The Scholarship Pt. 01


There were thirty-two women in the room. Alana knew this because she’d counted. Once, twice, three times. Trying to soothe her anxiety while they waited. Thirty-two desperate women all between the ages of nineteen and twenty-one, eager for the chance to prove themselves worthy of The Scholarship.

The Scholarship. Capital letters even in her thoughts. A million dollars prize that awaited any and all of them that completed the two-year program. Most of the women in the room wouldn’t survive the two years. Would drop out or be forced to leave for failure of one kind or another. To Alana’s knowledge, the program was about to start its eleventh run. Twenty years, ten different trials- only eleven winners.

A grim reminder of what was in store. Every woman in the room had signed a contract stating that no matter when they exited the program they wouldn’t speak to what they’d experienced. Those who disobeyed earned themselves a slot as a permanent worker in theprogram. Something that allowed Mistress J to control even the rumors of what was to come.

“Do you think they’ll strip us before assigning our roles?”

Alana focused on the girl next to her, a pretty Latina with dark curly hair and a tongue ring that glinted when she talked. “Our roles?”

“I heard that we’re separated into rotating classes, you know, training us in smaller groups?” Tongue ring plucked at the t-shirt she was wearing. “Mama told me to not both dressing up, that they’d probably want to remind us of our place pretty early on.”

In a way, that made sense. No one was allowed to bad mouth the program, but that didn’t mean that there was complete silence on the matter. Mistress J described the program as a place where young women learned to debase themselves. An opportunity to go to the Lowest place possible, so that the ascension to greatness would taste all the sweeter.

Of course, if the other girl was right, Alana’d wasted her time that morninggetting ready. Most days she didn’t both with makeup, dressed for comfort rather than fashion. So she’d enlisted the help of her closest friend, Mary, to pick something out that would impress her soon-to-be teachers.

A tight black skirt and white blouse combo that toed the line between office assistant and office slut. Alana had just been grateful when Mary allowed her to put a tank top on first, helping reduce some of the cleavage. The flats had been her last bit of comfort. A concept considering she couldn’t try to be sexy if she was constantly falling over.

Nothing to be done about it, though, they were wearing what they were wearing. “Your mom is okay with you being here?

Alana’s hadn’t. Had called her a whore. A Harlot. Disgusting for even considering it.

Secretly, most of the Things her mother brought up as reasons not to go through with it were exactly why she wanted to do it. The money was fantastic, but she wasn’t exactly planning on suffering completely for it. Didn’t mind the idea of ​​serving pretty women and men. Found the idea of ​​being punished for misbehavior exclusive. The week before applications were due she’d spent an entire evening with clothespins on her nipples.

Even took a wooden spoon to her thighs, trying to imagine what it would be like.

Before Tongue Ring could answer her, five women emerged from the back room to take the stage in Front of them.

The first was a rather large white woman whose thighs jiggled when she took her seat. Apparently unashamed of her size, she wore a tight black dress that barely covered her ass. A beautiful blue pendant rested in her ample cleavage. Beside her, Alana could hear Tongue Ring’s grunt of disgust, but Alana couldn’t sympathize. While not conventionally attractive, Alana found herself rather fond of the idea of ​​burying her face between those breasts or thighs. In being smoothed, unable to breathe for another woman’s pleasure.

Second came an already tall woman wearing what had to be six-inch heels, hips swaying with every step. White fishnets came up to mid thigh, leaving a small patch of dark skin between that and her red skirt. A white corset cinched her middle, but her breasts were bare except for red tapered crosses on each nipple. The woman’s shacked head was topped with a little nurse’s hat. This woman? She would soothe Alana’s wounds, make sure that none of the girls were too injured. Or maybe she would subject them to humiliating medical exams. Announce just how wide their pussies could spread to the class, weight their breasts, force them to look inside one another’s asses.

Compared to the first two, number three looked rather modest. A woman who could easily pass as Tongue Ring’s mother followed after them, dressed in full riding gear. Did they have a stable of some sort? Alana hadn’t noticed one when coming in, but the place was huge. Was her outfit a coincidence? Or a hint of things to come? If so, just what was it implying?

Four’s outfit reminded Alana of her own. Except rather than an office slut, the petite Asian woman came off as a domineering CEO. Or perhaps a rather cross looking principal. Of course, if Alana’s principal had wound suits made out of latex she might have done better in school. Or worse. Which ever one means that she could see her more often.

The fifth woman, as it turned out, was Mistress J. Who rolled her wheelchair to the middle of the stage, seemingly oblivious to the hushed whispers that had taken over the room.

“Good afternoon, I take it we all know why we’re here?” Mistress J raised an eyebrow when the room didn’t fall completely silent. For her second attempt at getting their attention, she clapped her hands together. “Fantastic, you all have decided to start your orientation with a demerit. Usually demerits are handled by your specific leader, but considering you haven’t been placed yet- I’ll just have to improve.”

Mistress J beckoned for a Black girl towards the front of the room, who glanced anxiously to both sides before stepping up on stage.

“One of the things that we teach during this program, is that we do not survive our worst moments alone,” Mistress J gestured for a second girl to join her, this time a busty redhead. Whose attempt at being confident was shattered by stumbling on the stage. Mistress J chuckled at her embarrassment before instructing her to stand next to the first girl. “Which means that rarely will a single person ever be punished. This is the first time I’ve ever started out a session by punishing everyone, but well, needs must.”

If all of them were being punished, what was with the two girls on the stage?

Alana didn’t have to wonder long. Mistress J turned her attention back to them rather than the crowd. “These lovely cuns will be deciding everyone’s fates. In fact, if they do well, you all won’t be punished at all.”

The likelihood of that became increasingly slim as Mistress J described their fate and the Nurse stepped forward to prepare them for it. Each girl was stripped and told to hold themselves in position. Standing with their legs as far apart as possible, arms out to the side, palms up. Two sets of nipple clamps appeared from a bag at the edge of the stage. Mistress J smiled as the girls whimpered, gave them a moment before having Nurse add the final obstacle. A book on each hand.

“Now, just in case anyone missed what I said earlier- if they succeed at keeping those books off the floor for the rest of the orientation, you’re all off scot free.” Mistress J scanned the crowd with her eyes, and Alana swallowed, praying she wasn’t looking for another example to make. “For every book that drops the rest of you cuns will go through a trial of your own. I’ll even be nice about it and Not start out with a caning.”

Beyond that cryptic comment, they weren’t allowed to know what their fates would be. Instead, Mistress J returned to her previoustopic. “You’re all here because you think your dignity is a fair price to pay for financial gain. Some of you have great plans for the money. Maybe you want to give back to your family or community. Maybe you want to spend the next two years trying to avoid working for the rest of your life. Whatever your reasons, you’ve accepted the fact that the next two years will be filled with pain and humiliation.”

Alana fell somewhere in between. Wanted to go to college after this. Wanted to make something of herself. To have a child without worry of how she would support them. One million dollars would go a long way.

And whether they were hoping for easy street or not, every woman in that room had agreed that whatever torture was in store for them would be worth it. Torture. Because that’s what Alana was supposed to consider it all.

“I will call out eight names, if your name is called, you will join Mistress Lee at the right hand of the stage. You have indicated on your application that you can be useful in some matter to the program, be it cooking or other services. You will spend your first portion of the program proving it.” As Mistress J spoke, the woman in the latex suit stood, crossing to the edge of the stage. “Consider yourselves lucky. Chelsea W-“

So the names went, but neither Alana nor Tongue Ring moved.

“From here, things are a bit different. The rest of you have some amount of say in who you will start with. Nurse Bri, please step forward. Tell the cunts what they’re in for if they choose you.”

Nurse Bri smiled out at the crowd. “Cunts who wish to serve with me should strip in their spots before crawling over here. The first cunt will clean my shoes with her mouth. Each one after her will eat the ass of the cunt before them. Although your title, those little cunts of yours? Mean very little to me. Cunts under my tutelage will be going through enema training as well as learning how to turn those tight little rosebuds into gaping pussies.”

Madame Sykes, the one dressed like a riding instructor, came next. Women who chose her were welcome to keep their clothes for the moment. Could look forward to a delightful number of orgasms, after all, she knew how extremely animals could be when they weren’t properly looked after. Those who came into her line would need to pick a partner, each of the stalls outside were equipped to take pairs.

The first book clatered to the floor, triggering the fall of a second and Alana flinched before returning her focus to the final woman on stage. Mistress Cara. Who turned and said they were free to call her Big Mama if they liked. Promised them that they would have all sorts of fun with her, if they could handle a little pain as well.

Mistress J took a moment to remind them all of the demerits they’d just earned and to go over the general rules. Unless being punished or under special circumstances, their time would be their own from midnight until six AM. While theymight be given ‘homework’ over the weekend, this too was time that they would be allowed to socialized among their class. Good behavior might even get them permission to mix classes.

Leaving the premises would be an automatic disqualification. They were allowed no contact with the outside world. No permanent physical damage would be done to their bodies, no brands or tattoos- though they might end up with a piercing or two.

There were three semesters per year. At the end of each semester they would be given a choice of what ‘class’ to go to next. Those choices would be decided upon around the end of the semester at the whim of the women on stage. And just as now, only eight cuns could go with each woman. Those towards the end of the list were stuck with whoever had slots.

Truthfully, Alana didn’t mind. Felt a wave of relief when she and the two girls on stage were the only ones left. Alana made quick work of her clothes, crawling over to Nurse Bri’s line. The asshole under her tongue tasted of sweat, of salt, but other than that, was relatively clean, and she gripped the girl in front of her’s cheats so that she could dive in.

Mistress J seemed to stall, possibly waiting to see if one of the other girls would drop another book, but eventually she called for them to put them down and join their group.

Alana didn’t both to look up, unwilling to gain Nurse Bri’s wrath so early by disobeying orders. Did her best to focus on eating ass as someone’s tongue tenatively licked across her hole. Resisted the urge to buck her hips back into that mouth while she listened to Mistress J.

The first punishment was simple. Each class would line up to receive five swats from each of their leaders for a total of twenty-five. They’d also all lost one of their ‘home base’ privileges for the week, but that would be explained after they introduced to their new homes.

Something that would only happen after they’d received their licks. Nurse Bri encouraged them all to their feet, instructing them to line up against the wall.

As much as being punished right out the gate was humiliating, it was a good chance for Alana to get a feel for the women who would be running her life for the next two years. Mistress Lee and Nurse Bri were both practical about it. The bite of their straps stung but came quick and in a regular rhythm. No attempt at build up. Madame Sykes’ crop left marks along their inner thighs, clearly a woman intent on making an impression.

Big Mama? Big Mama took her time. Pushed and pulled at her hips to get Alana in just the right position. Relished in the jolt that came with the each strike of her paddle. Scratched the marks that the other women had left, lingering on any of the girls who whined or whimpered. Afraid of making a scene, Alana bit her lip to keep from making any noises herself. Didn’t want Big Mama to realize how much she was enjoying it.

A plan that fell apart the moment it was her turn with Mistress J. Alana could only be glad that Nurse Bri’s class came last. That the other groups had been dismissed to check out their new home. Because when Alana bent herself over the arm of Mistress J’s wheelchair, she didn’t immediately get swatted like the rest of the girls.

No, two fingers slid into her instead. “Aw, look at the Cunt’s sloppy cunt. Barely been her a minute and she’s drenched my dress already.”

Heat flared in her cheeks, but Alana dared not move when two fingers became three and then three became four. Something that seemed to delight Mistress J. “Now, this is a cunt deserving of its title. Nurse Bri, I know you don’t normally do much with their front holes, but I think the only way to keep this one here from flooding the place is if she’s stuffed. Do you think you can do that for me?”

Nurse Bri promised she would.

Once everyone had finished their punishment, Nurse Bri led them towards a hallway on the side. Gave them a brief tour ofHer facilities. There was her room, which they were only to be in if she put them there. A large room, similar to the one they’d just came from, held eight beds.

“The door next to your rooms is the play room, where you’ll be spending a rather large amount of your time. But not this week. Considering we have the two cunts who lost you all a house privilege in our group, I thought it only fitting you all lose your right to the bathroom. For the next week, all of our playtime will be outside.”

Alana froze, causing the girl behind her to stumble and draw the Nurse’s attention to them.

“You, the wet one, come here.” Alana swallowed but did as she was told. Stood in the middle of the room with her fingers intertwined behind her head as the Nurse left them to get something from the play room.

Came back with a black bag and a sharpie. The latter of which she uncapped, slapping one of Alana’s breasts with her free hand. “I won’t ask what your name was before because I don’t care. You’re all just Cunts until given your new name- and you? You’ve already earned one.”

Another slap, this time to her other breast. Nurse Bri watched the way her tits jiggled before taking the sharpie to her chest. “I thought about naming you bitch, but I don’t want to risk stepping on Madame Sykes toes. So Sloppy Whore it is. Considering her condition, Sloppy Whore will be serving as our demo this evening. Cunts, on your knees. We’re going outside.”

From here Alana could see the stables and where Madame Sykes was talking to her own batch of cunts. They were too far away for Alana to hear her though, or make out what it was the woman was having them do.

Nurse Bri nudged Alana towards a large wooden box towards the edge of the building. Gave her momentary permission to stand up so that she could climb up.

“Considering it’s your first week, the first few days shouldn’t be too bad. Tonight you’ll only need to retain your enema for a few minutes, and I won’tbe forcing you to take more than a quart, if that. With the privilege loss, I will warn you that instead of the warm water you would have gotten inside you’ll be getting yours straight from the tap here. But that will be the only thing to cause cramping for now.”

As she talked, Nurse Bri dug through her bag, came back out with what had to be an enema bag. Just as red as the nurse’s skirt, with a long white tube attached. Another cunt, this one a rather attractive Black girl with silver hoops through her nipples, filled up the bag. Handed it to Nurse Bri again who hung it from a hook on the wall.

“Now, Sloppy here will be getting a little more than the rest of you. Since she’s getting an extra privilege tonight, I thought you might like to see her suffering for it.”

Added privilege? Alana wasn’t sure what Nurse Bri meant. Just knew that the lube slicked nozzle pressing into her ass felt strange. She wasn’t an anal virgin by any means, a boyfriend or two had used her thatway but it’d been awhile since she’d been in this position. Reminded herself to be grateful that the nozzle itself was only about the size of a finger, considering she’d seen some that put the average cock to shame.

Nurse Bri undid the clamp, beginning to explain the regimen they would be following for the next week. Morning enemyas before breakfast. Exercise after they’d eaten, being Cunts didn’t mean they could neglect their health after all.

A series of enemyas after lunch. Chores. And another enemas after dinner. That time a small one with oil and nutrients, means to be retained until the morning. Each cunt would be allowed a plug and was warned of the punishment that would follow if they messed in their bed during the night.

Most of the details were lost on Alana, whose stomach started to cramp before the woman had even mentioned lunch. When the flow of water finally stopped, Nurse Bri was mocking how wet she was. “Mistress J wasn’t kidding, I’ve been doing this over a decade and I think this is the loosest cunt we’ve seen. Do you always drip like this? Because if so, we might start using your juices to mop the floor.”

Alana squirmed, gave up on her goal not to make noises as Nurse Bri slid two fingers into her cunt. Curled them up, apparently well aware of how uncomfortable it had to be given the water rolling in her gut.

The worst part was that it didn’t stop Alana from rocking onto those fingers, clnched as tight as she could to avoid spilling around the nozzle still inside of her. Eventually, Nurse Bri grew bored, withdrawing her fingers so that she could shove them in Alana’s mouth. Informed her that she would be removing the hose now, but that if Alana released before getting over to the tree, she would sleeping outside in the mess.

A threat Alana wasn’t risking. Crawled with her stomach swinging, vaguely aware of the fact that another girl was taking place. Didn’t let herself relax until she’d gone just past the tree, unWilling to test the Nurse anymore.

Knelt there next to it, occasionally rocking up to allow more of the dirty water to explore as other girls joined her. Girls with barely swollen bellies. Eventually the last one, the girl who had helped fill her bag, crawled over, informing her that Nurse Bri wanted to see her.



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