The Search and The Discovery Ch. 02b

Chapter 2b

(The Spirit Gods have spoken)


“When we leave here, we will go into the woods and carry out your fantasy that you presented to me for consideration last night. Once the fantasy has begun, you will experience everything from beginning to end. There will not be a safe word and you will not be able to stop the scenario at any time. I promise you Complete safety but you will endure any manner or means for however I may wish to use you. You may ask for mercy and I may allow you some but what we will be doing is finding and testing your limits. I may not concede to your request for mercy so use it very wisely if you should want to make that plea. You will be allowed to make any sounds indicating anything you may experience from ecstasy to agony, and everything in between, but you will not be allowed to speak other than asking for mercy or answering any question I may ask you. This will be the most intense test of trust you will experience thats weekend. You will not be told what is coming next at any time. There may be ecstasy and there may be agony and you will accept any and all physical and sexual uses that your body is capable of providing for my pleasure. The only way you will make it through this fantasy that will be coming to life will be absolute faith in your trust and love for me, plus the faith and commitment you have in yourself and to yourself. When your part of the fantasy turned real life is over, we will continue on with my plans for you for the rest of the day. I can stop at any time by my choice. You will have no control over content or stopping any part of the content of your scenario. Beg me now and convince me that you both need and desire to endure this fantasy from the beginning to end.”

“Master, I came to Sedona to be with you and to experience as many of my ignored and hidden away fears, fansies and dreams as possible. I have read every one of your stories and know in advance of the deep levels of training that you are capable of taking a submissive and a slave. My fans were very limited in scope and I was actually expecting you to make me explore my secret sexual needs and desires on a casual level. A little taste of everything kinky more or less. The kiniest things I have ever done were dangerous sex and exposing my body in public with the possibility of being caught. The pictures of me that I sent you were a first. When I sent you a picture of my tits, or my pussy, or my ass, I got so hot I had to get myself off immediately. Every kinky act I completed was casual compared to what I have experienced so far this weekend.

You have treated me with respect and with love every second I have been here. You have allowed me to search and discover a number of my secret desires on my own. You have allowed me to learn and not just receive. I was scared to death of what we were going to do. I had total faith and trust in you from the beginning and knew you would never hurtme in a sadistic manner. But, the possibility was always there in front of me and I was petrified when I got on the plane going to Flagstaff. My pussy actually dried up and locked itself shut for the entire flight.

What I encountered was a Master that guided me with a firm hand but let me make many of the choices on the first day. We played, we learned, we searched, and we discovered more and more about my fansies and desires.

You never forced me to do anything and you were never cruel to me. You were always firm and in command and it didn’t take me long to realize that I needed and wanted to be commanded. It was thrilling beyond belief being submissive to your wishes and desires and to your pleasure. I quickly discovered how much I wanted to please and pleasure you and how wonderful it made me feel inside doing just that. Each activity we engaged in became more and more intense, with fun and normal activities between each adventure. The more we did this, the more the fantasies began to appear and I began to crave exploring them further. I experienced all of this in one single day. I hate and fear pain and vulnerability more than I can possibly describe, but you used both and taught me how to experience intensity sexual arousal and orgasm. I could never have imagined having the most intensity orgasm of my life from having my pussy whipped for a long period of time.

You asked me to create a scenario. I had quickly discovered a very important part of who you are as my Master, and that is your willingness to reward me with orgasms. I am aware, Sir, that I am a novel and I am fully aware that you wanted me to be exposed to submission without feeling overly threatened in the process. I have been learning about myself and I have also learned a great deal about you at the same time. I’ve known you for over 12 years and there is very little that I don’t know about you. My trust and faith in you has always been there for all these years but, until this weekend, it was always assumed, but not experienced to such extreme. At least what I call extreme. It’s all very basic to you I’m sure. What I have learned about you Sir, is that everything, without exception, that I have felt and believed in about you is absolutely true. And I love you so much more because of that.

I created the scenario I described to you for several reasons. It is my signature on the contract of my ownership by you, my Master. I am a novel, but you will teach me what I need to understand and experience. And the most important reason of all may be called a test by some, but which I see as a necessary revelation of our hearts. I need to fully understand and experience, as I would think most that are new to submission have a need to know, the limits to which I am Willing and capable of reaching to bring my needs, desires, cravings, and fansies to life and how responsible you take me there. I beg you Sir to take me to the places I need to go as your submissive thatwon’t change our relationship or how I live my everyday life in any way other than positive.”

“Well, little one. That was a very thorough and a not unexpected response to what I had asked for from you. Your rapidly growing perception of submission is amazing and I am proud of you. I know what I am going to teach you, how it will help you learn what you really want to know, and I am Not going to tell you anything in advance. The only hint that I’m going to give you is that I’m a firm believe in the fact that many submissives can learn their limits without fully experiencing them at that particular moment. It’s not a test of how far I can take you in every situation. It is how far you need and desire to go and how willing you are to let me take you there. With that thought in mind, let’s go play in the woods.”

We packed up everything, including any trash we had created, and headed back to the Hummer. Once at the car, I told her to get dressed, which was not a command I enjoyyed giving. I asked Karen if she was hungry and she advised me that she was too nervous to be hungry. I gave her a bottle of water and told her to finish the entire container by the time we found a spot to begin our next adventure of the day. I had the Hummer out of the woods and on the road in no time at all and I began looking for a place on the other side of the road where I could park once again without attracting the one and Only local Sheriff.

About two miles further up the mountain, on the side that still faced Sedona, I found an old fire trail completely grown in with grasses and weeds. If I had blinked at that moment, we would have driven right past it. I stopped and backed up to the small break in the trees. I got out of the Hummer to check out the trail and to make sure that the vehicle would fit between the trees and the branches to avoid scratching the paint. It could get quite expensive returning a Hummer to the rental agency with scratches all over it. I didn’t seeAny problem getting off the roadway and returned to the vehicle. I actually got it about fifty feet off road which put it completely out of sight. In typical western outlaw fashion, I returned to the entrance to the trail and roughed up all the grass and weeds again so that it looked just as unused as when I found it.

When I returned to the Hummer, Karen was standing next to it quite naked again with the Exception of her shoes and socks, which were needed to walk through these woods. I stopped and looked at her from about twenty feet away and she looked gorgeous and almost innocent. With one look into her eyes, though, I found no innocent at all. I found anxiety and nervousness, but no innocent.

“Are you ready to begin your adventure little one?”

“I absolutely am Sir.”

I went up to her and gave her a big hug and a long password kiss.

I handed her the smaller knapsack with all the toys and equipment I may or may not use during the next few hours. Justto make sure I didn’t lose her, I had also hidden her cell phone in the bottom of the knapsack with the app running the GPS that allowed me to keep track of her location on my cell down to a few feet. I had put that in there when we were still back at the hotel as I knew there was a cell tower not too far away in direct line from where we now were on the mountain. She knew nothing about the phone because I had taken it out of her pursuit. I also handed her a small ‘Boy Scout’ compass that I had in my pocket.

“Do you know how to use one of these little one?”

“Sort of Sir.”

“There is an arrow pointing directly towards the “E” on the outside of the compass. In the center is a floating arrow that will always point north. With the solid arrow on the “E” pointing straight out and away from you, you must Turn your body, while holding the compass perfectly flat, until that floating arrow is pointing directly at the large letter “N”. The solid arrow will now point in the direction you must walk to keep from getting lost or turned around in the woods. I want you to put your shorts and shirt in the pouch on the back of the knapsack just in case you need them for some unknown reason but I will always be close. You are not to handcuff yourself to the tree limb until you know or can sense that I am close enough to actually see you. If, for any reason necessary, you need to return, turn the solid arrow towards the big “W”, turn until the floating arrow is on the “N” again, and follow the solid arrow until you reach this road and stand there until I find you. Do you understand all of this?”

“Yes Sir. I think I have the hang of it.”

“I want you to do it now for both directions so I know for sure that you do everything correctly, with no mistakes.”

Karen followed my directions and pointed herself to the east. She changed the solid arrow and pointed herself to the west. She changed it again and pointed herself back towards the east.

“Are you a slowlearner at anything cumslut?”

“No Sir. Not anything that I know of anyway.”

“Check you knapsack for the items you will need at the tree you choose to use for the first part of this scenario. They should all be on the top.”

“Yes Sir”, she said as she bent down to the knapsack on the ground and gave me a very nice view of her pussy crack and her asshole.

“I have the spreader attached to a hook on the outside. On the inside there are my wrist and ankle cuffs, the remote vibrator set for my ass and my pussy, the handcuffs, the gag, and the blindfold. I have already finished off the bottle of water you gave me but there is another one inside that hasn’t been opened yet. I also see two MRE’s.”

“That’s enough little one.” I didn’t want her to find the cell phone too.

“It looks like I am ready to go Sir. I have never walked into the woods naked Sir. This is getting me hot and horny and very excited.”

“It’s time to be on your way my little wood nymph.Do not touch yourself at any time. I will ask.”

“No Sir. I promise I won’t. I swear total obedience today, Sir, without fail.”

With that last vow of obedience, Karen held up her compass and adjusted her direction slightly, and then slowly headed out into the unknown alone. Well…..Almost alone. The head start I gave her was the amount of time it took me to smoke a very short cigarette.

For someone who has never walked naked and alone into an unknown forest showed a lot of courage. Knowing that she is going to attach her feet to a spreader bar, put two remote controlled vibrator eggs in her pussy and asshole, gag and blindfold herself, and then cuff her hands over a tree limb takes a whole lot more courage. But, doing all of this silently is a near total impossibility.

I’m pretty good at ‘stealth mode’ but, even then, I make a noise every now and then. Karen sounded like a buffalo that had just smelled the scent of water over the next ridge. She was even softlysinging to herself, probably to relieve the tension. She stepped on every dried twig on the trail, moved brush out of her way so it wouldn’t scratch her skin, tossed several things off to the side of the path that sounded like dead branches, and made a frequent tapping sound, of which I had no idea what was making that sound. I moved up the path she has cleared in silence, about 100 yards behind her. All I had to do was follow the noise. I had the big backpack and had to be careful to not scrape a tree or any of the scrub brush.

The noise suddenly stopped ahead of me but I kept on moving towards her very slowly and quietly. In about two minutes, I could see Karen stopped under a tree that had a thick limb coming out of it that was at least a foot above her head. I watched her put her hands over each side of the limb and interlock her fingers to see if it was an acceptable height. I had my pocket camera out and set it on video and began recording everything she was doing.

I had a clear view of Karen but she would have a hard time seeing me, even if she knew exactly where I was at that moment. She was fascinating to watch. She stood there and slowly turned completely around in a full 360 turn. She was checking out all the details of the forest area around her, possibly looking for me, or just checking out the area for her own satisfaction. Then she decided to sit down on the ground. She chose her spot on a patch of wild grass and leaves. She had learned the consequences of sitting on dirt when naked and then having to get that dirt out of her asshole and cunt.

Karen had to know that I was watching her. It had actually been close to ten minutes already that she had been under the tree. She had no doubt in her mind that I wouldn’t leave her alone anywhere near that long. As she sat there, she Pulled her feet back to her ass, put both arms across her knees, and then put her chin on her forearms and just stared out into the distance. I was crouching behindd a rock that was about two feet high so I slowly moved the camera into position on top of the rock with her directly in the center of the LED screen. I backed the zoom just a notch so that it still kept her centered but widened the view enough to include the tree limb too. I moved quietly to the side of the rock and sat down cross-legged with my elbow against the rock and my hand supporting the side of my head and just waited and watched.

I was accumulating questions for her in my mind that I was going to have to ask her. ‘What were you thinking about?’, ‘why were you thinking in the first place?’, and ‘were you putting on a show for me?’

Just as I was thinking about those questions, Karen stood up straight and began fondling her tits and pulling on her nipples. With one hand remaining on her left tit, the Other slowly moved down her body until it was covering her pussy. She began masturbating very slowly. She even ran a finger between her labia and then put it in her mouth and made a show of licking it clean. At that moment, I knew she was putting on a performance for her Master.

Karen knew better than to give herself an orgasm without my permission. She knew it would result in punishment. Even knowing that I was somewhere near by watching her, she kept going at her clip at an increasing rate until she went over the edge and had a very obvious orgasm. I instantly realized that This wasn’t disobedience of the deceiving kind, but an open request for me to punish her.

At this point, Karen decided it was time to begin her requested performance for me. Sitting back down on the little grass and leaf patch with the knapsack beside her, she began her preparations. She attached the wrist and ankle cuffs very slowly and meticulously. She was enjoying every second of this production. When the cuffs were in place, she reached into a side pocket of the knapsack and pulled out two of the double ended clips and the spreader bar. She extended the spreader as far as it would go and locked it into place at the 40″ mark and slowly clipped each end to the ring on each ankle cuff. She then produced her two favorite nipple clamps and carefully attached one to the base of each of her fully erect nips. With a tug on the chain to make sure they were on securely, she pulled out the penis gag. After licking and sucking on the fat little plastic prick, she inserted it into her mouth and pulled the Straps behind her head where she fastened them together under her hair.

I was thinking I was going to have to buy a trophy and award her with “The Best Performance by a Leading Actress”. My cock has been at attention for most of the entire time I’ve been leaning against the rock.

Standing up with the spreader bar was not an easy proposition. She made the most out of that performance too. On hands and knees, she slowly walked her feet forward until her ass was high in the air and showing plenty of asshole and pussy in my direction (did she finally figure out where I was hiding?) Karen walked her feet even further forward until the spreader bar was almost touching her wrists and she was bent completely in half. At this point, she slowly raised the top half of her body using her hands to grip her asscheeks for support, which put her asshole and obviously wet pussy on even better display than they already were. I’m sure glad I was getting a video of the entire performance. It was a good one that we will watch many times together in the future.

Karen was finally standing up straight once again. I couldn’t have even begun to pull off that maneuver without landing on my head. She was staring straight in my direction now with a huge smile on her face behind the gag and used both hands to lift up her tits and bounce them several times. I haven’t moved an inch since the beginning of the show and I have no idea how she knows where I am. But she obviously does know. She had no trouble at all squatting a little and grabbing the knapsack. She pulled out the blindfold and the handscuffs and tossed the sack towards the base of the tree. She cuffed the ring on her right wrist, put the blindfold on, reached up over the tree limb with one hand on each side of the huge branch, and easily closed the other cuff through the ring on her left wrist. She walked her feet back about a foot which made her ass stick out more prominently as she arched her back and balanced her We were chirping in full concert and an occasional unidentifiable sound could be heard way off in the distance. We weren’t all that far into the woods but I knew for sure when a ‘Pink Jeep’ tour went by because I could hear the passengers oooooooing and awwwwing at the beautiful scenery. I even heard it takes a pretty hefty bounce and several ‘oh shit’s’ echo through the mountains. Karenremained unmoving and I did the same for about fifteen minutes. I had reached up earlier and stopped the video. I only had four spare batteries for the little camera.


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