The Search and The Discovery Ch. 02a

The Search and the Discovery 2a
(The spirit Gods have spoken)

I woke up first. It was just after 10:00 a.m. and when I looked at over at Karen, I decided to wake her up in a more unusual way than she was used to. She was sleeping on her back, which made my ‘wake-up call’ possible. I put the tip of my index finger very lightly over the top of her sleeping clip and began a barely noticeable circular motion. Within seconds, her hips began to move, ever so slightly, up and down as if she were fucking something with her pussy. Still sound sleep, I gently pushed her knees outward, still stimulating her cliporis, until her legs began turning outward on their own while making sure that her feet remained close together. This gave me a much better view and much more open access to her pussy. The outer lips of her flowering cunt were slowly swelling and the space between them was slowly starting to widen and separate.

This was when Karen woke up with a start.

“Master, I was having this really hot sexy dream that someone was playing with my pussy and there you were, playing with my pussy. What a wonderful way to start off the morning Sir.”

“I was just playing with my little slut. I wanted to see how long she would remain sleep while I was playing with her clip and lips. Sort of a morning tease more or less.”

“I wish I could wake up like that every morning Master. I have to pee. May I use the bathroom Sir?”

“That’s fine with me but you must first ask me if I would like to watch you.”

“If it would please you Sir, would you like to watch me pee? This is a very unusual situation for me Sir, but I would be very happy if you watched me.”

“I will accept your offer little one, but not for the reason you are probably thinking. I didn’t order you to pee in my presence because that is a very private activity for most women. I wanted to test your willingness to give up what little privacy you have left and how eager you were to inviteme to watch because you wanted to please me.”

“Sir, the submissive is going to teach the Master. I asked you to come with me to watch. I did that to show you that I no longer feel the need for privacy for any reason. That would be excluding you from something and I will not exclude you from anything what-so-ever. I want you to please come with me into the bathroom Sir.”

“Since you put it that way, I would be glad to come with you. I have to pee too. We can also take a quick shower together.”

We walked into the bathroom and Karen sat down on the ‘Throne’, spread her legs wider apart than usual, I have no doubt, and began to pee after I had moved the little footstool in front of her and sat down on it. Her golden liquid flowed and I watched. When she was finished, she Pulled some paper off the roll. I advised her to be careful of the two tiny rings attached to her inner labia. When she finished drying herself, she stood up and told me it was my turn.

“Hey there my little pee slut. Did we suddenly change roles while we were sleeping?”

“No Sir. We have not changed roles at all. You told me yesterday that I can talk to you as an equal when we are not engaging in D/s or Master/slave at that time. This is me being me. I’m not ordering you to do anything but I am telling you what I would like to do with you. I’m being sneaky. You know that all too well. You are my Master and I am your submissive slave and I would have it no other way. I’m just taking the opportunity of using some of our ‘equal’ time together to play with you and have some fun doing it Sir. Should I not do that?”

“Of course you can little one.”

I stood up to the toilet but Karen got her hand on my dick before I could and asked if I would mind her doing the driving. I let loose with a slow stream at first and soon had it going full force. She was aiming it all around the toilet and even gave it the ‘squeeze & shake’ when I was finished.

“If we are ever in any sNow together, you just have to let me do some writing.”

“Our next trip together could be to Bryce Canyon in Utah in the middle of winter if that would turn you on.”

“That would be neat Sir. I could write ‘Master Bill and sub/karen’ in a huge pile of snow.”

“How about we get back to our mission here in the desert? We’ve got an interesting and busy day ahead of us and I don’t think we’re going to find any snow for you to write in.”

“Yes Sir.”

I have a journal that I want you to start writing in after our shower. I want you to take a half hour or so to write about some of your sexual and emotional responses you encountered during the day yesterday. I also want you to write down some of the things that you have learned about yourself. If you need an hour, that will be OK too, as I expect you to describe these new discoveries in intimate detail. I’m going to have you do this a few times today and tomorrow. Imagine yourself reading this journal a year or two from now. I may allow another new submissive to read it sometimes in the future so that she may better understand everything she is experiencing at the time. I may even have you read and discuss everything you have written in the journal with a new submissive trainee. Can you imagine yourself teaching a young newbie, just like you are now, how to accept and understand the excitement, the fears, and the confusing turmoil that she may be trying to cope with?”

“I will try my best. Yes, I can imagine all of the things that you have just described to me Sir. All of them would be wonderfully exciting.”

I opened the door to the all glass shower stall and turned on the water. When it was comfortable, we both got in and got wet. We were all touchy feel as we washed each other’s bodies. Karen used her soapy hands on my cock and just keep going until I was shooting wads of white cum all over her chest and stomach. After squeezing out the last few drops and licking them up with her tongue, she very slowly rubbed all of the sperm that had landed on her into her skin, before we did a quick rinse and stepped out of the glass cube to dry each other off.”

I had no intention of getting her off yet. As a matter of fact, that wasn’t going to happen until much later in the day. But I did want her heated up a little before she started writing in the journal. I pulled the vibrator out of the drawer by the left sink, where I had stashed it last night. It was Karen’s vibrator that I had found hidden in her suitcase.

Her eyes widened in a look of complete surprise.

“I would recommend that you don’t try to hide things from me in the future slut. Not telling me everything is exactly the same as lying. Take this vibrator and touch it to your cliporis when you have set it to the lowest speed. Spread your legs first.”

While Karen was spreading her legs open, I retrieved the small softly padded foot stool I had used when she was peeing, the purpose of which was completely foreign to me as to its use in a bathroom, and placed it directly in front of her. I sat down on it, which put my face directly in front of my submissive’s pussy.

Karen already had the small rounded point of the vibrator only inches from its target when I told her to stop for a moment. I leaned forward until my mouth and nose were just touching her mons and proceeded to lick the entire length of her sexy hairless female split with my wet tongue. I kept doing that until her pussy began to open itself up and allowed my tongue to lick the slightly damp inner sanctum from vagina to cliporis. She tasted exactly as she had described yesterday. I remembered those words as being ‘Sweat with an agenda’. As the wetness began to increase, I backed my face about a foot away and told her to begin stimulating her clip with the Unusually shaped toy she held patiently in her hand.

“You are not to cum this morning. I want you to tease your clip until I can clearly see its puffy little round head push its way out from under the hood. When you have succeeded in doing that, hand me the vibrator and go into the bedroom, shut the door, and begin writing in your journal. You are not to touch your body in any way sexual. Keep your eye on the clock and join me when your allotted time is up. You will write with absolute honesty as you tell me everything you can about yesterday’s first time experiences of becoming Karen the submissive.

“Yes Master. I will please you as best as I know how Sir.”

Karen’s Journal

My Master Bill has told me to put into words what I have learned about myself since arriving here in Sedona. Actually, the learning didn’t begin in Sedona. Much of my intellectual learning has taken place over a period of Several years. Telling my Master that I was all his at the Flagstaff Airport sent a powerful wave through my entire body. One of the reasons I held onto him for so long was because the waves of emotion wouldn’t stop washing over meas I kept thinking about what I had just said. I had been practicing that scene in my mind for days without any idea of ​​how those words were going to affect me after whispering them into his ear.

Telling Master that he could use me in any way he may choose scared the Hell out of me. Actually, ‘the committee of 12’ inside of my head scared the Hell out of me. They tried to convince me that I had Just given Master Bill full permission to whip me, torture me, and inflict pain and agoy anywhere on my body. I had given him complete freedom to abuse me in any manner he may choose that would turn him on and make his dick hard. My real thoughts were that I had just given Master complete control of my physical, sexual, and emotional being. This thought really turned me on. It was almost the same type of arousal that spread over my entire body when driving around totally naked in my car, with my clothes locked in the trunk. I had very intense thrills of kinky arousal, despite the fact that the future might well be one of complete disaster.

What have I learned? I have learned that there are many submissive desires that I have kept deeply hidden from myself. I have learned that humiliation is an extremely powerful sexual turn-on that I have never experienced to its greatest potential. Telling myself that I was about to be humiliated caused fear and embarrassment, but I quickly learned that responding to a command, without question, turned humiliation and embarrassment into orgasm creators.

I have learned the true meaning of trust. It used to be just another word and a concept. The trust that I have now is my instinctive unquestioning faith and belief in Master Bill. There are many more words to describe trust but that covers it pretty well. And my trust in him has grown in giant leaps since first stepping off the plane in Flagstaff. His personal strength and his integrity are often overwhelming, as I’ve discovered during the past 24 hours.

Obedience withour question or hesitation is something that I have great difficulty in accepting as fully as Master requires. I am a woman, not a trained puppy who rolls over or fetches on command. My instinct is to rebel against obedience. I made a vow of obedience for three days to Master Bill. Submission requires obedience, just as a Bloody Mary requires tomato juice and vodka. I understand obedience in submission. It’s just very difficult for my mind to accept. It all goes to trust. I have only been here one day. I have obeyed instantly with only a few instances of showing my rebellious nature, and my fears, which then caused me to experience uncertainty and questioning hesitation. I have no doubt that the love, trust, and faith we have in each other will mostly eliminate what little uncertainty still remains after my first day of submission. I will never be perfect at everything, but I will always try to be as perfect as possible.

My long time and very special friend, and now new Master,is a strong decent and loving person. He’s not cruel. He’s not mean. He hasn’t got an ego problem. He isn’t a phony who loves to inflict pain and torture on a woman because it makes him feel like a man. As a person, he communicates on almost any level comfortable. As a Master, he communicates with authority. He tells me what he wants and he teaches me how to do it. I trust him with my life. I love him with all my heart. My faith in him is unbreakable.

I now have a much easier time understanding and accepting submission. I am enjoying it more and more and it creates such powerful excitement and sexual arousal throughout my entire body. I love to please a man. I am willing to do almost anything sexual to please a special man. I have always been that way. But the expectation of pleasure in return is an obvious motive. Submission does not allow for that. I am no longer allowed to expect or anticipate pleasure. That’s not an easy concept to emotionally accept as a woman. A relationshipship is supposed to be an equal partnership. There is no equality in submission. Master orders me to perform and that is what I do. I have made a commitment to Master and to myself to do anything he tells me to do. And, after only one day, I can speak with total honesty in saying that I have never felt more happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction, love, or a greater sense of personal accomplishment in my entire life. I didn’t do everything perfectly. I am Master Bill’s submissive slave and he is my Master/Teacher. In the end, that turns out to be pretty equal.

I don’t have any control. I gave it up willingly. I argued with myself an awful lot over that but I did commit myself to Master’s total control.

And I willingly honor that commitment. But I am still allowed the ability to end anything or everything with just a single word. I have quickly discovered that I will never have to use that word.

I accepted Master’s collar last night. I fully understand that it doesn’t carrythe same meaning as it does for a long term, hard working, and dedicated slave. I am a temporary, but still totally ‘owned’ submissive slave for this three day weekend. The collar was given to me as a special reward to encourage me and to show the faith Master has in me. I am a very happy submissive who is completely owned by Master Bill. I am his personal property. That’s a concept I’m going to have to think About and talk to Master about. That is another way in which our new relationship for the weekend is sometimes equal. We can talk to each other about anything at almost any time.

Trust grows and is the ultimate solution to everything D/s and in life in general.

More to come…….. Karen

I was watching an old episode of ‘Gunsmoke’ on the TV when Karen returned to the living room with her Journal. She had only taken just over a half hour. I promised myself that I would only read what she had written after I had returned to Los Angeles. Unless she asked me to readit while we were still in Sedona.

“Let’s go get breakfast and head out to the Merry-Go-Round.”

“That sure sounds good to me Sir.”

“Put on a T-shirt, jeans, socks, and shoes.”

“Yes Sir.”

While she was getting dressed, I pulled a folded knapsack out of the front section of my suitcase. It was nothing fancy but it sure could hold a lot of stuff. I put a bunch of our toys in it like handcuffs, the wrist and ankle cuff set, the riding crop, blindfold, nipple clamps with chain and weight clips, the remote front and rear vibrator set, spreader bar snapped securely to the right side of the pack, and attached all four nylon ropes to a big snap loop on the middle outside of the pack and a lightweight camera tripod to the other remaining loop. I also put a number of other toys in there. I carried my Canon 50D around my neck, two different types of lenses in a bag in one hand, a Sony camcorder in my other hand, the lean in my left pocket, and my small Canon camera inmy right front pocket. I also attached a Colt .44 AutoMag and holster with full spare clip to my belt on the right side. I have a permit to carry and I don’t take chances. Even with only the most remote possibility of encountering dangerous animals, two or four legged, in the mountains.

“It looks like we are ready. We need to make a quick stop at the Sporting Goods and then we can have breakfast at the Wildflower Bread Company on State Road.”

“I’m hungry, my nerves are wound up, and I want so much to be everything you want me to be today Sir. May I give you a kiss?”

“You absolutely can little one.” We kissed passwordately for at least a minute.

“The only thing I want you to be for part of the day, my love, is submissive, obedient, and owned by me. The rest of the time I want you to be an adventure, my special friend, a hot horny super sexy female, and everything else that is Karen.”

“I think I can manage to do that just the way you want Sir.”

We lEft the suite after packing away everything we wouldn’t want a maid to find lying around and headed for the Hummer H3. At the Sporting Goods Store, I bought a fairly large frame backpack and a medium sized camera case that snapped onto the bottom of the frame. We got four large bottles of water, a really thick blanket, two pre-made sandwiches, four cans of Diet Coke, four cans of V8 juice and several kinds of MRE’s. I always prefer to be a bit over prepared just in case. I added in a cooler and a bag of ice.

I paid for everything and we loaded the backpack right there in the store. Back in the Hummer again, we stopped at a Chevron and filled up the tank and both 5-gallon cans on the rear and drove the two additional blocks to the Wildflower. Breakfast was great and we were off to visit our special spot up Schnebly Hill Road to the high point of Bear Wallow Canyon and the Merry-Go-Round that looks southwest down into Sedona. Sedona is the first name of Schnebly’s wife and became the name of the settlement in her honor in 1902. I’m a history addict at times.

Once we were off the main highway and on Schnebly Hill Road, I pulled over to the side and told Karen to remove her shorts and top. She would need the socks and tennis shoes. No kindness with command options today. Do it, and do it now. She will have very few options this second day.

Karen stripped instantly and I told her to put her clothes in the big frame backpack behind her seat, which she did. While she was bent over the

The back of her seat, I got in several seconds of running my hand up her tighs, around her ass, and in between her legs. She squealed a couple of times to stop and wiggled her ass. That just encouraged me even more.

“This road is filled with large exposed rocks that we will spend a lot of time driving around. We’ll be driving almost as much distance going from side to side getting around these rocks as we will be going in a forward direction. It is slow and tedious even though it’s only about four miles up the road. You will see the ‘Pink Jeeps’ every once in awhile but they come up the hill in the same direction we are going. They only stop to let their passengers look at the sights without letting anybody leave the immediate proximity of the Jeep before driving on to the other side of the canyon and back around to Sedona. We will need to keep our eyes open for anybody else trying to navigate this hellacious road in case they may decide to stop for a closer look. We will be able to see anybody approaching from a long distance away. Strap that gorgeous naked body into your seat.”

I pulled the leash out of my pocket and snapped it onto the small D-ring on the front of Karen’s collar, put the handle end in between her teeth, and told her not to let it fall out of her mouth under any circumstances. We bounced our way halfway up the hill before she told me, as best she could with the leather lean handle in her mouth, that she really had topee. Like ‘right now right now’. I drove a few hundred yards further before I finally stopped to let her pee next to the car. I opened the glove box and handed her a box of Kleenex along with one of the bottles of water and told her to make sure she was nice and clean when she was finished. I advised Karen that I was planning to feast on her pussy and the only fluids I wanted to find would be flowing from her vagina, not her bladder.


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