We stepped out the door to our hotel room late in the evening, and I followed Master through the halls of the Grand Hotel marveling once again at the elegance and splendor that surrounded us. Real china vases, gold getting on the side tables and chairs, and authentic crystal chandeliers lit our way. The walls were covered in embroidered silk instead of paint or wallpaper. Much of the embroidery was actually done in gold and silver thread. I wondered awestruck, not watching Master or myself as much as I should have. He stopped, and I ran right into him, or rather over him, since I tripped on his feet and tumbled to my knees.
Master witnessed and shook his head. ‘What am I to do with you?’ he asked me, shaking his head. I looked up at him as he towered over me, his dark black hair glistening in the light of the crystal chandelier above us. His dark brown eyes twinkled, and I knew he was more amused than annoyed, although that could change quickly.
‘I’m sorry, Master,’ I replied. ‘I was just looking at all the lovely furnishings, and I didn’t see you stop.’ In truth, I was glad that we had not yet reached the hotel lobby where a dozen or more people would have witnessed the humbling fall that I had taken.
Master frowned, ‘And what should you have been watching?’
This was a question I was always answering. You’d think that I’d learn to follow it. ‘I am to be always aware of where you are, what you are doing, and how I can best serve you, Master.’
‘That’s correct, and since you can’t seem to follow that direct tonight, I will need to have you on a leash. On your knees.’ Master drew the familiar black leather lean from his pocket as though he had expected to have to use it tonight. I was disappointed in myself that his precaution had proven correct.
I rose up to my knees for him to attach the lean to my collar. So much for avoiding humiliation in the hotel lobby. He snapped to it my collar, and offered me a hand to help me stand.
‘As much as I like you on your knees,’ he said, ‘it would be a shame to see that beautiful dress ruined, when it looks so ravishing on you.’
I blushed with pleasure at his compliment as I rose. ‘Thank you, Master.’ I had chosen the dress myself, a smooth emerald-green velvet dress that was sewn to mold itself to my body in all the right places. It was tight and long, coming all the way down to my ankles, and it forced me to walk with shorter steps than I was used to. It was a wonder that it hadn’t torn when I fell. The top came to just over my breasts, leaving my shoulders and the tops of my breasts open for viewing, and also easy to take down. I was wearing a special pushup strapless bra to push my normally ample cleavage to almost busting out, but I knew that Master liked it that way. I wore no panties, at his order. Most of my hair was piled on top of my head in ringlets with the rest cascading down my back to my waist, just as Master liked it. Master had topped it all off with a tasteful black emerald studied collar with a small d-ring, where he had attached the leash. I knew that my appearance was pleasure, even if my decorum was not.
We had reached the lobby, and I was blushing furiously again. People stared at us as we went past, or looked, and then looked away quickly in embarrassment. A mother, who was not really paying attention, walked by us holding the hand of her five-year old daughter. A cutie if I ever saw one. She looked up at me and stared. Then she turned to her mother, and tugged on her arm. ‘Mommy, why is she on a leash?’ she asked as they passed us. I heard the pregnant silence as the mother looked up to see what her little one was talking about. ‘They’re playing a game, dear,’ the mother said disapprovingly. Then a little louder as if worried that we would not be able to hear her from ten feet away. ‘One they shouldn’t be playing in public.’
I turned even redder at that, but Master was oblivious, as always. He continueed to lead me through the lobby. A tall man walked by us, looked at me and winded. I wanted to hide. Finally we reached the hotel doors, and the doorman opened them for us. He waved at me with a knowing smile on his face. I covered my face.
‘Stop that, Jessie,’ Master ordered as we went through the hotel doors. ‘You’ll trip again, and I’ll spank you for your clumsiness.’ He hadn’t even turned around, but he knew me so well. I heard a laugh out of the doorman.
A black stretch limo was parked in front of the hotel, and the driver stood by the door, holding it open for us. Master ushered me in first, and then climbed in after me. He settled on the very back seat, and indicated that I was to sit at his feet. I did so, carefully arranging myself so as not the wrinkled or muss my dress. I rested my head on his knee, and he rested his hand on my head. The driver watched this with a bemused expression, and then closed the door. I heard him get into the front of the limo, and then we were moving, soft music playing in the background.
Master stroked my hair for a few moments, and I revealed in his touch. The wool was soft but scratchy against my cheek. He had dressed superbly, in a black Armani suit, silk dress shirt, and the most stylish tie. I wanted to melt all over him, rubbing all over him. My body ached for it. But without his permission, I was happy with just laying my Cheek against his knee.
Minutes passed, and I closed my eyes enjoying his touch. I heard the window slide down between us and the driver. I didn’t both to open my eyes, wasn’t my business anyway. The driver spoke, ‘Is everything all right, Sir? Do you require anything?’
“No thank you,’ Master said, his voice causing shifts to slide up my spine. Silence reigned again, except for the music, but I did not hear the window go back up. After a few more moments passed, Master spoke to me. ‘Jessie, knee up.’
I opened my eyes, and saw that indeed the window was still down. Iturned to Master to see what he needed, on my knees. He reached to my collar and removed the leanh. ‘Put your hands behind your back, and leave them there,’ He ordered me. I obeyed, kneeing, waiting.
Master reached out, and slide the top of the dress down, taking with it the strawless bra, until both were around my wait. I wanted to object, after all, there was the driver, but I couldn’t. First off, Master was doing it, and second, part of me really didn’t mind too much.
Master began to care my breasts, sliding his hands around the orbs, petting outward to the nipple, flicking gently, pinching gently, then harder, then harder, and finally twisting until I gasped. Then, twisting the other way, and then releasing them to start all over again. My pussy began to get wet. I could feel the gush, and know that under Master’s ministers, eventually, I would be soaked.
He stopped after awhile. “On your feet, Jessie, and face the front of the limo.” Being as limos are not made for standing, when I obeyed and turned to face the driver, I was half bent over, my bottom in Master’s reach, and my breasts dangling, visible to the driver who was looking, believe me. I blushed, and abused my eyes. I would be ok, as long as I didn’t really think about him.
Master lifted my dress from behind, until it too was around my waist, and he had access to my pussy. He tapped on my thighs ‘Spread,’ he ordered. I did so, looking at the floor of the limo. ‘You are soaked, Jessie. Did being fondled in the back of a limo excite you that much?’ He slide his finger into my pussy.
‘Yes, Master, your touch is like heaven,’ I gasped. He slide his finger back out, and then back in. Then, he stroked my pussy lips, and moved his hand over my clip, massaging. I began to moan, and choose that moment to look up, right into the driver’s eyes. I stopped moaning, a little shocked at my own wantonness. How could I have forgotten that he was there? Master slapped my bottom, bringing my mind back to the issue at hand. I jumped, and again he spanked me, one slap right after the other. I felt my bottom began to warm. I shifted my weight from one leg to another in an attempt to lessen the stings.
‘Slut, get on your knees here.’ I dropped to my knees, my pussy throbbing and my bottom singing. I knelt in front of him, where he indicated. He undid his fly and pushed my face into his crotch. ‘Suck,’ he said. Gladly, I thought, and took his dick into my mouth.
As I sucked, moving my mouth up and down on the shake, he leaned over me, and pulled my dress up in the back, displaying its redness to the driver.
‘Isn’t that a great ass?’ he asked the driver.
‘Absolutely, Sir,’ the driver said apparently.
‘Wouldn’t you like to get a handful of that ass? Just grab it or smack it?’
‘Yes, Sir,’ answered the driver. I squirmed a little, and Master began to spank me as I sucked him. My ass bobbed up and down with each smack and each thrust ofHis dick into my mouth. I was in heaven.
Master finished spanking me, and leaned back in the seat. He readjusted his hips, as I sucked on him, and began to thrust in time with me. He grabbed the back of my head, and forced my head up and down on his dick. Another gush of wetness down below. I was so horny. All I wanted in the world was for him to fuck me. I continued to suck him, eagerly, as if seeking my own cum instead of his.
Master began to thrust faster. ‘You little whore, sucking me off in a limo, in front of the driver. I know you are loving this.’ I nodded and hmm-hmm’ed in agreement. Master thrust faster, and I strove to keep up with him, until he came in my mouth. I continued to work him until I got the last drop of his cum, and he indicated to me that I should stop.
I knelt back, the dress crumbled around my waist. He reached forward with a satisfied hand and stroked my breast gently. Then, he pulled the dress and bra back up to cover my breasts.
‘You may move your hands now, Jessie.’ He said. I unclasped them from behind my back, and placed them on my knees in front of me. I bowed my head.
He patted his lap and I crawled over it on my belly. He began to leisurely spank my bottom more, then a little harder, then a little harder until I was squirming on his lap, my pussy drenched in juices, my sexual urges not to be fulfilled until he was ready.
As he spanked, he talked to the driver, but I was not listening. To busy with the pain of the smokes, the throbbing in my clip, and the juices dripping down my thigh. If he would just stop, just rub a little, I would cum. I knew it.
Then he stopped. ‘Back to your place, Jessie,’ he ordered. I half-stood, half bent and pulled the dress back to its proper placement. I sat back on the floor, next him with my head on his knee. I closed my eyes, and I heard the window going back up.
Time passed. I may have done, I don’t know. But the smooth forward motion of the limo stopped, and I heard the driver get out. I raised my head.
‘Are we there, Master?’ Not that I really know where there was, but I wanted to know if it was time to get out.
‘Patience, my pet,’ Master said. ‘Quiet now, or must I gag you?’
I subsided, and waited until the driver opened the door. Master indicated that I should precede him out of the limo. I did so, waiting with my head bowed while he got out. The driver shut the door, and darkness engulfed us. There had been light in the limo the whole time we had been in there, and now, the darkness was blinding. I looked up and could see the stars, with no excess light coming from anywhere. It was breathtaking.
‘Jessie,’ Master commanded my attention. ‘Thank the man for driving us.’
I curtsied to the driver. ‘Thank you for an enjoyable ride, Sir.’
The man nodded at me, eyes fixed on my breasts. ‘Now tip the man,’ Master ordered. I flushed.
‘But Master,’ I began.
‘Now, Jessie, don’t keep me waiting.’
I slowly raised my hands to the top of the dress, and even more reluctantly pulled it down to display them to the driver. I didn’t even know his name.
The man stared again. He reached one hand out as if to touch and looked at Master. So did I. Master nodded. I closed my eyes, and waited.
The driver’s cool hand touched my breast. It was rough, and called, as if he was not always the driver of a limo. A little bolder, he touched the other breast with the other hand, and stroked both orbs slowly, almost wonderfully. Then, he trailed his fingers over the nipples.
‘All right, Jessie, that’s enough. Pull the dress back up,’ Master said. The man’s hands dropped away, and I opened my eyes, and pulled the dress back into place. I was flushed and a little embarrassed.
‘We’ll be out later,’ Master said to the driver. The driver nodded, and leaned against the limo to wait. I could feel his eyes crawling over me.
Master took my elbow and began to lead meaway from the limo. I followed slowly. Obviously we were somewhere out in the countryside, far away from any cities. Otherwise, the stars would not be this bright. We climbed a small hill, and then another. I looked behind us, and the limo was out of sight. As we created the third hill, a building came into sight.
It wasn’t exactly a building, since it was almost falling down. It looked as Though it were ruins from the Roman times. We were looking at it from the side, and the back of the building was collapsed, but the front and middle were intact for the most part. There was no roof, and some of the walls were crumbling, but it was still standing.
The entire building was lit in soft glowing light, and I did not know how that could be, since there were no electrical lines running out this far. As Master led me to the doorway (no door), I saw that the building was filled with candles. Anywhere a candle could be placed they had been, on the ground, on candelabras, on fallenbits of stone, anywhere and everywhere. Tall columns stretched up to parts of the ceiling that still existed. Some stretched to where ceiling did not exist, and others were knocked over on the floor like fallen trees. Stone blocks were scattered around the place as though they used to be tables or foundations for other parts of the ruined building.
In the middle of the building there was an area with no candles. A stone block waited on one side of the square and a tall column, actually attached to ceiling, towered over the other side. In the middle a wooden rack and shelf set had been set up. It was bedecked in floggers, whips, paddles, clamps, and other accoutrements. I gasped in awe, my breath sucked away.
‘Jessie,’ Master said. I turned to him slowly, mouth agape.
‘It’s lovely, Master,’ I whispered, knowing that my words were inadequate to describe the wealth of wonder that filled me. For me, all this for me.
Master smiled gently, bringing one hand to my cheek and struggling softly. I looked into his eyes, and he slip the hand slowly to the back of my neck. His fist tightened into my hair. He walked me forward to the cleared area, and forced me to my knees.
I bowed before him, on my knees, hands outstretched in front of me. I heard him pacing around me. He had given me no warning, answered no excited questions about this outing, and I was so glad, so grateful. The surprise had been worth it.
Master stopped pacing around me. His fist wrapped into my hair again, and he pulled me to my feet. He pushed me to the column.
‘Hands out.’ I put my hands out in front of me to receive the shadows. He put them on quickly, locking them on, and then locking them to a chain. The chain he looped through an eyebolt that had been drilled into the column, and locked it there.
He took his time with the ankle shadows, knowing that I was secured to the column. His hands kept trailing up my tights to my pussy, teasing my hunger awake onceMore. The ankle shades he locked to a spreader bar, determined to keep me open to him.
He rose and looked me straight in the eye. From the shelves, he took a long and wicked looking knife, it glinted in the candlelight. I got worried. He placed it at the top of the dress and slowly dragged it downwards, cutting through the fabric.
‘No, Master,’ I waited. ‘My dress, my dress.’
Master slapped a hand over my mouth. ‘Silence, slave, or you will be gagged.’ He never stopped moving that knife downward, cutting the dress open. It fell away from me on either side. Master picked it up and tossed it aside after he was through. I looked after it longingly – my dress.
He picked up a blindfold and came toward me. I shook my head, I wanted to see, I wanted the warning, but I knew better than to argue. Once he reached me, I was done. He fastened the blindfold over my eyes, and the candlelight went away.
‘You, my little pet, are lovely in the candlelight. You’re skin glows like gold, and your hair sparks like fire.’ Master trailed his hands over my body, inspecting every inch from the top of my head to my toes, from the front of my shaken pussy to the tight bud of my backside. When he finished looking me over and inspecting me to his satisfaction, I heard him moving the toys around on the rack as if looking for something. Then, his feettps echoed as he approached.
My front was to him at this point, although all he had to do was turned me around in this position to have access to my back. I heard a slight violation and then it was gone, and then it was there again. Master fastened a belt around my waist. Something hard and thick and wet pressed against my pussy, and then slide inside. Master held it there, and moved to the side of me to have access to my bottom. A similar hard, thin, and wet device was slowly shoved into my bottom. I moaned and wiggled to get them in front and stimulate myself more. Master stretched a strap from the front ofthe belt to the back, trapping the two vibrators inside me. They were not vibrating.
Master was humming to himself, and I was gasping with sexual desire. I stood, awaiting the next, unable to anticipate. A sharp sting to my inner right thigh, and then my left. I had no way to defend myself against the little leather paddle as it descended, warming and singing my sensitive thighs. Master did not spend too long there, but moved the paddle upwards to slap at my breasts, striking and heating them as well. I whimpered with each strike, knowing that we were just warming up.
After warming the skin, Master took clamps and clothespins and fastened them to the aching skin of my breasts, avoiding the nipple at first. It feel like he thoroughly covered them. It feel like if he tried to put another on either, there would not be enough skin there for him to clamp. I moaned as the pain cascaded.
Then the riding crop came out, and he thrashed my inner tighs with it. I moaned and whoimpered, and tried as best I could to escape the strikes to no avail. I begged him to stop, ‘Please, Master, please. It hurts, it hurts, I can’t take it.’
‘Quiet, slut, you’re dripping wet. The leather is soaked. You love this.’
‘Please, Master, no more, no more,’ I gasped.
‘I warned you, girl.’ He stopped smacking me, and I fight to catch my breath. Suddenly, a penis shaped dildo was shoved into my mouth and fastened behind my head. ‘I will hear no more complaints.’
The riding crop came down, struggling the pins on my breasts. I shrieked around the gag, and the pin went flying. Again, and again the crop descended, snapping the pins off. Suddenly, the vibrators in my bottom and pussy turned on. I feel my juices coat the leather and overflow to drip onto my thighs. Another pin went flying and I moaned in pain and pleasure around the gag. Master continued until all of the pins were gone.
He stopped the vibrators, not wanting me to cum yet. I stood, panting around the gag. Pussy drenched, thighs drenched, exhausted already, and we had only just began. Master gave me a short break, removed the gag, and allowed me a drink of water.
Master undid the belt, and removed the vibrators. He turned me around so that I was facing the column and pulled my hips back some so that I was slightly bent, offering my bottom to him. He pinched one of my pussy lips in his fingers and attached a clothespin, then another. He did the same on the other side. I felt something dangling, brushing my legs. He had threaded rope or twine through the pins. He tied the twin around my thighs, spreading the pussy lips and thoroughly exposing my to his view.
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