The Search

Benny Price rolled around on the bed with his beautiful new wife, Nora. They were locking like teenagers, which was nice, and he was feeling her up but over her snug brown tank-top, and around her denim miniskirt.

This was nice, but a little ridiculous for four months of marriage. This was what you did on the second date, usually, in Benny’s experience. Benny’s cock swelled, and felt Somewhat free, as it wasn’t in that nasty chatity device.

Nora was an expert necker, and Benny kept hoping they’d get to the point where he could find out whether she was enjoyable at real, adult lovemaking. But it had been eighteen months they’d been together, and he’d never gotten to put his thingie in her thingie.

Benny was naked, in contrast to Nora’s clothed body, and he felt a little embarrassed at this. But things were a little weird in their household. Recently he had gone through quite a time when he discovered he wasn’t allowed to go to the bathroom inside the house anymore.

Certainly Benny was quite excited about his first chance to be a male submissive in a real female dominated relationship. Being under the control of Nora, who was a hot babe if there ever was one, turned him on like no one’s business!

But this was getting a little ridiculous, banning pissing privileges. At first Nora had just had all the bathroom doors in the house—in the house Benny had allowed her to move into, BENNY’S house—locked, and he had to beg her for the key.

Sometimes she’d hide the key and while he was hoping around from a desperate need to urinate, she’d says “Warmer” and “Colder” to hint to him where the fucking key was. “It’s all about mind over matter, Benjamin” Nora would say as he begged her, telling her that he was going to explode!

Then Nora decided that Benny Should go outside in the yard to pee and shit. She was angry because he’d given his poodle to the Buttermilk Falls Animal Shelter when it was too much trouble to walk it anymore, and then, before the dog-loving Nora could rescue little Snickers, who she was quite fond of, he’d been adopted by someone else!

“Think, Benjamin…the reason it was too much trouble to walk that SWEET dog was because of your addition to cocaine, prostitutes and laziness…and that’s pathetic.” Now she apparently was going to make Benny pay for the times he’d whipped Snickers when Snickers had peed all over the floor because Benny had been too cooked-out to get home in time!

Going outside was a bit embarrassing in the warmer months, and he had to hide behind a bush so old Mrs. Lazenby from across the street didn’t ask why he was peeing or shitting in his back yard…but then winter came.

Benny remembered arguing on a cold night, when he was reading with Nora in front of a burning fire that HE’D BUILT FOR HER, DAMMIT, suddenly he had to pee. Nora had actually left the john door unlocked from when she’d gone to pee, but she shook her head as he tiptoed towards the door, andshe pointed a long red nail to the outdoors.

And then when he reluctantly went out, she said “Take off your clothes, Benjamin. I’ve decided that since poor Snickers had to go outside naked, why shouldn’t you?”

And she’d forbidden him to take a roll of toilet paper out with him when he had to go out again to shit…she handed him an old Buttermilk Chronicle to wipe his ass with!

Being out in the snow, taking a shit, and feeling his ankles freeze over was really bad, and then he had to hide behind the bush for five minutes while some goddamned Christmas caroles had to sing “Silent Night” in front of the damn house.

Then, the sadistic bitch Nora offered them all hot cider and asked them to sing “Jingle Bells” and “The Little Drummer Boy!”

By the time Benny got inside, he felt as if he had pneumonia. Could it have gotten worse? But indeed, it did! Benny came home from work one day and found F.X. Copeland, the weird little guy who built kinky stuff over at thePainCafe’s Dungeonopolis Gift Shop.

“I’m having you re-fitted for a chatity device that doesn’t permit urination unless I unlock the tip. This will be so good for your self-control issues, Benjamin.”

Yes, Nora was a whale on self-control. She’d already teased poor Benny’s cock and then whipped it down, outlawing the ections that she made happen again and again with her sexy body and teasing fingers!

But now he would have to control his bladder as well? Now Benny had to drive home every day for lunch so Nora could unlock him to pee. Several times, she was in his bedroom with some guy, and he had to bang on the door until she came out, naked, and undid the nasty little tip to his new chatity belt.

“Now while you’re here for lunch, Benny, you can lick the semen out of my quim, and give Roscoe here a blowjob so he can get excited and fuck me again!” Great.

Benny really had to cut down on his drinking of everything—coffee, iced tea, beer, Cokes, screwdrivers, martinis—and now he had to ration himself to three glasses of water a day!

This was remarkable. Benny had actually gone through rehab for alcohol addition several times, and never could cut down, and now he was quite controlled. It was remarkable!

It had been difficult enough to adjust to being in chatity God knows. Benny had had to give up his habitual masturbation when being locked up for the first time, and of course being around a curvy ash blonde like Nora, who was rubbing her big boobs against him all the time just drive him mad…

Horny constantly, and now of course Nora was forbidding him to pee without permission! And when they were home, Nora felt that Benny shouldn’t pester her too much for the urination key.

“I’ve seen how you treated your poodle, Benny, you made him hold it, and only took him out five or six times a day” she said acidly. “You can learn to hold it, and have a strong bladder, too!”

But Nora wanted Benny to go out twice a day—seven in the morning and seven at night, and he had really not adjusted to this plan at all. He would beg Nora, his kidneys killing him, for a key, and she’d ignore him, reading her Elle magazine, and then finally, in irritation, she’d give him the key.

“But when you come back inside, I’m going to mark you up a bit with the cane, just so you understand that you’re getting on my freaking nervouss!”

So that means that Benny would end twenty hard whacks with the cane, and he’d how miserably…and try not to complain! Sometimes, when Benny thought he wanted a drink, he’d moisten a washcloth and just suck some of the water out until his thirst was parched so not to both his beloved Nora!

She also sometimes would put his “Pee key” into a little locker and put a combination on it, and then poor Benny would have to spend an hour or two fiddling with the lock to open the door…and sometimes she’d lock one hand behind his back to make it a LEETLE bit harder!

But,Benny thought, as he locked with his beautiful Nora on this evening…she was worth it! Now Benny accidentally on purpose ran his hand up Nora’s shirt and tried to feel her bare boob.

OUCH. Nora apparently had just kneed him in the balls. Benny grabbed his balls and fell off the bed, crying. She really knew how to kick a guy. Nora, at one time had been a point guard for an inner-city unisex basketball team, and had been able to elbow and knee her way to several championships without the references catching her!

Nora, who had expected Benny’s attempt on her breasts, giggled to herself…what a riot these submissive males were!

Nora looked over at poor Benjamin, sitting on the floor, and bit the inside of her cheek, trying not to laugh too hard. She really loved Benny, but he was an impulsive, childish male, and of course she had to keep him reined in.

Men were always trying to push their little macho agendas on her, Nora thought amusedly. Especially the guys who had a submissive nature. It was as if they had an inner struggle, trying desperately to prove they were the Man.

Nora had been engaged at one time to Ionides Leonidas, a shipping magnate. Ionides had wanted to be Nora’s slave, or so it seemed, they’d met on a local femdom listserv. He’d looked at Nora’s full breasts hungrily when they’d met, and told her that he needed to be whipped!

They’d gone back to his place, and it went well. Ionides had undressed, and Nora had bound his hands and feet and laid him on his king sized Vividus bed and she’d wound out the cane he provided on his tanned ass.

Ionides had bit his lip, and took the thrashing well. Then Nora had turned him over and stroked his cock, never having undressed, but giving him little looks at her cleavage…it worked out well! But within a couple of dates, Ionides began trying to top from the bottom.

This was anathema to Nora, who was a tough dominant girl. She had recently taken three stockbrokers, annexed their fortunes, renamed them Tripper, Trotter and Tupper, and sold them to a gay biker gang. She was not used to submissives having attitude, but Ionides was one of these troublesome ones.

“I do not like the makeup thing. I don’t want to be a slut.” Ionides told her one day; when Nora explained her plan to turn him into a lady. “No, do not try to shake my body hair. I am a man, the slave thing is just part time, do you understand?”

Nora had tried to break up with Ionides. “I don’t think you’re a geneuine submissive, maybe you just need to go to hookers and act shit out, but I’m the real thing, Ionides.”

But Ionides cried, begging Nora to give him another chance. “I will do anything you ask. You are so beautiful, and I do want to marry you!”

Nora had Become quite annoyed, and she’d ordered Ionides to strip, and then she’d tied him to a St. Andrew’s Cross and whipped his cock and balls with a wooden spoon, telling him, “You’re going to have to learn to be my sissy-bitch, or you’re on the way out, you little scuzz-bag!”

And Ionides had howled and screamed as she’d turned his genitals into purple, welded mush… following up the spoon beating by putting cigars out on his penis for nearly a hour. But Ionides kept asking her to marry him, and Nora said she would, if he would go through a test. After all, the money, all that Greek shipping money was quite attractive.

But she knew she had to re-arrange his self-esteem, as it were.

Nora had ordered Ionides to come to her house another day, and she’d cuffed his wrists to a ring on the floor in her basement dungeon, and she’d left him there for about five hours in total darkness.

Then Nora had gone out and found her friends, the McCoy brothers. These were five large black men, Myron and Byron (twins) and Leon, Deon, and Neon, triplets. They were quite active in the BDSM movement, and excited when Nora said she had a white boy who was in need of cocksucking lessons!

“Ionides, I don’t believe in safe words, and you really have to make it up to me, if you want to have a long-term relationship!” Nora had said angrily. “You’ve practiced deep-throating on several strap-on dildoes, and now I want you to suck off my friends, the Crawford triplets, Neon, Deon and Leon!”

Ionides had tried to pull away, but of course his wrists were locked, and Nora had once again told him that if he used his safe word, she’d unlock him, but the relationship would be over.

Finally, Ionides had relented, and Nora had coated his lips with garish fire-engine red lipstick to turn the triplets on, and they’d taken turns skull-fucking him. Of course Ionides had resisted, and Deon had had to really grip Ionides’s ears to keep his cock in Ionides’s mouth. Ionides had bitten at one point, and the three black guys had kicked the living shit out of him.

After it was over, Ionides admitted to Nora that he had been quite aroused. “I could not believe how exciting it was, being dehumanized by those colored men. I must learn to be more submissive, you are absolutely correct.”

Then Nora had worked on other training things for Ionides—she’d gotten one of her biker buddies, Pagan O’Neill, to drive his chocolate while she sat in the sidecar…she’d had Ionides run naked around his property as she rod just behind him in the little carriage, whaling at his bare buttocks with her blacksnake whip.

Afterwards, she’d allowed Pagan to cornhole Ionides until he’d screamed in age, and she really felt like this was true progress as well. It had taken some time before Ionides became as weak as a kitten when in the same room with Nora, and then she began working on body modifications.

Ionides was such a masculine man, but Nora finally got him to allow her to strip him of his body hair, and put in breast augments…and then one happy day, Pagan had frozen Ionides’s balls and removed them!

“But we are engaged!” Ionides had said to Nora in distriss. “How will we make love?”

Nora had assured Ionides that this was not that important. She told him that he would be happier when all that male bullshit was gone.

Some time after this, she’d taken Ionides to Denmark, and filmed him doing some interesting and quite depraved things…when his father and brothers, also partners in the shipping company had discovered this, they had grabbed Ionides and put him in a mental hospital, and the poor thing still wrote Nora letters!

Benny, sitting now on the floor, looked at his laughing wife. Thank God he didn’t have to pee. This was one of those rare occasions where he wasn’t wearing his chatity device, so she could stroke him a little bit…but now she’d kicked him.

“Benjamin, when are you going to learn?” Nora asked with a friendly grin. “I told you that we are going slowly. At MY pace, not yours. I do love you, but you are not going to use me as a petting zoo, understanding?”

Benny nodded and sat up, rubbing his balls. Nora patted the bed and put a little pink tongue between her lips as if nothing had happened, and of course Benny instantly forgive her.

He climbed back into the bed and they began kissing and fondling each other, Benny quite careful to keep his hands over Nora’s clothes…those were the rules!

Benny couldn’t believe this. He remembered living in an apartment complex where he was involved with six different tenants (he was president of the tenant’s association) and they’d ALL fucked him on the first date, and sometimes one chick would be pounding on his door while he was being blown by another girl.

Of course even then he had BDSM fansies, and had gone to see various professional dominants…and dreamed of his own dominant wife! Now that Nora was here, he was quite pleased with her. But it was so frustrating. Especially since she slept with all these other guys.

Some months before Benny had come home and there had been this disgusting brown man in thehouse. “This is Heriberto” Nora had introduced him.

Benny had strongly walked up to Heriberto and shaken his hand. It was really revolting, as the spic had been rubbing his hand on Nora’s blue jeaned inner thigh.

Of course Nora had forced Benny to suck Heriberto’s dick, which had been rather horrible…but then Nora had informed Benny, as he was wiping semen off his jaw, that she was going out of town, and Heriberto was going to be his babysitter.

That had been quite a difficult week for Benny Price. Heriberto had treated poor Benny like a traditional Mexican wife. Benny had had to share Heriberto’s bed, where he was ass-fucked constantly, and he’d constantly had to make Heriberto food, and had taken a vicious caning after not putting enough avocado into Heriberto’s chimichanga.

What had also been difficult was when Heriberto had put Benny into a short rather dazzling hot-pink miniskirt and high heels and made Benny accompany him to salsa dancing…

Bennyhad not been feminine enough, and (Benny stepped left when he was supposed to step right) and Heriberto had turned Benny, in his full drag over Heriberto’s knee and pulled his panties down and his short skirt up, and whipped Benny with his own high heel!

By the time Nora had returned from her trip (which had been with Maynard, the mail clerk in Benny’s office. They’d gone to Belize on Benny’s Visa) her husband was quite subdued…and she’d promised him that Heriberto would not be his babysitter again!

Now, Benny looked at his beautiful wife with begging eyes. “Can’t we please make love, just a little?” he said looking terribly depressed. “I’ve never been…inside you!”

Nora smiled, and began removing her clothes, and Benny Price got quite excited. Now she was naked, her glorious breasts bouncing as she became to him. Benny ran to the bed and Nora told him to lie down and she got on top of his swelling ection…she began riding it up and down.

But, as Benny,who was now in heaven came close to orgasming, Nora hoped off his cock and knee him in the balls again! “No no, big boy. I never said you could cum. I just said you could fuck me…I don’t want your nasty innocent scum in my slit.”

Benny was almost ready to pass out, but Nora jacked his cock a little bit, and it became erect once more. She hoped back on and squeezed her vagina around Benny’s hard penis.

“You can fuck me whenever you like, Benjamin” Nora said solemnly, “But you can’t cum inside of me. Right now I have you on a 2 month cum schedule…once every eight weeks…and then you can cum on the floor…and lick it up! But you won’t get any of it inside me, honey…

Nora paused. “Besides, you know that I’m pregnant.” She smiled down at Benny, who lost his erection immediately. Nora slide off him and began filing her nails.

“What- how are you pregnant? We have never made love!” Benny gazed at her in astonishment. And Nora began to laugh.

“It’s Maynard’s. We conceived when we were on vacation, honey.” Nora looked at Benny and smiled. “You’ll love it…we’re going to have a beautiful black baby.”

“Are you kidding? But we’re married!” How would they explain this to Benny’s parents? To his business associates? A black baby?

Nora grinned and reached over, twisting Benny’s nipple until he cried. “It’s not that I don’t love you, Benjamin, but let’s face it. You’re a hook noseed little Jew, and an annoying one at that. I don’t want genes like that running around in my body.”

“I have a 186 IQ” Benny thundered. “It was measured at the Naval Academy. I asked my dad what my IQ was, and he drove me there, where they are quite accurate.”

Nora looked bored. “Yeah, but you’ve made enough money, and inherited enough, so that my child with Maynard will not have to work. And, accidentally, Maynard is moving in with us. He’s going to help me train you, and he’s quitting that ridiculous mailroom job. You’ll be our nanny, and like it!”

Benny surprised. You never know what you’re getting when you marry a Dominant Woman!


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