The Same Thing All Over Again?

For over a year it was the same thing. They always had a date every Wednesday and Saturday night, always starts off at the same restaurant, a walk along the canal, conversation, he would walk her home and then a kiss on the cheese and he would watch her enter her house, listen to the door lock and the lights come on. They had a signal, she would always turn on the upstair hall light first then the kitchen light immediately Afterward, if all was well then within a few minutes the front room light would come on once that happens he would walk, home.

For over a year this was the pattern twice a week she would wear clothes that would show off her perfectly formed body the thick cascading hair, the golden skin, full heavy breasts, the hips, legs and lets not forget her ass. Every date she would wear clothes to show off her body and at first he thought it was for him but every night the kiss was still the friendly or even worse, sisterly kiss on the cheese. The closest physical contact she allowed was her hand on his arm when they walk. She did seem to have an especially bright smile for him and that made up for some of the lack of intimacy but just some.

Tonight she was wearing a sundress with thin strips, spaghetti strips he through they were called. The dress fitted her form closely from her hips up and the skirt was loose and full, allowing it to sway with her motion, the upper part of the dress appears to be so close fitting that she was not wearing anything under it. In fact he was sure of it as he could see where her nipples were pushing against the fabric. He could even she the motion of her breasts under her dress as she move her nipples sliding against the fabric becoming a little more pronounce. She must know how she appears to him but once again he only got her dazzling smile and a kiss on the cheese when they met at the restaurant.

The night went like previous nights. The meal at the restaurant with small talk about what had occurred to them since the last time they had seen each other. Then the stroll along the canal, the smell of flowers, the chirping of critics and the occasion splash of fish breaking the surface of the water her hand on his arm. Even with the only contact with her coming from her hand he was still very aware of her body close to his. She walking next to him, her low melodic voice pitched low enough so only he can hear here. Here they speak about mutual Friends or people they pass and what each plan on doing and as always the conversation carried sexual innuendos as any conversation between a man and a woman.

At the end of the canal trail he turned to her and explained that he had to go meet someone from a branch office of his employer at the airport and give them a ride to their hotel. He asked her if she would like him to drive her home since he would not have time to walk her home. As he was talking her smile faded a little and she shook her no. It was a nice night, there were plenty of people out and she wanted to window shop at some of the stores as she normally does. She would be fine she assured him. He leaned forward to kiss her and as usual she presented her cheek. He kissed it and then turned and walked to his car.

It was not to the airport he went, it was to her house. He parked the car a block away out of sight and walked to her house. He had already picked out his spot where he will wait for her where she will not be able to see him until she had unlocked the door and had her back to him. He knew what he has planned was wrong but his desire for her had overcome his reasoning. He told himself he will not hurt or harmed her just wanted to show her how strongly his feelings, his desire and need for her were. But he still knew that she may not feel the same way but he was committed to his plan. He moved back into the darken corner and waited for her.

More to come


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