The Sculptor

Mary was a very famous and world renowed sculptor, specifically of the male nude which was her particular specialty and for who she had no peer. Her one of a kind commissions earned tens of thousands of dollars each and she was the absolute darling of the art scene, a modern day female Michelangelo. Beautiful and wildly successful, as time went on her works only grew more valuable and were sought out by all of the greatest art collectors in the world, prices skyrocketing once he was declared an “up and comer” by Art World Digest.

Her specialty was not only beautiful male nudes, but special projects made for the more “exotic” collectors of men in, er shall we say, more pleasant poses. Her talent unsurpassed, she made an fortune on these more “private” pieces and things could not have been better for her career.

Although professional, she was hugely successful, her personal life was a complete disaster as she, like so many other successful and beautiful women, had unbelievably bad taste in men. Tragically always attracted to bad boy types that were certainly not good enough for her, she constantly was getting her heart broken by one lothario after another, caught forever in wanting to tame the dark men in her life, and ALWAYS being disappointed. Constantly hiring a never ending parade of very hot nude male models kept Mary fully stocked of “bad boys” to choose from of which foolishly she had fallen for her latest model .

Her current model/boyfriend Andrew was typical of her all of her relationships. Painfully handsome and extremely well endowed, he was also always perpetually unemployed and constantly unfaithful. Knowing he was a hottie he certainly acted upon it as women were constantly throwing themselves at him, with his oversized package, rippled and sculpted physics and perfect six foot four height. Perpetual dog that he was, despite being very attracted to the equally hot Mary, he was doing what he had been doing his whole life which was juggling several women in the air at once. Although being extremely sexually attracted to Mary, and loving the added benefit of her constantly giving him money, Andrew’s balls always called the shots in the end and he was again dipping his never sated dick into as many willing pussies as his big brown eyes could sweet talk himself into.

Things were about to change however as Mary had recently been contacted by a Sorority house at a very prestigious and expensive college for an unusual one of a kind commission. Normally she would never have taken a job from some goofy college girls but, the fact that this was actually her own sorority, and the college in question was for only the SUPER rich, she decided to consider the odd request for a private commission. When the price was discussed, her mouth dropped open as this was extreme Even for HER norms. The kicker was the sorority would pay at $100 thousands dollars for starting the piece and another 100 after completion but only if COMPLETE discretion was used and the sculpture was carved to their exact specifications. Mary it turned out had quite a fan from one of the more wealthy alumni from this sorority and this commission was to be a present to house. Two hundred thousand dollars, despite being wealthy already, was more than enough motivation to cause her to eagerly accept the job.

Mary grinned in amusement as the very nervous and obviously Extremely embarrassed young college girl squirmed in the chair in her studio office. As President of the sorority she was elected to be the one to describe the piece and she was blushing twenty shades of red as she talked, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. Finally she torturously described the work and it was to be of a nude male, fully erect and as life-like as possible. Her face got even more red as she went into a considerable level of detail about the male member to be on the status, and was quite adamant about the dimensions.

When Mary asked where the workwas to be displayed, the sorority president shifted even more nervously in her seat.

“Well, you see, this work is not for public display, but is really intended for our initiative ceremonies. It is embarrassing, but this tradition goes back over a hundred years, and, well let’s just say we wore the old status out.”

Mary grinned an evil smile, but nodded that she understands having Remembered her own embarrassing initiation ceremony in front of a similar status. The girl was relieved at Mary’s words and even more saved when she announced that in honor of her sisters, she had the perfect model in mind, her own boyfriend Andrew who she assured would meet all of their most stringent qualifications. Reveling in the jealous look on the nubile young rich girl’s face, she showed her to the door and went back to her office.

She and Andrew had been having a lot of relationship problems recently, and although she was pissed at his constant demands for money and his haphazardroutine of showing up for any activity but sex, she did relish sculpting his fine form again and hoped that this would put some spark back into their lives. Mary, despite being an otherwise intelligent woman was purely hopeless around Andrew and guys like him, and she often let her nether regions do the thinking for her. Desperate to get his full attention back on her, she hoped that having him model again would do just the trick. He would be fully at her disposal doing the job, and maybe they could finally “talk”. Calling him up on the phone, she told him about the job and the considerable fee he would earn and he was thrilled and said he would meet her the next afternoon to get started. Part of her wondered where he was that night, but she knew better than to ask as she would get the “you are smoothing me” speech again.

On the way to her studio to meet Andrew for the modeling session the next day, Mary was early and having some time to kill stopped briefly in a new age shop. She prided herself on having an open mind on most things, and with her troubled relationship with her boyfriend, she thought that maybe a special love charm could keep him faithful. It was pitiful and clingy she knew, but she was at the end of her tether.

Walking into the store she was almost overcome by the incense and patchouli and part of her kicked herself for having sunk THIS low, but she went in anyway. Embarrassed, she finally asked the clerk, all dressed in black and wearing various charms on her necklace, what she should try to win over her man.

“Oh honey, I have just the ticket!” the little granola/goth girl answered as she pulled out a small green stone. “As you are obviously a woman of means (Mary was dressed to the nines as always) no doubt you can afford this. It is called the Medusa Rune and it is very powerful but guaranteed to keep your man in check”.

Grinning politely and intrigued, Mary asked how it worked and the girl explained.

“This charm, whe carried on your person will definitely freeze your man to your will, GUARANTEED or double your money back.

It really was not an explanation, and fifty bucks seemed a bit high, but what the hell Mary thought. Chuckling, she paid the clerk and placed the rune in her pocket and continued on to her appointment with Andrew.

As she entered her studio to wait for her boyfriend she Thought about the rune and wondered what on earth it was supposed to do as a million questions ran through her mind.

“I wonder if this would actually work? What does FREEZE your man to your will mean anyway? Well, for as long as I am around him, I will always carry it, as who knows, nothing ventured nothing gained.” She thought as the door to her studio finally opened at seven pm.

Andrew, late as always, trotted into the studio looking hot as ever. Giving her a quick kiss, Mary felt her panties moisten as he began to strip for the nights session. She wanted desperately to ask where he hadhave been, since he was four hours late, but knew better and decided to just focus on the job at hand.

Now stark naked, he asked what the pose for the night was, he giggled as she described it.

“Holy God Mary! That might be a bit hard on my back and I hope I can keep old Stanley (his pet name for his cock) all night, but I will give it the old college try.”

The position she described was very specific and would no doubt tax Andrew’s stamina. He was to not only be absolutely naked, but completely erect and stretched to the limit of his endurance. The position would be hard to hold as he had to be completely leaned over backwards with his head touching the ground and his cock and balls high in the air, completely exposed. Making it even more difficult he had to stretch his legs out as far as possible as well as his hands so that only his full balls and totally hard cock would be seen sticking up from the reverse C he was crouching in.

Mary licked her lips as she watched his glorious body becomes so helpfully exposed to her before as in this position his cock and balls were completely at her mercy and he could not see anything she was doing. She would be able to lick and suck and stroke him for hours and there would be nothing he could do about it, and she said just that, knowing that it would only make him harder, which it of course did.

It was hard to concentrate on sculpting seeing him so erotically exposed and as she lost herself in her horny thoughts of licking his enormous member, a cellphone rang.

“I will get it” she said as she went to retrieve her cellphone. To her surprise it wasn’t hers but Andrew’s and since they had the same ringtone she could not tell them apart. Knowing he was in the position he was, and how difficult it was for him to get in and out of that spot, she went ahead and looked at the caller id, deciding to check with him to see if he wanted her to take the call.

Her eyes instantly burned with hatred as she recognized the name on the caller ID. “DEIDRA!” Andrew’s stripper ex girlfriend. Now with the glowing iPhone screen screaming in her face it was obvious that Andrew was up to his cheating ways again.

Not knowing that it was HIS cellphone Mary was looking at, Andrew innocently called out “Babe you coming in, my back is starting to hurt!”

“Just a second!” she called back as she started reviewing the call history and text messages on his phone. With each little character flashing on the screen, her anger turned to blind fury as she read the series of incriminating messages, not just from Deidra, but from several other of his whores.

Her fist unconsciously was griping the Medusa Rune when she said, “GOD DAMN IT, I wish he would just stay PUT and be MINE!”

Right after she said this, she heard a whoosh from the other room and when she stomped back into the room to confront Andrew about his infidelities, she was shocked he had not gotten out of his rather uncomfortableable pose. When she approached him, she also noticed he was completely still and his eyes were eerily wide open and unblinking. When she reached out to touch him, she quickly pulled her hand away as his flesh felt like marble, cold and still, not alive.

Her mind racing it suddenly dawned on Mary that she had accidentally cast a spell on Andrew while holding the Medusa Rune. In a panic, she ran down to the shop where she bought it and caught the clerk right as she was leaving. The clerk grinned and said that she should be shown Andrew just to make sure after the situation was explained.

When the clerk entered the room, and saw Andrew, and his beautiful erection so obscenely displayed she burst out laughing.

“Girl, I hope I never get on your bad side!” Looking at his body, she smiled as she felt her own panties grow moist. “He certainly is a hottie though, and caught in a most delicious pose!” Laughing, she took Mary’s arm and tried to comfort her. “Look, if you were looking for revenge, this is definitely a good one so I have to ask, just how long do you intend on keeping him this way?”

“What do you mean, I thought he was dead. I wanted to ask you first before I called the police.” Mary frantically answered, her voice calming a bit as she realized she was not a murder.

“Oh don’t worry, your hot boyfriend is not dead, although he might wish he was. You see, your hottie here has been turned into a status, a living status, but a status just the same.”

“Is he consciousness? Does he know what is going on?”

“Oh, he knows, trust me HE KNOWS. And what is even better, he can feel everything you do to him, and can’t do anything about it.” As the clerk spoke, she slowly ran her nails around Andrew’s balls for emphasis, luxury in the feel of his marbleized love sacs displayed so fully to her gaze and touch.

“This is quite a delicious artwork don’t you think?” the clerk laughed as she dragged her fingertips up and over his shake.

Mary grinned evilly to herself as a plot formed in her mind. Now she had the opportunity to Andrew a lesson on how to treat women and her anger was still fuming from just finding his texts, that revenge was definitely foremost in her mind.

“Thanks! Well, uh, how do I release him then?”

“Oh that is simple, just make a wish with the same rune. If I were you though, I would take advantage of this situation while I could. While he is in this state, he not only can not move, but he will not age. He will forever be in this position, subject to whatever torques you decide to inflict upon him and unable to do anything about it except suffering in stony silence. Frankly, if I had a hot boyfriend like this all Medusa’d up, I would spend QUITE an interesting time alone with my new creation and WHO KNOWS what I might get up to.”

Thanking her for the advice, Mary showed the clerk the door and winded and she left. As the clerk walked down the hall she called back.

“Well, if you ever want to loan out your status, I would love to have some fun with him?”

Mary just laughed and shook her head as she grinned and then turned to her office to call up the Sorority. Informing them that their sculpture was ready, the girls were thrilled as they had expected it to take weeks if not months to complete.

Andrew, frozen and horrified in his state heard her talking on the phone and could not realize what was being discussed but knew he was in big trouble. He still did not know what was wrong with him as the whole episode seemed like a bad dream. Desperately trying to move he was stuck as he was frozen rock solid.

His mouth tried to call out for help but to no avail, and part of him was relieved when he saw his girlfriend approach him with a smile on her face. His relief turned to terror as she laughed and slowly raked her fingerprintnails over his marble balls.

For her part, she grew even wetter knowing the pure torque he must be suffering andThis assumed her fury. Before he was turned over to the sorority girls, she would have a little revenge herself and before she gathered up her stuff to leave, she walked into a side room and opened a large steamer trunk. Seeing the objects inside, she laughed loudly and Andrew, frozen tight in the other room rightfully grew worried.

For twenty minutes she was busy inside, but now emerged having finished with her little craft “project” she laughed as she walked back to Andrew. She had taken an old fashioned fan and superglued dozens of long feathers from a boa on the blades. Placing the contraction right under his cock, she glowered into his eyes.

“This ought to keep you company tonight FUCKER!! Think this fan will give you as good a hand-job as DEIDRA?”

If he COULD have gulped he would have, as he saw the fan and felt the tendrils ticket the crown of his manhood as she placed it into position. Now giggling uncontrollably she turned on the switch and watched as the costant whirr caused the feather blades to ticke the very tip of his cock; relentlessly, unstopping, unslowing, for as long as the switch was on.

Knowing that Andrew never could keep his dick in his pants made this particular punishment quite appropriate as now the offending appendage would be the source of his punishment. The next day after a long ticklish night, he was crated up and delivered to the Sorority House and Mary made the fastest 200 thousand dollars of her life. Although frozen in stone, Andrew he could still see and would have gasped when the crate was opened and found himself in the middle of some dark room surrounded by dozens of dark robed college girls.

His stone hear sank when he heard the Pledge Mistress speak.

“OK girls, let the ceremony begin. Your first task is for each pledge to blow the altar for one hour. Once you have proven yourselves to be the good little cocksuckers we know you are you will be allowed to join the sorority.”

Watchingin amazement, but helpless to stop them, each girl stepped forward, removed her robe and displayed her naked form to the idol (namely him) and began to stroke his marble manhood. If he had not been frozen by the rune he would have shot his wad in seconds but of course, statistics do not shoot. Trapped inside, he could do nothing but practically and silently moan as the silenty lips of each girl danced over his permanently hard and sealed balls, giving him insane sensing with no hope of ultimate torqued pleasure. Inside his marble casing though, Andrew did promise that if he ever escaped this prison, he would never cheat on his girlfriend again.


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