The Search and the Discovery 1C
(The Spirit Gods Have Spoken)
“Go into the bedroom, get on the first bed, on your knees with your head and nipples touching the bed, legs spread wide, and wait for me. Keep your arms stretched out above your head and keep your eyes closed. Once in that position, you are not to move any part of your body for any reason until I tell you otherwise. I will join you when I’m done out here. I want you to spend the entire time thinking about everything that you have encountered today. I want you to think about all of the emotions and the sexual responses that you have experienced since arrival here. I want you to think about tomorrow and all the many types of activities I could possibly have you participated in or perform. I Want you to think about your personal commitment to me and to yourself, and all of the new desires that may be rushing around inside of your head and your body while you are waiting for me.”
“Yes Sir,” was all she said as she headed for the bedroom.
She has such a sexy ass and bouncy tits. I was going to have so much fun with them, and the rest of her too. During the next couple of hours, Karen was going to tell me, in detail, a few secret sexual fans she has encountered in her life that she had always kept secret because of her fear of telling anyone about them. She is a very open minded woman when it comes to talking about her Sensual and sexual self in an email. Writing about one’s self to another person several thousands miles away is always easier than a face to face revelation. Even then, she has left out a number of her deepest fans. Everyone is afraid of that, especially women. There are many women who would rather go through their entire adult lives without telling her lover, or mate, anything about her secret cravings and what a perverted little slut whore she really is. They often feel that they must keep that wall of feminine moral perfection between what they want their partner to think they are and who they really are.
Karen is going to surprise the hell out of her own self tonight. She is going to tell me a few of her most deeply hidden secret sexual cravings. I’m not going to force her to do that or even suggest that she do that. I’m going to ask questions like any descent curious caring man would of the woman he is with and she is going to find that she needs and wants to tell me More and more details as we go along. As a matter of fact, she is going to insist on it. Why? Because her trust has been growing stronger and stronger since the minute she whispered in my ear at the airport. Trust can reach the point where fear disappears and the freedom of truth becomes the binding force that allows two people to communicate with total absolute honesty without fear of any consequences. Secrets no longer need to be kept Secret. Experiencing the awesome thrilling excitement of revealing deep dark hidden secrets to someone who can bring themto life can become a very special emotional revelation and release.
Karen has been kneeing on the bed in naked offering for a while now. I gathered up the items she purchased at the adult store, along with the items I bought, and took them into the bedroom and laid them out on the second bed. I also pulled out several items I brought with me from Los Angeles that were in my suitcase. Karen remained silent and beautiful as I put Everything at the top of the second bed next to the pillows. She did manage to raise her ass up just a bit higher when I wasn’t looking. The bright lamp on top of the drawer set that stretched along the wall near the end of the bed lit up her ass and obviously excited pussy like a stage spotlight. I walked out of the room without a word spoken and went to the mini-fridge. I grabbed a small bowl in the cupboard above the fridge and took out an ice tray. I filled the bowl with ice cubes that were round and clear and returned to the bedroom again.
“Have you obeyed my command not to move little one?”
“Mostly Sir, but I had to adjust my balance a couple of times when the mattress shifted a little from my weight.”
“Were you adjusting your balance when you arched your back just a little more to raise your ass higher while I was putting stuff on the other bed and not looking?”
“No Sir. I did that to try and please you with a better view of your submissive Sir.” She knew she had been caught. Even her voice had a slightly shaky wobble to it. Her voice at the end of her admission was a full octave higher than the beginning.
“Since your intentions were good, I will overlook the disobedience this time. Good intentions won’t work the next time. The order to remain still is cancelled.”
“Yes Sir. I understand Sir. Thank you Sir.”
“Tell me a secret, slut.”
“What kind of secret Master?”
“Now you’re talking like that average girl on the block little one. Are you a submissive or a thrill seeker? Answerthe question.”
“I would love to have a video tape of myself having a tremendous orgasm so that I could see what you are seeing when I cum.”
“That’s a start. Now be a slut and tell me a real secret.”
“I have had a fantasy about you telling me to talk really dirty while you are doing things to me Sir. That may not sound like much of a secret but I don’t have an easy time doing that Sir.”
“Tell me a secret sexual act that you have thought about but have never told anyone.”
“I have been fisted in my pussy but I have never been fisted in my ass Sir. I don’t know if that can be done but I would like to try.”
“Relax little one. Open your mind and just let things flow as you think of them.
“Yes Master. I would like to be videotaped doing anything and everything sexual and submissive. I would like to pose for pictures of any kind. I would like to walk alone through Sedona with the remote vibrators in my ass and cunt with you not too far away and turning them on and off whenever you feel like it. I have had fansies of being tied up in dozens of different ways and played with. I would like you to watch me pee for distance outside somewhere. I want to walk naked in the desert. I want you to tell me to perform anything sexual what-so-ever. Anything you can dream up, make up, or create on the spot. If you can think of it, I will do it. Does that sound like the sweet little Karen that you know and love Master?”
“Once again, it’s a start. How do you like acting like a nympho slut?”
“I would love acting like a nympho slut whore with you Master. Not sure what you would be looking for there, but I’m absolutely certain that you will tell me. If I spread my pussy open in a public place, where only you could see it, and Begged you to fuck my cunt until I was dripping cum and walking bowlegged, would that qualify me as being a slut whore Master?”
“Yes it sure would slut. That’s enough of that for now. Thank you for the secretsyou just revealed to me. I have something else I want to do now. I’m working on a time frame with these toys and the time is quickly running out as you will see for yourself.”
I took an ice cube from the bowl I had brought in from the kitchen before we had started all of that talking about fansies and fist fucking and fist fucking dream. I sat down on the bed next to Karen, and touched it lightly Between her shoulder blades. She jumped at the sudden coldness touching her supper hot skin. Her temperature seemed to have risen quite a bit from fantasy sex talk. I slowly ran the mostly frozen cube down her spine and watched goose bumps appear all over her arms, shoulders, and the upper half of her back. When I got to her tailbone, I hovered around for a few seconds and then moved on until the cube was at the very top part of her ass. This was where her ass cheats started forming into the two beautiful globes of soft, but firm, flesh that I often love to play with. Some would labelme an ass man. Not so at all. I love every single square inch of a woman’s body, ass included.
I stopped at the very peak of the climb up her raised ass and held the ice cube at the point where the melting water would run down between her cheeks, over her asshole and into her pussy. That cube was mostly melted when I got to the peak so I grabbed another and just held it in place and let it melt almost completely. I put what was left directly on her pussy opening and Karen jumped again. I didn’t have any problem pushing it inside her vagina as there was very little left of the ice at this point. She mumbled a few words I didn’t understand and wiggled her butt a few times in response to the sudden invasion of the rapidly melting cube and then went motionless once again.
“You are going to have a number of totally unique sexual and emotional experiences while we are here in Sedona. You’ve already experienced a couple that may not have been totally unique. They might very wellhave been variations of similar activities that you have experienced in the past. What I want you to do now is tell me about another sexual activity that you have fantasized about in your mind but have never had the opportunity to experience. But we’re not going to do that here in the bedroom. Follow me slut whore.”
I think the ‘follow me’ command really surprised her. I suspect she was expecting a lot More to happen while she was in such a vulnerable position on the bed. Under normal circumstances, a lot more would have happened. But this wasn’t a normal circumstances. I didn’t have any plans for Karen to experience any ‘normal circumstances’ during our stay in Sedona. What I was doing with her for the past few hours was deliberately challenging her thinking process from a number of different directions in rapid succession.
I was going to do a lot more of this during the next few hours because I wanted her to experience obedience, and not just talk about it from an abstractpoint of view. We weren’t going to be here together long enough to train Karen to actually live, feel, and respond in the role of a true submissive. What I needed to do was to train her in command response. It wasn’t going to be possible to give Karen a command that she will not naturally think about and question in her mind as a natural reaction. I wanted her to learn to obey a command without questioning me about it. I wasn’t concerned about what was going through her head as long as she actually obeyed the command. For now, I needed her to accept commands out of habit rather than as a way of life.
Karen got up off the bed, noticed the collection of toys I had put on the other bed, and followed me into the main room of the suite. While she had been patiently waiting for me in the bedroom, stretched out and spread completely open, I had pushed one of the sofas around to face the huge wall of tinted glass window that looked out into the canyon. In front of the sofa, I had movedthe ottoman from its original spot and placed it directly between the sofa and the window. That only left about two feet of space between a very naked Karen and the panorama window. Because of the tinted glass, no one could see through it from the outside unless they were right up next to the window.
From the inside, one has the feeling of being on an open stage with the entire world watching your every move. That changes at night. If there is a light turned on in the room, especially if the light is behind you, you really are on an open stage and everyone looking in can see you as clearly as if there were no tinted glass at all. The sun was still up at this point but it was eventually going to be setting behind the distant top of the canyon wall. There was still several hours of daylight left most everywhere in Sedona.
“Would you like a glass of wine?”
“Yes Sir. That would be really nice.
“Would you like red or white?”
“I would like Red Sir, with your permission.”
I’m not a wine drinker. The only thing I know about wine is red with meat and white with fish. At any other time, I always ask their preference. There weren’t any wine glasses so I filled up a regular glass supplied by the hotel. It looked like quite a large amount of the red nectar but what do I know about too much or too little when it comes to wine. I grabbed a diet coke for myself. I don’t drink anymore, which must be very boring to a lot of people.
I placed both glasses on one of the end tables of the sofa I had moved and carefully slide the table over next to the ottoman. As I hadn’t yet told Karen where I wanted her, she was still standing in the middle of the room with her hands held together in front of her.
“Come around the sofa and sit on the ottoman little one. I want you Facing straight out the window.”
I don’t think the concept of tinted glass was on Karen’s mind at that moment. She cautiously came around the end of the sofa and checked out everything in sight through the window in detail as she made her way to the overstuffed foot stool. She sat down with her legs locked together and an arm over her breasts as she pretended to scratch an itch on her opposite shoulder.
I leaned down, put a hand gently behind her head, and gave her a long passwordate kiss. The instant the kiss started, I could feel her password flaring up. When the switch is turned on, this girl becomes a password machine. I ended the kiss and sat down behind her and pulled the ottoman up against the front of the sofa.
“Does another secret fantasy come to mind at all right now little one.”
“Yes Master. This wall of glass and my sitting here naked in front of it has definitely brought back a fantasy that I have had many times over the past two years. I am sitting totally naked on a hard Wood chair in a large room filled with both men and women. There are dozens of them. Some are couples but most are not and they all have cameras. I hear a loud voice telling me that I am going to masturbate and pump a large dildo into my pussy until I have an orgasm. I spread my legs wide and push the dildo slowly into my hole until only the very end is showing. When I began pumping it in and out, I also start fingering my clip. Cameras are clicking and flashing continuously. I put my feet on the leg runs and slide my ass up to the edge of the seat so that the people in the audience can have a better view of my open cunt. This doubles the clicking and the light flashes. I finally reach the very edge of orgasm and, as usual, I wake up covered in sweat and my sex fluids. Again, as usual, I have to get myself off alone in a dark room in the middle of the night.
“Open your legs as wide as you can and let your arms hang free at your sides.”
I was sitting on the front edge of the sofa so we were in full contact with my front against her bare back. Karen let out a long slow breath and let her head fall back onto my left shoulder asHer legs slowly spread outward and her arms fell simply to each side. I put both of my hands over her beautifully firm tits and gently massaged them. I rolled and pinched her nipples and pulled them out until her tits were stretched into cones. I kissed and licked her neck and her ears. Her breathing increased slightly but she remained relaxed as she leaned more of her weight against me for support.
“What I want you to do now little one is relax your entire body while you lean back against mine. Every square inch of you needs to be listening to me. Keep your head on my shoulder, breathe deep, let it out slowly, and let me know when you are completely at ease.”
“I am now Sir. I could stay like this forever.”
“That is good little one. What do you want the Most to happen tonight and for the rest of your stay here?”
“I don’t know Sir. Part of me says maybe everything and part of me says maybe not so much. There are so many adventures and scenarios in your stories,but none are really me. For several days before getting on that plane this morning, my mind was like a runaway train. We have known each other for so many years that I knew you would never deliberately hurt me like in S&M. I don’t know how to answer that question Sir. I want to do everything that you want me to do. I want to do absolutely anything and everything that would please you and make you happy with me.”
“Let’s change the question then. Have you had any fans since you have arrived here that you would find exciting to perform and act out. And I’m not talking about any of the thoughts, fans and dreams that you have already described to me?”
“I have had a bunch of different fans that are all the same Sir. They are all about you having complete and absolute control of my mind, my body, and everything sexual. I even had a fantasy about being back home, or even at work after this weekend, and you either call or text me with a command telling me, very specialfically, what you wanted me to do at that moment or sometimes later in the day or evening. That would be a real test of my true desires and needs that I’m learning about with you here in Sedona. You wouldn’t be there. Would I still obey as if you were right there with me? Maybe you would like to try that sometimes if it would please you Sir.”
“That would please me if you obeyed. You would only end up disappointing yourself if you didn’t. And when I asked you about it, you would have to tell me the truth or you would be breaking our unbreakable trust. I wouldn’t want to do that unless you called me on the phone and convinced me that you wanted do anything I may tell you to do right then and there.”
“I think I understand what you are saying Sir.”
“Let me give you an example. It’s a simple, uncomplicated example that you have had some experience with already. You went out shopping with me at the ‘Toy Store’ with a butt plug in your ass for the entire time. I would guess that that is the first time you have ever down that. What if I called you up or texted you to insert a butt plug for an entire day at work and that you could not remove it for any reason unless you called or texted me for permission with a really good explanation as to why you needed to do so. Would you automatically obey that command without question?”
“If I told you that I would obey you, then I would. There is no doubt in my mind about that Sir.”
“OK. I will accept that. Just keep in mind that you are only being introduced to submission on a very casual level this weekend. Not on a level of submissive training as a lifestyle. Don’t lose sight of the fact that ‘search and discovery’ comes long before ‘acceptance and commitment’ other than the commitment to the search. We are, more or less, playing together while we are here. I’m giving you an opportunity to discover and explore the truth about some of those secret needs or desires that have buried deep down inside of you and enjoying the weekend at the same time. This is a new experience for the both of us.”
“This is an absolutely unbelievable weekend for me so far Sir.”
“Are you ready to explore the next phase of your experience?”
“Yes Sir. Anything you want of me Sir.”
“You have accumulated a small amount of punishment. You have not forgotten that have you?”
“No Sir. I certainly haven’t. Is that what we are going to do know Sir?”
“I can’t think of a better time little one. The sun is still up and we have a window that covers an entire wall. I think it might be a good idea to do this right here in front of this fantastic window and its panoramic view.”
“I will obey Sir, if that is what you want to do with me.”
“It is little one. And I’m going to let you choose your first punishment. Follow me into the bedroom first.”
Karen followed right behind me. She even held her hands behind her back like a trained slave would do in that situation. She had definitely done that on her own as I hadn’t said anything to her. I don’t think she was too enthusiastic about standing naked in front of that huge window all alone. We went into the bedroom and to the bed with the pile of toys on it.
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