The Sanatorium Pt. 01

My wife, Julia, and I have been married for three years. Lately she mentioned me more and more that I look at hot girls on the street and she became furious when she’s heard rumors about me and a single colleague of mine. I always replied with that my eyes did not take a vow of loyalty, but it only made her angrier. One time she came up with this:

– My friend told me about this “sanatorium” where men like you are made to honor their vows.

She showed me an album with pictures of a beautiful park and plenty of sexy chicks.

– You want me to be admitted there? – I asked with a big smile on my face.

– Both of us would go. It’s not cheap, but it’s worth it.

I couldn’t imagine how on earth would these girls succeed in their mission. Maybe After all these hotties I wouldn’t think of my colleagues anymore? This won’t work, I’m sure! So, I agreed to submit myself to the “treatment.”

Monday morning after a long ride we arrived at 9 AM at the sanatorium. A big fence surrounded the park, so I couldn’t see inside. We checked in in an office, I had to fill out some forms. After that there was a physical examination with all the usual questions and procedures. But in the end I had to sit up in a gynecological chair with my legs in stirrups. A heavy set nurse even tied my legs, so I couldn’t move them at all. I didn’t understand why this is necessary, but before I could say something the doctor entered. The sight of her tight body in her uniform made my dick hard. I glanced at my wife’s face, but she didn’t seem to care. The doctor stepped between my legs and picked out a small equipment from her pocket.

– This is a remote controlled electric shocker, which is used in discouraging him from exhibiting this behavior. – she explained it to my wife pointing at my rock hard cock.

This sounded pretty bad. She tied it to my dick and balls and step a little bit further. She pick out a small thing, like a clock watch, and pushed a button. Ifelt extreme sharp pain in my testicles. It hurt so much, I could hardly breathe. I twitched in agony, it felt like my dick is going to fall off. My erection ended immediately.

– Like this. – she explained as my wife put on the remote.

– It also has another feature. It automatically shocks the male at the smallest increase in the penis’ volume. No one without a special key can remove it and If he leaves the premises it shocks him until the battery runs out.

– But it doesn’t make him unusable for me too, right?

– Of course not! After this treatment he won’t be interested in any other woman, no matter how hard she’s trying to get his attention. He will only be able to please you, because you are the only one who can turn the equipment off. After the training he’ll be conditioned that way, so there will be no need for the shocker. Here’s your syllabus, have a nice stay!

She unstrapped me from the chair and I could get dressed. When we left the exam room I tried to talk my wife out of this.

– You are out of your mind if you think I accept this! We are going home! – I exploded at her.

– Calm down! One way or the other you have to obey me! – She laughed.

I got undressed in our room and I started getting the know the odd equipment. It was indeed impossible to get it off my cock. Meanwhile wife was going over the schedule:

– First day: walk in the park. Second day: flirting from 10 AM to 11 AM, lunch at noon, and flirting again from 2 PM to 3 PM. Teacher: Allison, second floor, room number 211. Later you’re going to learn about stroking a naked body, how to use your hands and tongue properly, and about having sex with a vibrator.

This is going to be though. I mean, if I see a naked chick, the shocker will kill me, I’m sure. The next few days are going to be an interesting experience to say the least. And then Julia started getting naked.

– What are you doing? – I asked furiously. She was half-naked and I felt that there is going to be a little problem.

– I’m having a nice little bath, why don’t you come with me? – She asked jokingly.

– I rather go after you are done.

– Oh, what has become from the big man, I have known? You got scared from my tight little ass? The brochure says that during the first week your “straddle” is always on, but after that I can give you a little break from time to time.

– What do you mean, “the first week?” – I asked – How long are we staying?

– The training lasts for a month! – She laughed and went to the bathroom.

I just sat on the bed and stared at the wall. One month! I can’t take this.

As soon as Julia came out of the bathroom, I glanced at her perfect body. I shouldn’t have done that. The electric jolt stung my penis like a needle.

– I’m really sorry for you, but there is nothing I can do – my wife said – You have to learn to behave. In a month you will be the perfect husband for me, you’ll see.

There were no more tests that evening, so we turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Breakfast started at 8 AM, there were already a few couples at the dining room. The women were having conversations with each other, but the men didn’t dare too look at the otherwise very good looking ladies. A few muffled screams signed that the shockers were working just fine. I rather focused on the breakfast.

After Our meal we went to the park to take a long walk. There were couples and some single girls. When a chick with a particularly nice booty walked in front of us I couldn’t help but look at her ass and pictured her without a skirt. That was a big mistake. It was like pressing a long needle thru my urethra. The girl looked behind her shoulder and just laughed at my misery. Wifey got really angry:

– You can’t control yourself! You’re just like a filthy pig!

– It would be better if we just went up to our room.

– Don’t even think about it! Your schedule says a one hourwalk twice today. Try to focus on the flowers.

I managed to get through the hour without another punishment. We got back to our room, but Julia suggested that we hit the pool in the afternoon. I didn’t wanted to go because I was sure, that the place would be crowded with bikini chicks.

In the room I tried to remove this humiliating prediction but I couldn’t manage to take it off. Julia just laughed at my futile attempts.

I managed to do fine during the afternoon, I was only shocked once: I couldn’t help but notice a hot chick with wet hair. Man, she was irresistible!

After dinner the girls stayed at the bar for a few drinks, but I went up to the room just like the other men. It’s better be safe.

Next morning we started to look for room 211 for the session with Allison. The room had three nice little chairs placed around a small table. Allison was waiting for us.

– Take a seat please! – she said pointing at the chairs. She was in his early twentyties wit’s a stunning figure. She was wearing a very short skirt and a tank top. She sat in front of me and she crossed her legs. I didn’t dare to look at her, I rather just stared at the table.

– Julia, I’d like to ask you to watch your husband closely and if he couldn’t hold his gaze anymore, just press the button on the remote. He has to learn to look me in the eye during our conversations.

I raised my head immediately and looked at Allison. She smiled at me.

– This is much better, darling. You look really good. Do you workout? – she asked me.

During our chit-chat I started to get under her spell. Then suddenly out of nowhere she just flicked her tongue on her lips. That was too much for me, I lost control. The punishment came swiftly and I grabbed the arms of the chair as hard as I can. But thanks the pain at least I didn’t have to worry about an another erection during the session.

– See you in the afternoon, sweetie! – she said at the end.

Our afternoon conversation took place more or less the same way, but this time I managed to survive without an electric shock. As we were leaving Julia asked Allison if she’s going to train me tomorrow as well.

– Well, yes of course. But tomorrow I will only wear lingerie.

I was mortified of the session that awaited me.

She was true, to her words, in the afternoon, she was waiting for us in a tiny thong and a sensuous bra. My willpower lasted until she sat down in front of me, after that my growing penis caused two shocks in a row. I could see Allison’s nicely trimmed pubes thru her silk panties. I glanced at the floor to prevent another unauthorized erection, but then my wife scolded me:

– Look at Allison, please! – My trainer laughed at the situation.

– It’s hard for the young gentleman, is it Not? His training only began. What will happen when he has to lick a woman to orgasm without getting hard?

Hearing this caused another shock. When I could breathe again, I saw that Allison is caresing her thighs during our pleasant conversation. I closed my eyes. That was when Julia pressed the button to discipline me.

– I told you to keep your eyes at her!

After our session I could barely walk. The afternoon session ruin me out so much, that the equipment only fired once when we were walking in the park.

Tomorrow was my day off, and I celebrated it the only way I could: sitting in my room all day. I saw the goal in Julia’s eyes, but she was determined to set me straight, to improve my behavior. Her persistence made me realize, that she truly wants me to change.

To be continued…


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