This story is the property of the author. It is not to be changed in any way, nor published or shown at other web sites without the permission of the author.
All comments appreciated.
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Robert finished his morning classes and strolled leisurely into the Student Union for lunch prior to his afternoon classes. He sat down to eat when he felt someone playfully ruffle his hair. He turned to see Ellen smiling at him. “Hi, Robert, remember me?” asked Ellen.
“Sure…Hi…Ellen,” stammered Robert, blushing a bit. He felt self-conscious at the sudden meeting the girl he had been sexually involved with, several nights ago. Ellen sat down at Robert’s table without invitation and began sorting out her lunch selections.
“Oh, do you mind if I sit with you, Robert?” she asked as she bit into her hamburger.
“No…no…please do, Ellie,” he said uneasily. Ellen smiled and began rattling on about some obscure events about to happen at the University.She continued talking as they ate, with Robert appearing to understand all that she was saying, but in fact, he had no idea, nor did he care, what she was talking about.
“So, Robert, what have you been up to since I last saw you?” Without waiting for Robert to reply, Ellen continued talking, telling Robert that she wanted him to visit her room at the women’s dorm this evening. He shrugged his Shoulders and shook his head.
“Males aren’t allowed in the rooms at the women’s dorm, Ellen,” he told her.
“You forget that Martha is the Dorm Mother. She’ll let you in,” countered Ellen, “she also lets my rooms boyfriends in when they are horny, so there’s no problem.”
“If I got caught and was suspended, Miss Agnes would kick me out,” replied Robert.
“No one is going to kick you out. Besides you’re going to come as ‘Roberta’, not Robert, silly,” said Ellen, as she got up to leave. Robert was speechless as he watched Ellen walk smartly away, smiling as she lookedback at him for a moment. Robert shook his head and dismissed the idea, as he finished his lunch and opened a book to review his lessons before the next class.
Later, Robert returned to his room at Miss Agnes’ house and began his homework. He recognized Agnes’s knock on his door and called for her to come in. Smiling, Agnes entered Robert’s room and gave him a motherly kiss on his cheek. “How was your day, Robert?” she asked.
“Good,” replied Robert, “I saw Ellen at the Student Union today.”
“Oh, that was nice, I bet.”
“Yeah, she’s cute. She wants me to come to her Dorm tonight, but I’ve got too much homework.”
“Well I suggest you anxious and finish it, because Aunt Martha wants Roberta to visit Ellen tonight,” Agnes told him. “I don’t think you want to disappoint Aunt Martha, do you Robert?”
“No ma’am,” Robert said quietly.
“Good. Please call me when you’re finished with your homework and I’ll help ‘Roberta’ dress,” Agnes said as she left his room, closing the door behind her. Robert was resigned to his fate as he returned to his homework. It was dusk when Robert finished his shower and called to Agnes that he was ready to dress. He had abandoned any thought of arguing with Agnes about going to the Dorm. When Agnes made up her mind it was useless to challenge her. He knew that he must obey her or lose his scholarship, but even worse he would lose his relationship with Agnes and her friends. The sex had enrapped him totally.
Agnes laid out ‘Roberta’s’ clothes on the bed in her room. Her selections favored early 1950’s underwear colors, as she held up a pink lacy bra to show it to Robert as he walked in wrapped in his towel. Agnes quickly stripped him of the towel revealing a semi-hard cock, quickly growing bigger. She grasped his cockhead and squeezed it force the blood out and return it to a more flaccid state. Quickly she encased his cock and balls in their nylon net harness, securing it to his wait with a leather cord. Agnes hastened to fit the lacy pink bra and pink thong panties on Robert. Next, she had him put on sheer thigh high nylons with strong lacy elastic bands at the top, thus eliminating any need for a garter belt.
Robert put on a knee length pleated skirt and a dressy blouse. Agnes selected a pair of wedgies for his feet and finished dressing him with his red wig. Pleased with her selections, Agnes set about With his makeup, assuring that it was sparingly applied. Finally, she was finished and decidedly pleased with herself. “What do you think, Roberta?” she asked, leading him to the mirror. Robert smiled as he viewed the pretty ‘girl’ smiling at him from within the mirror. He nodded his approval and Agnes hugged him, kissing his cheek.
Agnes and ‘Roberta’ heard a car pull into the drive, as they descended the stairs. Agnes opened the door to let Ellen come bouncing in, grinning from ear to ear as she saw ‘Roberta’. “Hello Mistress Agnes. Hi, Roberta, you look great! Are you ready to go meet my friends?” Again Ellen did not wait for a response as she continued, “You’ll like my rooms and I know they will like you,” she grinned. “Phyllis is a wonderfully complete slut and Linda is a nun, but she’s nice. Some one has to be a virgin, I guess, so why not Linda?”
“Will you be out late tonight?” Agnes asked Ellen.
“No Mistress, I’ll have ‘Roberta’ home before eleven. Momma Martha wants lights out at eleven thirty on week nights,” replied Ellen. “Ready?” she asked Robert. He nodded as they bid Agnes goodbye and left to get Ellen’s car. Robert was uncomfortable about the whole impending evening, but knew it was pointless to resist. He breathed deeply and surprised forlornly.
“Why did you call Miss Agnes, Mistress?” Robert asked Ellen as they drove off toward the Dorm.
“Because, silly, she is our Mistress, yours and mine,” Ellen said, “Why do you call her, ‘Miss Agnes’?”
“No, I don’t think of her in that way,” stated Robert, “she isa nice lady, that’s why I respectfully call her Miss Agnes.”
“Look, ‘Roberta’, she is a Dominatrix who ties you up, spanks your ass black and blue, humiliates you by dressing you as a girl and make you jack off in front of two other Dominatrix’s any time she feels like it. If that’s not Domination then I don’t know what to call it.” Without waiting for him to reply, Ellen continued, “Look, whether you want to admit it or not, both you and I are sex slaves to all three of them. We do it because we love it!” she declared. “I love being dressed up, or more properly undressed, as a baby, sucked, fucked, tied up, spanked, sometimes whipped and sexually abused until I can’t stand the pleasure anymore. You are the same way, ‘Roberta’, why else would you tolerate being dressed that way. Lets face it darling, we love to be dominated, fuck, suck, or be fucked and sucked, and we’ll keep doing it as long as we can! Right?”
Robert nodded heavily, realizing that Ellen was right.He didn’t feel any different than she did about their circumstances. In fact, he wouldn’t change places with any other student in the University. He reluctantly concluded that he was indeed a slave to Agnes and she deserved to be called Mistress. Ellen smiled at him knowingly, as she pulled into the Dorms parking lot. They walked towards the door and some of the male students in the parking lot whistled at them, or shouted to Ellen to tell them who her pretty friend was. Robert, self-conscious, nervously smiled to himself as they entered the Dorm and approached the Dorm Mothers office. “Hello, Ellen and how are you, Roberta? You both look lovely tonight,” said Martha as she watched them enter the elevator.
“Thanks, Dorm Mom,” Ellen called to Martha, as she pushed the floor button and the elevator whisked them away to Ellen’s room. They entered the room to see two girls preparing to shower. They smiled at Ellen and ‘Roberta’ as they entered. “Hi, guys,” said Ellen, “this is my friend, Roberta.”
“Hi, Roberta, I’m Phyllis and this is Linda,” said Phyllis, pointing to Linda, “Linda is safe. She’s saving it for Mr. Right. Ellen and me plan to leave a little something for Mr. Right, but until he comes along we’re going to make sure our cunnies don’t dry up and whether away. Right, Ellen?”
“Jesus, Phyllis, you’re such a slut!” exclaimed Linda, as Ellen laughed. Robert flushed a little and decided that he should just keep quiet. Linda was obviously annoyed as she gathered her toiletries in preparation for her shower.
“No, Linda, I’m not just a slut. I’m a fucking slut!” Phyllis declared, while she and Ellen laughed heartily.
“Honey,” said Linda to Roberta, “these two will lead you down the primrose path if you let them.” Robert just nodded and smiled weakly.
“Oh, Linda, don’t be such a shit,” declared Ellen, “Phyllis is just teasing you. Now say something nice so Roberta will know you’re a good girl,” teased Ellen.
“Fuck you, Ellie, I’m going to shower. Talking with you two always make me feel dirty,” said Linda, “Roberta, sorry honey, I was having a decent day ’til Ellen showed up. Watch out, with those two.” Linda went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. She dropped her robe revealing a beautifully shaped body prominently displaying perfectly molded breasts that defied gravity. She looked at Ellen staring at her tits and smiled, “Not in your wildest dreams, cunt!” she said as she closed the shower door. Robert could feel his cock scanning at his harness, but no matter how he strained he could not get a hard-on.
“Well, Roberta, that’s Linda,” said Ellen, “Say hello to Phyllis, the best fuck on campus. She is getting close to meeting my ‘Mom’ when I go home for the Thanksgiving break.” Robert knew that Ellen means Martha when she said Mom, but he just nodded and said hello to Phyllis.
“Damn, Ellen, you sure know how to introduce a girl, don’t you,” Phyllis said as she embraced ‘Roberta’ and kissed her hello on the cheek.
“Roberta has a twin brother who goes to school here, Phyllis, and she is visiting him this weekend. I just brought her over to meet some girls while she’s here,” said Ellen, “Are you going out, Phyllis?”
“Maybe, Tom is coming over later with his friend, Corky. I think he wants to get Corky laid and will try to get me to do them both.”
“Are you going to do it?” asked Ellen.
“Probably, but I’m not one hundred percent sure. Depends on where they take me. If I get to go to a great restaurant and a show, I’ll probably fuck their brains out,” Phyllis giggled and added, “It will be a quick job, with their brains.”
Linda came out of the shower, naked, and walked up to Ellen, kissed her Cheek and hugged her. “Sorry I was such a bitch, Ellie. I know you’re a dear friend, but sometimes you get to me,” she said as she walked, tits jiggling tightly, to her closet. Robert could not take his eyes off her tits and wonderfully shaped ass. Again,His cock strained at his nylon prison. Ellen returned the hug and helped Linda dry her hair, while Robert continued to star at Linda’s beautifully molded tits. Linda knew that Ellen swung both ways, but she liked her anyway, even though she knew that Ellen wanted to ‘break Linda’s cherry’ with girl-girl action. However, Linda was committed to wait until she met the right man.
Linda dressed and told her rooms she was going out with her friend and would be back at eleven. “O.K., Linda,” said Ellen, “but not a moment earlier!” The girls laughed at Ellen’s obvious reference that Linda should not come home too early, because Ellen might be ‘busy’. Linda left shaking her head and Phyllis began undressing to take her shower. When she was naked, Ellen asked her if she would like to ‘do’ Roberta.
“Ellen, you know that I don’t just ‘do’ girls just ’cause they’re available. I might ‘do’ girls in a fuck-fest, but you know I would rather fuck guys,” Phyllis told her, as Robert eyed her lovely tits that swwayed delightfully as she talked. She had sparse hair over her mons, but Robert noted that her cunt area was shaken smooth, allowing her cuntlips to be prominently displayed.
“You do me, Phyllis,” said Ellen softly.
“No, Ellen, you do me, when I’m horny, but I have never initiated any fucking bi-action. Once you get me going, yes, I Sometimes join in and ‘do’ you too,” Phyllis reminded her. Ellen smiled as Phyllis continued to get ready to shower and reached under ‘Roberta’s’ skirt and untied his harness. She allowed his cock to spring to a firm erection and his balls to swing freely. Gently, Ellen fondled Robert’s cock and balls while she talked.
“Phyllis, you really should consider ‘doing’ Roberta. I’m positive she’d be perfect for you,” said Ellen as she continued fondling Robert’s cock under his skirt. Ellen arose briefly and quietly switched on her hidden camcorder, which was aimed at her bed.
“Jesus, Ellen, didn’t you hear anythingI just said? I’m going to shower not f…” Phyllis was struck speechless as Ellen lifted ‘Roberta’s’ skirt revealing his upright cock seeing pre-cum. “Oh my God…Ellen, that’s a cock!” she exclaimed.
“Sure is, Phyl…Want a suck?” asked Ellen, as she bent down to lick the pre-cum from Robert’s cockhead. Phyllis dropped to her knees in front of Robert and greedily took his cock into her mouth. She licked all over the satiny cockhead and then took him deep into her throat. “See, Phyl, you are a fucking slut. That’s why I love you so much, you cunt! Give me some of that cock, now!” Both girls kneeled to jointly suck and lick at Robert’s cock. Phyllis let Ellen deep throat Robert’s cock while she took his balls into her mouth and sucked greedily on both of them.
As Phyllis sucked at Robert’s cock and balls, Ellen strapped a leather cock ring tightly around Robert’s hard upright cock. “Look, Phyl, with this cock ring he won’t be able to cum, even if he wanted to, so let’s fuckhis brains out!” cried Ellen. Phyllis pushed Robert down on the bed and straddled his hips. She slipped his rock hard cock deep into her cunt and began fucking it, while she pulled and squeezed her nipples. Ellen was not to be denied. She quickly pulled off her clothes and mounted Robert’s head facing Phyllis, setting her very wet cunt on Robert’s mouth.
Eagerly, Robert thrust his tongue as deep as it would go into Ellen’s pussy, as he lapped up her cunt nectar and swallowed it. Ellen bent down and began to lick at Phyllis’s clip as she rode Robert’s cock. Phyllis came hard as she shuddered through her first orgasm, but continued fucking Robert’s cock with out letup. Ellen, with her head still buried at Phyllis’s clip, reached up to pull at Phyllis’s nipples. Phyllis returned the pleasure, as she too, reached down to pull, pinch and squeeze Ellen’s nipples.
Ellen forced her asshole to Robert’s mouth and he pushed his tongue hard against her sphincter. Deep within her, Ellen felt her orgasm boiling to the point of exploration. As the orgasm overtook her, Robert moved his tongue back to her cunt, just as she exploded her cum all over his face. He eagerly lapped up the cunt juices, with particular emphasis on her clip, driving her crazy with orgasm. Phyllis, rose up and turned her back to Ellen and continued fucking Robert’s cock without withdrawing it. Ellen immediately switched from sucking Phyllis’s cunt to licking her asshole, while again reaching around to pull Phyllis’s tits and nipples. Phyllis reached back and found Ellen’s nipples and continued pulling at them.
Phyllis came hard again. This time she sustained her orgasm for nearly a full minute, relishing every second. Ellen came again from Robert’s tongue, as she implemented Phyllis to switch places with her. Phyllis ignored Ellen until she came again in a shuddering mind numbing orgasm that was so intense she nearly failed. Slowly, Phyllis arose from Robert’s stiff cock and Ellen swiftly impaled herself on the magnificently stiff phallus. Phyllis stumbled as she mounted Robert’s head to push her flowing wet cunt down on his lips. Robert didn’t disappoint her as he thrust his tongue deep into her pussy.
Ellen rod Robert hard and she exploded in orgasm almost immediately after mounting him. Lost in orgiastic frenzy, Phyllis bent down to seek out Ellen’s clip with her mouth. Ellen smiled at Phyllis and kept fucking herself on Robert’s cock while gasping from her rooms tongue on her clip, she cried out, “God, Phyllis, you’re such a magnificent cunt, you fucking slut, I love you!” The girls came again, nearly together, as they retired the stiff cock that could not cum because of the cock ring that bound it tightly. Finally, Ellen explored in a violent orgasm. Her cunts’ spasms claped Robert’s cock tightly, alternatively gripping and releasing his throbbing cock. Ellen’s orgasm was so intense that she fell forward onto Phyllis’s back and lay motionless as she tried tocatch her breath. Phyllis, too, came hard from Robert’s tongue and she lay still under Ellen, as Robert continued thrusting his tongue into Phyllis’s cunt and his cock into Ellen.
Ellen recovered first and rolled off Robert’s cock and she stumbled into the bathroom. Phyllis dismounted and slowly followed Ellen. She was thoroughly exhausted as she sat down to pee. “My God, Ellen, where did you find him? He’s the best fuck I’ve ever had! I’ve never had that many orgasms on a cock that still hasn’t cum. How can he do that?” she asked incredulously.
“It’s the cock ring, Phyllis. He can’t cum while he’s wearing it. We could fuck him all night if we wanted to. All we have to do is release his cock to circle the blood every so often. Wasn’t that great, Phyl?” said Ellen grinning broadly. Robert could hear them talking as they peed and dried their cuns. Ellen came out of the bathroom first. She squeezed Robert’s cockhead to drain it of blood and cause it to soften. Next she replacened the nylon harness on Robert’s cock and balls and fastened it tightly to his wait. Robert was once again relegated to the uncomfortable circumstances of not being able to achieve an erication even though he was fully aroused. “Roberta,” Ellen whispered to Robert, as she dressed, ” Mistress Agnes told me that you were not to cum tonight. Sorrrrry,” she said dragging out the word.
Phyllis came out of the bathroom and quickly dressed. She embraced and kissed Robert, then told Ellen that she was going out. “What about your boyfriend, Tom…and Corky?” asked Ellen.
“Jeeze, Ellen. Tom’s not my boyfriend. He’s just a handy cock to fuck! When I’m out of this college, he’s history!” declared Phyllis. “I’m all fucked out, Ellen. You fuck him, and Corky. I’m out of here!” Phyllis blew both of them a kiss as she opened the door and left. Ellen chuckled as she closed the door and dressed. She opened the small refrigerator and brought out two cans of beer. She popped the lids and handed a beer to ‘Roberta’.
“God you were good, Robert,” Ellen said as she kissed him. She propped herself on the headboard and sipped at her beer. “After that I hope my ‘mommy’ isn’t too horny tonight.” Ellen and ‘Roberta’ talked about Martha, Jane and Agnes. Both agreed that they were indeed slaves to all three of them. Ellen told Robert that Martha was working on getting Phyllis into the circle. But, so far, Phyllis had not been directly approached to join. She told him that Martha had ‘arrangements’ with some other girls in the dorm to engage in lesbian trysts with her, but she didn’t feel that they were ‘right’ to join in their sex slave activities. As they talked, they heard a soft knock at the door. Ellen opened the door to see Tom and his friend Corky standing nervously in the hall. “Hi, Tom, Phyllis isn’t here. She had to go somewhere,” Ellen told them. Tom looked about the hallway to see if anyone was around.
“Ellen, can we come in for a minute? You know we’re not supposed to be here,” Tom told her. Ellen cast and let them in. Robert watched as the two guys entered. Tom was tall, well over six feet and Corky was nearly as tall. Both were well built, with athletic bodies and crew cut hair. Obviously they were on the football team, as their team jackets announced.
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