The School Reunion Pt. 02

A few weeks had passed since my wife, Jane’s, school reunion evening and life had more or less returned to normal. I had tried to add spanking to the, noticeably, more frequent sex sessions and but it never really felt appropriate. I wanted to, and I think she did, too but, it never felt like it was warranted.

On the school reunion evening there was a reason and Sarah had manipulated the events, but there never I still had the school reunion evening with Sarah scorched independently into my brain and had tried to find surreptitive ways for Jane to link up with Sarah again.

Occasionally I would ask if Jane was intending to go out with Sarah again. I always waited expectedly for a positive answer but her responses were always a little bit evasive. After a while I resigned myself to the fact that Jane had gone cold on the idea and the school reunion evening would forever be an exciting one-off event.

Oncea month my wife would go out with ‘the girls’ to celebrate somebody’s birthday, new job etc. This worked perfectly well with me as it gave me the freedom to go to football and the pub without feeling too much guilt. After one boozy evening around town with the girls, Jane came home the worse for wear and let slip that the girls had been harassed by annoying local Lotharios and they had been put firmly in their place by Sarah. My ears priced up and I immediately followed up on this.

“Sarah. Your school friend Sarah? I questioned.

“Yes,” she replied.

“THE Sarah?” I pressed further.

“What do you mean, THE Sarah?” she spluttered.

“You know full-well who I mean! THE Sarah! Sexy Sarah! Spanking Sarah! Is that who?”

“…Yes. She has started to come out with us. She’s a right laugh!” Jane giggled.

“…So why are you suddenly so interested?” she tried to corner me.

“I’m not… I just wondered,” I suddenly got defendive.

“Are you worried that she might say something naughty about the school reunion evening?” she teased.

“Why, has she mentioned it to you?” I asked.

“It might have cropped up in conversation,” she laughed.

“Has she told the other girls?” I looked at her in disbelief.

“Don’t worry. You come out of it as a bit of a cult-hero with the other girls! They are really jealous of Sarah and me and they keep pestering us to tell them about what it was like to be spanked and coulded.”

On one hand I wasn’t happy that Sarah had blabbed about the reunion evening spanking session to others, yet on the other hand I was more than interested to find out that other women were actually jealous of them.

“Whilst we are on the subject, that reminds me that Sarah is holding a Lingerie Party next Saturday evening at her house and all the girls are going.”

“But that’s my birthday! I thought we were going out for a meal,” I exclaimed.

“Yes, I did remember that it’s your birthday. I did tell Sarah that I couldn’t come but she insisted that I come and you are to be invited as the special birthday guest. You can give your expert opinion on the lingerie. She has checked with the other girls and they are all more than happy to have you there. Consider it to be a special birthday present from us all!”

“You have got to be joking?” I laughed.

“No, I’m serious. Everyone is up for it,” she gave me the thumbs up gesture.

I was convinced that this was a wind-up by my wife so decided to go along with the pretence. I was secretly excited just in case it was true.

The next week seemed to take forever and Jane kept on teasing me about being ‘the only male ever at a women’s lingerie party’.

I passed off her witty remarks with a laugh and a joke. I was not going to Fall for her little ruse!

When Saturday eventually arrived, I was greeted with a pile of birthday cards from family and friends. The last card I opened was in a golden envelope, but it was not a birthday card. It was a formal invitation to the Lingerie Party as the VIP guest.

The invitation stipulated two rules:-

1. You may look, but you may not touch the merchandise!

2. As the judge you are requested to wear a suit and tie.

The invitation was signed with kisses by all the girls. I showed it to Jane who nodded knewally and smiled.

“See, I did tell the truth, didn’t I?”

“I thought you were winding me up!” I replied. “So, why do I have to wear a suit and tie?”

“Don’t know, but if I were you, I wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” she laughed.

“We all have to bring at least one item of lingerie; we will all take turns showing our favourite outfit and you will give feedback on what you like about it and which is the best.”

I decided not to ask any more questions and just go along with their little game. I dressed in my one and only suit, a sombre grey ensemble together with a white shirt and a grey silk tie. It looksd like I was going to a wedding, not a party.

Meanwhile Jane took an absolute age to get ready and must have tried on everything in her wardrobe before opting for a little black dress that showed off her figure to perfection. I sensed that she was wearing stockings and suspenders as I thought I could see the tell-tale bumps on her tights through her tight dress. She looked great and I went in for a big hug, to test my stockings and suspender theory.

I was 100% correct – I didn’t get where I am today without recognizing when a beautiful lady is wearing stockings and suspenders!

We booked a taxi to take us to Sarah’s house and Jane gathered up a “Victoria’s Secret” bag to carry her “change of clothes” and we headed up the drive. I had no idea what outfit she had chosen to bring for the modelling session, as she had been really secretive about it. She did have plenty of nice lingerie to select from so I knew she would look great in whatever she had chosen!

I pressd the doorbell, and was greeted by the lovely Sarah, wearing a clingy, short white dress with a V-neck that just showed off the top of her ample cleavage. This was set off by white high heels and a white beaded necklace. Her figure looked great and she looked every bit as sexy as I remembered!

She looked me up and down. “Very smart. Very nice! She grinned at me.

She then turned around and shouted into the house, “Our VIP guest has arrived girls!”

She then gave Jane and I a very big hug and gestured for us to go in the living room where three other young women were already seated on a plus couch and a chair. There was a large coffee table covered with cheese, crackers and bottles of wine between them.

Jane introduced me to the hot-looking young ladies who were called Mandy, Chloe and Nikki. I remember seeing their names on the party invitation. I am sure I detected a few ‘knowing looks’ between them as I was introduced as Jane’s husband.

“Your reportprecedes you,” Nikki commented to me with a cheese wink.

Mandy was at least 5’9, brunette with shoulder-length straight wearing a dark red bloom with a plunging neckline that emphasized her jutting breasts. Mandy was quite loud and clearly not shy.

Her friend Chloe was a pretty “bottle-blonde” who wore a black dress with black tights and had a slim build suggesting a gym-toned physics. Chloe was also quite chatty and told a crude story of what she and her boyfriend got up to after the last lingerie party. Everyone laughed along with her and they all seemed to be good fun.

Nikki was a slightly taller brunette, who was strikingly beautiful, and simply dressed in a long classy blue skirt with matching high heels. They were all very attractive, and my birthday appeared to be getting better and better!

By the time Sarah came back into the room, some of the ladies had finished off their first glass of wine and were deep into their second, while Chloe was still half-way through the glass of red merlot that she had picked up from the neary dining room. Sarah continued to serve wine to each of them and left out several bottles in the dining room adjacent to the living along with some additional hors d’oeuvres in case they ran low on the coffee table.

Jane and I grabbed a glass of Merlot and I found myself doing a mental survey of the women there, wondering who I thought would look the best in lingerie. All the women were very desirable in their different ways and it looked like any outfit would look fantastic on Nikki. The chatting and wine continued.

In what seemed no time at all an hour passed and Sarah called the room to order by loudly tapping a spoon on her wine glass. The conversations petered out and everyone looked at Sarah.

“OK ladies (and gentle), it’s time to get the show started!” This was followed by a few whoops by Mandy and Chloe.

“Before we began, you may just have noticed that we have a VIP guest judge amongst us this evening. It is also his birthday, so I want you all to be especially nice to him!”

They all then sang an improvepu ‘Happy Birthday’ while I sat feeling slightly embarrassed about it all.

She then continued, “House rules dictate that he may look but not touch. So, to ensure that he is not tempted to touch, we have something to make life a little bit easier for him.”

A pair of handscuffs then appeared, which were used to fasten my hands behind my back as I sat on an upright kitchen chair. She then produced a blindfold and placed it over my eyes.

“As the VIP guest and judge of the show we will need to make sure you cannot see us as we change into our chosen outfits.”

“Ladies, let’s get ready!”

There was some general grumbling, but everyone changed right there in different parts of the living room. For about 10 minutes I could hear the sound of carrier bags being opened, women giggling to each other, doors being opened and closed and furniture being moved around the room. I discovered that if I tilted my head upwards and could see some light under the blindfold and could just make out the shapes of women moving about, but nothing more.

The music was turned up and the blindfold removed. I could see through the dimmed lights that the couch and love seat had been moved to create an open space in front of me where the women could parade, like a fashion show runway. There was no-one else in the room.

Suddenly a door was pushed ajar and Sarah loudly announced, “And now Ladies and Gentlemen, let show begin.”

The music changed to Alice Cooper’s – ‘School’s Out’ and the door fully opened. The girls filed through and stood in front of me. They were not wearing lingerie! I had to do a double-take, because each one of the girls were standing in front of me wearing a sexy school uniform!

“What the hell is going on?” I thought to myself.

Jane and Sarah were wearing the same sexy schoolgirl outfits they had worn for the school reunion evening, and both looked as hot as I remembered. My eyes were drawn to the tall, elegant Nikki. Her face was a little flushed and her hair a little tousled. Her white blouse was far too tight, stretched by her creamy breasts which were emphasized with the support of a Wonderbra and between which her school tie nestled. The navy skirt was very short, cinching at her waist and just about covering her bottom and when she moved I could see her black stocking tops. She still managed to look more classy than slutty and I think I liked her look the best of the five. She looked like she should be the head girl!

Sarah had put her long blonde hair into two pig-tails and drawn some freckles on her face. Once again, she was not wearing a bra as her pert nipples were clearly visible through the thin fabric of the shirt.

Mandy was wearing an old-fashioned, navy-blue gymslip with black stockings, black suspenders, black stiletto heels, a white shirt, stripy tieand a straw boater hat. She had also tied her hair back in a little pony tail.

Chloe had dressed in black patent heels, black stockings, white blouse, striped tie, and blazer oh yes and skirt! Did I not mention the skirt? Her skirt was only just visible below the bottom of her blazer. It was so short I could already see a tiny triangle of white cotton covering her pussy.

I was sure I should be looking up at their faces but those hemlines had me hooked!

“Do you like?” Jane purred.

“From what we have heard, we thought you’ might just like these outfits.” Nikki interrupted.

“Are you ready?” Sarah asked.

“Yeah, I’m ready, but ready for what?” I asked.

“Well, we thought we would get a nice birthday present for you, so here it is!”

At this, each girl turned round and slowly ran their hands over their bums and lifted their hems of their skirts! I could hardly believe my eyes. I was literally a few feet away from five gorgeous white pantie-covered bums. Mandy had opted for traditional larger school knickers. They were so tight they followed the contours of her heavenly bum cream and the elastic dug into her legs. The other girls wore sexy, plain white cotton panties. All were absolutely delicious!

“Oh my god,” I thought. “Surely must be the point where I wake up with a massive hard on and a big wet patch in my boxer shorts.”

The girls bent over and wiggled their bums in my face then straightened up. They remained standing there, with their skirts lifted, gently swinging their sexy bums from side to side. I did notice that when Nikki bent, she had kept her legs straight showing off her white cotton regulation seamless schoolgirl knickers. She then put her thumbs in the sides and pulled them half way down her sexy arse cheeses, as though she was going to take them off completely. Unfortunately, she suddenly stopped and turned to look at me. My face must have been a picture because she giggled out loud. She then pulledThey back up and joined in the bum wiggling display. She was obviously a bit of a dark horse!

“Do you like what you see?” Sarah asked over her shoulder. “Jane says that you like looking at girls in schoolgirl uniforms and white panties.”

I don’t know how long they stood there with their skirts raised as time seemed to have stopped. My throat had completely constricted and I was unable to say anything, I just cought and nodded my head. My heart was pounding and my chest felt tight but I was really turned on. The girls could tell I was too, by the large bulge in my trousers. I was beginning to get uncomfortable and really needed to adjust my hard cock in my boxers. I was not in a position to do this!

“Have you seen enough of our naughty schoolgirl panties yet?” she teased.

I decided ‘in for a penny in for a pound’ so I plucked up courage and cleared my throat.

“Uh well I err no! Not really! It would be really nice if you all turned round so that I can seethe front of your panties as well?” I stuttered with very little authority at all!

Jane promptly dropped her skirt and turned round to look at me, the others followed suit.

Sarah stared at me with a curious grin on her face.

“So now you want to see the front of our schoolgirl white panties as well. Is that what you are asking?”

I cleared my throat again. “Well yeah, I guess I am. It is my birthday and surely I am allowed a birthday wish?”

“What do we think ladies? Sarah asked. “Shall we grant him his birthday wish?”

“Why not,” giggled Mandy.

“Fine by me, let’s make it a birthday for him to remember, shall we?” Sarah said.

“Ok ladies when you’re ready,” said Sarah. “After three. One, two, three!”

On the count of three, each girl raised the front her skirt, and there I was, transported back to heaven as I stared at five panty covered pussy mounds. I could make out the shape of three bald slots and two gorgeous mounds, each with a layoutr of thin white fabric covering them, just a few inches from my face! The panties were just transparent enough to see the outlines of pussies, but just opaque enough to hide the finer details!

Each girl was standing with her legs slightly apart. I wanted them all!! I was sure I could see just the merest hint of a damp spot on Sarah’s panties, but unfortunately, I got no more time to look closer.

“Is that enough Birthday Boy, or do you want more?” Sarah teased me.

“More. more please!” I spluttered.

“If you want more, I will need to put the blindfold back on you.” She covered my eyes once more and blanked out the vision of schoolgirl loveliness in front of me.

“On your knees then!”

Two girls lifted my arms and guided me onto the floor in front of my chair, still with my hands cuffed behind my back. I had no idea what was going to happen next. Luckily, I did not have long to wait as I could sense someone was standing right in front of me, inches from my face.

I could hear giggling and then I felt a hand at the back of my head, gently coaxing me forwards. My mouth made contact with warm, slightly damp material and I could detect the sweet aroma of an aroused female. I didn’t know who it was but decided to make the most of the opportunity by kissing and licking the pantie covered pussy. I managed to soak the material with my saliva which gave my tongue more feeling of the moist treasures within. I tried to push my tongue through the material as far as it would go and sucked as much of the shamen haven as I could. My head was pulled even harder into the mystery girl’s crotch and I could hear soft moaning but still could not work out who it was.

After a minute or so I could hear whispering and my head was released from its vice-like grip. The wet pussy moved away from me but was Instantly replaced by another delightful sweet- smelling pantie covered crotch. I was in heaven as I kissed, licked and sucked the panties of all five girls. I knew the familiar taste of Jane, my wife and I worked out which one was Mandy, from the larger school knickers she was wearing. As I licked the others, I tried to imagine who was Chloe, Sarah and Nikki. They had all forced my mouth into their pussy, and their pussy into my mouth as hard as they could. They all tasted lovely!

After this I was helped back into my seat and the blindfold was removed. The girls all looked a little red and flustered but sadly, each skirt had been lowered and smoothed down to hide the evidence my tongue work. Nikki smiled, winked and pumped her lips as if blowing a kiss but without the hand action.

“Ok, the show’s over,” Sarah laughed. “It’s time for a drink. All this pantie flashing has made me quite thirsty!”

“I don’t need one. I’ve just had my fill!” I joked, licking my lips.

“So, did you enjoy your birthday present?” Sarah asked with a wide grin on her face.

“Why is it all over so soon?” I cheekily replied.



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