The Search and the Discovery 1A
(The Spirit Gods Have Spoken)
This has been the most challenging story to write that I have ever attempted over many years of putting a pen to paper. The two characters, this writer and Karen, are as real as real can get. The ‘Lifestyle’ is an important part of who I am, while Karen hails from the opposite end of the spectrum of sexual and sensitive self –awareness that I like to call “The Missionary Life”, even though she does have a few special kinky activities she enjoys performing. This has turned out to be a fairly long short story. It is far longer than I originally intended. What I didn’t realize, at first, was that I cannot tell you everything about who Karen actually is in just a few pages. I had to divide the ‘First Day’ into five sections. I want you to be able to visualize Karen and feel the love and the trust in her heart., and in mine too. The story theme is D/s and Master/slave but, if you are looking for, or expecting to hear the sounds of the single tail making contact with soft sensitive flesh, the screams of pain, or the age of torture, this will not be a story you will want to read. Karen and I have had a deeply loving and trusting relationship for over a decade. We are bonded together, heart and soul, with the most special friend I believe two people can possibly have who are not married (or married for that matter). Karen asked me if I would help her explore and experience many of the aspects of submission as her Master and this story is about the fulfillment of that request over a period of three days. The story is long because writing about the incidents without writing about the reality of who Karen really is and the truth of her deeply hidden needs and desires that are behind the reason she is with me in Sedona, would be an unfair portrayal of our personal special relationship in life. The search never slows and the discoveries never stop, fromthe very beginning to the very last minute of this special adventure.. -Player One
Day One
I am sitting here at the airport in Flagstaff, Arizona, waiting for the arrival of the most precious friend I have ever had in my lifetime. Let me change the emphasis on ‘friend’ just a little. ‘Friend’ doesn’t even come close to describing the special and unique loving bond that exists between us. Her name is Karen. She’s 5′ 2″ in tennis shoes, with blonde hair and green eyes. The trust between us had been growing for over a decade before we began planning this long weekend in Arizona, and spending a D/s weekend in Sedona and the surrounding area of Red Rock. This is not your average example of trust between friends or a Master and his submissive. This is a trust so powerful that it was delivered to us by the Indian Spirit Gods themselves.
Karen has absolutely no experience in submission what-so-ever. Most of what she does know has been learned through our frequent conversations and reading my stories over the years. She has experienced playful bondage in the past but that was all that it was……playful additions to bedroom activities. She is not part of the Lifestyle. Karen has never made a high level submissive commitment to another person. She has never felt the trust required, nor the unchallengeable love and faith necessary to maintain the power of that trust. And, most important of all, she has never experienced the need, or the desire, to turn all control of her life over to another person whom she would call Master. Not until today.
Why today? This has all come about so quickly that I can only theorize the answer to that question. Karen is one of the most sexual and sensitive women I have ever known. She is a tease. She is an adventurer. She never stops looking for new experiences. She is a born exhibitionist. And she literally craves sexual contact, both physically and emotionally.
Karen told me a few years ago that she wantedto experience intimate sexual contact with another woman. She successfully achieved that goal. I remember a day just recently when she told me that she had just experienced squirting with orgasm. She was ecstatic over that accomplishment. The thought of being caught can send her into a sexual frenzy. She loves to masturbate and fantasize. She loves to read my stories that cover the entire gambit from tender loving submission to hardcore S&M. Putting all of this together, I have come to the realization that ‘curiosity’ is her driving force. She actually does have a need and a craving for all things sexual and sensitive.
This is only one part of who Karen is and what she wants to learn and experience in her life. She is an extremely self-reliant, intelligent, determined, goal oriented woman who struggles hard to be successful at Everything she does in life. She is also kind, loving, considerate, and understanding of other people. Well…there is her sister being an exception on occasionn. Bumping heads in that relationship is a unique lifestyle all its own. So here I am, waiting in Flagstaff, for a woman who, for all intents and purposes, would not have a very high number on a waiting list of potential submissive slave training candidates. Yet, her plane is already in its decent pattern into this airport, to fulfill her vow of obedience and submission to my will and desire for an entire three day weekend. I am in the Lifestyle. Her trust, love, and faith in me is stronger than all of her worst fears that suddenly appeared when she made the decision to turn her personal safety and the control of her life over to me for three days. This is the direct result of the Spirit Gods allowing us to see deeply into each other’s hearts and souls 12 years ago almost to the day.
You are probably wondering what the Hell this Spirit God thing is that I have already mentioned twice. Here is a short explanation. Karen’s family knows my family. We are a near generation apart so we had no contact early in life. I’m the older one of the two of us. Destiny led us to begin communicating with each other by email over the internet years ago. On one particular weekend, several friends and I drove up from Phoenix to visit the Merry-Go-Round rock formation on Schnebly Hill just east of Sedona, Az. This turned out to be the catalyst that began the adventure that has brought Karen and me to where we are today. I’m from Los Angeles. This is all Indian settled land. Somehow, we got into this conversation about mental communication. We decided that, at exactly 8:00 P.M. on a Saturday, I would sit facing east and Karen would be sitting at home and facing west at the exact same time. What happened is so absolutely true that it’s almost impossible to believe. Karen is very spiritual. I’m Not even close to her level. It took me the better part of a year to accept what happened. I was sitting on a five foot wide by eight foot long rock projection sticking out of the top side ofa rock wall that had a 400′ drop of nothing but empty space under it. The sun had set. It was dark with no moon. The rock started glowing. I have four witnesses who also saw the rock glowing. A Desert Dove began flying around my position and cooing very loudly like doves love to do. Desert Doves don’t normally fly at night. I closed my eyes and I could see Karen near a large body of water with trees and mountains. While I thought that Karen would be at home, she had actually traveled to Pennsylvania without telling me. Where she had traveled to was exactly what I was seeing inside of my head. Karen saw a bright light with a bird flying out of it. We wrote this all down and then told each other about our experiences. The Spirit Gods had spoken and the two of us have been bonded to each other in body, mind, heart, and soul ever since. This is what opened the pathway to our being able to spend this long three day weekend together. There is absolutely no other explanation.
Karen’s plane landed about 10 minutes ago and I can see her beautiful bouncing self coming towards me. We melted into one body, kissed once, and then just held onto each other in silence for another five minutes. I experienced one of the most thoroughly overwhelming feelings of peace and love any person could ever hope to feel at any time in their lives. I get to experience that every time we see each other. She has told me that we were together in our past lives. I’m happy we bumped into each other in this life to carry on the tradition.
For this entire three day weekend, I am going to be her ‘Sir’ or ‘Master’. Karen will be my ‘cumslut’, ‘pet’, ‘little one’, ‘sub’, and ‘slave’. The minute we hugged, she openly gave herself to me.
“I am yours, Sir” was all she said into my ear in a very soft sexy whisper.
“I accept you and I am going to change your world,” was the only thing I said to her.
As we held each other’s hand, we began the long walk to the other end ofthe airport where I had parked my twin engine Cessna 402. I flew in from El Monte Airport, just east of L.A., a few hours earlier. It should be rejected with a quick engine check completed by now. After a visual inspection and the ol’ checklist routine, we will be on our way to the much smaller Sedona airport. Karen doesn’t know yet that we will be taking the long way. She also has no idea that she is going to be naked and performing the in-flight entertainment during this trip. But why spoil all the fun and tell her now. She will know two minutes before we begin our taxi and acceleration down the runway and will be working on an orgasm long before wheels up.
We took our time walking the long corridor. We were silent the entire distance from the main terminal to the check-in for private aircraft. Both of us were doing some high speed thinking about this weekend adventure. I signed a flight plan to Sedona Airport with extended flight time for ‘scenic observation’. Operations probIt was forced we would be doing a ‘tourist flight’ and observing the ground sights and the mountains. There would be some of that, I’m sure. My definition of ‘scenic observation’ was watching my naked slave performing anything I wanted her to perform. Since she was the only ‘in-flight entertainment’ listed, she was going to be doing a whole lot of performing.
Still not speaking a word, but still holding hands, we walked around the Cessna together doing a visual inspection. Karen’s one suitcase had been delivered and placed next to the fold-down steps into the Cessna. I had a feeling that she was remembering some of the slave’s rules from many of my stories. She is very aware that one of the main rules is that slaves don’t speak unless spoken to.
“Hey babe, you really can talk anytime you want, or have something specific to say, or maybe even a question or two. Silence is a rule only when you are told or expected to be silent. I would prefer that we have normal, everyday backand forth talk when the circumstances allow for it.”
“At this moment, I am caught up in a totally mind bending world of anticipation Sir. I have been silent because just being here, walking with you, watching you, feeling your presence, and holding your hand is giving me a whole lot of happiness.”
“That sounds good to me little one. Let’s board the Cessna and get rolling. We will be having a long talk about things when we get to Sedona. In the meantime, what you need to remember is that you are to do anything and everything I tell you to do and you are to do it without question or hesitation. Any time you hesitate in obeying a command, you will be punished. Trust is one of the most important words of the day. Any time you question my wishes or desires, you also question your trust and you will be punished. Since we can’t do that on the plane, any punishments you earn there will be applied after we check in at the hotel. Do you fully understand and accept that?”
“YesSir. My trust in you is absolute and, as I said in the terminal, I am yours Sir. And I mean that in every possible way Sir.”
“Do you fully understand the power and the gravity of the act of ‘giving yourself to me’ in every possible way?”
“I understand that it is a very powerful statement. I can only guess at just how powerful it really is until you teach me its true meaning Sir.
“By the way, you don’t need to use ‘Sir’ or ‘Master’ unless you really want to or need to little one. If it helps remind you of your submissive role, then feel free to use those titles at any time. You can even use them in public if you choose to do so, even though ‘Bill’ will do just fine in that situation. Whenever you use the words ‘Sir’ or ‘Master’, You are not only showing submissive respect, you are reaffirming your true acceptance of who and what you are at that moment.”
“Yes Sir. I understand that intellectually. Emotionally, every time I have used the word ‘Sir’ during the lasthalf hour, I have experienced two opposite responses. One is fear and the other is intense sexual arousal. I need to use those two titles because you are my ‘Sir’ and you are my ‘Master’ and I need to chase away the fear of this huge step we are taking together during the next three days.”
“Are you always this open with people about what you are feeling and experiencing inside?”
“I am never this open Sir. I am totally open with you. You and I have had complete openness between each other for many years. I enjoy telling you exactly what I need or desire or how I feel about anything in specific. I am soooo excited about exploring my sexuality more deeply than we already have Sir. We are going to discover some deeply hidden secrets that I may not even be aware of, and which I will only tell you about. We’ve discovered several just in the last month Sir. This is one of the reasons that I am here in Flagstaff at this very moment. This is also the source of my fear, but that willhopefully go away very quickly.”
“Are you ready to start our new adventure now little one?” “Yes Master. I am yours to do with as you please, Sir.”
We were soon sitting in the cockpit seats and Karen was about to stick herself in when I said: “Before you strap in, I want you to go after and remove all of your clothes. Put everything into the drawer under either one of the first seats. When you have done that, push the button on the drawer which locks it in place. Then you can come back up here and stick yourself in. You will be making this flight, gate to gate, totally naked.”
I would tell Karen later that pushing the drawer button twice released the lock, but that is one more thing she didn’t need to know quite yet. I know I am not dealing with a trained submissive, nor do I expect her to respond like a trained submissive. She has submissive curiosity and a tremendous amount of trust and faith in me, which is a great big plus. Karen has already admitted to me that she is here to explore and experience the positive sexual aspect of obedience, humiliation, embarrassment, punishment, small amounts of pain, and any other aspect of submission that I may wish to teach her. I have explained to her that any pain she might experience will be low level and will often, but not always, be accompanied with an equal amount of physical pleasure at the same time.
As for pleasure…..Karen is going to be both denied and allowed pleasure in very large amounts. She is happy aware that she is going to have many opportunities to earn the name ‘cumslut’. I have also made her aware that she may very well experience orgasms far more powerful that any she has ever experienced in her entire adult life. That is definitely one of my main objectives. She’s curious about that but I don’t think she really believes that these mystery orgasms actually exist. She is in for some really big surprises.
I was really pleased when Karen, after only a five second delay following my order for her to strip naked, rose up out of the co-pilot seat and went into the aft section. Once there, she began a really sexy striptease when she noticed that I had turned in my seat just enough to watch her from the front. My cock enjoyed the show also. Without a word, Karen returned to her seat, naked as a newborn, put on a set of headphones, and strapped herself in.
“I’m ready Sir.”
“Yes, I guess you are little one.”
“Cessna 25121 ready to taxi”
“Roger Cessna 25121. This is Tower and you are cleared to taxi. Slide in behind Alaska 1024 and maintain position. You have approximately eight minutes to your holding mark.”
“Roger Tower. Cessna 25121 will follow Alaska 1024 with eight minutes to mark.”
“Roger Cessna 25121.”
“OK my sexy little newbie sub. I want you to use one hand to play with your tits and nipples. Get your nipples hard and erect. Use your other hand to play with your pussy. Show me exactly how you get yourself off when you are home alone and horny. Do not forget that you cannot cum without my permission. You cannot cum until we are off the ground. Keep in mind that when the MD-80 in front of us make its turn onto the main runway, anyone on the starboard side who happens to look in our direction will probably be able to clearly see you sitting there naked and playing with yourself. I want you sitting up straight, chest out proudly, with your hands and fingers doing their thing on your body. Do not slouch or try to hide yourself in any way.”
“I will do anything you tell me to do Sir. No matter what it is that you wish or command me to perform.”
“That’s what I want to hear cumslut. You sound like you have been practicing.”
As we moved along the taxiway, Karen continued obeying her command to put on a show, both for my benefit and quite possible for the unexpected benefit of the people on the MD-80. She was already producing a steady flow of liquid heat from between her legs. Whenever she inserted one or two fingers into her pussy, I could clearly hear the squishy sounds of her very aroused and soaking wet love channel quite clearly. Even through the headphones. I looked over at her as often as possible. She kept her eyes mostly closed. Whenever she pulled her fingers out of her vagina and moved them to her clip, she would open her mouth just a little and start a soft sexy moaning with ‘oh yes’ mixed in every so often.
By the time we reached our holding mark, Karen was ready to take off without any help from the Cessna. The Alaska Airlines plane had just made its turn onto the main runway when she suddenly realized that she was in full view of every window seat on that side of the aircraft. The cockpit of a Cessna 402 is almost all glass windows. Karen’s head turned to the right and saw all of those windows aimed in her direction only fifty feet away, and became motionless. This was the moment of truth for both her submissive curiosity and her truest in me. She only paused for about ten seconds. I had no idea what thoughts were racing through her head at that moment, but obedience and exhibitionism won the challenge. Without my having to say another word, Karen immediately resumed her frantic masturbation activities as the Alaska plane powered up and began its roll down the runway.
Just after we had made our turn onto the runway and held our mark once again, Karen asked for permission to cum just as the tower was giving us permission to take off.
“No, you may not cum. After we are in the air, you can undo the seat harness and put the back of the seat down, what little distance it will go, and ask me again.”
“Yes Sir. Thank you Sir.”
“Cessna 25121, you are cleared for takeoff.”
“Roger tower. Cessna 25121 cleared for takeoff. Have a good day.”
“Thank you Cessna 25121. From the looks of it, you’re going to have an excellent day.”
Looking over at Karen, I saw a huge smile form on her face that went nearly ear to ear. I had forgotten that when she had returned to her seat after getting naked, that she had put on her headphones too. She had heard every word the Tower ATC had said, hence the big smile. She decided to remove the headphones so she could better concentrate on her masturbation efforts without any further interference.
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