Although this story stands alone, it is strongly recommended that you read the first chapter to fully appreciate the challenges facing Laura.
Laura has been experiencing problems in her personal and business life that other forms of therapy had been unable to remedy. As a last resort she has visited a school where Martin is the owner.
A very special thanks to my editor, WhiteWave48, for proof reading and for her very constructive comments.
“What exactly is the problem?” Laura almost screamed. “I have the money and you have a service that I am willing to pay for. How can there be a problem? I’ll pay double.”
The look on Martin’s face infuriated Laura. It wasn’t arrest, but it was his insufferable confidence and that she seemed so predictable. The innovation was aggregated by his ability to make her feel her behavior and reaction were always wrong. She felt like a mouse in a maze and that he knew all the short cuts. She was being led aroundthe maze like a small child until she found the route that he already knew. But it was the enigma of the control that made her hot with anger and frustration, and hot with pure lust, wanting him to pound her like a rag doll.
“It is not a matter of money. Your views and attitudes are from your generation, just as mine are from mine. However, for the purposes of this school, the differences in our attitudes and expectations may be irreconcilable.
“What you will accept as a normal standard of behavior — and so would many of your generation — I will not. You will have many challenges in this school if you decide to enroll. The added challenge of meeting my expectations may be beyond you, and may limit the degree to which you attain the peace you seek. In the exceptionally short time that you have been here — a mere few hours — you probably believe already that you have experienced a change in your perception of the world. It is, however, very small compared to the change that I would require if I were to take control of you and your group.
“Many coming to this school do not seek the fullness and the richness that can be achieved; most people today seek a much shallower level of reward.”
At this Martin could feel Laura bristle and stand more erect, as though she was seeking to attain some dominance herself. Martin simply smiled as he continued.
“I know that is a big generalization, but I believe it to be true. Looks, physical appearance, and a hard body are taken as being much more important than other factors. Our clients — or students — are generally much happier with younger, fitter, and less demanding leaders compared to old tasks masters who only seek perfection.”
At this Laura really did show her displeasure. She had rarely been so thoroughly challenged in one sentence by anyone. It was made even worse because Laura didn’t believe that Martin could possibly understand or appreciate her values or attitudes, and that she really would be in control when he finally did. After all, one didn’t become successful in a modern competitive business world without determination. Laura knew that she wasn’t the shallow, self-centered bitch for which she’d been taken.
“Consider all those sing competitions for made-up groups. Once they’ve been selected, what happens? They get dragged off to a gym so they lose weight and tighten up so they look good on the screen. Forget how they sound when they sing. Appearance outweights substance. Sinatra spend many hours with his head underwater, learning to control his breathing. Today, it’s who has the best video. Besides, there are other issues that suggest that another leader would be the best choice.”
“Who is Sinatra?” asked a bewildered Laura, some confused over the direction the conversation had took. Martin snorted and ignored the question.
“Before you commit to our program here, I think that it may be wise for you to fully examine the commitment that you are making. Perhaps when you better understand the program you may appreciate that there are better people more suited to helping you.” Martin paused for effect and then continued. “Let me show you through the facility and you’ll get a better idea what we offer. Please follow me.”
With that, he turned on his heel and Laura could do little but follow him out of his office.
As they passed his secretary’s desk, Laura noted, in a somewhat disapproving tone, “I see that your secretary is still missing.”
Martin took a right turn down the corridor.
“We run a very flexible operation. I trust my staff and allow them to do their job in a manner that best suits them. If Nicole wants to sit by the pool all day, that’s okay by me as long as everything runs smoothly. If it doesn’t, then I expect her or them to fix it — and minimize the possibility of it happening again. Often, blow and control are energy-draining activities and not cost effective. She has only been herefor six months, but already she has made me feel almost redundant, and if that means she is not tied to her desk, then so be it. I employ independent, creative people, not children who require a wet nurse and are too scared and intimidated to make a decision.”
The unattractive tone of disgust in his voice at her implied criticism was almost frightening.
Now her management style was being challenged.
“Why is ‘redundant’ good?” she asked, totally baffled at the logic of this statement.
They continued at a rather brisk pace that challenged Laura, and stopped at a lift door. It opened and they went in. Martin pushed the ‘P’ button and continued talking as the lift descended.
“Simple. If I’m not tied down with the boring details of the daily operation then I can focus on matters that are more interesting and challenging — and more important to the quality and future of this business. Before Nicole arrived I seemed to be endlessly tied down in complex issues such as the color of the toilet paper that should be used in the guests’ rooms. She decided that Housekeeping could investigate such matters, leaving more free time for me. She has been able to do that with so many issues that I now believe she is more important to the business than I am.” He turned and looked Laura straight in the eye.
“Ever see a company becomes lost and so drowned in trivia that they can’t see the forest for the trees? They are so busy surviving on a daily basis that they can’t plan long-term. Unseen and undetected competitors suddenly appear and all is lost. Now that I can focus, I’m enjoying the role more, and I am happier. I come to the job each day with more energy, focus, and enthusiasm.”
Again he paused and looked directly at Laura. “Perhaps there is a lesson in that for all of us.” And again his voice was in that same unattractive tone.
The lift came to a stop and they took another right hand turn. Laura was faced with a massive swimming pool set in rather spectacular landscaping. Around the pool were some of the most attractive people that Laura had ever seen. It was almost like a Coke-a-Cola commercial with perfect bodies everywhere. The women were in various stages of undress, and, interestingly enough, some wearing nothing but bikini tops, their nakedness shavled bare below.
“Why the bottomless look?” asked the intrigued Laura.
“Many of the activities in the pool can be strong, and unsupported boobs can be very uncomfortable when they’re being slapped around. The bra is logical. They are held because that is a requirement of their leader. They may also be bare by choice or because they’ve been forbidden by their leader to cover themselves.”
Laura’s jaw dropped and she looked at Martin in pure disbelief.
“What happens if they Refuse?”
“They are asked to leave the school and no money is refunded. This is all part of the contract that each signs when they enroll in the school — adults have made a conscious choice to experience a new lifestyle. For some it is the novelty, or because of problems they face at home. For others it is the desire to experience something naughty and exciting, and there are those who generally love the lifestyle compared to other types of holiday.
“We have a resort in Russia where people sleep on straw beds with thin, coarse woollen blankets and are fed gruel and water. There are Even mock killings of the hired help. For a large extra payment they are allowed to sleep on a ‘bed of nails’. Some people feel there is a need to understand the change and be taught to appreciate the advantages of a different lifestyle. That is why this is a school and not a resort.
“Look at the brunette on your left. Her name is Katrina. She is sitting with her legs open and she is completely exposed. To be able to do that in a group or men and women take great confidence and courage. In fact, she is one of our great success stories. When she initiallycame here she was introverted and almost scared of the other sex. Now she has learned to appreciate her sexuality, and her naturally submissive nature and has embedded her new lifestyle. She couldn’t be happier. She was grossly in debt before she started here, trying to buy happiness with money. She sold most of her possessions to get out of debt and now she very few of them, but she does have a feeling of complete comfort with her own body and her sexuality.”
Laura looked in the direction that Martin indicated. Katrina sat on a wooden outdoor locke, slightly reclined, with each foot on the opposite corner of the horizontal section. In the heat of the sun, herer body was covered in a thin layer of sweat. Her position relative to Laura meant that Laura was afforded a view directly between the brunette’s legs and was presented with a perfect picture of the magic triangle between them. The skin was completely bald and the dark crevice where the two folds met was highly visible. Thesight was even more erotic as Katrina was wearing a bikini top, and this seemed to make the exposure of the lower section even more forbidden and exciting. She sat with her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open, as though she was ready for a lover’s kiss.
And Martin produced a question that was both unexpected, frightening and challenging. He dropped his voice.
“How would you feel if you were out there, completely exposed?”
Laura felt a wave of fear wash over her; her knees became wobbly, and the color drained from her face. What Martin saw was the color leaving her face and the wild started look; it was enough answer for him.
“I see. It is interesting that so many women are ashamed of or even uncomfortable with their own bodies. They cover their bathing suit with towels and even find it uncomfortable or unnerving to shower where they can see their own reflection in a mirror. Perhaps Katrina has learnt something that others have yet to learn.”
Martin rawased his eyesbrows at one the men whom Laura assumed to be one of the lifeguards. He came over and Martin introduced him as Max. They shook hands, and Laura couldn’t help but admit the masculine perfection that stood in front of her. Martin whispered something in Max’s ear and he left.
Laura watched as he went directly to the woman Martin had been talking about and said something to her. She immediately placed her feet flat on the ground each side of the locke. This action had the affect of opening her legs even wider, and spreading her pussy lips a little more. She moved her right hand to the top of her thighs and started to gently massage the top of her pussy. Laura looked at Martin and then back at the woman. She raised her hand, pointed, and stuttered,
“She’s … “
“Yes. And she appears to be quite good at it as she seems to be enjoying her efforts.”
The women’s hand was now making wider circles and applying more pressure. The palm of her hand was locked onThe curve of her pelvis and her fingers moved across and around her pussy lips, firstly pushing them together and then separating them, such was the force applied. Moisture started to see from the folds and the motion intensified. The rocking motion caused the beads of perspiration on her skin to roll down her tummy. Here they met her forearm which guided them across the smooth pelvic skin, and down between her legs. It gave the impression that Her energy was being concentrated on the skin between her legs.
Laura watched, transfixed, but felt the secretions from her own pussy matching those of the brunette. Out of the corner of her eye, Laura noticed that one of the passers-by had stopped and was showing the same interest in Katrina’s activities as was Laura. The new observer was a stunning blonde about 6 feet tall with a classic 34 – 24 – 36 frame and generous ‘C’ cups to match. The object of their attention also noticed the tall blonde and moved her hand in even more outrageus circles.
Katrina’s other hand pushed the right bra cup aside and started to rub her breast and aggressively pinch the nipple. She removed the covering from the other side and repeated the massaging and pinching of the other. At the same time, her mouth opened just the slightest and the very tip of her pink tongue poked out, barely showing against the brunette’s mouth that had been painted a classic red lipstick. The tip stayed there for a few seconds and then her mouth opened wider, the tip sliding across the top lip where it was barely visible but all the more erotic because of the subtlety of the gesture. When the tip reached a corner it traveled even more slowly across the bottom lip.
Laura thought that it was one of the sexiest gestures that she had ever seen. The tall blonde must have thought so too, because she went over, bent down, and made contact with a full lip-to-lip forceful kiss. Katrina responded with equal force and the blonde moved her hand down betweenthe other girl’s legs. As she did so, the brunette’s hand left her boob and went between the legs of the blonde. Laura had a perfect view as the blonde moved her hand down and inserted firstly one and then two fingers in to the brunette’s pussy.
Their kissing became more enthusiastic until Katrina’s hips started to buck. The blonde inserted another finger and then started to finger fuck the brunette. Almost withdrawing her hand, she then slammed it back into the open cunt while Katrina’s hips thrust up to meet the probing hand.
Standing there, Laura was spell-bound as she had never seen a woman do that to another woman; she had never seen women kiss with such password and fire let alone use their fingers to excite each other in front of an audience. For a brief moment she wondered what it would be like to be one of the women, to actually feel the texture and moisture of the sex of another female. Would the liquid taste the same as hers? How much different would the bald skinfeel compared to her hairy texture? What would it be like to touch another female with the understanding that hot open sex was involved?
Riding over these emotions was the revulsion at watching two women doing this — and doing it in public — and the disgust at the intensity of the emotions that she was experiencing. When the two women climaxed, she almost followed them. Certainly there was a strong smell that accompanied them, and Laura was sure there was liquid running down the inside of Katrina’s legs.
With a tremor in her voice and unable to mention what she had just seen, Laura tried to draw attention from the two women as they continued to gently care each other.
“The lifeguards are rather attractive. Do you hand-pick them?”
“We don’t have lifeguards here. The men to whom you refer are the group leaders. You Just met Max, the brunette’s leader and she must do everything he commands. That little show that I believe you enjoyed,” here Laura again went backd as Martin continued, “occurred because I suggested the idea to Max. He agreed, gave the command, she naturally followed the instruction and we watched the performance. The added intervention of Sally, the blonde, in our little play was most unexpected and certainly beneficial.”
Laura refused to discuss the incident as she was still very confused and uncomfortable about her reaction to the complete performance. She was also feeling very scared as Martin seemed to be able to turn everything back on her. She was relieved to be saved from any need to respond when he continued.
“As you can see, our group leaders are all in the finest physical shape and present the best picture of today’s male. If you look closely, they do present the best ‘package’ of manliness that you could expect.” Martin stressed the word ‘package’, and Laura knew instantly what he means.
The emphasis on this one word forced Laura to look at the brief bathers each was wearing, the swim suits barely constraining the muscle that was clearly outlined behind the thin nylon. Laura’s eyes moved from groin to groin as she quickly surveyed each male pelvis within the pool area. She couldn’t believe the size of the ‘packages’ these men carried; far larger than anything Laura everhad to contend with. One looked as though it was half erect, and the idea of the full size of the monster caused her nipples to harden and her pussy to start its Secretions again. Almost subconsciously she actually pushed her pussy in the direction of her gaze. Her mouth started to open and a small sight escaped as she imagined that body on top of her, pounding away with that monster cock in her tight pussy.
Martin noticed her reaction without comment, at least for a short time. Then, in a very soft voice, he leaned closer and spoke to her.
“These are the men that you decided would not suit you. Are you sure you made the correct choice?”
Again, there was that subtle intimidation, the suggestion that she had been foolish and silly. Certainly the obvious male power that these bodies demonstrated could not be discounted. They moved with the grace of animals looking over their claim, certain that no challenge to their pack existed. The attention was timeless, the athleticism of the male to guarantee food and protection from competing males, to ensure the subservice of the female, a stark reminder that any resistance to their will is futile.
Historically, the absolute physical power of the male over the female is a guarantee that the more powerful one always gets what he wants. It is the same strength that reassures the female she will be safe as long as the male is around and happy. It was the obvious display of masculinity, the skin exposure, the package display, the message that each was sending of sex – not in the sense of fucking, but sex as in protection, breeding, and the raw basic urges of continuing the human race – that Laura was finding almost overwhelming. The stark contrast between Martin’s control and precision compared to the message these men were sending was deeply emotional for Laura.
As she looked at each one, she just wanted to fall backwards, spread her legs and drag him on top of her. The desire to feel his body thrusting into hers, to feel his breath on her skin, to hear the animal grunts accompanying each thrust; to feel the floor grab her skin as she was pushed along; to grab his back and try and pull more of him into her; to feel a big cock slam into her wet cunt and feel as though it was coming out of her mouth; the desire to feel him make that final slam and spew cum deep within her was overwhelming. The imagery was breathtakingly real, so real that Laura had difficulty in understanding exactly where she was. She made an attempt to cover her confusion and to support her earlier decision.
“No, you would never make me do what Max made Katrina do,” she said.
“Not only would I make you do that, I just made her dothat.” Martin stated the obvious in a very authoritative tone.
Martin turned back and Laura followed him back to the lift. Her head was hurting and she was emotionally drained from the earlier experience in his office — his refusal to become involved, the behavior of the other people in the school, and the normality that had disappeared since she had first walked in to this weird building. Every one of her attitudes and beliefs had been confronted in a most aggressive fashion: her business beliefs, her sexuality, and even the concept of normalcy. She was the one usually in control; others confirmed to her requirements – in bed and business. Here no-one played by those rules. Even the normal chain of command was lost in this place, secretaries telling managers how to run the business.
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