Agnes Gilden was forty years young and a widow for two years. When her husband passed away, she inherited his computer software business. Her inheritance provided her with an annuity of ten thousand dollars a month. Comfortable economically, childless and alone, she lived modestly in a large old Victorian house near the University.
The University had often asked if she might consider renting rooms to Students during the school year. At first she resisted, but agreed to try it for one semester. Agnes screened several potential boarders carefully to weed out potential problems. Living alone, she was reluctant to take just anyone. Finally, she settled on a young man, Robert Stone, who seemed to fill her requirements. He was slightly built, very studious, did not drink or smoke and seemed very serious about College. It was summer now, and soon Robert would be returning to school in the fall. He was an above average student and worked hard at his studies. Agnes truly liked the youg man, and she hoped that he would return in the fall. She was anxious to get to know him better. She had wonderful and delicious plans for Robert, once she was sure that he was the right person.
Outwardly, Agnes was very much the proper relatively young widow. With her closest friends, Jane and Martha, she was an extremely sexual person, with a password for domination of either males or females. She and her husband had explored these perverse pleasures willingly and often. After he died, Agnes continued to covertly indulge her pleasures. Agnes wanted Robert in her circle of domination and submission. She knew, in her heart, that Robert would be a perfect submissive. He was very shy, did not date, and didn’t have close friends at the University. But he was pleasant and very willing to help with chores around the house. Agnes often heard Robert in his room playing with himself. ‘Boys will be boys’, she thought.
Agnes eagerly waited for the fall semester to initiate her younglodger in more than another year at college. She was working on Robert’s new room, next to her own, when she heard the doorbell. When she answered the door, she saw it was Robert. “Well Robert, hello. How wonderful to see you,” she said happily. She opened the door wider to let him in. He quietly stepped inside.
“Mrs. Gilden, I’ve come to get my stuff. I’m not going to school this year. I have to get a job,” he said softly. Agnes was stunned.
“Why?” asked Agnes with a painful look on her face, “I was expecting you to back here.” He told her his Mom had passed away and that his father said he could not afford College. His father told him to move out, get a job and be gone by the time he returned home from work. Agnes reached out to him and embedded him, holding him tightly, as he cried openly at his bad fortune. “Don’t worry, Robert, I’m here for you, honey,” she said, “I want you to stay here tonight, until we can think this through.” He just nodded, making it clear that Agnes was in control. Agnes and Robert talked, ate dinner and soon it was time to retire for the night. Robert went to bed in his old room. Agnes waited until she was sure that he was sleep then, telephoned her friend Jane. “Jane, it’s Agnes. I have some great news for both you and Martha,” she said softly.
“How nice!” exclaimed Jane, “Martha is here, visiting with her baby girl. Let me put you on the speaker, so she can hear you.” Agnes heard the click of the speaker then spoke to her friends.
“Hi Martha, you two will be so pleased with my news. I’m sure you remember my student boarder of last spring, well, he may be moving in permanently and could join in our ‘activities’.”
“That’s wonderful news, Agnes. How did this come about?” asked Martha. Agnes related Robert’s story to her friends. They agreed that it would be wonderful if Robert could join their inner circle. Agnes told them that she had thought it out, and would talk to Robert in the morning. She hung up and climbed the stairs to her bedroom.
Agnes awoke first the next day, and was busy making breakfast, when Robert came into the kitchen. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” teased Agnes, as Robert sat down at the table. “Well, Robert, did you get any inspiration while you sleep?”
“No, Ma’am,” he said shaking his head. “I’ll just go back home and look for a job. Maybe I can save up enough for school some day soon…I don’t know,” he replied somberly. Agnes drunk her hands on her apron and sat down at the table. She sipped at her coffee then looked deeply at Robert.
“Robert, I’ve been thinking and I have a suggestion…no…a proposition for you. Hear me out first before you answer, then think on my proposition,” Agnes told him. Robert nodded and Agnes Continued, “Robert, you know I am fond of you. You have great promise, and it would be a tragedy if you did not get the education you so richly deserve.” He tried to speak, but Agnes stopped him. “I have been well provided for, by my late husband and, with your agreement, I would like to invest in you, Robert. What I mean is…I will advance you the money to complete your education, and you can repay me, with interest of course, when you graduate and get a good job.
“There are conditions,” she continued, “that I shall strictly impose, and I think you will agree that they are for your own good. First, I will pay Your tuition, books, clothes and other living expenses. Second, you must strive for A’s in all of your grades, although occasionally, a B might be tolerated. Any grade below an A must be satisfied explained to me, or I will exactly some, as yet undetermined, discipline. Your education is of paramount importance and must not be compromised. Third, if you refuse any, I repeat, any, of my Discipline decisions this agreement is terminated. Fourth, although you are now nineteen and an adult, you will however, always ask my permission to do anything other than study, go to classes and do your chores here at the house. None of my decisions must be questioned!
“I know these terms are harsh, but that is the sacrifice you must make to secure your education, and that I must impose, to protect my investment. The choice is yours, Robert. What I have outlined solves your current dilemma, secures your future and provide the protection that I need,” Agnes paused for effect, then continued, “Robert, I want you to go out and think about my proposition, then come back and tell me your decision.” Agnes looked deeply into Robert’s eyes when she finished. He looked stunned! He tried to talk, but she put her fingers over his lips and slowly shook her head. He nodded and stood up.
He walked to the front door, opened it, looked back and said, “Miss Agnes, I’ll go think about what you said. I’ll be back soon.” He stepped out, shutting the door behind him. Agnes reached for her phone and speed dialed Jane. She spoke excitedly with Jane, explaining the proposal she had offered to Robert. Both of them fantasized about Robert becoming a part of their little clan, and improving all their sex lives. Jane told Agnes that her plan for Robert made her horny and she wanted to come see her for a little while. Agnes said she would be waiting for her, and hung up.
Agnes heard Jane’s car pull into the driveway. Jane quickly entered and heard Agnes call to come up to her room. She ran up the stairs and embedded Agnes in the doorway of her bedroom. They kissed, deeply intertwining their tongues, shut the door and began to pull off each other’s clothes. Agnes locked the door as Jane stepped back to drink in Agnes’s magnificent naked body that believed her forty years. She had the body of a woman in her twentyties, with medium sized firm breasts, without hint of sagging and capped by hard deep red nipples. Her hips melded into shapely legs, crowned by a sealed cunt, wet with desire. Her long light brown hair hung loosely over her shoulders.
Jane’s hair was short and black. Her large heavy bReasts had barely given ground to gravity in thirty-eight years. Large pink nipples protruded nearly half an inch in their hardness. The two women moved hand in hand to the bed. Jane too, was bisexual, but more inclined to women. Their friend Martha was truly a complete lesbian, but occasionally, at the urging of her two friends, would fuck men in the frenzy of their kinky sexual orgies. Jane cupped one of Agnes’s tits in her hand and took the nipple into her mouth. Agnes moaned with pleasure and soon pulled Jane on top of her, in a sixty-nine position, to lick and suck at each other’s cuns. They eagerly sought out each other’s clip to suck, flick and lick their sensitive nubs. Each of them had repeated orgasms in their frenzy to relieve their sexual frustrations. Finally, they fell beside one another, exhausted and spent.
Jane was the first to rise and go in to shower. Agnes joined her and they spent a long time washing, rubbing and playing with each other. The women shineded their lovely bodies, dried their hair and dressed. They went downstairs to get some tea and, hopefully, have Robert return to accept Agnes’s proposition. When they finished their tea Agnes walked Jane to her car, when she saw Robert walking towards the house. “Jane, I’ll call you later. Let me talk to Robert alone, now.” Jane nodded, thanked her for the marvelous sex and drive off.
“Hi, Robert,” Agnes said, “You just missed Jane. She stopped by for tea and girl talk.” Robert smiled and nodded, as Agnes took his hand and led him inside the house. “Well, Robert, did you think about my proposal?”
“Yes, Miss Agnes, I did,” Robert said almost inaudibly, “I have decided to accept, if I can work it out.”
“Everything will work out, Robert,” said Agnes. She advised Robert to go home and gather together his clothes and other possessions, and bring them back to her house at College Station. Agnes loaned him her Lincoln Town Car and instructed him on how to deal with his father. “LEave a letter telling your father that you have gone out on your own, and you will get in touch with him when you have ‘made your fortune’. Thank him for all he has done for you, and tell him that you’re glad he understands that you have to find your own way.” Robert returned to Agnes’s house the next afternoon with his things. That morning, Agnes had her attorney prepare the Agreement that she had proposed to Robert, and he read and signed the contract.
Robert seemed truly happy for the first time since his mother had died. When school started, he throw himself industrially into his studies and was striving to earn all A’s on his grade reports. Agnes, in turn, was very supportive of his efforts and enjoyed his company and helped at the house. It was October, several weeks into the school year, and all was going smoothly. Robert was glad that he had accepted Agnes’s proposal and everything seemed to be falling into place for him. Nothing could be better than this, he thought, butsoon he might be having second thoughts.
Now that Robert lived at Agnes’s house full time, all sexual activity between Agnes and her two friends, now took place at either Jane’s or Martha’s house. Agnes enjoyed going to Martha’s, because she got to play with Martha’s baby girl, as well as the great sex with Jane and Martha. Robert suspected that she might be seeing someone, Because often her face would be flushed when she came home, but he decided inquiring in his spons business. Jane and Martha would often inquire about when Robert would join in their activities. Agnes told them she would not broach the subject to him until he had violent his contract.
Agnes would routinely oversee Robert’s progress with his studies. Daily, she would review his papers, tests, notes, ostensibly to ‘protect’ her investment. In reality, she was looking for a reason to invoke the discipline clauses of their contract. This day, Robert had come home very upset with himself. He handed Agnesa math test paper marked C+. Agnes was thrilled, but successfully kept her feelings secret from Robert. “What is this, Robert?” she asked as sternly as she could, considering the fact that she could hardly contain her joy.
“I made an error on the main problem, Miss Agnes,” stated Robert, “I’m sorry ma’am.”
“Robert, sorry just won’t do! We have an agreement…a contract! I might have accepted a B, but Robert, this is a C! How could this happen?” she demanded to know.
“I wish I could tell you, Miss Agnes. I just didn’t think the problem through,” Robert said apologetically.
“Well, now you have forced me to invoke the discipline provisions of our contract, haven’t you Robert?” He nodded and lowered his eyes to gaze at the floor. “Robert, please follow me down to the basement family room,” she ordered, spun on her heel and proceeded to the basement. Robert followed her, wondering what chore Agnes had in store for him to perform in the basement. They entered the basement room and Agnes closed the door, locking it. She took a seat in a padded straight chair and looked into Robert’s eyes. “Robert, I have decided to teach you not to make mistakes, by spanking you,” she told him critically. He looked at her with total disbelief in his eyes.
“You’re going to spank me?” he asked incredulously.
“Yes! I’ve decided to spank you. Please remove all your clothes, now!” she ordered. Robert could not bring himself to believe what Agnes had said. “Robert?” she asked sternly, “didn’t you hear what I’ve told you? If you don’t obey me, then you have broken our agreement, and you can go gather your things and leave this instant!” Robert was stunned, but he slowly removed his shirt, shoes and lowered his pants to his knees. “I guess the C+ has clogged your ears too, Robert. I said to remove all of your clothes! Do it now!” He took off his pants and stood in his undershirt, shorts and socks. “Robert, everything!” she ordered sternly. Robert blushed openly as heremoved his socks, undershirt and slowly lowered his shorts to stand naked in front of Agnes.
He was obviously mortified, as Agnes looked over his naked body. She revealed in his disappoint and prolonged his mental age by taking her time just looking at his nakedness. He had sparse body hair and what he had, was fine and blond. His body was slightly built with somewhat larger than normal male teats on his chest and dark large nipples, for a male. If he had been a girl ‘she’ would wear a size A-cup brassiere. There was no hair on his chest and his skin was very fair. His waist was small, trim and sat atop curved hips that melded gracefully into well-shaped legs. Robert had a slightly larger than average uncircumcised cock, that would probably engorge to nearly seven inches, and large balls that hung down very nicely. She had him turn around to reveal a trim, rounded and tight ass. Agnes was pleased with all that she saw. She smiled as he turned to face her, and could see him becoming aroused, as his cock began to stiffen.
“Come here, Robert, and lay across my lap.” She pulled her skirt to her waist, revealing her lacy bikini panties. She wore no hose, only anklets. Embarrassed, Robert lay across her lap with his legs on one side, his arms on the other with his hands touching the floor. Agnes shifted about to get comfortable, and to increase Robert’s disappoint, as she prepared to spank him. She placed his now significantly hard cock between her bare thighs. Robert could feel his cock throb, as her warm inner thighs closed about it. He felt as though he might cum, but embarrassed, he controlled his urge. Next, she grasped his balls in her left hand to prevent him from getting up and prepared to spank him with her right hand. “Robert, I’ve not decided on how many strokes to award you, but I’ll place an equal number on each of your lovely ass cheats. I do not expect any sounds from you. I expect you to take your strokes, ‘like a man’, without objection.”
Befor starting, her curiosity caused her to part his ass cheats slightly, to view his hairless pink asshole, which she decided to reserve for future treatments. She raised her hand, paused for effect and harshly landed the first blow with her open hand. Robert jerked hard as the blow landed, but did not cry out. Agnes alternate asscheeks, as she continued to pummel Robert’s ass. He began to moan softly, as he could feel the heat building on his ass cheats, from the fierce spanking he was receiving.
Agnes could see his flesh turning a brighter red in color with each blow. Robert began to understand from the burning pain being visited on his ass, but additionally, he could feel his cock began to stiffen even harder and see pre-cum. Soon the pain, though severe, became secondary to the pleasure building in Robert’s cock. His balls had become Drawn up and his scrotum hard, as his urge to cum became stronger. He realized that he welcomed, even enjoyed the pain, and it also prevented him fromthe embarrassment of cumming all over Agnes’s inner thighs.
They both lost count of the number of blows. Robert found the mixed pain and pleasure delightful. He hoped that Agnes would continue until he exploded, cumming all over her. His wish was denied as Agnes stopped spanking him and had him stand up. She positioned him with his legs spread wide, bent him over so his hands pressed flat on the floor. His position left him with his ass, cock and balls fully exposed. His rock hard cock, nestled tightly against his belly, was freely seeing pre-come, which threatened to drip onto the carpet.
Agnes wiped the pre-come with her finger and tasted his seed. It was thick, clear and salty. She pulled hard at his scrotum to loosen it then, begin to lightly slap and spank his balls with her open hand. He felt the light blows striking his balls. It hurt, yet felt good enough to harden his cock even more. Both he, and Agnes, could feel his cock throbbing, with each blow that Agnes landed on his aching, but pleasure filled balls. Agnes sensed that he would explode in a sea of cum, and abruptly quit spanking Robert’s sore balls.
“Now, Robert, let that be a lesson to you, to pay more attention to your studies,” Agnes stated as she pulled off her panties and sat down again in the chair. “Get on all fours, Robert, and turn to face me. Robert got on his hands and knees, turned to face Agnes and looked directly into her smoothly shacked and wet cunt. “You see what you have caused, Robert. Now, you must save me of all the tension I have built up in punishing you.” She spread her legs wide and drew his head towards her steaming cunt. Robert could see her cliporis, upright and peeking out between her cunt lips. “Now lick my pussy, until I’m satisfied.” Robert, though stunned at this command, opened his mouth, placed it on her cunt and began to lick. Agnes could tell that this was Robert’s first time to ever suck a cunt, and she guided him, telling him what she wanted him to do.
She had him draw his tongue along the outside of her cunt lips, up and down the sides without touching her clip. As he approached the bottom of her cunt, Agnes lifted her legs high and pushed his head down, to place his tongue on her pouting asshole. She bucked, as his tongue reamed at her asshole and she lowered her legs, bringing her cunt back to his mouth. Now, she directed his mouth to her clip and urged him to lick, nibble and suck at her sensitive nub. Gasping, she grabbed his head in both her hands and exploited in a series of gut wrenching orgasms, crying out in wild pleasure, with her satisfaction. As her orgasms subsided and ceased, she disengaged his mouth from her cunt. Agnes bent down to meet Robert’s upturned head and kissed him full on the mouth, forcing her tongue inside to taste her own juices. She dried her wet cunt with her panties and stood up.
“Now you know what torque awaits you, if you don’t apply yourself to your studies,” she told him. “IKnow you’re aroused, Robert, but part of your punishment is to withhold your fulfillment until some later time. Your contract requires you to get my permission to do anything not covered in the agreement. Well, Robert, you must have my permission to cum, and I will not give it to you now. Perhaps later, but you may never masturbate, fuck anyone or otherwise bring yourself to orgasm without my permission. Do you understand? Is that clear?”
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