The Rubberdoll Puppet Show

Chapter 1: The Slave Fair

I told myself that never in a million years would I ever go to one of these types of events. Oh sure I had heard of slave fairs and auctions and even services that dealt with the training and modification of cuns, but I always told myself that had nothing to do with me and nothing good would come from being anywhere near those things, and yet here I was, standing smack in the middle of it with no idea what on Earth could have possible made me think that this was somehow a good idea.

I’m a free woman, well about as free as anyone with a vagina between their legs can be these days. I have a pretty normal life, I exercise constantly to keep my little body in shape and to help me do that I joined a new gym catering primarily to women a few weeks ago. I never really Watched programming before on TV but at the gym there is a bank of televisions right in front of the elliptical machines that I used regularly, so of course for an hour a day I found myself staring at those infernal screens. I’d heard rumors that the government put subliminal messaging in the shows to control the cunts but it didn’t really both me. After all, that sounded like conspiracy theory and besides, I wasn’t a cunt so it had nothing to do with me. Sure, I had seen owned cunts on the streets before, naked, leashed and following their owners, but that was nothing compared to what I was witnessing Here at the fair. I had no idea such depravity could exist.

I wandered around the large fairground with my brain in a partial fog, not believing what I was seeing. It wasn’t long before I stumbled upon a couple of ponygirls who were bridled with their reins tied to a sturdy looking wooden post. The large silver bells that danced from the rings imbedded in their stiff pink nipples jingled loudly as their exposed breasts heaved with each deep breath. It looked so wrong. I mean these human women were being treated like animals because just like me, they happenedto have breasts and a vagina and yet, I felt that familiar tingle inside of me. I should be disgusted by the sight before me, not aroused. What was wrong with me?

They were much larger than me, not exactly a high bar given my petite frame, but they were also quite muscle and powerful. Their large breasts jiggled slightly with each movement of their strong legs as the saliva dripped copiously from the bit gags that were locked securely in their mouths. I had never seen anything like this before. I admired the bells and piercings that protruded from their nipples and clients, both of which appeared to have been stretched and extended. I couldn’t imagine how sensitive those small pieces of pink flesh must have been, so exposed and constantly stimulated. These girls must have been going crazy all the time which would explain the amounts of lubrication dripping from between their legs.

“You can touch them if you like,” a deep male voice boomed from behind them. “As a matter of fact, why don’t you grab that brush over there and get some of the tangles out of their manes?”

I shrugged and decided to give it a try. As it turned out, I enjoyed brushing the hair of the ponygirls. I know they called it a mane to be in keeping with their theme, but to me they were still girls and what I was brushing was still hair. They seemed to enjoy it as well and honestly, I really liked the way they responded to it. They seemed to be such obedient and docile creativity. But I knew they weren’t creativity, they were girls just like I was a girl. Or maybe they weren’t anymore. I couldn’t tell.

Once their manes were nice and straight, I held out an apple for the beautiful blonde ponygirl who stood closest to me. I could tell she was still a human girl in there somewhere. Perhaps she wasn’t allowed to display her humanity though, maybe the ability to exhibit that part of herself outwardly had been trained out of her or possibly she just held it inside. Whatever it was she gladly bit into the apple as I held it out for her. Given how her arms were bound behind her, I couldn’t see how she would have been able to eat it otherwise.

“You should be sure to visit the Hall of Hypnotism and Body Modification while you’re here,” the voice said as the man stepped from behind the ponygirls, giving the blonde a hard smack on her exposed rump. “A cute little thing like you would find it…enlightening,” he said with a different looking smile.

I listened to the suggestion from the gentleman as my hand slowly ran along the smooth surface of the latex harness that the ponygirl was wearing. I definitely did not want to go anywhere near the Hall of Hypnotism and Body Modification. Perhaps I’d end up like one of the hundreds of girls who surrounded me in this place or maybe I’d become something much worse.

It was then that a beautiful naked girl with long flaming red hair and pale freckled skin bumped into me; undeniably my fault. I was so enthralled by the ponygirls that I was definitely not paying attention to anything else. She glared at me as I looked her over, taking in her modifications. Not unlike many of the other owned girls around here; she had degrading tattoos that coated every part of her exposed body and numerous piercings through her flesh. I couldn’t help but to notice that a thick metal ring was installed in her back. It looked as if perhaps it wrapped around her spinal column to provide some sort of an anchoring point. Similar heavy rings projected from her wrists and ankles, almost as if they were connected directly through her bones. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be in the way,” I stuttered as I took a step to the side of the laneway to let her pass, my eyes affixed on her heavy rings as she continued on her way.

It was then that I felt something wet on my left calm. I looked down to see a gorgeous blonde girl who must have been about my age licking my leg. Her long soft pierced tongue was stroking up and down, leaving behind a trail of sticky wet saliva on my smooth skin.

I watched the beautiful slippery smooth latex coated form of the lithe bitch as her tongue flickered against me. Before I came here, such a display would have surely disgusted me, but as I watched her, I considered how much more satisfying her life was now than it must have been before. No more stress or worries and no cares in the world. Her owner would be concerned with her every need and in exchange, all she had to do was whatever he wanted of her, which at the moment was a loyal pet. Man’s best friend indeed.

The latex was incredibly sexy on the bitch. I glanced down at my own willowy body, my perky little breasts and petite slender figure and I wondered how much sexier I would be if such a slick second skin were applied to my own little form, hiding everything, showing everything all at once while accentuating my long black hair and delicate features. I tried to come to terms with how I feel about my smallbody being displayed like that and for a moment I thought for certain that I heard a whisper in my delicate ears. “Your body is not your own, it belongs to your owner”. My head spun around but the source of the whisper eluded me.

Suddenly the cute little puppygirl was jerked hard off my leg by the leash that was attached to her collar, and held by a man, presumably her Master. “Heel Bitch Toy,” I heard him say. She quickly moved beside his leg and crawled on all fours next to him, her large breasts swinging beneath her. As she inched away I saw that her anus was filled with what must have been a huge plug with a curved black rubber tail attached, and her exposed vagina had numerous rings with locks connecting them, closing off her hole and stretching her glistening pink labias down to ridiculous lengths. Even her nipples and clip seemed to be stretched and decorated. I read many of the degrading tattoos that covered her soft flesh and wondered how she felt about being such a creature. I knew I should look away but again I found myself tingling and aroused as my nipples hardened. Why was my body responding like this to such disgusting treatment of my fellow women?

I brushed the long black strands of my hair out of my pale blue eyes and wondered how all of these slaves were kept so well behaved. Their dedication and obedience was a sight to behold. I may not have agreed with the idea of my fellow women being treated this way, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t respectful of how once proud human beings could be reduced to this. Still, I had to continue to be vigilant in this place, otherwise who knows what would become of me.

As I thought about what it would be like to be heavily pierced and controlled, tattooed, degraded and trained the thought was not at all revolting as I would have expected but natural. My brain fogged over in a pink cloud of lust and I found it hard to think about anything else. My own little whose hole seemed to have taken over my brain completely; almost as if by design. Although my best efforts to fight it, I couldn’t help but to be aware of what was happening between my legs. I was aroused. I had been since I got here and I was afraid that my arousal was becoming too obvious. I hated myself for being turned on by all this disgusting depravity. It was wrong and yet my clip was swollen, my nipples throbbed and my vagina was soaking.

It was then that a distinguished looking man in a white lab coat bumped my shoulder and handed me a flyer. I took it and read that it was for a rubber doll puppet show later in the evening. I expected the man to walk away but he just stood there for a moment, staring at me as if he was sizing me up. He looked up and down my petite little body and finally said “you should come to the puppet show, I think you would find it a perfect fit for you. As a matter of fact, if you want a special tour before hand, I’d be happy to oblige”. He gave a wink and a unique looking smile, hiseyes fixed on my small firm breasts.

There was no way I was going to some show in which poor girls are encased in rubber like dolls and controlled like puppets and yet the idea again made my nipples tingle and I knew I was becoming wet. A part of me wanted to leave. The visions of tattoos, piercings, chains and control were making my head swim and yet I couldn’t bring myself to get out of there before someone made the mistake of thinking that I was on the menu. “I can’t end up like these girls,” I told myself as my clip swelled and my arousal growth. While my logical brain knew this was wrong, my body had decided to do its own thing and there was nothing I could do about it.

“Humph. You don’t want to go to the rubber doll puppet show?” He stated in a show of false insult, noticing my obvious attempts to feign Disinterest. “My, my, and here I thought we had it all. Rubber dolls dancing and jumping through electrified hoops not to mention a lovely romance between two rubber dolls, unable to speak to each other but very good at communicating with their body language and fingers and of course, fucking the front row seats at the climax of the show. Hell, we even offer up very good employment contracts associated with these shows. Say, would you be interested in those too?”

I don’t know why it happened, but when he mentioned the forced romance between the two rubber dollars, I suddenly felt a sharp spike of arousal flow through my body. As much as my logical brain wanted to fight it, I couldn’t help but to wonder what it would be like to be one of those girls. I didn’t want to go to the puppet show, I didn’t want to be a part of this depravity and yet, I found myself actually considering the idea. I did need the money, but still, I knew that it was a slippery slope. If I started out as a paid performer there was no telling where that might lead. I could end up as one of these owned girls. Modified, conditioned, trained and my mind and body would become unrecognizable to me. Besides, while performing with another girl might be appealing, being forced to fuck the front row certainly was not! I wasn’t a lesbian or anything, but there was something so sensitive and desirable about thinking of another girl that way. I just couldn’t explain it to myself.

“I don’t know,” I said to the man before me. I didn’t want to offend him further and he already seemed a bit perturbed that I would dare show hesitation about his show in the first place. The last thing any girl wants to do in this society is get on the wrong side of a male. Throughout my hesitation, I could still feel his eyes on my firm breasts and smooth skin. “Well, maybe you could give me that tour,” I responded. What harm could come from a tour after all. If I wasn’t comfortable for any reason I could always leave, right?

“My named is Doctor Vance Pharma,” he said with a huge grin as he extended his hand in greeting. “Tell you what? Come with me on the tour and I’ll show you what we have. I’ll even throw in a piece of latex for you to enjoy and if you aren’t entertained by the show, you can keep it for free.”

Chapter 2: Becoming a Rubberdoll

The good doctor took my perfectly manicured hand and led me over to his pavilion where the stage of puppygirl and pet gear had been cleared away for subtle mood lighting and props for the puppet show performances. I was led past the large black curve to the back stage area where my blue eyes took a moment to adjust to the lack of light.

We’re still getting prepped up now,” he said as we passed by the performers. There were six of them, all looking identical in shiny latex hoods that obscured their faces and platform tight high boots polished to a high shine. It was clear that the platform height of their footwear different from one girl to the next, presumably to even out any height differences which contributed to the illusion that they were all perfectly identified. “Do you think they look good?” Heasked with a hint of pride in his voice as we stopped in front of them. “You should try feeling them. Go ahead and touch, they won’t mind. In fact, perhaps you’d like to try out one of these suits for yourself.”

I stretched out my hand and touched the smooth latex with my fingertips. The more my skin came into contact with the material, the more aroused I felt myself becoming. It was instinctive and felt very natural and comfortable to me. As I applied pressure, I could feel the girl beneath breathing and moving, her heart beating. She was alive in there, but standing very still. She definitely looked remarkable, just like the man said she would. They all did and I knew I would look amazing like that as well.

I tried desperately to control myself. I had this overwhelming urge to run my tongue up and down the smooth latex. I wanted so badly to lick it and feel it on my tongue and in my mouth. Where were these feelings coming from? I could feel my tongue began to push throughmy soft pink lips before I caught myself and closed my mouth, snapping out of my trace. I cleared my throat and nodded. “They’re very nice looking, but I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to dress like that, especially in a public place like this”.

“I don’t know,” he said as he stared deep into my eyes. “I definitely saw far less modest clothing outside. Some people out there are wearing the same latex suit while others are wearing only bikinis and I’m sure you saw plenty who were wearing nothing at all. There are cuns crawling around on leashes and today I got a ride on a ponygirl cart. Still, I don’t judge, no limit shaming from me.”

“True, but most of the girls showing themselves off like that are owned slaves” I replied as I glanced down at my own attire. Not modest in the least; a short pleated skirt that barely covered my firm ass hung from my hips, a thin cami clung to the form of my firm breasts and high heels graced my tiny feet. It was the most I couldget away with wearing ever since the new rules came out about how much clothing a free girl was allowed to have on. I wasn’t even allowed to wear a bra so my hardened pink nipples were rubbing against the fabric of my nearly see through camisole and poking outward, visible to anyone who would even glance in my direction. Even my shoes caused my delicate feet to experience a dull throbbing ache but again, rules mandated that I had to have at least a 4 inch heel. In some ways the owned girls had it easier. Their owners could choose anything for their feet or bodies including nothing at all. Still, I knew it could be worse. At least I wasn’t locked in the pony hooves or ballet boots I had seen on the feet of others in at the fair.

“Well, there’s an obvious solution if you find yourself embarrassed. I means there’s nothing wrong with that, hey I get it,” he said as he gently caresed the slick form fitting hood of the nearest rubberdoll. “Look at what’s on her head; the mask is polarsized and completely opaque to the outside world. Wear one of these and you’ll never be noticed for who you really are. Total anonymity! What could be better?”

I bit my pouty lower lip and twisted the ball of my foot nervously on the ground before I found myself nodding. “I guess I wouldn’t mind trying the latex outfit on, just for a minute so I can see how I look in it. Maybe that would be OK?” I heard myself say. I couldn’t believe I just said that! I had crossed the line but I just couldn’t help myself. It looked so delicious and soon I would look delicious too.

“Well, normally I just don’t loan these out, but I’ll make an exception for you,” he said with a reassuring smile as he snapped his fingers at the line of glaming faceless rubberdolls who were waiting for their performance in the puppet show to begin. “Help your latest sister to look like you.” Immediately they responded, walking towards me with their arms outstretched in an intimidating display.

My slender legs began to shudder with nerves and my face went flush as I questioned whether I had made a mistake giving into my impulses. Before I knew what was happening, they were gripping my arms in their slick gloved hands as they pulled off my cami, exposing my firm little breasts. My puffy pink nipples hardened even more in the cool air as they were revealed. They deftly removed the heels from my dainty feet and before I knew it my skirt and panties had been pulled to the ground. There I was, completely naked, thoroughly exposed and unable to fight them off or resist even if I wanted to.

I wasn’t bare for long though as the obedient rubberdolls worked quickly to pull my feet into the rubber suit, sliding it up my slender toned legs, over my lean torso and down my slim arms. The smooth black material felt amazing against my delicate skin which was tingling in a most pleasant manner. Whatever aroused through my lithe body before was now multipled by a hundred. My weak legs continued to quiver and shudder, barely holding up my petite frame.

“That feels good doesn’t it, the feeling of being squeezed all around by that latex? Having a second skin that is stretchy, shiny and black? I know how it is,” the doctor said in a comfortable voice as he patted my shoulder with a hand, the lab coat sleeping away to reveal his own latex suit underneath. “It’s breathable; climate controlled and contains biometric scanners. But you’re not getting the full experience of the cunt breaking technology, are you? For that, you’d need to put the hood on.”

He raised his hands, offering up the final accessory; a shiny black piece of supplement rubber with no eye holes and tubes leading into the mouthpiece. It’s the exact same hood the other dolls are wearing, at least in appearance. “Go ahead, put it on. I promise I’ll help you take it off when the time is right. You can trust me.”

I knew I should refuse this part, but he looked trustworthy and besides, I’min public, it’s not like other people can’t see what’s going on. Everything would surely be just fine. Besides, I was so overwhelmed with desire in the moment that I couldn’t think straight anymore. My logical brain shut down almost completely and my entire decision making process was being made by my pussy. My pussy? Why did I use that word? I always call it my vagina.


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