The Search and The Discovery Ch. 01b

The Search and the Discovery 1B

(The Spirit Gods Have Spoken)



“What do you want me to wear, Sir?”

“Put on the short skirt and blouse and regular shoes.”

We had a hell of a time cleaning up the carpet. We didn’t have anything to do it properly with at all. We finally ended up using a wash clothes, bath soap and one hotel towel to dry the area as much as possible. I directed the A/C vents to blow in that direction so it should be dry by the time we get back from our short outing. We showed and washed each other squeaky clean all over and in every intimate spot.

We were in the bedroom and ready to go. I had just one thing left to do. I reached into my suitcase, which was on a stand next to one of the closets, and pulled out a crystal clear glass butt plug. Not a big one but not a really small one either.

“Put this in your mouth and suck on it and get it all wet.”

Karen made a big show out of doing that. When she was finished, she handed it back to me with a big smile on her face. It was a lovable sexy smile that said: “I know exactly what you’re going to do with that.” It was just the kind of smile that I like the most.

“Turn around, lift your skirt, bend over, and use both hands to spread your cheeses as wide apart as you can while I insert this through your backdoor entrance.”

When she was in position with her cheeks spread wide and that cute little brown eye winding at me, I slowly inserted the glass plug into her rectum. She groaned a little at first but I got it in without too much trouble.

“Stand up straight, turn around, and look at me.”

“Do you like what you see Sir?”

“I most certainly do, little one.”

“Am I allowed to carry on a normal conversation with you now Sir?”

“Yes you are and you can drop the ‘Sir’ during casual times.”

“Yes Sir. I will keep that in mind.”

I almost laughed out loud when she said that. It was another verysubtle reminder of who Karen thought was really in control here. We haven’t discussed that in depth as of yet, but we will after dinner and the visit to the toy store. I did tell her, long before we came to Arizona, that she could stop anything that frightened her or made her more uncomfortable than she could deal with at any time. I think she took that statement to mean that she was in control of anything and everything. I would have to edit her thinking when we returned.

“I may call you ‘Master Bill’ too. I like that title. Calling you ‘Master Bill’ makes me ‘slave karen’. I like that title very much. Maybe this store we are going to will have a set of those Master/slave T-shirts I once saw on Cape Cod. You know? The ‘Master’ shirt has the two feet together aiming down and the ‘slave’ shirt has the two feet spread apart and aiming up. Are you sure we can’t fool around some more with some ‘Missionary’ or ‘Doggie’ before we go?”

“You’re an oversexed slut, and you’re a nympho too, aren’t you? In the words of the Spirit Gods: “Too much of a good thing might not be such a good thing.”

“Who’s listening to the Spirit Gods right now?”

“I am slave. And any more sassy talk from you and you will find yourself walking out to the Hummer holding your skirt around your waist and showing your baby smooth pussy and that nice round ass of yours to anyone who happens to be outside in the parking area.”

“Yes Sir.”

It was a quick turn to the left going out the door and down the stairs to the Hummer, which was parked almost directly under the huge glass window of our suite.

We drove down to the main street of Sedona known as Hwy 89A. The Oaxaca is a really old style Mexican restaurant and not formal at all. I love Mexican food and so does Karen. It was nothing fancy, but it was really good eating. And you can dine on the roof if you want to.

After our meal and a couple of glasses of wine for Karen, we paid our bill and headed out for theplace I call “The Toy Store”. It’s not a toy store for everybody. It’s for adults only. It’s a few streets south of 89A and is known mostly to the locals. Some tourists find it by accident. It’s a plain looking place about the size of a small three bedroom house and has a tiny sign that says “Adult Thoughts” on it. We parked in front, next to the only two other cars there. Karen made the comment: “This is going to be interesting.”

“Have you ever been in one of these stores little one?”

“I’ll never tell,” was her only comment, delivered with a big smile.

When we walked in the front door, everything changed from a plain simple unobtrusive building to a well laid out store offering everything sexual known to mankind. There was a large video, book and magazine section of course. There was a room for Gays and Lesbians. And there was an entire room set aside for Leather and Bondage. The main room was covered wall to wall with all the sex toys you have always known about andquite a few that you have never thought of or even knew existed. The entire center of the room was a mass of display racks with more of the same stuff, only smaller in size.

I grabbed a hand basket from a stack by the entrance, took Karen by the hand, and walked her around the entire store, other than the Gay and Lesbian room, and let her mind absorb all of the possibilities that we could make use of during the next few days. After the initial walk-around, which often took a bit of pulling on my part to get Karen to move on to the next display, I found a private spot in a far corner and told her what I wanted her to do while we were here.

“I have brought quite a few toys of my own with me in my suitcase. I’m sure you figured that out very quickly as you are keeping one of them nice and warm and secure in your asshole right now. What we are going to do is look at specific types of toys and devices and I want you to pick one from each group of products that I point out to you. The items out here are just general sex toys. The ones in the Leather and Bondage room are going to be absolutely specific in their purpose. Are you ready to start?”

“Yes Sir. Do I have any limitations on what I pick?”

“I won’t allow any advanced level toys, so let’s keep it simple. We don’t have a few months to explore all the possible uses of every item. I want You to tell me what turns you on the most.”

“Master Bill. My pussy got turned on to everything the minute we walked through the front door.”

“I thought it might ‘slave karen’.”

I moved her over to the section that had nothing but vibrating devices. I would have guessed that there were 40-50 different types, many with very special and specific uses.

“I want you to pick one vibrating item for each of your holes.”

“God, there are sooooo many. Does that include my mouth too Sir?”

“There is a section with all sorts of gags and other devices for your mouth. You can pick any of themthat appeal to you when we get there Squirt.”

Karen just laughed and laughed. “If there is something good there, I will find it.”

“I have no doubt that you will.”

She studied every vibrating item offered. Picked up several for a closer look and returned them to their spot on the wall. She did this for fifteen minutes before turning to me and saying: “I know exactly what I want to get Sir.”

“And what would that be little one?”

“The matching set that comes with one vibrator for the vagina and one for the anus. To be more specific, I would like to get the set that has the remote control and the little wires hanging from the bottom of each toy that you can control from a hundred yards away.”

“Take it off the wall and put it in the basket. I really like that choice little one.”

She did and gave me one of her different little smiles of innocence and anticipation. She just loves doing that because she knows men like it and she loves to flirt. I like ittoo. I’m going to figure out how to do that back to her one of these days.

“Now I want you to pick out one of the vibrators specifically designed for your clip. That is one of the items I’m going to have the most fun with.”

“Since you are going to enjoy this type of vibrator so much, don’t you think that you should pick out the one you like the most?”

“No, I don’t think so this time. You are the submissive slave and I want you to pick the one you think will please me the most.”

At that very instant, the old proverbial light bulb lit up above her and I saw her head nod several times as she suddenly realized the meaning of what I had just very casually said to her. Awareness and understanding can be such a powerful force, especially when it strikes without warning. I have been telling her all day and now it has finally sunk into her permanent awareness.

“I have a confession to make Sir. I totally understand the need for honesty, trust, love, and faith in each other and in our everyday relationship. All of it is there at the highest possible level. But I have been somewhat confused about understanding my role as a submissive. What am I supposed to feel? What am I supposed to be? What am I supposed to desire? What was I expecting when I told you that I am yours and that you can do anything you want with me? And, most important of all, what am I looking for inside of myself?

What you just said, Sir, hit me like a ton of bricks. ‘Training’ is a word you use in all of your stories. But you are not training me. We need to talk seriously about this when we get back to our suite. I just woke up to the fact that we are not here to find ways to please me, exciting me, and make me cum. I am here to find ways to please you, which I want to do more than anything in the world. That is true, isn’t it? I need to understand submission. I do understand now that I need to please you and I know that by doing so, I may get to experience pleasure and excitement in return, if you should choose to allow that to happen. And I also understand why the orgasm I had earlier was the most powerful that I have ever experienced. It was because you created it and you ‘allowed’ me to have it.”

“Well little one. That is quite a sudden realization, especially with the two of us standing here in the middle of this store. I feel the excitement of your discovery. I am very proud of you and your efforts to grow and recognize greater self awareness. You keep proving to me what a natural you are over and over again. We will talk about your new discovery when you are naked back in our suite. It is always much more effective to talk about sexual and emotional feelings totally naked in front of your Master. It is an extremely important discovery and will open a door that will allow you much greater awareness and understanding of everything you experience from now on. The greater awareness of who you are in this life being one of them.”


Inudged her to anxious up and make her pick of the clip vibrators so I could get her into the Leather and Bondage room. Karen picked this small little brown vibrator that had a cup on the end. It hit the basket and I took her hand again and led her to the room I really wanted to be in to begin with. It was a large room. Sort of the ‘master bedroom’ of a house, except it was much larger. It had thirty feet of wall on every side. I took her straight to the ‘Wall of Cuffs’.

“What do you think of these items little one?”

“They all look like they require a great deal of trust.”

“They do require a high level of trust. Some keep your hands locked behind your back and some keep your arms and legs spread wide apart. All of them make you completely helpless and vulnerable. It is your choice to make. You don’t have to pick any if you don’t want to. Or, you can pick one or more different types, if that is your choice.”

Karen picked up every item in that section, one at a time,and held them in her hands for a minute before putting them back and moving on to the next variation of the same type of device.

“You said I can pick more than one type? May I do that now Sir?”

“If that is what you want to do, then go ahead.”

Karen picked two pairs of metal handscuffs and gently put them into the basket. Then she reached up high and pulled down a really nice set of fur lined wrist and ankle cuffs. I think she forgot that she was wearing a semi-short skirt and no panties because most of her ass came into full view when she was doing the stretch to grab the fur cuffs. I looked, but nobody was watching. I placed an open hand over the lower globes of her exposed cheeses and squeezed a little. Karen frozen for just an instant and then continued on with reaching for the box and pulling it off of the hook that was holding it so high up on the wall display. As she came down with the box, her skirt returned to its normal position and I took my hand off of her unexpectedly displayed bare ass. As she put that item in the basket, I whispered into Karen’s ear: “When you get a chance, I want you to do something that will expose your bald pussy”.

She whispered, “Yes Sir” without any hesitation at all.

Next to the cuff section was a smaller display of clamps. They were labeled beginner, intermediate, and advanced. She immediately picked a package of 25 tiny plastic clothespins from the middle level. Then she picked two sets of lightweight adjustable clamps that were connected to each end of a thin silver chain. Each package also came with three weights that could be hooked onto the chain. These all went into the basket. She turned towards me and asked me what I thought of a particular set that had caught her eye in the top row. When she asked my opinion, she stood up on tiptoe and pointed to the set she was asking about just to make sure I know which one she was referring to. For about five seconds, Karen was standing there facing towardsme with her skirt pulled up high enough to completely expose her smooth little slice of bald pussy to me and the entire store. I didn’t look around this time. Karen did though, and a cute shy little smile suddenly appeared for an instant as she returned to a regular standing position.

“The clothespins are OK. You won’t be able to deal with more than a few to begin with. The clamps are perfect for you but I would recommend three sets which I will explain later. The one’s you just pointed to can be a bit nasty. Alligator clamps like that aren’t adjustable. They have a very strong spring in them. You picked the type with a thin layer of rubber over each of the teeth, but they can still be very painful, for a beginner, if left on too long. The kind with the bare, sharp metal teeth, are only for people very experienced in accepting pain.”

“I want to try the set I pointed out on my nipples if you will give me permission Sir.”

“You have my permission but I will have total control of their use little one.”

“I understand Sir.

This time she was standing with her right side towards the wall when she reached up to remove the rubber coated alligator clamps from the top level. This exposed both her ass and her pussy in two directions. I glanced to the left and immediately saw that a couple in the book section got a really nice look at her pussy for a couple of seconds. It didn’t surprise them in the least and they acted like that happened to them all the time. That set of clamps went into the basket, as did one more set of the adjustable beginner’s clamps.

Next, we moved to the section of whips, crops, canes, and paddles. Karen stared at all of them completely mesmerized.

“Are you trying to guess what each of those feel like if they were to be used on your body?”

“Yes Sir. I am afraid of pain. I believe you completely when you say that pain and arousal at the same time can produce monster orgasms, but I don’t know if I want to try that yet. In your stories, you have often said that many women sexually enjoy higher levels of pain as a means of proving their value to their Masters. I can’t imagine getting off from being tortured. Will you explain that to me this weekend?”

“I would be glad to little one. Since you have accumulated a few punishments before making it through the first two hours, I will be able to teach you about pain first hand. You just happen to have the possible implementations of your punishments right here in front of you slave. Sort of a ‘chose your own pain’ moment don’t you think?”

I was just kidding her but she still had to ask that obvious question anyway, for self assurance purposes.

“You aren’t planning on torturing me are you? That different look on your face is scaring me Sir.”

“You are going to experience pain in a good way and the only torturing I have planned for you will be my not allowing you to cum any time you want to. You know damn well that I’m not going to cut you up and feed you to the coyotes.”

“I’m sorry Sir. I know you wouldn’t intentionally hurt me. I’m just a beginner and we are standing here in front of some really mean looking torture devices. My mind started running away with itself I think. It does that every now and then Sir.”

“You don’t have to pick any of these little one. Just move on to the next section if that is what you would prefer.”

“I really do want to move on. I really don’t want to get any of these items on this wall. And I really don’t want to NOT get any either. I trust you with all of my being. If I pick a riding crop, will you teach me how to enjoy pain and arousal at the same time? I hope you will keep it at a level that I can actually tolerate. I have no idea what that level is but I have total confidence and faith in you that you will know exactly how far you can take me in this area.”

“Karen. You are here to please me, not to lecture me on what to do and how to do it. When that brain of yOurs gets wound up, you immediately lose sight of your goals. Are you my submissive or are you just another average, every day risk seeking girlfriend picking a couple of gimmicks and gadgets to try out for fun and games? I am allowing you to pick a punishment device and making a choice that you are certain will absolutely please me. I do not want to hear your evaluation of my ability to know how to use it correctly. I am giving you an opportunity to participate in your search for the answers you are seeking here in Sedona. I have never allowed this with any first day submissive, first week submissive, or even a first month submissive. Your trust and faith is not as strong as you thought it was, is it?”

I was deliberately speaking just loud enough for some of the other customers standing Nearby to hear very clearly. They even turned and waited for Karen’s answer, and she was definitely aware of this. Her head looked down at the floor in total humiliation and embarrassment. Her neck and face turned bright red and she started fidgeting and playing with her hands as she always does when unsure of herself.

“I am so sorry again. I keep doing everything wrong. My trust and faith in you is totally there. My trust and faith in myself leave a lot to be desired. I know I am still grabbing at control at times when I feel so insecure without it. That need doesn’t just go away with the snap of your fingers Sir.”

I could see tears beginning to form in her eyes so I put my arms around her and gave her a tight ‘security’ hug. The people around us turned away while smiling and nodding to each other. Every couple in there had dealt with what Karen had just verbalized, and many times over. I was sure we would be repeating this exact conversation many times again. It was part of the process of ‘awakening’. I whispered into her ear that I would never force her to experience more than I knew she could deal with on a positive level. Karen knows that I am very protective of her well being but I don’t think she realizes how much. She has been concentrating more on what these ‘toys’ can do rather than what I will do with them. I do need to keep her attention focused somewhat on their potential use even though I would only allow her to experience a very low level of any item that may cause pain. Not too focused though because then she will think she can get away with anything.


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