please sit on the end of the examination table which I noticed as having stirrups attached to it. Karen cautiously sat on the table in a manner that told me she wasn’t really all that happy about what we were doing. Jake began asking her very personal questions.
“I see that you have bought three rings Karen. Where are they going to be placed on your body?”
Karen took a deep breath and accepted the inevitable.
“Master is going to pierce my left nipple, my left labia lip, and put the third ring through my clip hood where we have already practiced with a non-piercing ring Mr. Martin.”
“If your Master approves, you may call me Jake. How physically sensitive are your nipples Karen?”
“They are extremely sensitive Jake. They are easily subjected to pain but quickly respond with sexual arousal whether from pain or sensitive erotic stimulation.”
“Please unbutton your top so that I can check the size and width of your left nipple and make sure the ring you have chosen will fit properly and not cause you any distress.”
Karen unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall off her shoulders onto the table. Her nipples were already fully erect, which told me she was actually enjoying this little unexpected adventure.
Jake squeezed her left nipple and Karen sucked in a breath of aroused pleasure. Jake placed thering chosen for her nipple over the top of the hard and erect flesh and pushed it down as far as it would go.
“Where do you intend to pierce this beautiful nipple Master Bill?”
“I was planning on doing it either at the very tip or a quarter inch above where her breast began. As you can see, she has very long nipples and I don’t want the ring to get in the way of various types of clamps, my sucking and biting them, or rolling them between my thumb and fingers. The base of the nipple would be my 1st choice.”
Right at that moment, I turned on the egg that she had put in her pussy at the restaurant. I had waited so long because I wanted her to forget that it was even there. Her entire body made a small jumping motion. Jake noticed it too and asked if he had hurt her nipple.
“No. You didn’t hurt me. Master just picked that moment to turn on an electric egg that is inside of me right now.”
“Ah, a wireless remote I see. Is it one of ours?”
“Yes Sir, it is.We bought it last evening when we came here the first time and bought a whole bunch of different stuff for Master to use on me.”
Karen was talking very freely, and without obvious embarrassment. I told her that her open honesty with Jake had earned her a reward.
“Thank you Master.”
“Master Bill, the type of ring you have chosen is the perfect thickness and, if you were going to pierce the tip of her nipple, the right width also. Since you are going to pierce her nipple closer to the bottom, I would suggest a ring that is just a little bit wider in diameter so that the ring has enough clearance to pass over the tip so that it can be used both above and below when her nipple is fully erect. This one may force you to push the tip of her nipple through it.”
“That sounds like an excellent suggestion. Do you have a loop that size?”
“Yes we do and it is the same price as this one. I will be right back.”
After he had left the room, I asked Karen how she felt exposing her body to a complete stranger.
“This is what you want me to do Sir and I will obey your wishes no matter what I have to do.”
“You just earned a second reward little one.”
With a big smile on her face she said: “Thank you Sir. I am happy you are pleased with me.”
Jake returned in a few minutes with the larger loop ring, which was just slightly thicker, and slide it over her nipple. He then held it so that the loop would pass over the end of her fully erect nub and made a dot with a fine point marking pen at the spot where I should make the piercing.
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